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  • opinion on Ed Hardy perfume?

    I just got it as a gift, and had never heard of it. What do you think?

    It came with the free geisha tote. It's kinda creepy, not gonna lie...

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What does Christmas mean to you?

    Jesus is the reason for the season!

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • how to ask a guy to dance in german?

    how would i write ' will/would you go to Snoball with me?' in german??


    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • plucking head hairs??

    if you pluck a grey head hair, will a GREY one or one of your NATURAL COLOR grow back????????? thanks.

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • wow! big problem! please help!?

    so i was on my brothers laptop yesterday, and looking in his files cuz i have a few folders of my stuff on there, and there were 2 videos. like pornish i think. i didnt watch them (gross) but they were labled sex, and the beginning frame was of scantialy clad women. i was like whoa. then i opened up internet xplorer, and he has like 5 home pages, and all of them were like porn sites, and like sex this sex that. LUCKILY i shut it down before they loaded, but that is what the tabs read.

    so i am is serious shock. i NEVERR would have thought he would get into that. but the thing is, idk what to do. do i tell our parents? ( hes 18 and has his own house near to the college hes attending in the fall, 20 min away from me) or should i email him telling what i saw and ask him about it. or do i just ignore. ugh . i couldnt do that!! HELP!! thanks!!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • greatest event in world history????????

    in your opinion, what is the greatest event in world history from 1-1500, and 1500-present??? they can include inventions, wars, rulings, ect. and give a small reason. thanks!!!!

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • HELP.never had a guy show interest? im 16?

    so i am just about 5'9 and 130 lbs. long blonde hair and blue eyes.

    i play varsity soccer and golf. i am in band. i have strong morals and have a 4.0 gpa. i have quite a few guy friends. but i was wondering why no guy has ever show any interest in me. at all. i dont really want a bf, but i just wish someone would show interest. i dont wanna sound stuck up or vain, cuz im not. nor do i have low self esteem. i am just wondering. thanks!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how much $$ did u make at ur grad party?

    my brother had his today. he made $2175.16!!! wow. i think that is a lot. lucky him. how much did you make?

    jwing. thanks!

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • was this a healthy day?

    7:30- 2 eggo waffales with strawberry jam.

    12:00- 2 small homemade bannana muffins, some of an apple, and a homemade mango smoothie

    3:30 ish- after school i worked out: cardio for 20 min, weights for 20 min then walked home (1 mile)

    4:30- some chocolate pie thing- it was all raw and organice so i kno that was really healthy

    6:00- half a cliff bar and half a bag of those flat earth veggie chips (its a pretty small bag)

    7:00- a big salad with onions, 'maters, feta and cottage cheese, peas, corn, raisens, and a wee bit of western dressing, but mostly dark leafy lettuce

    9:00- 2 thin small pieces of cold cheese pizza, grapefruit, and a huge carrot and hummus.

    so what do you think????

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • tutoring tips!!??

    i am a10th grade girl and am going to tutor a 7th grade girl in algebra. i never have met the people. my first session is on moday. so i am really nervous, not really about the whole tutoring thing, but talking with the parent the first time (we talked on the phone about when and where to start today, but thats it). like the mom will probably be there for most of the time for the first session, right?? im just kinda nervous.

    any tutoring/parent tips????!!!! please and thank you.

    3 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • help me find a cute hair style?!!?

    so i have blonde hair, its pretty long. like halfway between my shoulder and elbow. i dont want it short. and its wavyish. but i cant just wash and go. it gets a bit frizzy.

    so most of the time i put it up in buns and side ponys. and i sorta have side bangs but they are messed up. and idk if i wanna grow them out or what.

    so if you could just send me pics of cute longer styles, thanks!!

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • have you been to the mall of america?

    i just went there tuesday. ive been there like 3 other times. i live 2.5 hours away. it was a fun day with my mom. my fav stores are forever 21, heritage 1981, urban outfitters, and h&m. what are yours?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • getting a new cellphone?

    ok. so i want a new cellphone. i have cellone/at&t. so is it easier to use my friends old phone (idk what service she has) and put a sim card into mine, put all my info on it, then put it in her phone and use hers? (is this even possible?) or can i buy a new phone from my company, and keep the same plan and such. if i do buy a new phone, from the company, and keep the same plan, do u still have to pay the origional price? (like $200?) or can you get the $30 deals (even tho it says with 2 year aggrement)?? thanks so much!!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • vintage wooden spool ideas?

    i have two old green colored wooded spools. any ideas as to what i can do with them? thanks!!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • whats your favorite ben&jerry's flavor??

    i am currently eating the new ameicone dream. it is really good. vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered waffle cone and carmel swirl.

    bu my other fav is cookie dough.

    9 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how do i go about selling my work?

    i have many pictures i think i cud sell and make some money on. i was wondering how to sell it.

    like on a website? kno any that have no or very little cost?

    i don't kno of any groups near me though. how do i find some?


    here is some of my work. im 15.

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • hosting foreign exchange student?

    well i have an oppertunity to host one for 20 days this summer

    and i was wondering if any of u have ever done this, and how it worked out.

    like i have soccer prac like 3 times a week and like 2 games a week in the summer. most of my games are like

    2-2.5 hours away (traveling team)

    so i was wondering how it all wud work out. also they need their own bed, is a futon in our basement family room enough? i think it is ok. is like a split enrty home, so its not really an underground basement. its all finished off and stuff. we spend a good chunk of time down there.

    so any tips, stories, or ideas welcome.

    oh and i have an older brother (hes 18 im 16 in the summer)

    and my parents have the summers off.


    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • hosting foreign exchange student?

    well i have an oppertunity to host one for 20 days this summer

    and i was wondering if any of u have ever done this, and how it worked out.

    like i have soccer prac like 3 times a week and like 2 games a week in the summer. most of my games are like

    2-2.5 hours away (traveling team)

    so i was wondering how it all wud work out. also they need their own bed, is a futon in our basement family room enough? i think it is ok. is like a split enrty home, so its not really an underground basement. its all finished off and stuff. we spend a good chunk of time down there.

    so any tips, stories, or ideas welcome.

    oh and i have an older brother (hes 18 im 16 in the summer)

    and my parents have the summers off.


    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • youtube uploading?

    i try to upload movies i have made and edited in windows movie maker, but it says failed, invalid format. how can i get them to upload??


    5 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago