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  • Cheerleading questionnaire help?

    I'm having issues focusing long enough to answer these so if you could give me just basic short answers that you think a cheerleader would answer or something:

    1. What leadership qualities do you possess that would make you an outstanding cheerleader?

    2. What do you feel is the strongest asset as a cheerleader?

    3. When representing our squad, what characteristics should you exemplify?

    4. Give three suggestions for promoting spirit at our school.

    5 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • What should I name my Character?

    I'm redoing most of the names in my book because a lot of them are just too normal or just ones i used to hold the place. I can't find on for a few characters. One is a girl who its the smart "butt" of the group and pretty punk. The next is a girl who is like extremely sweet and she is always the good one. Um then I have the main character's older brothers. All of these people are mythical in a way so if you could just give me anything but I mostly need the first two. Please and thanks you!

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I need help choosing?

    So I have some guy trouble. I'm going to break it down:

    There is Jacob who i pretty much fell in love with over the summer then he moved away but recently moved back like right when i got over him, and he keeps asking me out

    There is Jay who asked me to homecoming who i like but he is kind of a stalker so i'm not really sure

    Then we have Taylor who is my next door neighbor who has liked me since we were like 6 and he just asked me out like a week ago

    last there is Seth, who i really like and he really likes me, problem, he is 19 and i'm 16

    Before you say anything don't give me the if its meant to happen it will, and don't tell me i'm to young for all this, i'm just wondering what you think and the info i gave yall is pretty much all of it so there is nothing i'm keeping or anything

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is a good topic for an Annotated Bibliography?

    My English teacher has given us free reign on our papers and I can't think of a good topic with a lot of information. If you have any ideas it would be greatly appreciated!!!!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What is a good boy name to go with Emma?

    I am writing a book and I'm well far along but I am no longer like the name i gave the love interest. I really want a good match like Romeo and Juliet or even Edward and Bella. The main character is Emma and she is very fun loving. She goes back in time and meet who right now is known as Zack but i don't like the way they sound together. His real name is Zackariah so you can give long names with nick names. Please help me!!!!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this?

    I know it looks long but it is just a bunch of diolog and i want to know if it seems funny so help me out.

    I woke up in a ball under the cover. I can hear Sam, “Emma, you have to get up.” Like hell I do.

    “No I don’t.” I say in a tired sleep get out of my face way.

    “Yes you do, don’t you know what today is?” She says trying to stay sweet.

    “Unless it’s August 10th and I have to go back to school, no I don’t really care.” I say trying to fall back asleep.

    “No, it’s your birthday and everyone is waiting for so we can start the party.” Oh I totally forgot about that. I at least tried.

    “Emma if you don’t get up right now I will pick you up and change you myself.” It was Zack in a very stern voice.

    “I’d like to see you try.” I said still under the cover. I didn’t hear any movement so I guess it worked.

    I heard the door swing open. “You guys still haven’t gotten her up!” It was Alexz in a very loud voice. I heard her walk over to the bed and all of a sudden my comforter was gone. I got up slowly then walked to Alexz and plucked her on the forehead, grabbed my comforter, and went back to bed.

    “Five more hours and I promise I will be up.” I say snuggling back into a deep sleep.

    “Emma if you get up I will give you a big birthday kiss.” Zack says. They are in the bargaining stage now.

    “Oh please I don’t need that. I can wait a couple of hours.” I say getting closer to sleep.

    “Emma your grandmother doesn’t have that much longer with you.” Keeya says.

    “You’re evil in so many ways.” I pop out of bed but still have my comforter wrapped around me. “Okay I’m up. How much time do I have to get ready?” I say looking around.

    “Good morning and happy birthday; you have twenty minutes.” Lilly says.

    “Oh my God you guys suck. Sam, can you do some magic poof thing and I’ll be all pretty?” I say looking at Sam.

    “Yes, but if I do that you will never learn to get ready by yourself and be sides I’m not your maid.” She says crossing her arms.

    “I’m not five; I have been dressing myself for around 14 years. Please as a birthday present. If not it will take me two hours to get ready. You know I am not lying.” I say dropping the comforter.

    “Fine but just this once, I promise I will never do this again.” She says swishing her finger. Like I said it was like poof and I was in a sun dress with my hair all straight and pretty.

    “Aww, thank you I love you.” I say giving her a hug. She wiggles her nose with her finger and the room around me is clean.

    “Consider that a happy 16th birthday.” Sam says as she walked out the room. All my friends walked out but Zack.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What do you think(its not long)?

    Please tell me what you think..I wrote it for a school thing and this is my first one so tell me the truth.

    One Mistake

    Does he know?

    Can’t he feel the wind blow?

    Does he see what he has done?

    Can’t he see the sun?

    Did he know how much he drank?

    Or did he go blank?

    There is a 10 car pileup in front of us

    I take a guess

    That five out of ten

    Are all of them, then

    I hear the screaming coming from my mouth

    It’s all pointing south

    Did he really drink and drive

    And risked all those lives

    I have not seen but this is what I have heard

    A group is running towards me on June the third

    Does he know what he has done?

    As he walks away with none

    Neither a burse nor a scratch

    I think I met my match

    I see my mother ahead of me

    Now in a squashed car, could it be

    Not only my mother but my entire

    Family, this is dire

    Why me, to be thrown

    Not a broken bone

    Ten feet from the car

    Did he come from a bar?

    Why did he drink and drive

    And none but me get to be a live

    Could it be that I was lucky enough

    To be only a little rough

    Or is it a curse?

    To be the one not in a hearse

    I have no one left

    It is a true theft

    To steel someone’s life

    Kill me with a knife

    To kill someone’s everything

    To kill my everything

    We were head to the Birthday celebration

    Today would make me 16

    I felt like a queen

    Till he drank and drive

    And took their lives

    No one is coming back

    I’m not on the right track

    Wait what is that

    It is my uncle’s hat

    I put it on

    And walk away from where death won

    I leave behind my life and my love

    What to do but shove

    My way through the crowd

    As I stare at the clouds

    I never look back just to see all the red

    I won’t get the picture out of my head

    I hear aloud zip

    I will never grip

    How he could drink and drive

    And killed all those lives

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had a religious experince?

    Okay, I want to know if any of you have had a religious experience with God. Were you know he is with you. And please if you are going to say something rude or mean please don't say it at all. I'm truly curious, mine are so awesome. I just want to know what gift God gave you. I was given the gift of laughter and shaking and crying. It was awesome. Again nothing nice don't say it at all.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What did you think of Breaking Dawn?

    I loved it and I loved how she ended, i am sad to think that it is over. So what did you think?

    19 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Victoria Secret lip gloss?

    I love there lip gloss with all the good falovors and I want to know which one is yours. Mine is cwup cake and sugar high.

    9 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Can Harry Potter really keep their brooms?

    In an interview Jasper told us that they and cool but Harry Potter has brooms is so many words. I want to know what you think; Harry Potter or Twilight and why that one.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Wh your favorite song?

    I'm looking for a good song, so what is your favorite song.

    Thanks =)

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Would someone read my first chater?

    I need someone to read my book. Please and thank you. I asked this before but they deleted it before most people could answer.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Are you having trouble with mothers day gifts?

    Alot of other people have posted questions asking for some ideas so I am giving you a chance to take mine. I wrote this poem for my mother and if you want it you can have it. Please don't publish it or anything. I have had 4 people ask for it so here you go. If you don't like it I don't care.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • If you could have one wish what would it be?

    If you had one wish and the skys the limit. what would you wish for.

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • If you could go back what would you change?

    If you could go back one day in your life what would it be and why. It can be to fix a mistake or to see a day so special it is worth going through again. Don't give me, I wouldn't change anything because I liked my life because we all know that is crap so tell me the truth.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this?

    I had this already but they deleted it after just 3 hours so I wanted to try again. Tell me what you think of this poem.

    “View From Up There”

    I live on a cloud-personification

    I see the people moving far and wide

    I look around as if the world was round

    For so many nights I have cried till my self confidence has died

    My face is always a frown-metaphor-I am always sad

    I hear the sounds of the world below beckoning me back down

    I pretend to be happy

    My face stays the same as if I was wearing a mask

    I always feel crappy

    I am a task

    I am a nomad

    I feel so mad

    Once a day I am torn a part

    I see the world from a different perspective

    I express myself through my art

    What gives?

    People say I talk all day

    But I talk to hide the pain I want to say

    I am as fragile as a spider’s web

    I see the world as if I’m dead

    The only people that care live on a cobweb

    I lie sleepless in my bed

    Wondering when my world will end

    Do I have a single friend

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this?

    I wrote a poem but I want to know if it is good or not:

    “View From Up There”

    I live on a cloud-personification

    I see the people moving far and wide

    I look around as if the world was round

    For so many nights I have cried till my self confidence has died

    My face is always a frown-metaphor-I am always sad

    I hear the sounds of the world below beckoning me back down

    I pretend to be happy

    My face stays the same as if I was wearing a mask

    I always feel crappy

    I am a task

    I am a nomad

    I feel so mad

    Once a day I am torn a part

    I see the world from a different perspective

    I express myself through my art

    What gives?

    People say I talk all day

    But I talk to hide the pain I want to say

    I am as fragile as a spider’s web

    I see the world as if I’m dead

    The only people that care live on a cobweb

    I lie sleepless in my bed

    Wondering when my world will

    It is very sad but is it good and if it is would you mind reading two more

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Please, Help Me?

    I am writing a book and I am about to finish the first chapter it is only about 15-20 pages and I just need someone who isn't a good friend to tell me how it is. If you are willing to read it just answer this question with a sure or a yes and I will send it to you. Please this is important to me.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago