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Better to do 2 regular workouts or 1 extended workout?
I'm not looking for muscles or anything, just general toning and conditioning and embracing a healthy lifestyle. We own a Bowflex and I have been doing a good job maintaining a pretty decent morning and afternoon workout schedule. I typically do about 10 or so different exercises and spend about 25-30 minutes each time. I work arms, legs, back, abdomen, etc... just well-balanced. I use resistance obviously, but don't kill myself with the weights. I just want to make sure I understand this right since I am kinda new to it.
Repetition and Resistance burn fat, weight builds muscle?
Also, is it better to do both sets together (as in one 45 minute workout) or split them up the way I have been doing??? It was my thinking that splitting it would keep my metabolism going longer, but I would rather know the truth from someone who knows!
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoReset switch blew out on outlet... can I fix it?
It is a kitchen outlet so now I am down by half... my dad swears he fixed one in his bathroom and that I can do it, but I don't know how. I'm not retarded, I know to turn the power off at the breaker, but how hard is it to replace the outlet... can I do it or do I have to have an electrician do it???
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoNeed some baby names...
My son's name is Matthew Louis. My husband and I favor more traditional, strong Christian names. I am 4 months pregnant with our 2nd and will find out the sex in 2 weeks hopefully, but would like to get a start on names.
If we have another boy, his middle name will be Brannon after my dad. Spelling is not optional.
If we have a girl, her middle name will be May after my grandmother (Mae) and me (my letters mixed up!).
Any suggestions are appreciated.
12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoPossible side effect of Coumadin?
Are higher blood pressure (about 20 points) and/or lower heart rate possible side effects od Coumadin that anyone else knows about??? I know that LOWER blood pressure is possible. If not, could it be a drug interaction.
My dad has atrial fibrillation and has been on Coumadin for a couple of weeks and both symptoms have appeared though they arent listed as side effects. Is there a way it could be the Coumadin anyway?
5 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoLowering phosphate level in fish tank?
I have really bad water and now I have red algae. Is there a chemical that lowers phosphates effectively? I clean it and use the drop in pouches in the filter, etc... I just have really bad water and any help is appreciated.
2 AnswersFish1 decade agoNew Rainbow 6 help???
My husband got the new Rainbow 6 yesterday and was playing it on XBOX Live with his buddy. Is there a way to make a party (like in Halo or Call of Duty) so they can play team games together?? They spent the entire night on private chat trying to corrolate which room to go into so they could play together? Any help is appreciated.
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat do you know about Procrit-related cancer deaths?
My mom passed 5 1/2 years ago after battling a brain tumor for 4 years. She was all but stable until her last round of chemo (temadar) and a long transfusion and platelet building process that included Procrit. I have read the black box warnings coming out and am interested if anyone else believes this could have something to do with the death of their loved one. I live in Alabama and the statute of limitations has passed even though the warnings have just come out so I am told there is nothing I can do... I just want to help others now I guess. If you have any thoughts or stories, please share!!!
2 AnswersCancer1 decade agoMy 2 year old wants to see his diaper after a bowel movement. Strange?
He just wants to look at it. He is potty trained for peeing but not bowel movements. This has beeen going on since he was 18 months old. After I change him he says "See poop poop," looks in the diaper and runs off. I know there is nothing wrong with him, I was just wondering if others had the same habit or similar ones.
14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago