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I'm a 22 year old Marketing & Graphic Communications Student. I have a wide range of experience in most topics varying from Weddings to Business. :)

  • What are some original research essay topics?

    I need write a 5-8 page research paper dealing with a controversial topic. The paper should use argument-persuasion as a primary development pattern. It has to determine my position rather than my opinion determining the research.

    Here is where I am having trouble... My instructor insists that it be something that "interests" me and most audiences but isn't overdone like Abortion, Death Penalty, etc. The exact quote from my instructor is: "Overdone topics such as abortion, legalization of marijuana, lowering the drinking age, etc. often lead to unoriginal papers and should be avoided."

    So just what "controversial" topic am I suppose to write about then? This has become impossible for me to think of anything that interests me. I hate politics so I won't go there, but anything that is "controversial" is overdone. She said we can choose an overdone topic IF we have an unusual stance on it, which I don't....I agree with the majority on most topics.

    Any ideas? Thanks.


    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Is this grounds to go ahead and call Social Services or CPS?

    Ok so a friend of mine has two children (ages 2 and 4) and I am worried for them because she doesn't seem to be the best mother. They live in total filth and disgust and a let wild and do what they want. And when I say they live in filth, I am not exaggerating at all. As soon as you walk into their apartment it wreaks like urine and spoiled milk. Everything they own is stained or covered in old food and drink it seems. I have personally seen the children spill milk or juice and drop food into something and the mother doesn't clean it up. There were spots and pieces of old food that were still there from 3 months ago when I was over there and saw it initially. Her kitchen tables and chairs are caked full of old food and the floors are sticky. The children themselves are usually pretty gross as well. There have been a few times I was over there and their hair wasn't combed, they were running around barefoot, and they had food all over there faces. This is normal sometimes for children to get messy, but she didn't clean them up ALL DAY I was there and we actually had to run errands for a couple of hours and she just put them in the car like that, still no shoes or cleaned up, all sticky. Her car is just as bad, the car seats are so sticky and caked full of old food and spilled drinks that I was beyond grossed out to even touch them to get one of the children in and out of it. There is garbage and stickyness and old food piled up on the floors and it stinks like old milk in there. During the errands she stopped at a fast food joint and let the kids handle their own food and drink in the back and it got ALL over the place and drinks were dumped and she never cleaned it or the kids up.

    Mostly recently when I was visiting, which I hate do even do because I am that grossed out, her dog piddled all over the floor and she simply patted it up with a towel but never actually cleaned it. That is another thing, she keeps her dog locked up in the basement for hours and hours to the point where she can't hold it anymore and piddles in the house. That same day ironically enough her son was outside playing and he took down his pants right in the front yard and peed all over the neighbors steps and she said NOTHING about it, she just shook her head and said "Omg I can't believe he just did that".

    These sort of gross scenarios happen EVERY time I visit her so it is definitely not just a one or two time thing.

    Aside from all the disgusting things, as far as behavior these are the worst behaved children I have ever met. She doesn't discipline them which I know CPS can't do anything about how she does that. But they terrorize everything and destroy everything she owns and she does not care. I literally have to make sure I am wearing clothes I don't care if get stained or ruined when I go see them. And I have to make sure I take a purse I don't care gets ruined either. They crawl all over you, and spill food on you and drinks, they assume anything you have is fair game to take and destroy, they never behave at restaurants or anywhere public we take them.

    I feel bad for them because this is mothers fault, not theirs, but it's awful and I can't handle it. Their own grandmother doesn't like to come see them and she told me about this and said she couldn't believe it. That the grandmother said she is a bad mother and she just can't handle being there. I am surprised she hasn't called CPS to be honest, but since she lives out of state, I don't think she knows JUST how bad it is.

    I don't know what to do. I have talked to other friends and family of mine and they said to call, but they are not being tortured or beaten and they are fed.

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Tipping at Starbucks, why?

    I recently read in some articles that Baristas at Starbucks rely heavily on tips. They make the same amount as crew member at say McDonald's or Burger King and they aren't allowed to accept tips nor would you think to tip them so why tip at Starbucks? Not that I am against tipping the servers or Baristas, but your tip doesn't even go directly to the person that made your drink. They have a tipping JAR that gets split between all employees on that shift so why would I tip?

    Just wondering other's thoughts on this. I'm sure not all Starbucks work the same, but the few around here are this way...

    7 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Life being a Flight Attendant?

    I am seriously considering being a flight attendant, I have applied for the position and will hopefully be attending a recruitment seminar soon for the job. What is it like being a flight attendant? Cash flow, keeping up a family, travel, schedules, life in general, etc. Details would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Ejaculation doesn't stay in?

    When my partner ejaculates inside me, it all runs out almost immediately. Will this effect chances of trying to get pregnant? I thought its supposed to stay in. A LOT does come out but seems odd because my friend says she only has some leak out, not the whole load...

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is sexy about an inner wrist tattoo?

    I am thinking about getting an inner wrist tattoo and people have responded with "that's really sexy on women". They don't really know why though. Anyone have a thought as to what makes them sexy? Help from other people who think they are would be appreciated, thanks!

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Wedding Favor/Design Business Name?

    I am creating a wedding favor online business and need a unique name. I loved "The Wedding Belle" but its legally taken already by another business...ugh.

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a new business name?

    I am starting an online store selling personalized wedding favors. Any suggestions for a name? Thanks!

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • I've been using Y!A for awhile now, but what exactly is a Troll?

    I have recently been noticing a lot of answers calling people trolls or saying, this question must be from a troll so don't waste your time answering. Is this mostly from questions that seem like they are fake? Just trying to get in on what the deal is lol, thanks guys.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is "plus size" in the media so much different from real life plus size?

    I just saw article on Yahoo! about the Dove ad with plus sized models and how it actually lowers the self esteems of real life women. I agree because they consider this fit curvy women "plus size!" So they aren't anorexic, that makes them plus size?

    What I want to know is why the media tells us that anything over a size 5 is "plus size". Even in America's Next Top Model the plus sized girl is always good looking and fit and never larger than a size 8.

    Now in real life, you go to ANY store and the plus size department starts at 18! Not 8. Media is ruining real girls self-esteem.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to know your pregnant the moment it happens?

    I have heard stories from many moms that said they knew the next night after sex that they were pregnant due to minor implantation cramping or they would had a bit more discharge than usual. Is it seriously possible to feel and "know" the instant that it happens? IF that is the case, than would it also be possible for a pregnancy test to work that early as well? That doesn't seem to make sense to me. Mothers and mothers to be, I would appreciate your input, thanks.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE?

    I am looking for unique ideas for the "something blue". Any ideas? I don't want to just have the garter be blue, that's kind of boring. My wedding colors have no blue in them either (deep purple, ivory, black). I was thinking sapphire heels under my wedding gown? Any ideas or thoughts? Thanks.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What does the charge "violation of boarding and transportation" mean?

    I am looking at my fathers public records and there is a non criminal charge for "violation of boarding and transportation", does anybody know what this could be? It resulted in a very large fine, $1400. It's a non criminal charge however, if you know it would help me a lot, thanks!

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Wedding Reception Dress Code Wording?

    I am unsure how to word the dress code on my wedding invitations for the reception. I don't want it to be formal where guests need to where tuxes and suits however not casual either where guests can wear ripped up jeans and baggy t-shirts. Basically I would simply like it to be dressy where khakis and a decent top are fine. How to word something like that?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Name ideas for my new Ragdoll kitten?

    I want something unique and cute. Male, blue eyes, Ragdoll pointed markings.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Names for a male Ragdoll?

    I need some ideas to name my ragdoll. He is such a baby and kind of shy. He is mostly tan and has dark brown and black points on his nose/eyes, feet, and ears and some white.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What to say to someone that gives you a hard time about getting married?

    So many people including close friends, acquaintances, and others keep making it a mission to point out that my boyfriend of 5 years and I aren't married yet or even engaged. No matter how many times I have made it a point that it's not really their business it still always ends up coming up again. I am only 21! My boyfriend and I have been together since high school and yes normally 5 years is a good time to marry at however we are just fresh out of school and just being introduced to the real world. Half of my friends are popping out kids and marrying men they just met in college or random and have only known for less than one year. Any advice on something to say that will shut them up but at the same time not be too rude? And yes, I do want to marry this guy and have kids someday and have said this. Please help me, thank you!

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Tips for getting a foot tattoo?

    I decided I want to get a small cute tattoo on the top of my foot. Has anyone gotten one there before? How is the pain level, and what about healing? Also, any ideas on what to get? Thanks!

    12 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Boyfriends mother driving me nuts, advice?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years now and are discussing marriage and everything. His mother seems to feel that he needs to "have fun" yet and play the field before he settles down with me. She has made remarks right in front of me even, knowing I won't say anything back and cause a fight. We are planning a trip to Las Vegas this September and she didn't even want me to come along, she wanted him to bring a male friend and told me he should have one night of freedom and anything goes night. What can i do? We are very serious and he has repetedly told her so and yet she continues to do this, right now she is hoping I back out of the trip. His dad is total opposite and is nice.

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago