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How come I'm not losing weight?
Ever since quarantine began March 13th 2020, my family and I have pretty much been only eating dinner every day. Sure there have been some snacks here and there, but nothing that I would consider as another meal. So I've only been eating a meal a day (which is a healthy dinner, we don't eat junk food) for almost a year now. I haven't lost a single pound. I wasn't able to go to the gym because of COVID but I still should have lost weight.
I'm still eating just dinner every day and now I'm able to go back to the gym 5 days per week as well. I've just recently been going 5 days per week, earlier I have been going 3 because of COVID concerns. But still, even when I was going 3 days per week I still wasn't losing weight. I've also started drinking .5-1 gallon of water daily since I started going back 3 days per week. Why am I not losing weight? I don't get it. I do a lot of cardio and I'm not sedentary, except for the 7 hours a day I am forced to sit down in front of a computer for work. Thanks.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness2 months agoIs this a good workout routine?
I am 5'3 130lbs trying to lose 20lbs. Aside from eating one healthy meal a day for the past almost year (my only meal of the day), I'm going to be doing the following at the gym. Please let me know if this is enough cardio and if I can lose weight on it. Thanks. Not included but I will be stretching every day as well.
30:14:3 (meaning 30 minutes on treadmill at 14 incline at 3mph)
15 minutes stair climber
25 pushups
25 lateral raises with dumbbell
25 front raises with dumbbell
25 tricep extensions (behind head)
1 arm machine
15 minutes jogging
15 minutes walking 3.5mph
15 minutes elliptical
30 second plank
30 second side plank each side
30 kettlebell swings
1 ab machine
15 minutes jogging
15 minutes walking 3.5mph
15 minutes cycling
30 kettlebell squats
25 inner thigh circles laying down both sides
2 leg machines
Diet & Fitness2 months agoIs this a good exercise routine?
I’m 5’3 and 130lbs trying to lose 20lbs. I’m going to be eating less carbs and I eat healthy food anyway. I’ve also only been eating one meal a day since quarantine began and I drink a lot of coffee.
Please tell me if this gym routine will help me lose weight:
Try to go to the gym 3-4 times per week
30 minutes treadmill at 12 incline and 3mph
Alternate: (picking one of the following)
15 minutes stair master OR
15 minutes elliptical OR
15 minutes cycling at 5mph at least
Alternate: (picking one of the following)
2-3 ab machines OR 2-3 arm machines
Please tell me if this is a good ab exercise.
Also, does the 12:3:30 workout really work to lose weight? I tried it yesterday and I heard it was supposed to be tiring and hard to do but it was very easy for me. If it was easy for me to do, will I lose weight doing it? Or should I do a higher incline and faster speed?
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 months agoShould I get another credit card?
I am 23 years old and I have 2 credit cards. One is Discover with a limit of $4,400 and the other is BOA with a limit of $500. My dad tells me I should get an American Express card or a USAA card because they will give me a very high credit line as my credit score is 780.
I know that if you have a high credit limit on all of your combined cards it's good for your credit score as it will bring the utilization below 30%. But my utilization is always at 3% (yes, 3) so do I even need to worry? My dad also says to get one of those cards for the benefits too.
I know that you should aim to have less than 3 credit cards, and I even struggle to use my 2 as I don't really buy much except for gas and coffee. I always use my credit cards for every purchase then pay them in full the next day.
Should I cancel my BOA credit card since the limit is so small, and get either an American Express card or a USAA card?
Thank you!
Personal Finance3 months agoMy disk is at 100%?
I have a Dell Inspiron 15 for maybe 3-4 years now. For no reason after I left college, the disk seems to always be at 100% no matter what I do. I have done the following:
1) I ran Disk Cleanup
2) I ran the defragmenter
3) I ran a full scan with Norton which yielded nothing
4) I disabled Windows Search. I would have disabled Superfetch too but it seems I don’t have it (I clicked windows+r, typed service.msc, and it wasn’t there)
5) I deleted everything in the Prefetch folder
6) Updated absolutely everything
7) BIOS is up to date, so is Windows 10
8) I ran system reboot, which kept my files but uninstalled and reinstalled the OS
It seems ‘system’ is what’s really killing it when I open Task Manager. Sometimes it’s also ‘systembyte telemetry’.
I feel that I have done everything and I don’t know what to do next. It still runs pretty fine, it’s just slow and I know 100% disk isn’t good for the computer so if I can fix it I would like to. Could it be a virus Norton somehow isn’t catching? Could it be hardware?
Please help!!
3 AnswersSoftware3 months agoDestiny 2 question?
I bought Destiny 2: Forsaken at Walmart for $10. I did not buy Destiny 2: New Light yet. Do I need to buy New Light?
I downloaded everything properly for Forsaken and yet it won’t let me play the campaign, it still keeps saying that I need to buy Forsaken. Yet the game loads up as Destiny 2: Forsaken so I know everything is downloaded and installed properly.
Am I having these errors because I bought Forsaken before New Light? Do I need to buy New Light?
I’ve only played Destiny 1 so I wasn’t aware that Destiny 2 was technically called New Light, and games like Forsaken, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep were considered DLCs. I just saw it for $10 and bought it lol.
Why am I facing this error? Thanks
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 months agoHigh resting heart rate?
I’m feeling a little self conscious about my resting heart rate. I’m a female and 23 years old. My resting rate is 84. I’m 5’3 and 130lbs. I haven’t been going to the gym much because of COVID but I always went 3-4 days a week and did about an hour of cardio.
For the past month I think I’ve been having heart issues? Chest tightness, shortness of breath, excess fatigue, lack of concentration, some chest pain, and heart palpitations (I have put my fingers on my pulse and have felt my heart skip beats). It’s been getting worse. If I’m honest I’m kinda anorexic and I’ve been eating one meal a day since March. I drink beer everyday and a lot of coffee. I’ve also been having a ton of anxiety and stress lately and I’m in the process of reaching out to a center to help me with my anxiety.
Could my resting heart rate be high because of these factors or because I’m overweight and unhealthy and not athletic?
I’m trying to go back to the gym more to do more cardio to bring it down but I’m nervous because of Covid and my parents are very high risk.
Also, my EMT friend thinks I have atrial fibrillation. What do you think? I’m trying to get my anxiety fixed first before going to a doc about my heart because I’m almost certain it’s due to my anxiety and stress.
2 AnswersHeart Diseases5 months agoI don’t understand why I’m not losing weight?
I’ve been in a plateau for years now. I’m 5’3 and remained at 130lbs no matter what I do. Ever since quarantine started I’ve been eating one meal a day, just dinner that my parents make. Recently, I’ve gotten comfortable enough to go back to the gym (my dad is high risk) and I’ve been doing an hour of cardio every day I am able to go (more than 4 times per week). And I’m still not losing weight? I don’t eat junk food, I eat healthy food for dinner (ex: we just had pot stew), and I don’t snack around. I maybe have a coffee everyday with cream and sugar but that’s a maybe. I mainly have a bunch of tea.
How is it possible that I can’t lose weight? I don’t understand???
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 months agoWhy am I not losing weight?
I fast every day from 4pm to the next day at 4pm, except for the fact that I usually have 1-2 coffees with cream in them.
I go to work 11-4 and come home and eat dinner around 4:30. I don’t eat anything after dinner, and I eat whatever my parents cooked (could be burgers and fries to a salad to salmon and veggies). Then I help my parents paint the basement, and usually go to my room and relax.
I haven’t lost a single pound and I’ve been doing this for weeks!!
I’m going to start going for a run or long walk with my dogs after work and dinner, even though I’m tired and my job requires me to stand all day and walk around a lot. Hopefully that’ll catalyze this weight loss. But I’m so frustrated! I don’t eat anything for 24 hours, eat one meal under 800 calories for sure, walk around and stand all day and still not lose weight...
I don’t understand, what am I doing wrong? I’ll try to add more exercise I’m just tired.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness11 months agoMy dog is limping?
This is the first night that I notice she is limping. If she's not better by tomorrow I am calling the vet and will even take her to an animal hospital, don't worry, but I wanted to ask you if this sounds familiar to you.
I took my dog for a long walk today, something she isn't quite used to but was totally fine with (and we took multiple breaks). She's a Beagle and about to be 10, but still in decent shape. Anyway, I took her and my other dog on a long walk, with most of the path being paved, and maybe a third of it was gravel. The road wasn't hot and the gravel didn't seem to bother them, as I checked before we went far and they've walked on gravel before.
When we were walking back and almost to the car I noticed she was walking funny, almost like a limp but nothing I could identify as an actual limp. She just hopped a little more than usual if that makes sense. I also could see that this was happening on her back right paw the most. This was the paw that I removed some sticky substance (almost like sap on a tree, caught on a leaf, caught on her paw) earlier in the walk. When we got home she had water and went to sleep. A few hours later after waking up, she has a noticeable limp on that same paw. Hours after I noticed this obvious limp, it's been getting way more pronounced and noticeable, like it's getting worse. With help, I held her paw carefully under some light and, without touching, inspected it for debris and found nothing that looks wrong.
What could it be?
4 AnswersDogs11 months agoGuinea pig question?
I finally managed to get my guinea pigs liter trained a month after I first got them. I modified their c&c cage by adding in 2 soft beds that they can lay on.
Now they keep pooping while in their beds because they hang out in their beds so often. How do I get them to poop in their litter box again? I don’t want to take a nice thing away from them but they’re also peeing in their beds and I don’t want them to get sick from laying in their pee - I can only wash them so many times!
2 AnswersRodents11 months agoGuinea pig food question?
I’ve had guinea pigs before and I’ve never had a problem with their eating before. I got 2 new guinea pigs and one of them is eating strangely.
She got over a URI 2 weeks ago and is back to full health. When I first brought her back home she ate almost too much hay and not a lot of pellets but a good amount of veggies (but not the full cup). Now that she’s more used to the pellet food, she’s eating a good amount of the pellet food, she eats the entire cup of salad but it takes a couple of hours, and she’s eating practically no hay. The other pig is not an issue whatsoever - I give them separate cups of food and they’re not aggressive to each other and the hay rack is large.
I know hay is very important for pigs so I’m quite concerned. Even more concerned because she went from eating too much hay (and hanging out in the hay rack) to not eating a lot of hay.
How best to fix this situation? Her pellets are Timothy hay based. They both get half cup of pellets and I know it’s not necessary to give pellets but I do anyway. Their hay is always available 24/7 and in a covered part of their c&c cage for comfort. Thanks
1 AnswerRodents12 months agoBest intermittent fasting diet for losing fat the quickest?
I’ve looked on the internet and no one seems to know the answer to this question so I’m asking for your personal experience. Is it 16:8, 5:1, eat stop eat, etc? Which did you use to lose weight the quickest?
Yes, I’m already eating healthy and exercising at least an hour everyday. I want to incorporate this as well as I’ve reached a plateau.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 year agoWhat is wrong with my guinea pig?
I got my 3 month old guinea pig from Petco 2 days ago. I am taking her to the vet tomorrow afternoon, paid by Petco, to check on her breathing as it seems abnormal to me. That’s the soonest appointment I could get. However, I’m a little anxious and wanted to learn more before I went to the vet.
She seems to have labored breathing, as in her stomach moves when she breathes as if she’s taking deep breaths, even when she’s sleeping. She sleeps a lot, too, for a pig, and doesn’t walk around much or eat much. She drinks water just fine though, thankfully. Two or three times so far she makes a little squeak sound when she breathes out, not quite like wheezing would sound like but just a little squeak (I have asthma so I know it doesn’t sound like wheezing). And like I said she only made that sound 2-3 times for maybe a minute each.
I thought it was stress to begin with so I’ve been leaving her alone and covering her cage with a blanket, not making a lot of noise, etc. But it’s not getting better, which is why she’s going to the vet tomorrow.
From my research online it sounds like it could be a respiratory infection or congenital heart disease. However, she doesn’t look like she has any discoloration, she hasn’t been coughing or sneezing, there is no snot, etc. Just the breathing, squeaks, and lethargy.
Obviously the vet will tell me tomorrow but to calm myself down until then, does this sound familiar to anyone? What could it be?
Rodents1 year agoI have no drive?
My depression has been extremely bad lately, as well as my relationship with my family. I came really close to killing myself. Now my relationship with my family is getting better and I guess I have to think about living a life.
I really don’t want to, not in a wuss kind of way. I really just have no drive to live for years and years (I’m 22). Because of my bad mental health these past few years, I haven’t thought about what career I would like to pursue. I have a full time job in the legal field but it’s not something I would do forever, and I have no clue what job I would want to do.
Right now I’m really struggling with maybe coming to accept reality of maybe living a full life. Again, I still don’t actually want to. I always planned to kill myself after my dogs died in a couple years. Now what do I do? How do I know what job I want?
It’s weird. It’s not like I’m too sad to continue, like before, it’s just that I have no drive to. I don’t want to do all that life stuff.
How do I figure out what I want to do for my life?
Is this something a therapist could help with? I just don’t want my family to know and I don’t want to be diagnosed and for it to follow me around forever, with my jobs or other things. Or be institutionalized or something. Is there a confidential online therapist thing I could contact and maybe get some help? How do I feel like wanting to live? What job should I have?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
16 AnswersMental Health1 year agoHow to get rid of redness on face?
My face has been red and dry for a long time now. It’s just my cheeks and the bridge on my nose. I have tried everything. I drink enough water (at least 8 cups a day), I don’t take hot showers, I don’t put a lot of makeup on (just concealer by my eyebags), and I’ve been putting coconut oil on my face overnight. I began putting diluted lemon juice of my face on the infected area a week ago and letting it sit on my face for 10 minutes and then washing it off with cold water and putting the coconut oil on after overnight.
It’s still there. I don’t have acne nor have I ever had acne. They’re not scars. It just looks like a rash but it’s dry so it’s a little rough.
What else can I do to get rid of it??
Also, this isn’t weather related I’ve had this for a while now.
4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 year agoHow to lose weight when sedentary and busy?
I’m 5’0 and 130lbs, trying to lose 20lbs. I’m 22 years old, just graduated from college this year, and I have 3-4 jobs.
My full time job I work at a courthouse. I’m a clerk, which is the person who sits next to the judge during trials, hearings, etc. So I’m forced to be seated during most of this, but sometimes I’m running around. That’s 40 hours a week.
My second job is 13 hours over Sat and Sun. I work at a small clothing store and I’m standing at least 12 of those hours and walking around this store, putting clothes away and helping customers.
My third job is tutoring and I’m always sitting, however I’m getting out of this job and accepted a bartending position, which should start soon, just waiting for paperwork. Overall I work ~55 hours a week.
It could be worse but I also became a vegetarian at the beginning of the year, and I’m not doing it right and my bloodwork is off as I’m not getting appropriate nutrients. This and my jobs make me really tired. I quit my gym membership which made me really sad but I couldn’t find time to go because I’m so tired.
What can I do to exercise more without a gym? Can my diet mainly help me lose weight? I have all subcutaneous fat under my belly button and on my thighs I want GONE. I’ve been eating a lot of fake meat, which I don’t know if that’s good, so if I eat more fruits and veggies would that make me lose weight?
What else can I be doing to lose this fat? What at home exercises can I do? I know I can’t target areas to lose fat.
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 year agoMy Mac Mini won’t open apps?
When I hover over the apps and try to click on them, they just highlight and don’t open.
What can I do to fix this? Is this an issue with my mouse?
1 AnswerSoftware1 year agoHow to pay back student loans?
Hello there. I just graduated and got comfortable in my new full time job that I’ve had since June. I wanted to know the quickest way to pay back my student loans.
As of right now I owe $26k of my own loans and $40k for Parent loans. I already made a down payment of $8,400 toward the loan with the highest interest rate, which happened to be on my parent’s loan for 2018-2019, which is how come I now owe $40k only.
So my plan was to attribute $2,000 a month toward my loans. I was going to attribute the minimum required amount toward my own loans, yet to be determined since I’m still in the grace period, and attribute what’s left of the $2,000 toward my parent’s loans, ranging from paying off the loan with the highest interest rate first and working my way down.
Is that the best way to do it? Should I be giving money to each of my parent’s 4 loans every month or only the one with the highest interest rate first? Should I be paying biweekly or monthly, and does that make a big difference?
My interest rates range from 2-4%, while my parent’s loans range from 7-9%.
I have a full-time job right now but it doesn’t make enough to do the full $2,000 a month, so I’ve picked up tutoring on the side and I think I got a job as a hostess for a popular restaurant for the weekends. With this added money, I may be able to make payments greater than $2,000.
Thanks for the help.
2 AnswersPersonal Finance2 years agoI don’t know what career path I should choose?
Hi. I’m 22 years old, just graduated from UCONN with a BA in Political Science and a minor in Psychology. I currently work at a Superior Courthouse as a courtside Clerk.
My issue is that for a long time, I’ve been suicidal and depressed. I still am, but I want to seek help and get better. Given that I’ve been this way for a while, I never put thought into what I wanted to be when I was older. I’m still facing this quandary.
I want to do something in the criminal justice or legal field, that much I know. I might want to be an attorney, but I also want to explore other options in the legal field. I don’t want to be a police officer or administrative assistant or legal assistant. I might want to stay in the court system, however again I want to explore other options first, such as working for the federal government in Homeland Security or FBI.
Do you guys have any links or ideas for me? I’ve been doing my own research but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask a large body of people on a platform such as this.
Any help or ideas you can give would be greatly appreciated and I’ll continue my research.
Thank you.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago