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Lv 43,469 points

Rainbow Razor Blades

Favorite Answers9%

Im prolly the most random person you will ever meet. I adore secrets and I love causing trouble. Ima straight up Athiest & I could honestly care less what you or anyone else does. Im very open and straight forward. I like both guys and girls.

  • My dog is Evil, how do I make him stop misbehaving?

    My Chihuahua is a little over 7 months now and he's suddenly started misbehaving. He eats toilet paper and shreds it until the whole house is blanketed in white flakes of TP. I don't understand it. He has toys and treats, but insists on the toilet paper.... I've tried putting it higher and out of reach, but my family keeps moving it so they can reach it. But that means my puppy can too.

    He's started to growl and nip at my ferrets. He has never done this before. In fact, since I've brought him home in October, he's Absolutely adored them and would play with them and even protect them when he thought the cat was playing too rough. Is he jealous? I have 2 other dogs, but they are the "family pets." My Schatze is mine and he's never had problems. Maybe it's because his daddy (my friend who is around him most.. other than me) just got a new puppy?

    Schatze has never growled, bitten, barked, or even run off. He doesn't get into the trash and doesn't have many accidents.

    My training methods have always worked with my prior dogs. But I'm really worried that he's going to hurt my ferrets. If he hurts my ferrets, I'm going to have to get rid of him. How can I avoid this? And how can I get him to behave? I'm sick of cleaning up toilet paper every time I turn my back on him...

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can I reuse MyMathLab in a different semester?

    I bought a Mymathlab packet from the college I attend and was wondering if I can use that same access code for my 2nd semester?

  • First time under the knife..... Help?

    Okay, so this is my first surgery. It's minor. I'm only having my 3rd molars, or my "wisdom teeth," removed. Well, I've never been under anesthesia before. I trust my surgeon, but I'm curious as to what it's like to be completely knocked out. What is going to happen exactly?

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • What kind of Tattoo do you have?

    I adore tattoos. They're beautiful and I love seeing new and creative tatts.

    What kind of Tattoos do you have? Do they mean anything or represent something special?

    Feel free to send pix. xD

    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • I hate my life. What should I do?

    I am turning 17 next month. I am severly depressed to the point where taking my own life seems like a godsend. I have trouble concentrating in school and I could care less about most things. I am a cutter and I have the scars to prove it.....

    I hate my life. I've been in a mental hospital where they monitored me and put me on all sorts of meds, which dont seem to be working anymore. I'm seeing a therapist and a pyschologist and numerous specialists. And my family hates me.

    They are abusive, verbally, mentally, and physicaly. I'm so sick of my life and all this baddness. I just want to curl up and go to sleep and never wake up.

    I'm not even living with my parents anymore. They kicked me out, so now I'm living with my aunt. My friends don't understand what's going on, becuase Im trying to keep everything a secert. The only people who know about the severity of my pain is my best friend and boy friend. Even they don't know what to do. I cry myself to sleep everynight and I'm just sick of living.

    If anyone reads this, I'm not going to die. yet. so don't worry. It's a if I jump, he jumps situation. So, I cant do it because he's serious......

    **Sorry for my lil rant*** But sometimes opening up to complete strangers helps. :)

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Scene styles....How do I achieve that look?

    I adore scene hairstyles and I have the face and body to pull it off. Though I have no idea how to. I plan on getting hair extensions and having them dyed bright pink. I already wear my eyeliner the right way, but do you have any suggestions?

    How do I keep my hair looking pretty and healthy?

    Any hair styling ideas?

    Feel free to include pictures. I want something like this (This is not me btw)

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Lip piercing advice................?

    Im 16 years old and I cant do anything without parental consent. My mom is a control freak and thinks that piercings and tattoos are just ways for me to mutilate my body. I really want my lip pierced thou.....I think it would look cool and pretty and Ive done all the research. Hell, I even found someone who can do it for me.

    Problem is I need a way to hide it until it heals without taking it out. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Dry, damaged hair....What do I do?

    I dye my hair often and use the straightner everyday as well as blow dry my hair each morning. Are these habits destroying my hair?

    Is there anything I can do to save my hair without having it cut?

    How do I keep my hair dye looking bright and pretty without destroying my hair in the process?

    I also want to look good, but whenever I air dry my hair, it curls and frizzes. Help please?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Hello World! Wanna chat?

    Hey. I am a 16 year old girl who would love to meet new people via the internet. Muahhaha!

    I am looking for new and interesting people, so if you wanna chat send me ur email or myspace link. Pleez and thank you.


    Im so not looking for creepers, so go away if your a pedo.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Belly Button Piercing Advice?

    I know others have asked this question before, but I really need answers.

    I am 16 years old.

    I really want to get my belly button pierced and I have the money for it. I also know a good place to have it done, becuase my friend went there with her friend to get it done. My friend had her nose and lip pierced that same day and told me how clean the shop is.

    So, here is my question....

    How much does it hurt to have your naval pierced?

    Is there a lot of blood?

    Is it sore afterward and for how long?

    Do I have to change what I wear becuase of the piercing?

    Will my body reject it because I am still young, but no longer growing?

    How do I know if this shop is right for me?

    Any personal stories or advice is great! Thanks for the help!

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Can you apply to the same place more than once?

    We all know that the economy sucks. Well, in July, I applied for this job at a pet store. They called me in for an interview, and it being my first interview ever, I chocked and screwed up. So, I was wondering, is there any way that I can apply for the same job and this time do it right? I severely doubt they would remember me, but then again......

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • So, there's this boy and this girl......?

    Here's the problem. I'm trying to get over this boy that I'm head over heels for. He's amazing and I am so in love with him, but it isn't going any where and it's time to let go.

    So, here's the problem.... I don't want to date becuz i'm terrified of getting hurt again. I honestly don't think I'd survive another heart break. I almost killed myself over this one. {{I know, dramatic, but let's focus}}

    Well, I've been fooling around with my best friend & am looking to experiment with other's. Like a friend's with benifits kind of thing.

    Well, I kinda like this girl, but I've never been with a girl before. She likes me, but she wants more than just a booty call. I can't give her that, becuz I'm not looking for a relationship. Asking her to wait for me to heal isn't fair becuz I doubt I ever will.

    So, I guess what I'm asking is....

    What do I do? I really like her and we've both been through so much....I don't want to hurt her and I'm scared she might hurt me. I just want to experiment and have a purely physical relationship. Is there any way I can convince her that's what I want? I mean, would she ever fool around with me without getting an emotional connection?

    Am I being selfish?

  • Boy Troubles..............?

    Im having a really hard time dealing with this and I would like some help. See, I am head over heels for this guy. He loves me, but I broke his heart and now he's afraid to try again. I dont think he knows just how much I love him and how I would rather die than ever hurt him again.

    In exactly 4 more days, on December 7th, it will be our 2 year anniversary. Or it would've been if we were still together.

    Recently, my mother kicked me out of the house. So, Im lost with that and this impending date is literally destroying me. I dont know what to do or how to deal with this pain. Im a rather logical person and my brain is telling me not to hope. But subconciously, Im hoping that we're going to get back together on this date. However, I know for absolute certainty, it is not going to happen. But I just know that when the day passes, my heart will be shattered no matter how much I prepeare myself.

    What do I do?

    Please dont say, "Just move on" becuz Ive been trying to for months....

    We hung out the other day. He said some puzzling things that I dont understand. Im too afraid to ask him what he meant thou. He said I had changed. He was also keeping something from me. Like he went to say something and caught himself before he said it.

    He also said if we were meant to be, fate bring us back together. This baffles me the most becuz he never believed in Fate before....?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My heart is broken and I'm lost.......?

    I was in love. He was my everything and I was his world. One day, in a fit of rage, I ended our happiness. I broke up with him and ran away. He didn't follow. He was hurt and heartbroken.

    I tried to fix things the next day, but he was too upset to want to try again.

    So we stopped talking.

    I forced myself to change. To be the girl he wanted, that he deserved. I like the new me. He still doesn't want to try again.

    So I convinced myself that he lied. That he never loved me. That he could never love me.And I forced myself to move on.

    I made new friends. I am very emotionally attracted to my best friend. I love him, but not enough to fall in love with him.

    I love my other best friend too. I am deeply physically attracted to him. Yes, we have fooled around and yess, it makes the pain go away.

    So my question is this....

    What do I do?

    My exboyfriend says that he's still in love with me and he is convinced more and more everyday that I'm the one. But he doesn't want to try again just yet. I don't believe him, but I desperatly want to. Does he still love me?

    Should I go out with my best friend...I know he'd end up hurting me.

    Or should I go out with my other best friend? I can see myself with him and we're kinda on the same boat here {He broke up with his girlfriend too and is having these same feelings}

    I am so confused and I have no idea what to do.........

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is Gay Marriage a Political Issue?

    Love shouldn't be a politcal issue. So why is it?

    Why do other people make such a big deal about who other people are attracted to? It doesn't even affect you!

    It's not like they want to ban heterosexual marriage. Just add on to this beautiful act and ultimate symbol of love.

    And please don't tell me that there is no such thing as Gay Love. Yess. Homosexuals feel things just like you or me. They put just as much emotion and passion into making love as you or your partner do.

    Is religion seriously the only thing that is stopping this from legalizing?

    Aren't we a bit more evolved thatn that?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago