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  • Testing for Alzheimer's and Dementia?

    My partner has a family history of dementia and alzheimer's. Out of six sibling in his fathers family, four had one or the other before their deaths, one died young of a heart attack, and his father is currently suffering from dementia.

    Some of my partners siblings are also suffering from mental health issues including a sister with bi-polar, and at least 2 others that have some serious issues, lots of prescription and illegal drugs involved.

    My partner is 56 and though he has his quirks, who doesn't, his thinking sometimes leaves me shaking my head. He regularly sees his Dr., as he is diabetic, and I have suggested he inform his Dr. about his families history and ask about testing. From what I know, because of his Dad, the earlier these things are caught the better. They now have drugs that though they can't stop the disease at least slow it down.

    I can understand why he gets testy when I bring it up but I do not think I am being unreasonable. For some reason I think a blood test is what is required, is that right? I may be able to convince him to ask the Dr. to run the test while he does other blood work, he hates needles and maybe that will give me some leverage, ha, ha.

    Am I being unreasonable with my request knowing that I will be his caregive if in deed this is should happen?

    Other - Diseases10 years ago
  • Question about blood pressure?

    I am a little concerned about my blood pressure which normally is a little low but recently I have experienced some dizzy spells and the occassional tightness in my upper chest and throat. Here are a few details.

    5' tall

    95 - 97 pounds

    Here are my last 2 readings:

    97/59 pulse rate - 80

    94/61 pulse rate - 77

    I know I need a complete physical but should I make it a priority.

    Oh and I just turned 49

    Thanks to anyone answering this question.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Honesty, is there Justice in the United States?

    Wesley Snipes is going to jail for not filing tax returns, yet Paris Hilton admits to cocaine possession and walks, don't you have a 3 strike rule? The supposed murderer of Classen is the only, now dead suspect of a random killing, burglary gone bad? The man had a gun and hollow point (not cheap) bullets and stole nothing. He could have pawned the gun for drug money, why kill? Am I the only one that think something smells with you your sense (pee uh)of justice. Just a random Canadian wondering what is wrong with you people.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Adult who use yahoo, don't you think teens should have a seperate yahoo answers?

    Do you think this might be a good idea? I'm so sick of all the:

    Am I pretty?

    I'm crushing on....

    How do I get my parents to buy me...

    Do you love Justin Bieber? etc

    Just wondering what other think.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • An honour killing? Or Murder"?

    Just within the past 2 weeks a father and son were convicted for life for the killing of a 16 yr old daughter/sister. The honour killing, she wanted to dress like a Canadian and not wear a hijab to school. Social Services had been involved, but somehow she was convinced to go home. She died.

    Now, in Montreal a woman has been granted bail for the attemped murder of her 19 yr old daughter, who stayed out late. It is suspected her husband incited his wife to this act. After spending time in hosp. this young lady is now back in the family home where her mother will go back to.

    The crown wanted the defendant held as she suspected severe family presssure would eventually lead to charges being withdrawn.

    Does this make any sense? I believe the court should be looking at the victims safety. The 16 yr old was pressured by the families cultural background and loyalty, to return home; it led to her death. Can not the court system protect the victim, even when she is being swayed by her cultural upbringing, should not a judge step in? This is Canada.

    When I read of this girls murder at the hands of family members, I for one will lay her death at the feet of our justice system. Would you?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ladies when cooking does your significant other do this?

    My guy is diabetic (cheats all the time) so I try to feed him healthy meals. I also try my best to make sure it is food he will eat as he is very picky. Some of the dishes he likes I'm not very keen on but eat it without complaint. It really upset me when once in a while I cook to please myself (still on his diabetic diet) and he will out and out refuse to eat it. Acts like a 3 yr old.

    I find this to be rude, ungrateful and disrespectful. What do you think? Do I have the right to feel this way? Or am I taking this too personally? Just curious.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Have teens completely lost their minds?

    Saw a news show last night that reported a new fad amoung teens, biting as a sign of affection. Apparently due to the influence of all these silly vampire books, movies etc. teens are actually biting each other, breaking the flesh and drawing blood.

    Is this complete lunacy, or what?

    Of course I realize not all teens are this stupid, but I'd sure like to hear the reasoning behind this from those teens who do this.

    If anyone thought to do this to me, affectionately (?) or not, I would consider it assault.

    15 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • H1N1 fears, ARE YOU PARANOID?

    I just read a report that say young children are most likely to catch this virus but that the people who will actually die from it are those that are sick and aged. I know this sounds over the top but the fact that our elderly come behind those that will recover is almost like age icided, don't know the word for killing the elderly.

    I am one of those people that are not feeding into the media hype. If I get sick,oh well, I'll deal with it. I'm not going to run to the hospital for every sniff or sneeze. It's allergy and flu season anyway, why do people panic. I'm healthy, I eat right and I am not going to hide under my bed hoping the swine flu (H1N1) is going to get me. How Paranoid Are You?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Thinking of relocating to the East Coast?

    I am an Albertan and due to problems with an abusive partner was forced to leave my home almost a year ago. I have no ties to the small community where I lived and would truly love to leave the area.I have always loved the East Coast and have relatives in PEI and am thinking of moving there. Now I know the job situation is not as good there as in Alberta but all I really need is a job that will keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, I'm not looking to be a millionaire and am not money oriented. I've worked for years in offices from receptionist to office manager and have very good references.

    I am truly sick and tired of the red-neck, oil patch attitude that exists in Alberta and have always found the people from the East Coast, of which there are many here though many are now choicing to go home to be down to earth, generous and absolutely love their sense of humour.

    Just curious if anyone can give me a little advise on where one might find a job and is my idea of relocating just a pipe dream. Thanks to anyone that might shed some light on this situation.

    2 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Good places to live and work in Atlantic Canada?

    Wanting to leave Alberta and move to the east coast due to a domestic situation. I've got relatives in PEI but want to know if there are any jobs for females which would allow me to be self supporting, not necessarily on PEI. What jobs, wages, accomodations (rent) might be available? The cost of housing here is outrageous but wages are high, I just want an idea how things are on the east coast. I'd really appreciate any help out there, must make a decision soon. Thank for any info you might give me.

    2 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Abuse......?

    I am Canadian and on Sat. my spouse beat the hell out of me. When the RCMP came they took pictures of my injuries, about 20. The 2 male officers actually had me put on a swimsuit, to get all the bruises photoed. I was extremely uncomfortable with this procedure.

    On Sunday I had to go to the local detachment to give a sworn statement. I talked to a very nice, very young officer who treated me very nicely. When he read the other's statement from the evening before the injuries were described as a bump on the back of my head, nothing about the foot prints on my legs, my elbows being black and blue or even the bruises that didn't show up until Mon.

    My spouse was removed from the home and has a cease and desist order against him, meaning he can have no contact with me. Am I wrong in thinking that the officers who answered my call treated me badly, typical male chauvanism, should they not have taken me where a female officer could have taken pictures or am I just being paranoid?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can a strong person show weakness and be supported?

    I have been told many times how much strength I have, mental and spiritual, as I have been through alot. I have also always been supportive of people I can help through their crisis'. Why then when I have a personal crisis no one is there for me, they think I should just be able to handle it all on my own. They aren't even willing to listen to my problems and sometime all I need to do is vent.

    I often feel so alone and no longer share my hurts and pain with people. I find myself becoming an angry person and that is not who or what I want to be. What can I do? Any ideas.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Would you be worried?

    I just found out my oldest brother, his wife and their 5 young children will be travelling to Tel Aviv, Isreal from Mississippi this summer to visit her parents for a few weeks. This really scares me because of the situation there. Would you be scared for them?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Burma, what are the leader's thinking?

    I have been reading and seeing on the news about the military gov't in Burma not letting aid into the country and am shocked. I cannot imagine what these people are thinking, they are basically murdering their fellow countrymen. I have always been appalled by man's inhumanity towards man and I suppose this is just one more example. Can anyone explain to me the thinking behind the desicions being made in Burma? I really know nothing about Burma or the gov't but will search the web to see what I can find out while waiting for replies. Thanks all.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Could any one who is Catholic help me out?

    I have been receiving "Living with Christ" as well as "The Work Among Us" for several years and they are starting to really pile up. Does anyone know of a place they might be donated. I know some parishes are very poor and thought as they repeat every 3 years they might be of use.

    Thanks for any help you might give.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Floods in New Brunswick, idiots that dont leave, should they pay for their rescue?

    Why should us taxpayers pay when the gov't has to send in the military to rescue those who ignored all warnings? Though probably impossible I think those fools should pay for the cost of their own rescue. Thoughts?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • A cut off for serving alcohol?

    My parents are celebrating their 50th in July. A big celebration is in the works with over 200 guests. Most of those invited are immediate family (ours is huge) and other than grandchildren most guests are at least 20 something. My Mom is not a drinker and though they plan on a cash bar she wants to stop serving at about 10:00 p.m.

    Now, I know this is their thing and we will do whatever they decided. I am a recovering alcoholic, the guys who are serving behind the bar are as well and yet I find it offensive that my mother wants to dictate how much people have to drink.

    I should state that no one is driving who will be drinking as 90% are from out of town and will be camping at the same site the hall is located.

    Like I said, we'll do things how they want but isn't this just a little controlling?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Got any jokes for a 50th wedding anniversary?

    I need a few jokes for the reception at my parents 50th this summer. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is this appropriate?

    My girlfriend has a son in law who is an alcoholic. She recently told me that when visiting with her grand daughter she quizs this 10 year old on what goes on in the home - things like - how many times a week does Dad get drunk, does he hit your mother etc. I was apalled and told her I didn't think it was right as it puts the child in a position where she is snitching on her father. I told her to ask her daughter and let the child be a child.

    I know she wants the best for this little girl but should she be approaching another adult about what is going on and leave the little one alone? I just thought it was an odd thing to do, what are you thoughts.

    Her daughter rarely lets the child visit her grandparents alone because of this and it makes my friend angry.

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Are you able to be truly happy over someone else's success?

    I cannot recall ever being jealous of other people's success if they earned it honestly. I have a brother that seems to have horseshoes up his a** but he deserves it, he is a great person and I love the success in life that he has. I love him and would not want anything less for him, even if my life seems less than his. Oh, that's only in others eyes, I'm quite satisfied with my life...most of the time (ha, ha).

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago