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I talk a lot, I don't have many skills, I'm stubborn, I forget easily, I can't keep attention well, I like to read, I like the computer, I like to draw, I love food, and I like animals more than people. My cat > you.
What song is this?? I've googled the lyrics and searched youtube, I can't find it!? I played this dumb little game and out of it came this wonderful song. Sounds country. It's very catchy! Any help is greatly appreciated!
2 AnswersLyrics2 years agoWhy am I waking up with small hallucinations?
A couple weeks ago a HUGE black spider was on my arm, it scared the wits out of me and I had to kill it with a bottle of febreeze.
Fast forward:
I dreamed a week nights ago about a giant black spider the size of my face. It was living in my room and I kept trying to get my dad to kill it, but no one believed me. The dream progressed, and my dad finally saw the big spider and it started to come towards him, it scared him and he fell backwards, and then it started to come towards my face on a web line. It was fast, and the moment it reached my face I woke up and grabbed my stuffed animal (don't judge) and smacked the night stand with it (I was still reacting as if in my dream). I jumped up and turned on the light, terrified, but there was nothing there. This was around 3 am.
Then a night or two later, (I'm a deep sleeper and I usually stay asleep throughout the whole night) I woke up for seemingly no reason around 3 in the morning on my right side, and 'saw' (hallucinated) a black spider on my bed. I smacked my bed with my stuffed animal, and jumped up to turn on the light. There was nothing there. I checked my sheets, pillow, everything.
Then a night later (last night), the same thing happened. I woke up on my right side around 3 am to a black spider dangling on a web in front of me. I got up, turned on the light, nothing was there.
Can anyone shed any insight on why this is happening? This has ever happened before, and everyone I talk to says they've never heard of it.
1 AnswerPsychology4 years agoMy account was hacked, what does this mean and what should I do?
So, I tried to log onto facebook and it said I was temporarily locked out because someone logged into my account from an unknown location. It showed me the IP address and said it was in Durham, NC. I looked up the IP address and it belongs to 'Time Warner Cable Internet LLC, Durham, NC' wtf does this mean? Time Warner hacked my account? I don't understand. What actions should I take, if any? I've already changed my password. I've had my first facebook account hacked multiple times by someone in NC (and again in TX) but I didn't pay much attention to it. This is the first time I've looked up the IP address shown to me.
Thanks for the help.
2 AnswersFacebook4 years agoAnyone remember the story about a man who planted toenails?
I don't remember if the man planted toenails or fingernails, but I think it was toenail clippings... I think it was a kid's story about a man who planted his nail clippings outside of his home (for some reason I feel like it was in Africa but I could be wrong) because he wanted to see if they would grow something. I'm not sure if anything grew or not...
Then again it could have been a real story instead of one in a book. I really don't remember. It's been about 15 years since I heard it, probably longer, so the details are muddy. I've searched all over google with no luck. Any help appreciated.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors4 years agoWhy am I crying so much more than before?
To start, I'm a 21 year old woman. I have been diagnosed with chronic depression- I've had it for a very very long time, (seems like forever.. I remember having it in elementary school)..
I used to rarely ever cry. I would usually only cry a couple times a year. If I did I made sure no one saw me- I would get in the shower.
But lately my "depressive states" have been longer and longer (with worse thoughts than before.. I used to never think of suicide..) and it seems like I'm crying every day and/or night. Sometimes I can hold out for a week or two but it'll just come back again.
I don't have money or transportation- I'd be asking a therapist this if I did..
3 AnswersMental Health4 years agoWhen a kitten jumps out of your arms/hands is it worse to try and catch them or...?
I have a kitten (About a month old, maybe a bit older) and I was carrying him to the kitchen to feed him and he got excited and jumped out of my arms. That's a long fall so my first instinct was to try and catch him. I don't know if I threw him off balance (he was a starving rescue so he is pretty frail/weak) or if the fall did it.. but when he hit the ground he dislocated his shoulder.. his whole arm was popped out and twisted upside down but he didn't make one little noise- no whine, no cry, nothing, and he kept trying to run to the kitchen while it was flopping around him. To say the least it was traumatic. It was the worst thing I've ever seen and my dad had to come pop his arm back in place (he didn't even act like it hurt).
So my question; In the future if he tries to jump out of my arms (and I don't have a grip on him) should I let him fall or try to catch him? I need to be prepared in case it happens again. I've been holding him tight like a baby ever since, it was so scary.
2 AnswersCats5 years agoWhy does my raccoon skull have pinkish-red teeth?
I have this raccoon skull I got from a dead raccoon a while back. I soaked it twice in bleach (for about 8 hours each time) and once in peroxide (did it in the evening, left it over night). I scrubbed the whole thing with dish soap and a tooth brush and made sure to get the teeth and such. But the raccoon has pink teeth, it's stayed this way for a few months since I've had it. I can't find ANYTHING online about it. Anytime I look up anything regarding red/pink raccoon teeth, all I get is "how to clean a raccoon skull!" And that's not what I want.
I have wondered if it was tooth decay, maybe stained from the food it ate, some disease? I don't know. I know it's nothing fleshy because it's not going away or rotting and it doesn't stink. It does, however, seem like it's INSIDE the teeth. I tried to include a picture but it wont let me.
3 AnswersDental5 years agoI have a medical question about a cough- symptoms in the details?
First and foremost: I can't afford to see a doctor. The most counterproductive comment you can say is "go to a doctor"- so I will be ignoring those comments. If this seems like something seriously I will consider scraping change and visiting a cheap one.
If it matters, I am a (almost 21) year old female. I don't smoke or hang around people who smoke (it's suspected that I'm allergic to the smoke).
With that said..
I had first started sneezing a couple days ago- but that's not abnormal, probably allergies. But then I got this cough which hasn't occurred with allergies before. It started yesterday night, but today has been the worst of it so far.
I had woken up a bit in the night to cough- very loud and strenuous coughs that sounds like the air is being forced out of me, and it will strain my chest/throat when I do it, and make my face hot. And then I started to get a pain. At first it felt like the INSIDE of my chest (right side) was itching every time I coughed (and I couldn't scratch it). Now I just get a burning/stinging in the sternum. There is a rattling and wheezing there and in my throat when I breath- and if I in/exhale through the mouth, the cough is worse. It feels like throughout the day the pain has started to move to the other lung.
Professional or experienced opinions are most appreciated, thank you.
4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases5 years agoHow do I play games that need Javascript to run?
I have games that I like to play (right now I really want to play Webearthonline like I used to) but since google and firefox and internet explorer and all those stopped allowing Javascript (because of the old "NPAPI server" or whatever (you can tell I don't know much about this stuff) I can't play all those games I love! It makes me mad
I usually use google chrome as a default browser, but I've been trying to get my games to run in Firefox (I will except advice in either of those! Even crappy Big-E). When I try to start my game I thought it might give me an option to enable javascript, but it did not. I even went to [in Firefox] About:config>Javascript.enabled>toggle: true. It said it was enabled but I still got the same error from my game "Must have plugin to play" or whatever.
Please help!! I really really want to play my games :(
1 AnswerOther - Internet5 years agoAnyone know what type of bird this is?
I live in Florida so I'm assuming it's a Florida bird. I tried to draw what I saw because I didn't have a camera, but it wont let me upload the picture, so I'll have to describe it.
The bird was small (a little smaller than a female robin). It probably would fit perfectly in my palm. It was a tan/light brown on top and yellow (neither dull nor bright) on bottom. The yellow did reach and go over the eyes. There were no markings on the bird except two pitch black ovals over the eyes. The beak and legs were a dark orange color. It was so dark I couldn't see the eyes. It was on a tree with some pollen and bees next to some female robins and cardinals.
My dad suggested Meadowlark but it didn't have any markings like the lark does.
Thanks for the help!
1 AnswerZoology6 years agoWhy has my dog started howling?
So my dog is a mixed breed (I know he has some chihuahua (the mother is full chihuahua) in him and possibly some German Shepherd (his brother's father from the same litter is a German Shepherd) and Jack Russel (which he looks most like, as seen in the picture).
Lately he's started to howl at night or when the sun starts to set. He sounds like a wolf when he does it (he doesn't start barking he just breaks into a howl out of nowhere). We have another dog and she could be right next to him and not join in. They are outside dogs and usually there is nothing- no other dogs, no police/fire/ambulance sirens, no sounds- to bother him when he starts to howl.
Sometimes he'll get up in a high place in the yard (like on top of this car topper or on this high mound of dirt) and he'll do it. My dad has a theory that maybe there is a coyote in the woods making him do it (we do have coyotes) but I don't see how that could make him howl.
Anyone have any thoughts?
3 AnswersDogs6 years agoHelp me figure out what teen/young adult book this is, please? (There was a forbidden forest and a witch)?
So there is this book I read a couple years ago, it's not an old or new book, but I think I remember borrowing it from the school... It was a teen/young adult book, I think because it was kinda a child's story but also a bit scary.
I remember this baby was kidnapped (You find out later in the book that the parents gave their second born to this evil forest witch). There was a forest that no one, especially children were supposed to go near, but this girl figured her baby brother was in the forest. Her and her best friend go into the forest and can't turn back (people in the forest get 'lost', and turned around, because when you step in the forest it's like stepping in a magic portal). So her and her friend (some boy) Go looking for the girl's brother. I remember there were talking animals (Especially evil talking wolves that worked for the witch). The kids find this town where there are a lot of talking animals, they talk to the town mayor to help find the witch.. There was a flying talking owl (king of bird or something, I think?) I remember another scene where the two kids go into a tunnel and the baby was in a cradle with crows flying around it and trying to feed it. The boy ends up joining the wolves in the queen's army, and they fight some war at a ravine or canyon or something.
That's all I remember. I'd love to know the name of the book, please! I tried google but didn't find it :/
1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years agoGerman language help?
So, I'm learning German with this App on my phone, I'm still definitely a beginner. I'm having trouble learning how to use the multiple "the"s. Die, der, das, den. And the "a"s, ein, eine, and einen. I get that ein is masculine and eine is feminine (I think), but what is einen?) I've seen it used once- Einen Apfel, an apple. Why? How do I use it? Also, how can objects be feminine or masculine, even when no gender is using them? I'm just confused and would like a little help 😊 thanks
1 AnswerLanguages6 years agoGerman language help?
So, I'm learning German with this App on my phone, I'm still definitely a beginner. I'm having trouble learning how to use the multiple "the"s. Die, der, das, den. And the "a"s, ein, eine, and einen. I get that ein is masculine and eine is feminine (I think), but what is einen?) I've seen it used once- Einen Apfel, an apple. Why? How do I use it? Also, how can objects be feminine or masculine, even when no gender is using them? I'm just confused and would like a little help 😊 thanks
2 AnswersLanguages6 years agoWhy do I eat a lot after I lose weight?
This has happened so many times before it s not funny. I will lose a good amount of weight (5 or 10 lbs) and when I realize it (usually by getting on the scale) I subconsciously start to eat more than normal. Of course I m not doing it on purpose but it seems like the moment I realize I ve lost weight, my body becomes so hungry that I need a lot of food to get full, which in turn makes me gain back the weight I lost. What s up with that?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoCan I sue for a bad root canal?
So, my dentist put in my root canal (my left bottom side, second to last tooth) CROOKED. It's not at all lined up with my teeth. It's been about a year? Maybe half a year. Now I can't eat anything hard. It's been pushing inwards (towards my tongue) and is really wobbly. It's in constant dull pain, but when I bite down, chew, anything, it hurts really bad (even down into the gum).
I have Medicaid, so I'm not so much concerned about the money but they wasted my time and their's and it's causing me pain. I can't even eat on the other side of my mouth because I have another tooth on that side that needs pulling. Change of diet is another cause of this.
Can/should I sue? What would it be considered suing for? For example; would it be called "Pain cause by dental error" (Of course I know that isn't it, but I'm not familiar with lawyer terms).
19, F, Fl, USA
4 AnswersDental7 years agoHelp! A fire ant bit my eye lid?
A fire ant bit my eye lid yesterday afternoon and it burned really bad for a few hours now there is no pain but my eye lid is completely swollen shut. I can keep it open a little bit and have blurry vision but it hurts to keep it open because the eye lid is so heavy. My dad is acting like this is an every day occurrence, so I can't get help there. What do I do? Could I lose my sight?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoGuy I like doesn't seem interested in anyone?
He doesn't seem interested in guys or girls. Pretty sure he's never even dated anyone. He doesn't like hugs or anything from friends. I considered that maybe he was gay, but he didn't show interest in guys either. What does this sound like to you guys? How do I show him I like him without scaring him off? I've known him for a long time (childhood) and now we're both adults. I've liked him this whole time.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoWhy isn't my kitten eating hard food?
Right off the bad, I'm going to tell you- if you mention a vet I'm automatically ignoring your comment and you definitely wont get best answer..
I have 4 kittens 3 by one cat, 1 by another. Two are older than the other two by a few weeks. They're all almost the age of giving away, but they're still small.
One of the kittens isn't eating hard food but his siblings are. He'll watch them but he wont even sniff the food. I get him alone with the food in case he is intimidated by his siblings, but I don't think that's it. He's completely not interested. He also wont drink water out of the bowl I set down for them, but the other two will. Earlier I put water on my finger and put it to his mouth and he liked it a lot so I did that about 10 times until he was full.
He's also very thin. His siblings are healthy and have pudgy bellies, but he is so thin you can feel every bone. The other kittens all play together, and sometimes he does but mainly he is anti-social when it comes to the other cats.
I've seen him get plenty of food from his mother. Since there are only 3 kittens they don't really fight over milk, so I'm not sure why he is so thin. I don't think he's sick because usually when a kitten is sick a mother will separate it from the rest, abandon it, or sometimes my cat will even kill her kittens if they're sick. But this time she treats him special. I even see her feed him away from the other kittens sometimes. I don't see any reason why he is so thin.
3 AnswersCats7 years agoList a bunch of random objects?
I'm drawing a picture and I want the whole page to be filled meaning I need thousands of objects in the picture! I'm talking fish, gears, compass, balls of yarn, acorns, etc. Anything besides people! The more you list, the more likely I give you best answer.
Drawing & Illustration7 years ago