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Langauge fanatic!!! Love learning about different cultures and languages. Oh yeah and yahoo answers is dead! Random i know but its the truth ;)

  • Can anyone tell me why my boiler is leaking?

    When I put on the hot water the boiler works perfectly but when the heating is put on it starts to leak.

    Can anyone help???

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Why does Steinbeck present Curley's wife as flirtatious in the beginning of the story?

    I know how he presents her in the beginning, how she's presented as a tart and a tramp etc. I just want to know know why Steinbeck presents her in that way because he shows that she's not really like that before her death. Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • How to transfer data from old phone's sim card to iPhone?

    My mum recently got the new iPhone 4 but it doesn't have her contacts and old text messages etc. She previously had the nokia express music and the sim card was tmobile. When she upgraded her phone to an iphone they gave her a new sim card but it was basically a replica of her old sim card (eg.same number).

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Yahoo Answers?

    I think over the years it has gotten boring and im fed up of getting reported for stupid reasons. Like if you ask a stupid question, you deserve a stupid answer but i guess people just don't get it.Oh well, just wanted to know what you think.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do i have a cold or the flu?

    I've been feeling really sick and its almost been a week. Yesterday i was feeling feverish. Sometimes i feel really tired and i got to bed really early (which is not like me at all). Before i had a cough and a sore throat and i coughed up phlegm (which apparently is not a symptom of flu). Today my nose is REALLY runny. Its kind of like a tap and at times it just keeps running and sometimes has the consistency (not sure is that's the right word) of water. Also, everything i eat tastes bitter...even honey. During the night i was constantly in pain as my body was aching and everytime i move the liquid in my tummy starts bubbling. So i just wanted to know is it a cold or the flu or even somethig else?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Chemistry question that i need help on?

    Which of these is the correct balanced equation for the reaction of potassium with water ,and why?

    A.K+H2O --> KOH +H

    B.K +2H2O --> K(OH)2 + H2

    C.2K+2H2O--> 2KOH+H2

    D.2K+2H20--> K2O+2H2

    Please tell me how you got your answer, thank you

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Im a 4"11 13 year old girl?

    my mum is 5"6 and my dad is 5"9.Im always being teased about my height and i really want to be a model.I've started my period last year and i know when my mum was my age she was around my height.Ive been on websites to help me grow taller but all theyve done is prescribed vitamins which i dont want to buy.Another website said i should do yoga and pilates i have and i've seen a bit of growth but i dont know how often i should do it and my mum wont let me go to the doctors to see how much growth i have left or just to check if i can grow anymore.So can you tell me how often i should be stretching and if im going to reach my drean height of 5"8

    10 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • the ends of my relaxed hair is frizzy?

    my hair is growing and the roots feel very kinky i recently cut the ends of my hair because i thought i had split ends.I don't know if i really had them but the ends of my hair is frizzy.I want my hair to grow longer over summer so what should i do.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago