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  • Terminal disability pay and marriage?

    Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my question. Ok my mother recently found out she has terminal stomach cancer. And was given an approximate 1 to 2 year survival rate. Because of this she began getting SSDI. Her and my dad were wanting to get married before something happens to her as that is my mothers dying wish. My question is if they get married will thi affect her SSDI? I know that they said that because she is a terminal cancer patient they can nevr take away her benefits but I wonder if she gets married will they? Tahnks again so much.

  • If i find something is it theft?

    I was in a shopping center parkinglot today and came across an item of value approx 300 to 600 dollars in value. I walked in the store with the intent to turn it in but changed my mind. And kep this item. Is this theft. There was no one in the parkinglot at the time the item was found. So I didn't take it from them. I know what the right thing to do is so don't preach that to me. I'm just wondering what is the law in this situation.?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Clomid 50 mg...??? PLEASE HELP!!!!?

    I was prescribed clomid 50 mg. I do not have any female problems. I just don't have a regular period so its hard for me to predict ovulation. I use opks and always get my smiley face just at different times evry month. But the dr gave me clomid to force ovulation. She said it will help me in ttc. I was worried abt multiples at 1st but slowly I am coming to terms that it might happen. If I ovulate already will this increse the risk? Has anybody ever gotten pregnant with multiples on the first try with no female problems? Like no pcos?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Sister in law offered to carry a baby for me... HELP...?

    OK so i have been ttc for almost 2 years and have tried hormone injections along with clomid. Started out at 50 went all the way to 150mg. No success... My sister in law is like my best friend and offered to carry a baby for me if i didnt get pregnant within the next 6 months. I know she means well but it kind of hurt my feelings i dont know why. But i told her no because i said if she was to have a miscarriage or something was wrong with the birth we would both be upset. Like if the baby had a handicap or something i wouldnt want her to think it was her fault. I dont want that to happen to either one of us. She had 2 miscarriages before she had her son. So she has a history of it. Should i let her do it. Was i too quick to turn her down...??? Like i really dont know what to do. I really am scared that she would loose the baby and that i would be mad at her and i dont want that. Am i mean, crazy stupid?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Lochnivar water heater, Rheem thermostat?

    My water heater and element went out on my Lochnivar water heater and i went to home depot and bought a all in one thermostat and element replacement kit but it is Rheem brand. The guy at Home Depot said yes but my dad said no... Does that matter? The screws where you put the wires are in the same spot but the thermostats are a little different. But can I do that? Just wondering...

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Dealing with what would have been my due date...?

    I found out last aug that i was 9 weeks pregnant. Me and my dh had been ttc for 1 year. and now we were finally pregnant. But soon after we found out we were expecting i started having cramps and bleeding and had found out that i had miscarried. I took the miscarriage very very very hard. It was hard for me to see my nieces and nephews. Any babies. what would have been my expected due date is slowly approaching and i cant help but think about it. It really upsets me to know that in two weeks i could have been holding a beautiful baby. But im just sitting here with nothing but the pain of knowing i lost that... How do i deal? Has anyone ever had any feelings like this before?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Starting Clomid? Anyone else taking it?

    I am a 20 year old female that has no substantial health problems. I am 5'5'' and 155 lbs. I don't exercise nearly enough but i do at least once a week. I have a period very regularly once a month. But the time in between them is different every month. between 30-35 days. I have been actively ttc for abt 1 year. I had a chemical pregnancy in Aug 2011 at 8 weeks. My doctor is starting me on Clomid 50 mg this month. Days 5-9. I am wondering what is the best days for healthy eggs and what are the days that provide multiples. I am nervous about multiples because my father has a fraternal twin sister and my mother has fraternal twin sisters. I want healthy eggs. If i have multiples thats fine too but i just want healthy eggs. No more miscarriages...

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Clomid? to take or not to take?

    Me and my husband have been trying to conceive now for 1 yr with no luck. We follow my drs schedule for us for the best days to do the dirt and conceive with no luck. They say tht there is no reason for me not to be conceiving. My hormone levels are ideal I am young as is he. We are both 21... the dr is thinking abt starting me on Clomid. A low dose to hopefully help me conceive. But there is an increased risk of a multiple births with this medicine. My family has 3 sets of fraternal twins on my moms side and my ad is a twin. He has a twin sister... so the dr said with clomid my chances for a multiple birth is increasingly high. is it a good idea to take Clomid or is the medicine not a good idea? I don't know anybody tht has taken it. Any information will help...

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Pregnant but no symptoms. NORMAL?

    I am approximatley 5-6 weeks pregnant and have no signs or symptoms. Is this normal. The only thing i have is occasional metallic taste in mouth which my dr says is normal. Any body else had this. Is it safe to not have any symptoms this early on. or is it too early for them to start?

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Having the baby be the III or an individual...?

    OK well i am recently pregnant and am worried about baby names already. Yea it may be early but i would like to think about it now and try and get it over with hahaha...

    I have been with my spouse for 5 yrs. and i love him dearly. He is a junior and i do not particularly love his name. I love him so much and if i am having a boy i would love for his 1st son to carry on his name but the thought of my son being a III is crazy in my mind. He has no middle name so would it be better for me if i do end up having a boy to just give the baby a middle name to make him more of an individual or go for the III??? I am so confused... Ideas please. Or should i go for a new name entirely...?

    7 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • No period after miscarriage?

    I have yet to have a period after my miscarriage and my beta levels are 0. When should i contact the dr about not having a period??? How long did it take you? If you had this happen?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • What do you think of these baby names?

    OK so my husband loves his gma very much and i would like to treat her to naming my first child (a girl) after her. Her name is aurelia (or-ail-leah). Here are some ideas, rate tham fav to worst and give me some suggestions. It can be either first or middle name...

    Soraiyah (Sor-i-yah) Aurelia

    Gabriella Aurelia

    Aurelia Patriciah (patrice-iyah) not patricia like trish.

    Aurelia Gabriella

    Aurelia Marie

    Thank you so very much!

    And does Aurelia sound like an old lady name???

    6 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • pregnant right after miscarriage?

    ok tp start off, hello and good morning (In florida anyways), i recently had a miscarriage on Aug 12. Found out i was preg on the 10 (7 weeks along they estimated by the size of my uterus.), they did sono didnt see anything and by anything i mean a baby and said that i would probably miscarry and i did 2 days later. well i have a very sex drive en bf who could not wait so we have had s** a few times since then and he does his business inside of me. Well i just recently started to feel very tired and nauseous for a few days. Could this be a pregnancy so soon. I go to the dr thurs, but just wondering if anyone has ever gotten pregnant and carried a baby to term this close after a miscarriage.

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • miscarriage, but i feel pregnanttt...!!!?

    ok tp start off, hello and good morning (In florida anyways), i recently had a miscarriage on Aug 12. Found out i was preg on the 10 (7 weeks along they estimated by the size of my uterus.), they did sono didnt see anything and by anything i mean a baby and said that i would probably miscarry and i did 2 days later. well i have a very sex drive en bf who could not wait so we have had s** a few times since then and he does his business inside of me. Well i just recently started to feel very tired and nauseous for a few days. Could this be a pregnancy so soon. I go to the dr thurs, but just wondering if anyone has ever gotten pregnant and carried a baby to term this close after a miscarriage.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • is this a good baby girl name, SUGGESTIONS!!!?

    OK so my husband loves his gma very much and i would like to treat her to naming my first child (a girl) after her. Her name is aurelia (or-ail-leah). Here are some ideas, rate tham fav to worst and give me some suggestions. It can be either first or middle name...

    Soraiyah (Sor-i-yah) Aurelia

    Gabriella Aurelia

    Aurelia Patriciah (patrice-iyah) not patricia like trish.

    Aurelia Gabriella

    Aurelia Marie

    Thank you so very much!

    10 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Pregnant and work at a hospital...?

    OK so i just found out i am 9 weeks pregnant and work at a hospital in FL. I commonly go into rooms w isolation and very dangerous diseases. Should I tell my work that I am prego? or what? because I really dont wanna risk anything.

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What are PREGNANCY symptoms?

    Hi there, well i know all women are different so this will maybe differ from one to the other but what are some weird pregnancy symptoms?

    I was recently diagnosed with Factor V Leiden with a hormone deficiency which makes it hard to 1 get pregnant and 2 actually keep the baby.

    I have been trying to get pregnant for months now with no luck but lately i have been supppppper dee duper tired as well as full feeling down in my bikini line area. At some times of the day i feel fuller down there than others. And also i have been feeling just hungry. Like no matter how much i eat i am not full. As well as feeling nauseated. Like im not throwing up i just feel like i need to but no luck. I haven't missed a period yet. Or at least i don't think i have as i track it like a stalker. They are usually between 4-5 days but this month only 2. So idk. I don't want to waste more money on a hpt if i just am thinking these are symptoms when there really not. Just a little insight will help guys... Please and thank you.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • To get pregnant or to not??? That is the ? tonight.?

    I learned this Jan. that i have a disorder called Factor V Leiden with a Hormone deficiency. I am only 19 and so is my bf but we both have really good jobs, are buying our house already and own both of our cars. My doc basically told me start now or dont expect kids in the future. i am ready but i am uncertain about him. Should i get the hormone injections i need to attempt to get pregnant or just wait it out and hope all is well in the end. like years down the road? VERY CONFUSED>>>

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Buying a home yes or no????? GOV. help...?

    Okay well me and my bf are looking into buying a home in tampa, fl. We got approved for a 20/80 loan. 20% of the total home cost down and a loan of the other 80%. We found a house a few doors down that was great but it got swiped up the day we went to put a bid on it. We found a program called the NAP program or Neighborhood Stabilization Program.. It is a gov. program that offers homes to those who have a lower income with down payment and cclosingcost assistance on homes that are totally reno'd just in not the nest neighborhoods. We found a house that is amazing in this program but the neighborhood is not the best. It would only cost us $65000 and it is 3/1 1100 sq. ft.. Is it worth it if the neighborhood is not the best?????? The crime rate is a 4 out of 10 on violent and criminal offenses.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • shortening or lard??? for a pie...?

    im making an apple pie from scratch and wanted to know if i could use lard in place of vegetable shortening for the crust??????? what will happen???

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago