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  • Catholics only, do you believe this or this?

    Catholics do you believe this

    We can go to heaven through faith and good works


    Faith alone.

    Keeping in mind that faith means you believe that Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, died for our sins on the Cross. Faith meaning you hold everything in the creed, the catechism, and sacred tradition to be completely true.

    Without Christ dying on the Cross and being Resurrected, we have no opportunity for eternal life.

    Keep in mind that I am a Catholic Seminarian

    I know the answer, but do you?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Protestants, Faith alone or Faith and good works?

    As a Catholic I believe in the need for faith/belief in God/Jesus and that we have to do good works to get to Heaven.

    I hear that some protestants believe that only faith/belief in God/Jesus is needed to get to heaven.

    If you are protestant and believe that Faith and Good works are needed I DO NOT WANT YOU TO ANSWER if you believe what Catholics believe.

    IF you believe in Faith alone tell me why.

    Faith alone means once you are "saved" you are "saved" forever no sin can block your entrance to heaven.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Does this punnett square represent the situation.?

    If a full african person has offspring with a half african person and half european person.

    so AA for full african

    so AE for half african and half european

    so the square




    the answers are

    AA AA

    AE AE

    Does this mean that this person children could either be full african or half african and half european?

    Does that what the AA and AE mean?

    is this thinking correct?

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • Is it possible to re-purifiy a dog breed? or a human race?

    purebred german shepherd and a half german shepherd half pit bull breed what does that make the offspring.

    Is it possible to keep rebreeding the offspring with a pure German shepherd to get out the pit bull blood?

    My other question is if this is the same for humans. Imagine that humans could be said to be full european or full African.

    IF there is a Half african and half european and A full black person the offspring will be 3/4 black?

    and if this child and another full african has a child

    will that child be more than 3/4.

    if this is not possible please tell me why.

    4 AnswersAnthropology7 years ago
  • Can a person be 75 percent german?

    if a full german marries a half german half italian

    are the children

    half german half italian

    or 3/4 german 1/4 italian

    please tell me why and how

    If you are a geneticist or a genealogist please put forth some examples and material to back up this statement

    3 AnswersEconomics7 years ago
  • is it possible to be 3/4 a race?

    with a good source please and explanation.



I do not think this can happen.

only 100% white
50% white
25% white
12.5% white

 so 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64. . . . etc. only these?

    if a full italian and a 1/2 italian 1/2 german have children

    are the children 3/4 italian and 1/4 german?

    I think no

    only half italian and half german

    4 AnswersAnthropology7 years ago
  • Explain the origins of life what cosmological circumstances could allow life to form from nonliving material.?

    How do gases atoms liquids solids electricity heat nuclear reactions gravity and other similar fundamental documented scientific processes create life through Chance combination of matter and energy.

    For example super heated hydrogen expelled from a star collide with a comet and vaporize creating elemental compounds Because of the creation these newly created compounds in the vacuum of space the compounds were allowed to bind creating primitive life.

    I do not see something like this actually creating life.

    If you only suggest something like primordial soup or abiogenesis That is not enough for me.

    I want to hear how and what combinations of matter and energy can create life.

    Give me your best guess.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • To everyone that has seen the movie Purge? Why don't you want to watch an unbelievable story?

    I know the characters were stupid and did stupid things.

    I had a great time laughing and yelling at dumb characters do stupid things, but when the dad was killing the intruders it was awesome.

    The family was a family and the psychos were psychos.

    The premise of the Purge was great all you have to do was accept it.

    Why didn't you enjoy the Purge?

    It seems like the people that didn't like it wanted a more serious realistic approach.

    I say do NOT go into a movie thinking I will only like this if it is serious and believable it is FICTION NOT NONFICTION. It was a comedy thriller.

    The atmosphere in the Theater during the showing was great people were yelling at the screen "oh No don't go in there!" "That Stupid LIttle boy!" THAT IS THE DUMBEST BOYFRIEND IN THE WORLD!"

    It was fun to be mad at the movie.

    THE ending was great with the blonde lady. She was so dumb and it made the movie very funny.

    IF you liked the movie tell me why.

    If you didn't like it tell me why.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Catholics can you tell me why the church cares what non believers do?

    If non believers pass a law that says gays can marry, islam is a religion that is legal to practice, satanism is ok, why do catholics care about what non believers do?

    I understand why they are vocal about abortion and human rights, but why do they care about gay marriage or other things they should have no say over.

    All catholics have to do is to tell the followers this is right that is wrong. Why does it being legal matter?

    People still lie and it is not completely illegal to lie so should catholics protest the law trying to make it completely illegal to lie?

    No that makes no sense.

    If catholics can allow other religions to exist then why can't it allow other beliefs to at least be legal?

    Gay marriage and other non physically harmful things.

    I have found my answer.

    To prevent all harmful things from society, but what about satanism or cults why no protests against them? Catholics are not trying to stop gay people from existing, just why should catholics be cautious about Gay people.

    I think Gay people should be in the same boat as non- believers.

    What could catholics say if there is a Gay religion?

    I am against gay marriage and gay relationships,

    but I do not see why catholics need to care besides trying to prevent something they think is harmful to society.

    It is already legal and there is nothing to do about it now it is just like islam or mormonism.

    just different beliefs.

    I would like to hear more reasons besides to prevent harmful things to society.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What do you think about this? the next big thing?

    Good old school looking cars with a modernized skeleton. So the underlying car is like modern car but the old school shell on the outside just looks a lot better.

    They would be just as expensive as the underlying car.

    How can a person want a Camry shell IT is SO PLAIN?

    Looks should be good enough for people to want this if they do not have the money for old cars.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Determinists! Please tell me why determinism is a useful viewpoint.?

    If you aren't a determinist please tell me.

    I know what it is I need to know why it is useful in reality

    I want to know why determinism is better (More useful) than free will.

    I DO NOT want to know why determinism is right and free will is wrong.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Freewill debate.... plz read It is not a debate it is a comment about the debate.?

    If we have freewill or not will not change any way we live our lives.

    We still eat sleep think walk.

    No matter what side you chose in this debate nothing will change anything in the world.

    What is the purpose of arguing something that will change nothing in the world?

    I believe in free will, but I think if i didn't believe my life would be exactly the same.

    Does that mean there is no free will?

    This tiny spec of philosophy does not hold a large part in our brain.

    A believer of no free will does not live any different than a person who believes in free will.

    The reality decides how we are able to react.

    Do you see how a person thinking either side will not change the way anyone lives?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Dumb people why are you not smart? Or People who did not do well in school why?

    Did you not do as well because of a problem with the educational system?

    There are usually about 1/3 of the high school class that drop out or fail before graduation or more.

    There are people that do not understand basic concepts of learning like reading writing studying thinking after going through childhood to high school education.

    And there are some people that DO UNDERSTAND with the exact same education.

    READ THIS---------------------V

    Do these people that understand, prove that the educational system is ok? A person's intelligence depends on the person them self Not the Education.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • The Gay voice is common, but it sounds unlike a man or a women? It is unique.?

    Why is it that straight men can easily mimic this 'Gay voice'?

    The gay voice is lisped and feminine.

    I understand some people are born with a higher pitched voice than others, but most are not.

    For gay men some of them have the 'Gay voice' and some do not.

    So is the 'gay voice' a choice or a result of a mental or physical condition?

    Do any of you only use this voice on purpose around certain people?

    Do you consider this voice like an accent like british or deep south english?

    I heard that a comedian used the gay voice to impersonate a pedophile and the Gay community was angered by this.

    Why is this wrong? Do you claim ownership over an accent? This question makes it seem like that is the only way for most gay people to talk.

    Can you help me understand the Gay voice a little better?

  • Why do some gay people have the Gay voice?

    The gay voice is awkwardly feminine and lisped.

    No woman nor man is born with this voice.


    Another question

    Why do gay guys have to be feminine? Do they wish they were women?

    There is like a switching of gender roles or gender confusion for Gays.

    lesbians for the most part not talking about you at all.

  • Do we choose what we like?

    Did I get to choose to be a Heavy Metal listener?

    I think i heard heavy metal then I liked it.

    I did not chose to like it, I only liked it because it had a good effect on me.

    that was not a choice but a reaction.

    I believe in free will but

    i do not know if it applies to what we like only our actions.

    I can choose not to punch you in the face, but I can't choose not to like it if I do it.

    WHat are your thoughts? and if you can prove you chose to like something please give me an example.

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • How do you think public college would work in the U.S.?

    Think about the public high school system every person in the U.S. is required to go to high school.

    Think about Americans having to pay taxes to pay for public college all U.S. citizens.

    College would become free and how long you stay in college is out to you if you continue to get passing grades.

    A person who gets bad grades in college for 2 semesters in a row will be punished and asked to leave for 1 full year.

    Public college will not be mandatory, but it will be free for all citizens.

    Are there any problems with allowing all citizens free access to a college education?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Since happiness can't be permanent in life...?

    Since happiness can't be permanent in life then we must accept some month long periods of frustration or disharmony.

    Happiness relies on a reference point of a less happy time, so we can say or realize that we feel better.

    My favorite type of happiness is when life feels like everything is in place, nothing can go wrong or make me feel anxious.

    I want permanent happiness, but it seems like happiness is dependent upon periods of lowness.

    Another thing, previous lowness does not work for future happinesses it only works once.

    What do you think about true happiness? Can it be permanent?

    How long can it last?

    can happiness still be just as happy if it is the same level for months?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • When you are happy do you feel like everything is in its place?

    LIke everything is in its place and things are running harmoniously.

    If not how does your happiness feel?

    truly happy not money happiness or selfish desires happiness.

    have you felt this?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago