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  • Have you seen this robot?

    6:47 is the one I need to find, please help

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • In which verse did Jesus embrace his cross?

    In many movies, skits and plays one of the two thieves ask Jesus "why do you embrace your cross?". I was attempting to find this in scripture to use in a bible study but I am unable to find the exact verse that says this.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did you know..........?!?

    That Jesus took upon his head a crown of thorns so that one day he could place on yours a crown of victory?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How has God revealed his love to you?

    I was thinking to myself How can I love more like God. I took a look at some random pictures of people I don't know from the web and thought to my self "do I love these people." The answer is not really at least not in the way God loves them. So I would like to hear from anyone willing to share. How has God shown you love. Even if you don't believe in God how has any of you experienced love from some one you did not personally know?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A priest a rabbi and a pastor were fishing...?

    When suddenly the rabbi had to use the restroom, he gets up and walks across the water and goes.

    The priest needs a drink so he gets up walks across the water and gets a drink.

    The pastor being a Christian and has the Holy spirit thinks well these two can do it so can I.

    He gets up and steps over the edge and falls in?

    The other two look at each other and smirk saying to each other maybe we should have told him where the rocks are.

    I know guys I'm bad it's a joke though go on laugh it's not a sin. I love God but I can also joke about these things right?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would not Atheism be...?

    Wouldn't atheism be more like saying a lack of theology rather than a lack of belief in God?

    the·ol·o·gy [thee-ol-uh-jee]

    noun, plural the·ol·o·gies.

    1.the field of study and analysis that treats of God and of God's attributes and relations to the universe; study of divine things or religious truth; divinity.

    2.a particular form, system, branch, or course of this study.

    If so does that totally exclude the possibility of God or does that say I choose not to study him because of some lack of evidence?

    So to say there may be a God but we have no concrete way of knowing and studying him or his attributes?

    Could this mean that if given a meaningful way of knowing and studying him that you would find it possible to desire him in that case?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Fellow Christians is there a song that just gets you every time?

    Every time I hear this song I can hardly hold back the tears.

    Is there a song that gets you in this way?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Fellow Christians please listen?

    I come to these forums almost on a daily basis and see that we are judging others in comparison to how righteous we think we are. Try this once, do not compare your self to other humans compare your self to our Lord and his righteousness. Only then will you see how cluttered and down right filthy our thoughts are and how little righteousness we actually have. Picture him standing before you think about who he is and what he has done also think of his love and righteous judgement. Are we inline with what he expects of us? Can we come close to touching his level of purity I would beg you think of this before telling your brothers and sisters how right you are and how wrong they are. We are all one in Christ and we should exhibit his love and strive for his righteousness (which is literally impossible in our mortal lives). So before you stand in judgement over another remember not even the angels can reach Gods glory and majesty, so who do we think we are thinking we are any better than those around us.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Help remembering the title of a book?

    When I was younger one of our councilors in my private school read us a book about hell. I have been trying to look it up for some time and have not been able. All I remember about it is the story and some of the imagery. It starts with a man who finds himself in an area that is grey and very empty and much like the Divine Comedy he is able to walk the circles of hell and I can offer a brief description of a few but that's about it. The circle in which people were punished for adultery was like a whirl wind or cyclone that had the souls of those who committed adultery never ceasing never able to rest. The circle for those who committed violence against others was like a ring they walked continuously being mutilated by demons. There was a reference to unborn babies that were aborted and they sat in what was like a whom and pointed to their parents who still walked the earth. In the end the man is allowed to be brought back to life but not as the same man and he was to tell others of his experiences in hell. It was a very vivid book and I really enjoyed it and have been unable to find it since, it is fairly old by now this was probably 20 years ago. Can you help me find this book?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Athiests did you know?

    God does exist and he will show him self to you. All it takes is faith for a short time once you have experienced God it's hardly called faith after that point, it is truth.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • why is Y!A not working?

    says to try a question so i am

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • When is enough really enough?

    I see so many "Christians" beating their heads against a brick wall here. You cannot by the works of the flesh lead any man to G-d by fear or otherwise. It is and is only the calling of the spirit done by those who abide in spirit. Only this can convict the hearts of sinners and lead them to salvation through love not fear. So I guess my question is why are you here fighting the atheist crowd hoping some will listen. Do you believe it was the work of a man that lead you to know Jesus or the calling of his spirit?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Finding a home in Bethel, Alaska?

    I am interested in taking employment in Bethel, Alaska. They provide a means to get there but the temporary housing will not allow pets. We would like to find a place in advance for rent and finding information on the internet has not been easy. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Why does over heating a car kill the battery?

    Seems every time iv had a car over heat to the point of shut down the battery always dies. I have asked several mechanics and they act like it should have no effect but its happened to every car iv ever seen over heat and shut down. I am no mechanic but i do my own work, just completed a radiator on my 08 pontiac g6 gt, overheating it has drained my battery so far it barely charges. The car is fine now all fixed im just really curious now what causes it to always kill the battery.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • where do i find coupons?

    my girl and i have seen shows on tv people saving huge sums of money w/ coupons, but when we try to clip some for ourselves we can never find anything useful. perhaps we don't know where to look, please help lol

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Turning away from sin, anyone else find this to be a nearly impossible task?

    I truly feel shamed by past actions and even more so when I repeat the mistake. Regardless of what the consequences be I find my self always pleasing myself rather than changing the things that bring me down.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help identifying a snake?

    today i came across a small rattle snake i have lil info to go on since i wasn't about to get close enough to see patterns or specific colors all i know is it had a broad head and a rattle it was short fat bodied light brown in color w/ darker colors down its back and its location i found it in a heavy brush type area right next to the waters sun bathing on a small stump. iv tried to look it up but mostly found that the only rattle snake we have is the pygmy rattler which is more of a charcoal color, based on the pics i saw online it looked like a cottonmouth in color but it had a rattler on its tail

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How common are rattle snakes in FL?

    fishing in the woods behind my condo this afternoon i knowticed some one had cleared a lot of brush that obstructed the lake and was excited by it. i head down the newly created trail and see a nice spot of weedy cover in the water i tried to get close enough to cast when i heard the rattle. i felt my heart sink to my knees as it lept forward to strike lucky for me it didnt have very good depth preception and came a few feet short. is the something i should always be on the look out for fishing fresh waters in FL or is this more a freakish one time thing ill likely never see again?

    2 AnswersFishing1 decade ago