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T Bob
¿Es justo que comamos animales?
¿Qué creen Uds? ¿Si los animales pueden sentir dolor y sufrir, es justo que los comamos? No sería justo comer a un gato o a un perro, ¿no?
19 AnswersFilosofía9 years agoA Quote I've Forgotten?
There was a quote from an atheist I'm trying to find that I've forgotten. I searched on Google but couldn't find it. Perhaps one of you can help.
It basically talks about how the person realizes religion is false and I think he talks about the walls around him, which were like a prison, falling to the ground. He feels free.
If anyone has any idea who said this or can direct me to it I will be eternally grateful. Thanks!!
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoDo you agree with Leonardo da Vinci?
"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."
What do you think? Will vegetarian and vegan diets one day be the norm?
12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years agoMy dog died do people cope?
I'm in a college a few hours away from where my parents live. My mom called me and told me my dog was run over by a car and died. I don't know how to cope. I'll never get to snuggle in bed with him again or take him on walks or play with him. He was only four years old. He was a sweet dog. I'm vegetarian and I love animals, but the death of one I was so close to makes me especially sad. My family buried Kenny without me. How do I cope? How does anyone cope?
5 AnswersDogs10 years agoDoes anyone else feel this way?
I don't really know where else to go, as I don't know any other veg*ns in real life. I feel disillusioned, frustrated, and sad.
I was with my friends and somehow the topic of my vegetarianism came up, as it always seems to, although I try to avoid it. My friend asked me how I became vegetarian and I said I saw a documentary online called Earthlings. Some of my friends seemed interested so they watched it.
What is Earthlings? It is inside footage of slaughterhouses. It shows what really happens. There is no disputing that what goes on in factory farms is WRONG. I absolutely DESPISE when people tell me it's just my "opinion" that it is wrong. Slitting a pig's throat and letting it die slowly is torture and it's not my opinion that it's wrong. It's a fact, in the same way that slavery is flat out wrong.
My friend mentioned to me today that he had watched Earthlings. I was so excited! I thought he would be grateful now to know what really happens, in the same way that I felt like I had discovered this horrible thing going on that had been purposefully hidden from me before. I asked him what he thought of it. What did he say? He said, "Some of the stuff they did was pretty sick, but I guess it didn't really affect me. I'm still going to eat meat and stuff."
I feel like I'm losing faith in humanity. Didn't we agree that we wouldn't let another Holocaust happen again? People treat veg*ns like they're just a joke! Why? Since when was caring for other living creatures something just to make fun of? People just laugh at me and say "But meat tastes so good!" Even one of my very best friends who I adore simply shrugged off these great evils that he saw with his very own eyes as if they were nothing! One friend who watched it told me "Well I bet that's pretty rare." WHO CARES?? I don't care if it's a one in a hundred chance that it happens (which it's not)! It's still wrong!
I feel so sick and I just want to scream sometimes. I daydream about shutting down those horrible factory farms and letting all the animals free. These are simply my feelings. I don't care if people view me as "extreme."
You can make fun of me, I don't care, I'm used to it by now. I just don't understand. I used to think vegetarianism was just a life choice. I didn't realize the powerful morals behind it. Now I feel like one of those "crazy veggies" who I used to make fun of. Factory farms are truly an injustice. I know it with all my heart. I won't contribute to them, no matter how much society makes fun of me.
What do you think?
8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoGuys: Should I Go Mormon?
My girlfriend wants me to become Mormon. (She's 16 and I'm 15). She says there's not that much commitment. Should I officially join her church? Why or why not?
37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoI want to be a Wizard when I grow up..?
Hi I just read the 1st Harry Potter book. Is there a way I can start to study witchcraft. I want to be a wizard when I grow up instead of working in an office by the way im only 13.
10 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years agoOmega 3 for veg*ns......?
How do I get enough omega 3 in my diet as a vegetarian??
I was looking at a chart near the bottom of this page: I don't understand how anyone could get enough Omega 3 in their diet!
Help please! How do you all take care of your Omega 3 needs?
6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoCan all living things suffer?
What do you think? Can all living things suffer? Mammals? Reptiles? Insects? Bacteria? Plants?
Where do you draw the line? What do you think science tells us?
8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoHow to convince my family to watch Earthlings?
So I started a vegetarian diet back in March just to try it out. After about a week of being vegetarian, I came across the documentary Earthlings, which shows inside footage of factory farms. I had never known anything at all about how animals are slaughtered. I had never even thought about it before. Watching this film made me decide to become vegetarian permanently, and in May I "came out" so to speak to my family and told them I was vegetarian.
They were very accepting and asked the general question of "Why?". I told them I watched a documentary that made me decide that the way the meat industry treated animals wasn't something I wanted to support, so I gave up meat. I just left it at that, no in-depth commentary.
Now that I have thought about it for a while, I would really like for my family to watch Earthlings too. Why? Because they are open-minded, very moral people. If I were them, I would want someone to show me what I was shown. I was simply ignorant about animal slaughter before I saw it, there's no other way of saying it.
So my question is, what's a tactful way to suggest that they watch Earthlings? I care for them and want them to be informed. Please don't tell me I'm an arrogant vegetarian-overlord. That's B. S. I just want my family to know what's going on. When I found out what was going on, I was outraged and grief-stricken that so much was kept secret, and I think my family has a right to know.
Thanks for reading this long-winded question. I feel so nervous bringing it up around them because I don't want to come across as pompous or arrogant. I truly just want them to know what's going on in this twisted world we live in.
9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoCan vegans eat this....?
If I am on a vegan diet, will I get in trouble for eating lard, gelatin, or whey?
12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoHelp with New Vegan Diet?
Hey everybody I just had a question about my new diet. Some backgroundL I am a celiac so I can't eat gluten and I am allergic to soy and nut products. Also, because I am overweight, my doctor decided to put me on a vegan diet. Oh and I almost forgot I can eat beans but they give me terrible gas so I try to avoid them (Yes, embarrassing I know).
So my question is, what would a good meal be for me?
6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoIf we were all blind . . .?
If we were all blind, then we would never know about colors, would we? Our universe would be perfectly coherent though without the knowledge of colors. Then suppose one day we all gained sight and realized what colors were. Our world would have an entirely new dimension and still be just as coherent as before. Is it possible we don't have the senses to perceive certain parts of our world? What implications does this have for us?
2 AnswersPhilosophy10 years agoIf we were all blind . . . ?
If we were all blind, then we would never know about colors, would we? Our universe would be perfectly coherent though without the knowledge of colors. Then suppose one day we all gained sight and realized what colors were. Our world would have an entirely new dimension and still be just as coherent as before. Is it possible we don't have the senses to perceive certain parts of our world? What implications does this have for us?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoVegan vs. Vegetarian vs. Omnivore?
If 5 people were randomly selected from each of the above groups and were all placed in a room 50 feet cubed and were forced to fight to to the death, which team would be most likely to be the last one standing? The vegans, the vegetarians, or the omnivores?
Note: We're talking PEOPLE by the way.
7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoIf someone ate people....?
If someone thinks eating people is moral is that just their personal decision that you shouldn't be involved with? What if society deems eating people to be acceptable? Is it okay then? What if people eat something of near-human intelligence, like chimpanzees?
10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoTo save animals' lives?
If you're veg*n, is it your responsibility to try to spread that ideology to others in order to save animals' lives?
Note: Coherent, logical responses requested. For example: "Well, following these three points of argument . . . "
Rambling, thoughtless responses discouraged. For example: "That's dumb don't try to change who I am i love meat blah blah . . ."
12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoHeterosexual marriage....?
I honestly believe being heterosexual is wrong. I tell people I think different-sex marriage should be banned, but people just laugh at me. Isn't it our destiny to be gay? This world is dying because of humans. Our true purpose is to all became gay so that we will cease to reproduce and rid this planet of this abominable race. Who agrees with me?
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agoQuestion about vegan cuisine...?
I am confused a bit about what is vegan and what isn't. I was eating dinner with my parents yesterday. They were having what I thought was an assortment of meat and I was just eating a salad. I saw that they were eating chicken and I asked if it was good. They said yes. Then I pointed to another hunk of pink stuff and asked, "What kind of meat it that?" They said back to me, "That's not meat, that's ham." And I was like, "but isn't ham a type of meat?" And they replied, "No, silly, it's only meat if it is named after an animal. Ham just looks like meat." So then I asked, "What types of meat are there, then?" and they said back, "Well, there's chicken, like you said, and fish too because they are named after animals."
This was like a revelation to me. I had no idea that was true. It made since though. I don't know why I ever thought pork or bacon or beef or ham was meat. I feel so dumb. Am I the only one who has been confused like this?
I felt so happy I ate some strips of bacon and slices of ham and my parents were laughing at me because I didn't know it wasn't actually meat. Best day of my life! Being vegan isn't so hard after all.
6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoNew vegan diet question...?
So here's the deal. I'm a 23 year old female. I'm a teensy bit overweight. I'm 5' 2" and 243 lbs. So my doctor told me I may want to go on a new diet and get some exercise.
My exercise is going great, I've been lifting three lb weights for ten minutes about twice a week. Sometimes I'm really sore so I only do one workout per week. But enough about that. The real question's about my new diet.
My doctor recommended a vegan diet. I took his advice because I want to be healthy, plus I love animals. Here's a sample of what I eat each day. Can you tell me how it sounds?
1/4 cup raisins
1 tablespoon of yogurt
4 glasses of water
1/2 cup of raisins
1 piece of toasted white bread
2 celery sticks
1 cup of beet juice
1/2 cup of raisins
Bowl of Special K cereal garnished with 1/4 cup of raisins
Salad (tomatos, carrots, croutons, and bacon bits)
This is what I eat every day, except on Friday, which is my "Treat Day." Usually for dinner on Fridays I splurge a bit and get a few Big Macs with extra cheese. That's okay though because just one day a week is okay to splurge. But, I'm worried I might be eating too much the rest of the week. What's your opinion?
21 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago