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  • Belly button piercing on loose/excess skin?

    I used to be size 16-18 and been a chub ever since I remember until I went on a diet and am now size 8. All I'm left now is annoying excess skin on my stomach and is especially noticeable in my belly button area. Is is possible for a belly button piercing to disguise the saggy skin above the button? - and would I be allowed to have in done ?

    I'd probably share a photo if asked

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • annoying twitch in my fourth toe - over five days?

    I m 23 female and my fourth toe in my foot had been constantly twitching for over five days even at night. Anything I should worry about? And any remedies I can do?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • I'm trying to diet - help?

    I started cutting out junk food for four days now and having on meal a day of salad or a large low fat yoghurt. I suppose it's not a lot of calories - will it cause me to go into starvation mode?

    And can you lose weight without exercising at all? I do stretches and brisk walk, short runs during the day - is that enough?

    26 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • was the manager in the wrong?

    I have severe hearing loss in both ears.

    I started work experience at a shop and on the second day, I got into trouble with the manager because I didn't hear her say that I had to have lunch at one instead of 12. I didn't hear this because she had her back turned when she was talking to me. I really thought that she said I will finish my lunch at one.

    So yelled at me. I tried to explain to her that I have a disability but she said

    She doesn't have time for people who have disabilities because she's busy. She also said I shouldn't tell people I have hearing loss because no one cares.

    I was so shocked that I just cried.

    She also said that I'm completely useless and at the rate i'm at, I'm never going to get a job. She mentioned the little mistakes I've done as I was learning. In the end she kept telling me to leave. But I just said no, I'm going to carry on working.

    At the end of the day I tried get her on good terms with me by explaining that I was sorry I don't do anything on purpose to disappoint her and tried to tell her ways she can approach me so that I can hear her. But she never apologized for the things she said.

    Do you think she was right to be mad, and is this disability discrimination or some sort? Should I report her and who to?

    3 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • i feel worthless?

    How can I stop feeling this way? I tried reading self-confidence books, setting goals and thinking positive but it fades away and I'm back in the endless cycle.

    First of, I have hearing loss in moderate to severe range and that knocks off my confidence. I hate my appearance in photos because I look short, fat and ugly. I'm a shy, sensitive type and people take advantage of this and treat me like crap all the time. I have no friends, can't find a job.I'm 22 and only had one boyfriend and he wasn't ready for a relationship. I'm also rather stupid because I failed my school exams and it takes a long time for me to understand things than other people do.

    I can't imagine how anyone can even like me.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • what do you suffer from?

    A grim question indeed!

    It can be medical or emotional.

    Me: mild facial palsey and hearing impairment from birth.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Diabetic cat put down?

    My four year old cat had been diagnosed with Diabetes. I'm am so saddened as i love him so much. He's the first pet i've ever loved.

    I want to treat him but it's very expensive. I'm unemployed and also my parents are unemployed. I don't know what to do. Putting him down seems a reasonable option but people who care for their diabetic cats thinks it's an evil action to do.

    What do you think? :(

    9 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Your least favorite johnny depp girlfriend?

    Poll! share your views

    I'd have to say Amber Heard. I don't see anything special about her

    and no, i'm not jealous, haha

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Was it right for them to kick me out? -bullying?

    I was on this teamwork course and there was a group conversation with 3 people including me on facebook. We ranted about someone we didn't like on the course because he would argue with people and liked to put people down to make him feel better. on the conversation I agreed to someone it would be entertaining if they hit him with a tea bag (that was the only bad thing i said besides him being mean to me). But somehow the conversation was found out by the course leader. She put up on full screen and told the guy what i said and everyone else said on that conversation. I was then kicked out of the course along with 3 other people. I feel so upset about this because I worked hard on this course. I feel sick and I can't eat and feel like crying... But he called me a lazy ***** once and they never told him off.

    Do you think they are right to kick me out? Or am I just a bully?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • I got creative block - help?

    The last time I did a painting was september 2012. And after I had my first break up, I can't seem to do art anymore. I started on a few pieces but I didn't feel the same passion I used to have. I'll give up and hide it away. I really miss it! I visited art galleries and I still have an active imagination but it's not coming back. help?

    5 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago
  • how to get wifi and do you need a hotspot?

    I went to a computer store today to ask about wifi. I wanted 4g or a mifi from 3 but the person said I will have to have a hotspot connection in my area which I don't have. I don't understand..I thought wifi would create an internet connection itself?

    please sort my head out....

    this is what I want:

    4 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • I feel so frustrated because I'm so quiet?

    I started a teamwork course 3 weeks ago and I tried to make an effort to talk to them all but they think I never talk enough. They said in my face that i'm way too quiet. They dislike me and rather leave me out which makes me feel upset every day that I'm there. I try to be nice to them, I even got drunk the other night so that I could talk more as much as them...

    What can I do?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • don't know what to do. Want to move but my sister won't let me?

    Year by year I'm tired and miserable where I live. I had an idea to move to a city which would be two hours away from train. I managed to convince my mum to come with me too but then my sister got mad and started crying a lot because she is 27, married and her husband doesn't want to move. She doesn't want to either. Was I selfish of wanting to move? Should I?

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What -any- health conditions do you have?

    Just out of curiosity... I like learning about it.

    I was born with disgfigurement in the middle ear in both ears resulting in hearing loss and have social anxiety and depression

    What about you?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • How to stop acting like a....Wimp?

    I'm 20 years old. Often quite awkward around people, very shy, and don't believe I can accomplish anything.

    Even if I tell myself I can be strong and I can do it (whatever I want to do) It doesn't sink in. I've tried acting confident, seeing therapists, listed down my strengths. But nothing really helps....

    People just laugh at me and treat me like I'm stupid. I'm tired of it :( what can I do ?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • is nothing going to come out of this relationship?

    In the beginning we were just perfect for each other. We both thought alike, common interests and hopelessly romantic. Then two months later he started ignoring me and grew cold. He says he has Depression from an unhealthy relationship with his ex. But then I thought he just changed his mind about me.

    I ended the relationship by fb status. Then he replied to me,

    "Im sorry. I've been no fun and you don't deserve that. You're a lovely person. Im just not a good person to be with right now until i sort myself out. You deserve better than i can give you right now."

    So does that mean it's finished for good?

    I do love him..he was my first boyfriend.

    I'm 20, he's 25

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • contraceptive implant (implanon) failure?

    Just got it fitted today but one question.. Have you known anyone or yourself whose contraceptive had failed? I understand that its not going be 100% effective but want to know if it's is rare or common for it to fail?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I'm an annoying person, should I change for anyone?

    I can be seriously annoying by saying random stuff and acting like a 12 year old when I'm actually 20. In school I had friends who made me sign this contract they made and to promise not to act annoying anymore. Anyway, after I lost my best friend (of some other reason) I stopped making friends for the rest of the school years for three years because I hated myself and I didn't think anyone would accept me. Now, I find it really hard to make friends because I worry they'll think I'm too annoying for them. Should I start acting normal or feel comfortable as who I am?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago