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  • 5 week old puppies have been weaned for 4 days having diarrhea?

    Hi everyone I run a dog rescue I picked up the puppies yesterday there 5 weeks old there are a fue with runny poos there still eating playing. I took there temps and it's fine there not vomiting I was just worried about there poos there on the same food as what they where on at the owners place and when I called she said they have has a bit for a couple of days. Any thoughts on why this is happening and should I be worried???

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • have any breeders experianced this?

    Hi my girl is 59 days pregant today i have been taking her temp and yesterday it did the normla drop that it would do the 12-24hrs before labour starts when i took her temp thismorning it had risson back up her normal temp is a rought 38.2 but yesterday went down to 36 and stade around that untill thismorning when it went back up to 37.5 now its back down to 36.5 has anyone had a ***** that has done this and still had the pups within the 12-24 hr mark she has never done this with her whelping before. BWT she is a chihuahua and has had natural births every time with no trouble. she has stoped eating and is nesting and sleeping alot any advice from fellow breeders would be great

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • whats been ur experiance with clomid?

    hi Lady's i have had 4 miscarriages with no live births i am currently about to start my first cycle with clomid can i ask how well it worked for you? how long did it take you to fall pregnant? did anyone fall pregnant with multiples as i have heard that it is quite commen with clomid and can i ask ur over all thought on clomid any help would be great as i am so scared that it wont work and that im never going to have a baby

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • have u lost a baby please read?

    have had 4 miscarriages and i know that this site is for questions but if i can just send my love to every mother that has lost a baby and help them just a little i will i hope these poems help someone as they have helped me/


    I thought of you and closed my eyes,

    And prayed to God today.

    I asked what makes a Mother,

    And I know I heard him say:

    A mother has a baby,

    This we know is true.

    But, God, can you be a mother,

    When your baby's not with you?

    Yes, you can he replied,

    With confidence in his voice.

    I give many women babies,

    When they leave is not thier choice.

    Some I send for a lifetime,

    And others for a day.

    And some I send to feel your womb,

    But theres no need to stay.

    I just don't understand this God,

    I want my baby here.

    He took a breath and cleared his throat,

    And then I saw a tear.

    I wish that I could show you,

    What your child is doing today,

    If you could see your child smile,

    With other children who say:

    We go to earth and learn our lessons,

    Of love and life and fear.

    My mommy loved me oh so much,

    I got to come straight here.

    I feel so lucky to have a mom,

    Who had so much love for me.

    I learned my lessons very quickly,

    My mommy set me free.

    I miss my mommy oh so much,

    But I visit her each day.

    When she goes to sleep,

    On her pillow's where I lay.

    I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek,

    And whisper in her ear.

    "Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here."

    So you see my dear sweet one,

    Your children are Ok.

    Your babies are here in My home,

    They'll be at heavens gate for you.

    So now you see what makes a mother.

    It's the feeling in your heart.

    It's the love you had so much of,

    Right from the very start.

    Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother,

    until their time is done.

    They'll be up here with Me one day,

    And you'll know that you're the best one!

    Don't let them say, I wasn't born

    That something stopped my heart

    I felt each tender squeeze you gave

    I've loved you from the start.

    Although my body you can't hold,

    It doesn't mean I'm gone.

    This world was worthy, not, of me

    God chose that I move on.

    I know the pain that drowns your soul,

    What you are forced to face.

    You have my word, I'll fill your arms

    Someday we will embrace.

    You'll hear that it was "meant to be,

    God doesn't make mistakes"

    But that won't soften your worst blow..

    Or make your heart not ache.

    I'm watching over all you do,

    another child you'll bear.

    Believe me when I say to you,

    That I am always there.

    There will come a time, I promise you

    When you will hold my hand,

    Stroke my face and kiss my lips

    And then you'll understand.

    Although, I've never breathed your air,

    Or gazed into your eyes..

    That doesn't mean I never "was"

    An Angel Never Dies........


    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • i have had a very sad time and have lost 4 babies through miscarriage hope these poems help someone else .....?

    i have had 4 miscarriages and i know that this site is for questions but if i can just send my love to every mother that has lost a baby and help them just a little i will i hope these poems help someone as they have helped me/


    I thought of you and closed my eyes,

    And prayed to God today.

    I asked what makes a Mother,

    And I know I heard him say:

    A mother has a baby,

    This we know is true.

    But, God, can you be a mother,

    When your baby's not with you?

    Yes, you can he replied,

    With confidence in his voice.

    I give many women babies,

    When they leave is not thier choice.

    Some I send for a lifetime,

    And others for a day.

    And some I send to feel your womb,

    But theres no need to stay.

    I just don't understand this God,

    I want my baby here.

    He took a breath and cleared his throat,

    And then I saw a tear.

    I wish that I could show you,

    What your child is doing today,

    If you could see your child smile,

    With other children who say:

    We go to earth and learn our lessons,

    Of love and life and fear.

    My mommy loved me oh so much,

    I got to come straight here.

    I feel so lucky to have a mom,

    Who had so much love for me.

    I learned my lessons very quickly,

    My mommy set me free.

    I miss my mommy oh so much,

    But I visit her each day.

    When she goes to sleep,

    On her pillow's where I lay.

    I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek,

    And whisper in her ear.

    "Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here."

    So you see my dear sweet one,

    Your children are Ok.

    Your babies are here in My home,

    They'll be at heavens gate for you.

    So now you see what makes a mother.

    It's the feeling in your heart.

    It's the love you had so much of,

    Right from the very start.

    Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother,

    until their time is done.

    They'll be up here with Me one day,

    And you'll know that you're the best one!

    Don't let them say, I wasn't born

    That something stopped my heart

    I felt each tender squeeze you gave

    I've loved you from the start.

    Although my body you can't hold,

    It doesn't mean I'm gone.

    This world was worthy, not, of me

    God chose that I move on.

    I know the pain that drowns your soul,

    What you are forced to face.

    You have my word, I'll fill your arms

    Someday we will embrace.

    You'll hear that it was "meant to be,

    God doesn't make mistakes"

    But that won't soften your worst blow..

    Or make your heart not ache.

    I'm watching over all you do,

    another child you'll bear.

    Believe me when I say to you,

    That I am always there.

    There will come a time, I promise you

    When you will hold my hand,

    Stroke my face and kiss my lips

    And then you'll understand.

    Although, I've never breathed your air,

    Or gazed into your eyes..

    That doesn't mean I never "was"

    An Angel Never Dies........


    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • how many people use the Temperature drop to determine weather your female is going into labour?

    hi my female is currently 56 days pregnant and i was wondering who thinks taking the temperature works to determine when labour may be on its way.

    My breeding mentore told me to start taking her temp 3 days ago every 8 hours.

    up until today her temp has fluctuated and now it is sitting quite low her temp now is sitting between 36.0 and 36.1 when yesterday she was at about 37.2.

    all of yesterday she was not eating and then with them temp drop today she has been eating on and of all day not heaps but a noticeable amount.

    she has also been very fidgety and wingy as well as nesting and hiding food and sleeping allot .

    My question is should i rely on the temp drop that she will go into labour or should i just focus on her behaviour because my mentore is saying she wont eat at all and that her temp will drop to about 36 witch it has but she is still eating.

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • is she or isnt she pregnant?

    "Hi i have a 15month old pure breed Chihuahua that was mated on the 24 of september with my male pure breed Chihuahua.

    She has gained waight she went through the stage of wanting like nothing to eat at all and now she is eating everything in site, her tummy has enlarged and her nipples are large and flushed.

    When the vet took a look at her she said she looks about seven weeks pregnant i said she cant be because i saw her get hooked with my male and she would only be 5 weeks pregnant.

    so the vet took an xray to see what they could she and she said she was not pregnant because there was no skeletons on the image and that all you could see was that her bowels where full.

    From my calculated dates she is only 5 weeks and i would think at 5 weeks it may be too early to see anything on xray am i correct in saying this? or if she was pregnant would You be able to see the pups on xray also the vet said that when she felt her her uterus felt full im very confused please anyone that knows about xrays with pregnant dogs let me know as i only used to use ultrasound to confirm a pregnancy

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • phantom pregnancy or pregnancy?

    hi my female dog got hooked with my male on the 24th of september they had a good hook as well lasted about 25 mins.

    Im just wondering if she has fallen pregnant or is this a phantom pregnancy from about a week after she got hooked with my male she has been quite tired not wanting to run around and play with the dogs like she used to also her nipples have grown and the area around them is a bit enlarged she has put on waight but now she wont eat anything she really loves she has not eaten a full meal in what seems like forever i am hoping this is not a fantom pregnancy i dont think it is but i thought i would ask what people think. Spoke to my vet and she said the not eating much is commen if she is pregnancy she will eat when she is not feeling off. I have booked an appointment for a checkup on the 1st november as there where no appointments till then. So thought i would ask what people know about phantom pregnancys

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • my dogs got baited by some childish people on thursday and was wondering if there are life long problems?

    Hi my chihuahua and my kelpies got poisoned buy snail bait that was thrown in our yard buy stupid people that went around my town on thursday.

    They have been treated via the vet and are fine now the chihuahua is 2 weeks pregnant and was wondering will the pups die because of the Poison?

    The reason im asking the question is that this has never happen to me before and was wanting any advise from people that have had a similar experience. Also was wonder weather poisoning can have an effect later on in life as of the fact that our kelpie had so much she was having fits all the time will that have caused and brain damage?

    i never thought to ask the vet i was just so happy that my dogs where ok

    re asking the question as some people can be a little petty and i just want a proper answer instead of comments about spelling

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • does anyone else feel like this?

    My husband and i have been together for 5 years and married for 2 in march my husband and i have wanted a baby for as long as we can remember he is the love of my life and all i want to do give give him a baby . I have a condition called polocystic overian syndome witch causes cystis to grow on my overies i have heaps on them the condition causes quite bad hormone inbalances and can be very painful. my husband and i have fallen pregnant 3 times and lost each baby at 10 weeks gestation each pregnancy has been a blessing and every time i saw those 2 pink lines i was so happy i never new what really pain was untill they told my each and ever time my babys had died. the pain alone from having a miscarriage is painful but the pain from the fact that we lost our baby made me feel so sad and angry. every day i feel like i am making my husband unhappy and that im to blame for our babys dieing i look at everyone around me and all i see is everyone around me pregnant or they have a baby every where i go thats all i see and yes probablly because thats all i see but i feel like its my folt our babys are dead like i could of done something to stop it every day i feel like my heart is being ripped out and stomped on and i feel like im letting my husband down i dont know what to do anymore and i feel guilty every time im happy i really need to know am i the only one that feels like this.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • do you think this is implantation bleeding?

    hi my husband and i have been ttc and have had 3 failed pregnancy's my period is due on the fourth but yesterday i had light pink not like normal bleeding that lasted maybe 10 Min's it was not even enough to come onto a pad it seems a bit to early for my period and usually my period wont have any sort of spotting i will just start bleeding since last night there has been nothing much apart from every now and then there will be very very very light brown discharge but only 2 times could this be just my period? my period is not due till the 4th of august eather and im always in time lol

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • i think i could be having implantation pain what do u think?

    hi i have been TTC for over 5 years i have had 2 miscarriages and have PCOS i have Alot of pain from cysts and stuff but this pain is different to that it comes and goes and is sharp like period pain but im not due to have my period till the 6th of june. can anyone tell me what it feels like or what they think

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how can i get my new chihuahua puppy and my older chihuahua puppy to get along?

    we have had her for a day and a bit but she wont have a bar of him just snapps and growls at him he is 20 weeks old and she is 16 i thought they would of gotten on since she has just left her mum and brother can i get some sejestions to help them get used to each other and get along he just wants to play. any help will be great thanks

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • does anyone know what this could be or have u experianced this?

    hi im a 21 year old female that is having server pain in lower write side of abdominethat leads into my back and donw my leg i have had my ependix out so thats not it the pain is so bad i cant sleep sometimes cant even get up or move around with out being in heaps of pain. has anyone got any ideas or anyone had the same symptoms?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • do u think that u can be tought to be in a marriage?

    hi im married and have been for a year i have a friend who said that she is doing a marriage so they know how to be married my opinioun on this is that u cant be taught in a marriage nor are u going to go into a marriage not having teathing points especially if u have not ever lived with each other do u think i am wrong i believe that a marriage takes work and you cant be taught to be in a marriage.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • has anyone used clomid and fallen pregnant soon after?

    hi my husband and i have been ttc for 5 years resulting in 3 miscarriages i have polocistic ovary syndrome and my doctor has just recommended putting me on clomid to help me to ovulate.

    my question is have u used clomid?

    how long did it take u to fall pregnant?

    and did the pregnancy continue or end in miscarriage

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What would you like to ask?does anyone know a really easy bootie crotcheting pattern?

    hi really random i know but im looking for a easy crocheting pattern for anything baby blankets,booties,hats and mittens so if anyone has any that are easy to do and have all instructions no abbreviations that would be great

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • swollen Lymph Nodes that are painful the doctor said could be breast cancer need some advice?

    hi i have had painfull and swallon Lymph Nodes the doctor said that they think i could have breast cancer im 21 years old really dont know how to take this news. have anyone else had this and not had breast cancer im so scared can people please share there stories or there thoughts or knowlege with me please

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • am i wrong fro trying to find a cat i rescued a new home?

    hi about six weeks ago i rescued a female cat and her too kittens from the side of the road i took them home and found new homes for the kittens. the mum was booked in to get desexed on the 10 of january but on the 8 loan behold to us she has a litter of kittens lately she has stated to attack them and even tryed to kill them so we removed her away from them and put her in a room so she could relaxe the next day we persisted to see if she would take to them again but she won the war and my husband and i came out wonded so we decided the best option was to find her a new home i put her up on a sight i regually us saying free to good home then today i got an abusive message from this lady that replyed to my add say what a horrible person i am how i should of gotten her desexed instead of constantly breeding her and that im perthetic i really dont understant why it is wrong for me to find her a new home i dont think it is fare locking her in a room all the time because the kittens are around really need ur thoughts so what do u think??

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • why does my cat keep trying to run from her kittens?

    hi about a month ago we found her she was stray a week ago she got out side and had 2 kittens we didnt even know she was pregnant now a week later she keeps trying to run from the kittens and trying to hide underthings and get out side.

    when we found her she was the sweetest little thing now she doesnt want to be with the kittens yesterday she was fine rubbing up against us and meowing like normal now she is ferral we will be luck if we can get her out from under the bed without her going us i dont know what to do.

    is she rejecting the kittens?

    and will she end up attacking them? im at my wits end i just dont know what to do.

    no nasty comments please need a guenuen answer

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago