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  • Base number conversion?

    My problem is the same as this one:;_ylt=AtDLr...

    But the asker in the link above uses java whereas I must use C and I'm still unfamiliar with java. Hence, I do not understand the only answer provided for that question.

    Moreover, is there a general way or principle of converting a number from a certain base number to another base number without having to convert it to decimal? Like directly converting from octal to hexadecimal or from ternary to vigesimal(base 20)?

    Also, how do you "download" a .aspx file from a site?

    ^This does exactly what I need to do. I hope that I could somehow take a peek into its codes. >:))

    I tried viewing the page source but the codes for that program were hidden. :(

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Transferring special characters from pdf to word?

    I need help in transferring special characters like Ś, ī, ā ṭ, ḍ, etc. from a pdf to word.

    I tried to just copy and paste, but the characters change. For example, Śrī Rādhā-Govinda Gauḍīya Maṭha would be change to Çré Rädhä-Govinda Gauòéya Maöha.

    I even downloaded a pdf to word converter but still, the special characters change.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Don't you think the Bible is allegorical?

    It really seems allegorical to me.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Don't you think we just have the same God?

    Just as we have the same moon but we see it in different phases? don't you think we just see God in different ways according to our knowledge of Him?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think Jesus meant when he said "I and the Father are one"?

    do you think that he actually meant that he is the father??

    'cause for me, he meant something like " why are you still looking for him? i'm already here. he sent me. i'm his representative. our purpose are one. so why are you still looking for him when i'm already here?" he said that when one of his disciples asked him to just show this Father to them..,, right?

    it's actually possible for God to be the son and the father at the same time since God can do anything.. but i don't think Jesus is God himself.. otherwise, won't go proclaiming that there is someone above him who sent him.. If Jesus is God, then he must've been the Supreme. then if he's the Supreme, why would he say that there's someone superior to him, right?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, don't you think you should thank Judas?

    do you loath Judas?

    but without Judas Iscariot "betraying" Jesus, do you think you would believe in Jesus? If Judas didn't betray Jesus, Jesus wouldn't "suffer for you" and he won't be crucified and die and raise back from the dead..

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If a president's family is called the first family, what's the prime minister's family called?

    i mean countries with monarchy. still first family? how about the monarch's family?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Hey, everybody... Do you want to understand God in one second?

    or just a minute?

    and do you need to for a very short period of time because you think it's nonsense?

    or you just think that you could?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Zero Kiryuu still going to sink to level E?

    ...vampire knight...

    i believe i like it but i don't think my liking of it has nothing to do with twilight... Ü

    I'm just wondering. Now that he drank his brother's blood with Shizuka's blood in it, would he still fall down to level E? T.T

    ichiru said that he took something from zero.. well, i don't remember that much. but zero also drank kaname's blood with shizuka's blood in it also... bah.. please answer me. it's been boggling me all the time.. ···· ö ····

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Why is it that most people just address questions just to Christians and Muslims?

    Aren't people going to ask more about Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, etc...?

    Or it's just that they don't know or met people with those religion?

    Duh... always Christians and Muslims.. Is it because of the war.?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • People talk about Jesus much, and Jesus talks much about His Father, then, who is this God the Father?

    This question is especially for Christians... I don't mean to offend. See, just for example, Muslims have Allah as God, Jehovah's witnesses have Jehovah as God, some Hindus also have Krishna.

    How about the Christians? Is that why many of them say that Jesus is God Himself?

    Please don't take it personally. Thanks.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Jesus God? Really? ?

    I really try my best to understand this. I know that this has asked for many times, but i still feel dissatisfied by the answers.

    Please don't tell me something like Jesus is 50% God and 50% human or 100% God and 100% human. Jesus never said that. It's just an interpretation of some Christians.

    If Jesus Himself said that He is God and became human in His form, then i would readily accept it. Please don't quote the verse like, "I and the Father are one." Or something like "Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father." Many say that the Bible shouldn't be taken literally or that would mean that humans need to cannibalize Jesus.

    I believe that Jesus is an empowered incarnation of God. But not God Himself. He is a teacher/rabbi/guru/...model...

    He always say that His Father is greater than Him. About the Trinity, please explain everything lucidly, but please don't write a novel. Cite verses other than Mt 28:19.


    Please don't take it personally as i have asked this to one of my classmates but he got offended and said that i was blaspheming. I don't find this a blasphemy. This is just a simple question.

    Thanks again... in advance..


    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do Mormons preach?

    Here I go again. Asking about Mormons. I'm really curious. I don't hear much about them. I haven't talked to a Mormon personally and inquired how do they preach. I mean what do they say, what do they present, or what do they give when they preach? Do they engage in debates? It's good to have a philosophical debate.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is really in the Book of Mormon?

    I was able to read the first few pages of the book until i stopped. I found it in our school library.

    I just want to know what are really the teachings inside this Book of Mormon, because when I was already reading the First Book of Nephi, i, honestly, am getting ...somewhat bored..... sorry.... i don't mean to offend. I understood the Bible better than this book. In the book of Nephi, the first verses were just about Nephi. I don't need to know this Nephi. There were too many verses in the beginning concerning about Nephi. So, i closed the book then just read another book...

    I just need to know what the Book of Mormon is all about, it's teachings(please give examples, like verses)............

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • A very simple question about Jesus.?

    I searched here in yahoo answers how old was Jesus when He died. The answer was 33 years. In our school, it was taught that He spent maybe 18 years of His life working with wood (as a son of a carpenter). Then, He spent only three brief years in His public ministry. So, (33-3)-(18) = 12. So, where was He during those 12 years? I'm really curious....

    I don't mean anything bad. I'm really curious.

    Thanks for answering in advance.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How come Christians say Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY?

    Christ says that He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life. But He didn't say that He's the ONLY way.

    So, how will you reconcile that?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Evolution: upgrade or degrade?

    Lower species to higher species or Higher species to lower species?

    Less intelligent to highly intelligent or highly intelligent to less intelligent?

    The evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin seems to be unacceptable to me. Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens Sapiens?

    It's like in the beginning, the whole world was in order and everything was peaceful, almost no vices, people lived for hundred thousand years, very civilized and highly intelligent people. Then, vices are introduced, civilization starts to degrade, people lived for shorter period. Then, later on, people are in to vices and sinful activities, short period of time, degraded civilization, then people bacame lesser intelligent.

    Now, at this time, people have a very degraded civilization, heads of states are not righteous, people live for a very short period of time, very sinful. People abort innocent children, same sex relationships, too much disorder, people are small and rare are healthy. People are very forgetful.

    The prediction in Srimad-Bhagavatam seems that it would really happen. People will grow very short, no higher than 3 feet..?(not sure if it's 3 feet..) Very short life span.

    As atomic bombs, sun's UV rays, nuclear weapons and radioactive waste(from nuclear plants) were created, the radiation that it gives of are so strong that the people who received it would not grow any longer and their life span would become very short. As we all know, this radiation is cancerous. So, what do you think?

    If you believe in the fossils, well, what if those who were buried were just the outcasts of the society million years ago and those who were in the higher class of society were cremated due to religious reasons and beliefs? That their belongings were also burned with their bodies?

    And the other belongings were in the depths of the oceans due to the current of the water?

    i'm 13 and I strongly disagree with Darwin's theory of evolution.

    If you believe in that lower to higher evolution, well, that should be on the spiritual aspect. The soul transports from lower species to higher species until it reaches this human body.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Help..! About oil spills..?

    We have this project. I need to make this. What are the effects of oil spills? Will the oil spill trap something....? Or how would the aquatics be affected by the oil spill? How to clean oil spill without polluting? Without using hair / sprays? What are the effects? Please!! Please Suggest some ways to clean it up.

    Thank you. Your informative answers are very much appreciated. Thanks again.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • When will a soul go to hell, if...?

    we are already suffering in these world? Our sins are being paid already with our sufferings here in this world. So, when shall we go to hell if this earth is already like hell? Is it when we commit sins that cannot be paid here in this world?

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago