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Lv 42,902 points

Jo Durden

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  • What are some dogs with low prey drives? That won t go after a pet bird?

    Hiya! Just wondering if there are any dog breeds that won t go after our pet bird.

    We don t intend to have them interact; we wouldn t have the bird out while the dog is in the room or anything, unless we re absolutely sure it s safe.

    My mother wanted to get a husky -- thankfully that didn t go through. And I d been wanting a Samoyed, but seeing as they have a high prey drive, I don t think that s the best idea.

    What kind of dog, do you think, wouldn t go after the bird? Preferably a large or medium sized dog, not very loud. Affectionate breeds would be a plus.


    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Senegal Parrot and Siberian Husky?

    Hi there!

    My family has a senegal parrot, and we're getting a year old Husky in about a week.

    I'm honestly terrified right now of what could happen to our bird. My mom wants to put the dog's cage right next to the bird cage, and I'm really nervous about leaving them home alone.

    The way my house is set up, there's really only one room we might be able to put the husky in when, but it has our nicer furniture and stuff in there. Huskies are probably destructive when left alone, no?

    Maybe if we put the bird in there... either way, is there a way to block of a room with no door from the dog? Would like a child-proofing gate work, or is the dog strong enough to push it?


    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • My bunny keeps falling over?

    Hello! It seems like my rabbit has a hard time moving sometimes. While she s often full of energy and likes to walk around the room, she sometimes loses her balance and falls over. A few times she s fallen onto her back and has had to do a little flip to get back up again.

    This has been going on for at least a few weeks, and she doesn t show any signs of being in pain. I don t know.

    She is pretty old, I think around nine/ten years old.

    Any idea of what s going on? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
  • My rabbit is hard to wake up?

    Hi there. I have a florida white rabbit that s about eight years old, give or take. she s been outside for most of her life, and i took her into the house a few weeks ago, since the winter s getting colder and all, and she seems to like it inside.

    the only thing, and it s freaking me out, is that sometimes she ll be asleep, with her eyes half open, and she s difficult to wake up. my brother s caught her like that a few times, and just now i went downstairs and saw her laying on her side, asleep. i shook the cage a little bit, but she didn t wake up - eventually, i just reached inside and shook her, and she woke up. i left the cage door open and got a carrot and she came right out and ate.

    idk, she s older, but this is really freaking me out. i was so scared she was dead -- is this normal or? i don t know what to do?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets6 years ago
  • How to get senegal parrot to stop biting?

    We got him recently from another family, and he didn't like me at first.

    For the first few days we had him, he would bite at my fingers, in defense, I think. My mom said I was going to pick him up wrong, and he could tell I was nervous?

    Well after a few days, I got better at handling him and he warmed up to me and we were pals, I think. I'd put my arm up to his feet and he'd climb up to my shoulder and hang out there for awhile. He went at my face once, but other than that, there didn't seem to be an issue.

    Today, though, it was really random, he was just very temperamental and I'm not sure why. I just brought my rabbit into the house from outside, and her cage is right next to his, but I don't think that should be a problem, right? But he went at my face a few times this afternoon and refused to get back in his cage, so my mom and I had to spend like ten minutes getting him to go back. He nipped at her a few times, too.

    And then I walked in tonight after being gone for a few hours, and he was tweeting at me. So I thought he wanted to come out, right? He seemed content, too, so I figured he'd be alright. I opened the cage door, and he comes right up to me and barely waits for my hand to get there before he steps on and he climbs up, like usual.

    I sat down in my usual spot and was on my phone for a few minutes, and without any provocation, he bit down hard enough on my ear to draw blood.

    I don't understand why he's biting like this; any help? Thanks!

    1 AnswerBirds6 years ago
  • How to get my bunny to warm up to me?

    Okay, so here's the deal. I've had her for several years now, maybe seven? More or less.

    But for the past few years, she's been outside in a hutch, with not a lot of human contact. My mom wouldn't let her come inside for so long, but I've finally convinced her to let me take her in, since it's about to get dangerously cold outside.

    I'm really happy she's inside now, and she seems to like her new cage; the only thing is that she seems to really, really not like it when I come over to her or touch her, which I'm not really surprised by, to be honest. She's not really used to me, right? She kind of just freezes there, goes sorta limp, if that's the right word. When I'm not interacting with her, she's fine, moving around and enjoying her new space.

    So what do you think I should do to get her more used to me? Is just regularly interacting with her enough? I just really don't want her to be so afraid of me. :/

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets6 years ago
  • Someone tell me about studio movie contracts?

    I was reading about Sebastian Stan's nine film contract with Marvel, and someone said something about a nine-film contract doesn't necessarily mean that an actor will be making nine movies? Does it just ensure that that actor is available when needed? If someone could explain this to me, that would be great. :) Thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Calc help please?

    Hiya. I'm doing corrections for a quiz I took, and I still don't understand why I got this question wrong:

    Given function f defined by f(x) = (1-x)^3. What are all values of c, in the closed interval [0,3], that satisfy the conditions of the Mean Value Theorem?

    a) c=2, only // b) c=0 and c=2 // c) c=1 and c=2 // d) c=0, only // e) c=1, only

    I got D, but apparently the answer was A? Can someone help me get this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Why aren't colon donations a thing?

    Kinda sounds like a silly question, but could someone please explain why someone can receive a heart they need from a donor, but not a colon? Is it something to do with bacteria?

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Does Connecticut have red light cameras?

    Oh my god, I'm probably going to cry... I accidentally ran a red light in CT (I'm from NY, if that makes a difference.) and it was really bad. I thought I could go through the yellow, but I really misjudged my distance. It turned red like just as I was entering the intersection.

    I'm really scared, because I just got my license a few months ago and if I get a ticket my mom will probably never let me drive ever again. I don't want to have to tell my mom I ran the light...

    Do you think I'll get a ticket? And if I do end up getting one, how long will it take to be mailed to me? (aka, when will I know I'm in the clear?)

    Also, is there any way that I could pay the ticket myself? Probably not, right? :/

    I don't know, I'm really scared... could someone just explain the whole camera thing to me? How does it work? Thanks.

  • Galaxy S4 battery problems? Would an iPhone be better?

    Alright, so, I purchased a Galaxy S4 on October 23rd, and almost right away I noticed the battery running really hot and draining really fast. (Down about 10-15% after using it for ten minutes.)

    So, after many trips back and forth to the store where I bought my phone, I finally replaced it yesterday (November 22nd). The problem is, the replacement phone is doing the same thing.

    I'm extremely confused, because everyone I know who has the S4 says the battery lasts them the day, with one girl's phone staying at 83% without having charged the night before while mine was at about 50%.

    Would an iPhone be better in terms of battery life? (Or overall, whatever you can tell me.)

    Or should I try replacing it again? Or buying a different battery, even though Samsung said it's a hardware problem?

    Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Formatting of unspoken thoughts in writing?

    Okay, here's the sentence I have:

    He wanted to say something along the lines of, "It's okay to be scared," (in a much more masculine way, of course), but it's just as well that he didn't.

    I'm almost sure that the punctuation isn't corrrect. How can I make it correct?

    Thanks for your time!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • College majors/minors and foreign language?

    I have two questions, actually...

    1. Is a double major and double minor possible? Like, I'm thinking about majoring in English and Linguistics and minoring in Theater and a foreign language. I know it may mean taking longer to graduate. If it does, how much longer do you think it would be?

    2. Does a college foreign language program typically require previous knowledge of the language or does it start from the beginning? Like, I take Spanish right now in high school. If I were to continue into college, would I start where I left off in high school? Or could I study a different language?

    Thanks for your time. :)

  • How do I find exponents on a TI-83 Plus calculator?

    Like, I have 5^x = 34.

    What are the keystrokes?

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Windows Live Movie Maker, working clips suddenly go black?

    This is frustrating me so much -- I'm trying to make a video, and I know the video clips I have (mp4) work because they start off playing fine. But when I copy/paste/move things around, they suddenly turn black. Even the clips I'm not moving around. Can someone tell me what's going on and how to fix it? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Should I take AP Calculus next year?

    Okay. So. I'm currently a sophomore and right now I'm in Algebra II/Trig Honors/Pre-Calculus. Like, Pre-Calc is built into the course. I'm recommended for AP Calc, and my math teacher said that colleges look for AP Calculus and that it's an important class to have.

    However, I'm concerned. I heard that AP Calculus is a really intense course, and I'm taking that to mean difficult. Requires a lot of work, too, obviously.

    For one thing, I'm a bit hesitant about the workload. I really don't have time for an intense workload, which is why I'm not doing APUSH or any AP Science course. So that's one thing.

    For another, I'm thinking about my grades. I generally get pretty good grades, and I'm doing pretty well this year, I guess, in most classes, but my math grade this year went from an 85 in the first quarter to a 90 in the second and now, almost done with the third quarter, I'm pretty sure I'm at an 81 or something. I mean, that's not so bad, but for an honors class, that doesn't really look that good.

    I'm like 95% sure that if I were to go into AP Calc, my grade would be much, much lower.

    I mean, I know I have to take it eventually, either in high school or in college. And I know it's supposed to look good on a transcript, but I doubt it would look good if I took the course and got bad grades, right?

    I guess it comes down to: What looks better, regular classes with amazing grades, or AP classes with not-so-good grades?

    What do you think? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Could you explain how universities work, in regards to different colleges?

    Okay, so, I am a little confused about how this is supposed to work. I understand that there are different, specialized colleges within a university. And undergrad classes are the first classes you take when you go to college, correct? Next comes grad work?

    My main question, though, is what happens if you want to study things that are in different colleges in the same university? Like, for instance, I was looking at the NYU website, and they have classes in the School of Arts and Sciences that I would be interested in taking, but also programs in the Tisch School of Arts that I would also be interested in taking.

    I was reading about the process of applying to Tisch, though, and if I'm correct, it was saying that you could only apply to one school. If you didn't make it into that one school, then you didn't make it into NYU at all.

    Is this confusing to anyone else? Does that mean that I can't take some classes, or I have to wait to do some classes, or what?

    Thanks in advance for your answer! :)

  • So, I have a question about college?

    Okay, so, you know how Universities have different schools in them? Like, School of Art, or School of Law, etc.? Can you attend more than one 'school'? Like, if I wanted to study two different things, would I be able to do that? Like, science and art, or English and law?

  • What is a good core temperature for a laptop computer?

    My core temperature is currently ranging from about 145 - 151 F (About 62 - 66 C). This seems really warm to me. I'm even running it on a cooling pad, which is supposed to not let the temperature get too high. I previously had a small issue with the computer ( ), but it's running fine. The only thing that worries me is the temperature. So, a) is this an okay temperature for the computer to run at? and b) what can I do to lower the temperature if it's not? Because like I said, I'm already on a cooling pad. Thanks.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Puff of smoke when I turned my laptop on?

    For starters, I have an HP Pavilion dv6. I just returned from a trip and I traveled with my computer in my carry-on backpack (which had a good amount of padding, I think). When I went to turn it on, the fans made a sound that sounded kind of high pitched, I guess, and I saw a really small puff of smoke. I think something may have sparked, but I don't really remember. Anyway, the computer seems fine now. It works just like it did before. Is anything wrong, or is it okay?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago