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Lv 619,569 points

Dusty Hussy

Favorite Answers32%

Hello, I'm The Dusty Hussy! On Me - You may know me from such questions as : "Oprah for Halloween?" "Dennis Rodman for Halloween?" or the always classic, "What are some homemade sextoys?" On Fanship - Feeling down? Blue? Out of sorts? Then you need my 100% GUARANTEED Fanship package! With just the click of a mouse, and the drinking of Damned Essence from a gilded 4,000 year old chalice, you, like many others, can greatly improve the quality of your life! All fans are not made equal, so let your sniveling, groveling, and pleading be heard with my brand new Fanship package! Included are self branding iron and nondescript grey robe with monogrammed words such as "DISCIPLE" and "MINION"! Order now and you will be automatically be entered into a raffle for big prizes such as ShamWow!, various Richard Simmons exercise DVDs, and very possibly-YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED SHACKLES!!! Price: $12,000.00+S&H.

  • What weapon to use on cat?

    I'm sorry, I meant "for" cat. ^_^"

    A tiny neighborhood child has taken my cat into his home, under what I believe to be the assumption that the cat was a stray, so I need to break into their home and get him back tonight!

    I need to know of a simple, not-too-heavy, non-shooting weapon to bring with me in case of emergency and something a cat can carry. (I'm bringing 16 paws of back-up.)

    Thanks in advance! :D

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why might my ex-darling be acting so bizarre? (MEN & WOMEN ONLY PLZ!)?

    He doesn't sleep at night, he keeps his shades drawn in the daytime, he doesn't change his clothes for atleast a week, he's grown very, very pale, he's stopped going to church, or to visit other friends/family for that matter, and I'm quite afraid that he's not cooking his meat before he eats, what might be going on? ;_;

    Have any other guys experienced this, or any females have any experiences with males like this? :(

    Also, he has since moved on from me, but we remain friends, and share and apartment until I can find a new place, which is why I am concerned...

    Thanks in advance! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to pay for husband?

    I plan on a spectacular wedding with someone I adore happening very soon, and have a lot of family involved in the process...unfortunately. They are mostly on my fiance's side, poor and from very different cultures, so I want them to have a really good time and be impressed for their first visits in America. I have flown a lot of them in, am boarding them in my home(a big place in a lovely area), and have rented a rather large and elegant place to have the ceremony. However, they know that I am from an affluent background, and I believe they are making pretty steep demands by asking for animals such as horses, goats, chickens, etc. as their wedding favors. They claim that I am buying their nephew/cousin/uncle/my fiance and that this is his price.

    My fiance and I have tried talking to them, offering other gifts but they are now being stand-offish towards me and one of the uncles is claiming he will never leave my home without his chicken!

    I think I'm at the END of my ropes here, and as an absolute LAST resort, I'll give in.

    So, I need to know how many animals my fiance is worth? :(

    He's 6'2", around 180lbs, a bit above average looking(gorgeous to me!), and is a lawyer with the goal of becoming a judge eventually, if that helps.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Okay, I feel a little awkward but...?

    Through an odd sequence of events involving a Britney Spears concert, a paper bikini, and mothballs, I've become a mother-to-be with the father being...the devil himself.

    While we both agree we want to know the gender early, and we want to have a natural birth, we cannot agree on names.

    I've thrown around Charles, he's thrown around Belial, and the only name we agreed on was Damian, but I want other options.

    Please, no negative unhelpful comments!

    I think I'm ready for kids and he says he is bound by immortal decree to be there - there's no issues between us!

    So, without further a due, I'm looking for something charming and honest, while he wants something dark and austere.

    Let the names flow forth.

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Patient or love slave?!?

    I doctor wants to date me.

    He's always looking at my body, sometimes specific parts of my body if you know what I mean. He asks me caring questions about my feelings and whether I've been getting enough to eat. Sometimes he even asks about my family history, with such concern! And he's always trying to make me feel better.

    However, I pay him, and I don't want my doctor to think I'm paying for his love!

    He's in his 50's, and speaks broken English, but I'm young! I still have time to learn his language!

    So, should I make a move or something? I don't want his heart to burst... :'(

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Concert ticket prices question?

    So, I'm going to my first ever concert in May. The lineup is Disturbed, Chimaira, Killswitch Engage, and Lacuna Coil. Ticket prices are, as far as I've found, $75 and up, which is pretty pricey for me.

    My issue is that I think Disturbed is pretty popular and I'm wondering how this will affect the last minute ticket sales. I've heard that tickets can go up in price or down in price the closer the concert date begins to loom.

    If it counts, I'm in Chicago, Disturbed's hometown, and they released a new album last year.

    Also, if you have any helpful first concert tips, feel free to toss those in.

    Thanks for any assistance! :)

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Do people like to talk about themselves?

    I come across many questions on Y!A where people who might have led sheltered lives or are generally loners want to make friends and my first thought when giving advice is to tell them "Conversate in a way that lets the other person talk about themselves", always under the impression that people like to talk about themselves. In many experiences of mine, this is not true.

    When I follow this "rule" people don't like to talk about themselves. In fact, they think I'm prying or interviewing them, with my questions for them and their one worded answers or lack of questions for me.

    I also often get the 'everything" answer which is not a bad answer but can be a dead end. I digress...

    Am I doing something wrong or can someone agree that people do not like to talk about themselves?

    And, what are some other conversation stoppers you run across?


    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Unschool + School friends?

    Has anyone here had a successful friendship go on with opposing educational views?

    For example, I have views about education that my friend does not think highly of. I could somewhat bear with this if she didn't make so many rules to complicate things. To alleviate her guilt that she is stopping me from learning, she doesn't want to see me on school days. We live in the same city (Chicago) and she goes to a magnet/selective enrollment school. We don't see each other often anyways but that's a separate issue. Now, she is off for an entire month due to her schooling schedule and persists that seeing me on the weekdays makes her uncomfortable. Am I wrong to be mad at her for this? Is she wrong?

    2 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • My "next level" point amount goes down?

    When I click on my own page it says "Points needed to get to level 3 is 318" I have over 600 points and I'm wondering if I actually need to ask a lot of questions to get own to 318 to get ot level 3 or is this a glitch?

    Each time I ask a question, I receive points as normal but the number of points needed to get to level 3 goes down.

    Thank you! ^_^

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • On a 1-10 scale how good are you at chess?

    10 being the best.

    I'm about a 4.5 and a 6.5 at best, though I still like to play for fun. How about you? ^_^

    10 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • Plants that you shouldn't be growing?

    Has anyone grown a plant that it shouldn't be possible to grow in your area's climate? I'm feeling somewhat discouraged about wanting to grow pumpkins here but I think I'm going to go for it anyway. Just wondering if the rule of not growing things in certain climates is a bunch of general crap and also if you have grown something you shouldn't have been able to grow where you are?

    Also it will only count if you've grown it outdoors or not a greenhouse!

    Thanks You! ^_^

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Greatest Rock/Pop musician who is dead?

    Who do you consider the greatest dead pop/rock musician?

    33 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Recommendable places to stay in Tuscany?

    I'm planning a trip to Tuscany and I'm wondering if anyone has been to any recommendable places to stay there? I'm specifically looking for a B&B (Bed and Breakfast) type of place? I'd like to stay for 3 days and price is not an issue.

    Thanks. ^_^

    3 AnswersOther - Italy1 decade ago
  • Vegan brownie recipe please?

    I only want to use cocoa powder but have the texture resemble Little Debbie, is this possible? Please give me recipes and or tips for vegan brownies!

    Oh and if you want, I'm making them for a Halloween Party so feel free to add in Halloween deco tips.

    Thank You! ^_^

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • I need spooky baby books!?

    So if I were to get some goth/darkly-inclined/halloween type baby books (He's about 4 and can read pretty well for his age) what would you recommend?

    So far, I have "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwhich".

    Also, please do not give me your opinions on how to raise my child, I'm only asking for good books.

    Thank You! ^_^

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • In a relationship with a friend?

    If you are in a relationship a friend, how's that going? I've considered this and I want to see what others think. We're very good friends, have been so for more than 5 years.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Best female audition song...Metal?

    So if I were to audition for a heavy metal band, being female, what songs would you recommend? For starters, I'm an alto but I can reach soprano somewhat easily. (I hope I said that with the right musical terminology...)

    Oh and I'm not looking to scream or death growl or anything like that.

    Ah and any other audtion tips? ^_^

    3 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Help me with the name of this vampire movie?

    There was this movie I saw once very late at night about a vampire that has lived forever trying to reunite himself with a girl. She is mortal and every time he tracks down her reincarantion, who looks and acts just like the origianl her, she doens't believe him and dies and he has a to wait another century for her. They sing quite a bit in fact there's this one scene where the mother (looks like Boobarella the vampire) dances with some delivery guy, I think it's a delivery guy, she has enslaved. It was most likely made in the 90's or late 80's I think. me with the title or what it possibly could be.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago