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Lv 56,126 points

Steven D

Favorite Answers32%
  • Is the Viva Pinata 2 encyclopedia incomplete?

    I'm playing Viva Pinata - Trouble In Paradise. The encyclopedia lists things like resident and romance requirements, variants you've discovered, etc. However, I cannot find information about:

    - tricks I've taught pinata

    - whether a species has been sent to a party

    - favorite food

    It seems that some of the things you discover are recorded, but not all. This is a pain, as I have to keep my own list of this information, so I don't waste time repeating things like sending to a party, or have to rediscover all over again how to get a pinata to do a trick.

    Do you know where this information is inside the encyclopedia? Or, do you know that it is specifically not included?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What did/will Jesus hate?

    Looking at many posts in this forum, lots of people seem to be looking forward to the return of Christ, when he will finally bring justice and punish people who deserve it.

    Who will Jesus punish, and why? Specifically, I'd like to compile actual quotes from Christ about this. Thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has knowing a gay person changed your views?

    How have your attitudes changed from before you knew any gay people, and afterward when you met a gay person or found out that someone you already knew is gay?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is an ex-gay?

    I'm interested in hearing only from actual ex-gays, not everyone and their opinions.

    Looking for motivations, experiences, and how you deal with leftover feelings toward the same sex.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Wii injuries?

    Anyone injure themselves playing the Wii? I'd like personal stories only - not "my friend", or "I heard", etc. Trying to see if my parents might want one.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Who bought a PS3 for non-game use?

    The usual Sony fan-boy response to the "why did the PS3 fail so badly" question is "waaa, it didn't fail, it's better cuz it has blu-ray, online, can run linux, etc." as if anyone cared about these functions.

    I ask you - how many PS3 owners purchased it for these features, and not primarily for game play?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is ethanol production really driving up tortilla prices in Mexico?

    I've heard that increasing use of ethanol, which is made from corn, is driving up corn prices, which is driving up the prices of staple foods like tortillas in Mexico and other countries. Is this true? Are the economics of ethanol really sound?

    12 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Is Ms LuLu getting really dull?

    I dunno. Lately I've found her spew less and less entertaining. Some of the other trolls seem to have fallen off in quality too. Anyone else notice this? Is there any reversing this trend? Will the trolls just eventually go away altogether and deprive us of people to laugh at?

  • Lily Tomlin - variety show skit from the 70s - what show?

    I'm hoping somebody remembers what old 70's variety show this skit was on.

    Lily Tomlin is a housewife, doing the laundry. She may be parodying an ad or something, because she is talking to the camera. She finds lipstick on her husbands collar. That throws her off, and she digresses into all sorts of doubt about her husband and her marriage, and eventually she blurts out "well, little Billy isn't yours!". That made me laugh so hard. Heck, I remember it 30 years later!

    Anyone remember that skit, and specifically it was on? It could have been Flip Wilson, Sonny and Cher, Cher, Carol Burnett (but I don't think it was that show, for some reason). If you remember, let me know.

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • Wedding vows that mention children?

    I am of course familiar with the basic traditional wedding vows - love, honor cherish; til death do us part, etc. Are there any standard vows, in any Christian denomination, or any other religion for that matter, that mention children or procreation?

    This is a serious question that I became curious about today. The debate over the purpose of marriage being to produce children got me wondering. I know the state marriage laws don't mention children - it's all about the arrangement between the two people. I'm curious about the religious ceremony side of things.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why does Eamon 41 like homosexuals so much?

    Eamon 41 is back, and is again fixated on homosexuality. What is the fascination, do you think? I'm gay, and I don't even think about homosexuality as much as him. Eamon 41 - if you read this, what is it that draws you to homosexuals so?

  • What are five reasons the world is worse now than 150 years ago?

    The world is clearly heading downhill, and fast these days. What do you see as our most important failings, compared to better days long ago?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Wii Web Browser - Does Not Display Properly. What could it be?

    Whenever I go to the Internet Channel on my Wii, the image on the TV goes all kaflooey - it is skinny, wavy, scrolls across the screen and often has periods where it goes black for a second or two. It's like the TV cannot grab a hold of the video signal coming out of the Wii. This is permanent on the Internet channel, but all the others display fine, with no problems ever. The only other time I noticed a problem was with some cut scenes in Zelda - they went haywire for a sec, but the signal came back, though in 4:3.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone been able to correct it?

    My set up uses the component cables throughout, and is connected like this: Wii --> System Selector Pro --> Denon AVR --> Sony Bravia XBR HDTV.

    1 AnswerGames & Gear1 decade ago
  • Yahtzee Dice - What are the Odds?

    I have a little Yahtzee handheld game, and I have a question about the odds on the dice. I know that the odds of any number coming up on one die are 1/6. What are the odds if I am rolling two dice, or more?

    For example, suppose I have this roll in Yahtzee:

    3 5 5 4 5

    I would keep the three fives, and roll the other two. I know that for each die, the odds are 1/6 that I'll get a 5. But, do the odds change at all because I am rolling two dice? Don't I have a slightly better chance of getting a 5 this way?

    I'd like to know how odds are figured out for situations like this.

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Leo, Dragon - What does that mean for me?

    I'm a Leo, Chinese year of the Dragon (also Yang Wood). What does that mean for me, horoscopically speaking?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Do all of the Leos you know totally rule, or what?

    I'm interested to know the good things about the Leos you know.

    No "Leos suck" answers - if you want that, ask your own question.

    15 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Iraq and 9/11 - who said there was a connection?

    I have repeatedly heard comments about how the administration linked Iraq to 9/11 to justify the war. However, I don't recall them EVER specifcally making that link. I am well informed and keep up on the news, and as I recall it was all about containing Saddam and his WMDs - not anything to do with 9/11.

    My question is: What specific examples are there, if there are any, of the administration explicitly linking Iraq to 9/11? I would like citations, please. I very much want to know if this is just misinformation, or if they really did link it.

    Note, this is a serious questions. No flame wars or extremist answers, please.

    18 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago