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Kanji meaning the same as Chinese?
I am learning to speak Japanese but have A LOT of trouble with kanji and of course kanji is originated from China. I know a person who speaks Mandarin and would help me learn it if I wanted them to. So I was wondering if I learnt mandarin and read the meaning in chinese, would it mean the same if I read it in Japanese?
For example, the character for tree in chinese, would still be the same when used in a Japanese sentence?
5 AnswersLanguages8 years agoWhat colour should I dye my hair?
I babysit for my hairdresser and instead of paying me last time she offered a free cut and colour. So now I'm wondering what the fudge should I dye my hair like. My hair looks like this Sorry I don't really have any photos unedited I'll try and upload some soon.
2 AnswersHair8 years agowhat do you do when your made to be outside all day?
Now my Mum has had a big spazz and decided that since me and my brother fight so much she is going to lock us out of the house from 8 to 5 all school holidays (which are six weeks long, this is only the first week -.-).
Anyhow yes I am a 90's child and I did once upon a time live with out the internet and technology and only went on the computer to play on paint but I have no idea what to do to fill the time. I volunteer twice a week at our local salvation army family store so that settles that but other than read a book, adventure the world and draw what else is there to do 0.o...??
Please help.
And yes I know that you all probably think my Mum punishment is hilarious I don't really mind being outside but ya know it pretty gay.. :P..
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agowhat do you do when your made to be outside all day?
Now my Mum has had a big spazz and decided that since me and my brother fight so much she is going to lock us out of the house from 8 to 5 all school holidays (this is only the first week -.-).
Anyhow yes I am a 90's child and I did once upon a time live with out the internet and technology and only went on the computer to play on paint but I have no idea what to do to fill the time. I volunteer twice a week at our local salvation army family store so that settles that but other than read a book, adventure the world and draw what else is there to do 0.o...??
Please help.
And yes I know that you all probably think my Mum punishment is hilarious I don't really mind being outside but ya know it pretty gay.. :P..
1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation8 years agoCan anyone translate this?
I'm pretty sure its Japanese but I can't understand the last 5 symbols. Please help...
1 AnswerLanguages9 years agohow to use Japanese teaching books as a student?
Okay well I'm self teaching myself Japanese (my school doesn't teach it =( and I really want learn it) So anyway I was amazingly luck to find a HUGE pile of books at a 24 hour book sale last Friday for $4.50!! except the only problem is that most of them a teaching manuals which are mainly written in Hiragana and only a little English... Its FANTASTIC that there is no Romaji because I'm trying to learn Japanese not english letters.. I can read and pronounce most of the words in the book but the problem is there are no English translations so how can I teach my self the exercises and things ??
1 AnswerLanguages9 years agoWhat is this FREAKING SONG!!?
Okay I've been trying to figure out what this song is for over an hour and I was wondering anyone could help me.... at 3.38
The instrumental is here and that's all I know of this song oh and that the song is a duet and some of the lyrics are "I can see you, Can you feel me." Or something like that anyway PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! This is driving me NUTS!!
3 AnswersLyrics9 years agoDo you think I am attractive or pretty?
okay well I've always wanted to know how others see me from the outside whether people see me as pretty or not.. anyway I thought I would just ask so here's a few pictures :P
5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoDo you think I would suit dark red hair?
Okay well I'm wanting to dye my hair a dark red like this colour:
My hair is currently a light brown colour. I look like this :
My conclusion is this, do you think I would suit dark red hair and if not which colour. Also do you think red highlight would look better.
Added info= it would be hairdresser done not brought dye.
5 AnswersHair9 years agoJapanese to English Translation?
Hopefully you can read this. Can anyone translate this please. It came in a box with a fan I want to give it to my friend from Japan but I want to know what it actually says first (and if it is Japanese =P). Thanks =)
2 AnswersLanguages9 years agoIndian and Chinese Arranged Marriage?
Please help I need some similarities between the two its for my English essay !!
4 AnswersWeddings9 years agoCan some one help me with this?
"It measured respirable suspended particulate air pollution (RSP) and particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons"
Okay well I need someone to dumb it down I'm usually an extremely good reader and understand most but I'm a bit tired and just DON'T seem to be able to understand it. I know that respirable means particles that you are able to breathe, but really its the actual sentence I don't get any help?? =/ I'm desperate.
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years agoShould I just ask the guy I like if he likes me back?
Just yes or no answers please I'll choose best answer in 10 minutes at random.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhats a good name for a Vegetarian, Animal loving artistic girl?
This for my sims game
11 AnswersBaby Names9 years agowhat do you think of these names?
My four most favorite names for my children would be Alexis (Lexi), Rayne, Axle and Zander. Middle names for the girls are Ebony and Autumn, for the boys Rhythm and Floyd. Tell what you think . . . my mother hates them but I really like them =P.
5 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoIs it normal to be 15 5/9 and over 130 pounds and still not have your period?
is this normal I'm really starting to freak out. . .
1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years agoHow would I finish this sentence?
"As though they were sighting down a rifle the two boys... " I need it for a short story in English (form 4) I kind of want it to be about some boys hunting deer (without guns as they're only about 10) that think they can catch one but can't out run it. I also need a climax (complication) more than them not being able to catch the deer I need something a little more interesting that. I also don't want to change the scene to much as in they go home until at least around the end...
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago