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  • Is it illegal to post videos or images of marijuana?

    can you be arrested for posting videos or images where you are either smoking, or on camera with marijuana plants?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Are religions outgrown relics kept alive by fear?

    What are your opinions on indoctrination's last defense Fear(bribary of afterlife)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does your religion, or lack thereof impact your political party?

    because you are a conservative christian, does that mean you are a republican?(christians...)

    because you are an atheist, are you less likely to be a republican? for ideological reasons? or are you drawn to more progressive types because of your belief/non-belief.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, if you were god, 5000 years ago?

    How would you make sure people knew of your existence for thousands of years into the future.

    Personally, i would rather not have people know of my existence at all.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you you woke up one morning for church?

    and realized you were an atheists, would you still go? are you inclined to still keep going because of social factors and the need to keep up a visage?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, if god doesn't exist, then you are wasting your time here?

    because then you won, why help out the losers of the giant cosmic joke? isnt that against the survival of the fittest?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone out there who was an Atheist until recently?

    what proof persuaded you to become a theists? got any to share and help us out?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ex-Atheists out there?

    How did it get you? what persuaded you? got any evidence to share with the rest of us?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists if you were God?

    would you cease to exist, since you say god doesnt exist?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since God designed everything?

    does that mean he is responsible for the flu my neighbor caught and died from?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why is education taking a backseat to cut spending when churches, synagogues and mosques are still tax exempt?

    what sense does this make? why are we not taxing these institutions and yet we are cutting money from our most important institution of all?

    america... What the ****?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • "The only God that is deserving of Worship, is the god that would not want it"?

    theists, what do you think? worship the megalomaniacal God figure, or the God with a high self esteem?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Theists, if you found out god didn't exist, how would you act?

    as an atheist, i am my own moral authority, while you rely on god for your moral authority. would you behave as if you could not be judged and rape/murder/steal/cheat? where do you get your morals from,

    is it better to be good because its the right thing to do or is it better to be good because you have a sniper in the clouds waiting for you to make a mistake.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • creationists+ bible literalists. what you think about this video?

    if you dont have the patience to watch the entire thing just dont bother answering.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is the "Holy Bible" so immoral?

    i understand that it was written in the war torn middle-east 2000+ years ago with additions meant to patch up its inherencies, and added alot of double-speak, but it preaches till this day(the pages are still inside) that slavery is acceptable in the eyes of a "just, loving god", including sex slaves and selling your relatives(daughters/wives) and even purchasing them. it has laws of how and who to kill, even though it states murder is a sin? contradictions are all over this work of literature. it is anti-homosexuality, denies women rights and blames them for original sin. how is this book still looked at as "Holy" in any way? it seems like clunky literature that, tbh: looks plagiarized from earlier written works.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Lucifer, the Bible's first and only Free Thinker?

    He spoke against the dictatorship of God, pointed out to Adam and Eve that the state they were in was pathetic, unintelligent and without freedom, objects created solely to be the obsequious ego inflaters of a God with low self esteem. A character who epitomizes revolution, self betterment and capitalism. A character who is clearly a more moral individual than the being who created him. Never said to commit murder, never flooded the world over with water slaughtering all but 2 of every species. Lucifer was the character most associated with humility, and yet he tried to help Jesus who was on the path to suicide for individuals whom Lucifer knew all too well would not change in nature. The supposed temptations of christ states that when Jesus was fasting(starving himself), Lucifer(Satan) offered him bread, and then he attempted to give jesus a test of his power, saying if he were truly god incarnate jumping off a building would not harm him, as his rebuttal Jesus declined and said he could not, the third temptation says he offered him the kingdoms of the world, a utopia to create in his image, all he had to do was kneel to Lucifer(Satan) and know that he could not dictate the world as his father had tried(and failed). was he the only moral character portrayed in the bible? he never spoke against homosexuality, never fought against the equality of women kind, in fact he sought out women first and never committed murder. if he had his way, jesus would not have been crucified and would have lead the world to a new era. so what are your opinions of the character Lucifer in the bible?

    i understand that it is all myth but if you have read the bible, what is your input?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Lucifer, the Bible's first and only Free Thinker?

    He spoke against the dictatorship of God, pointed out to Adam and Eve that the state they were in was pathetic, unintelligent and without freedom, objects created solely to be the obsequious ego inflaters of a God with low self esteem. A character who epitomizes revolution, self betterment and capitalism. A character who is clearly a more moral individual than the being who created him. Never said to commit murder, never flooded the world over with water slaughtering all but 2 of every species. Lucifer was the character most associated with humility, and yet he tried to help Jesus who was on the path to suicide for individuals whom Lucifer knew all too well would not change in nature. The supposed temptations of christ states that when Jesus was fasting(starving himself), Lucifer(Satan) offered him bread, and then he attempted to give jesus a test of his power, saying if he were truly god incarnate jumping off a building would not harm him, as his rebuttal Jesus declined and said he could not, the third temptation says he offered him the kingdoms of the world, a utopia to create in his image, all he had to do was kneel to Lucifer(Satan) and know that he could not dictate the world as his father had tried(and failed). was he the only moral character portrayed in the bible? he never spoke against homosexuality, never fought against the equality of women kind, in fact he sought out women first and never committed murder. if he had his way, jesus would not have been crucified and would have lead the world to a new era. so what are your opinions of the character Lucifer in the bible?

    i understand that it is all myth but if you have read the bible, what is your input?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago