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Is there something wrong with not wanting to be labelled?
I am what some people would call bi but I don't like to identify as gay or bi. I'm not ashamed of being my sexuality, I just don't see the need to label it. The problem is that people (potential partners) take this as a "oh he isn't serious" or a "he doesn't know what he wants"
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender4 years agoI just accidentally outed myself...any suggestions on what I can do to do damage control?
I posted a pic of my computer screen to a group chat for school purposes. There were tabs open for gay movies (not porn thankfully) but yeah. My friends are all homophobes...theres no way around it. They don't like gays. They are my friends because generally where I come from, it's difficult to find someone who is accepting of gay people. Any suggestions on how I can do damage control
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender4 years agoShould I take up a scholarship if someone else needs it more than I do?
I ve been offered a scholarship because of my good grades. At my university, I know of a lot of people who can t afford their tuition and accomodation. While my mom isn t rich, she could afford to pay off this years tuition in one go, and there is money saved up for next year. A scholarship would make finances better at home, but my family is fine and there are families out there that aren t. Do you think I should accept or let the opportunity pass to someone else.
7 AnswersFinancial Aid4 years agoI sometimes wish my grandparents would do I stop feeling like this?
Since my dad died, they've been giving my mom and sister hell.
We don't depend on them for anything (my dad left us enough money and my mom makes more than enough on her own) but they behave like we do. They come into OUR home and they tell us that my uncle isn't allowed here (THIS IS MY MOTHER AND FATHERS HOUSE, NOT THEIRS MIND YOU) because my granddad doesn't acknowledge him as a son (he was born out of wedlock to another woman) He and my dad were close however and still they said he can't come to the funeral or into our house.
They openly told my sister that they expected her to fail high school, and even though she did well at school, they never called to congratulate her but just because I'm the boy they couldn't stop praising me for my substandard grades.
My grandma keeps going on about how my moms family has no morals and no respect, yet my moms family was the one that rallied behind us when my dad (MY GRANDPARENTS OWN SON) fell sick. My moms relatives came from all over, some of them even moved closer to us to support us, but my grandparents chose to stay on the other side of the country and only showed up when their son was on his deathbed.
Before my dads funeral, my grandma starts trying to use me to dictate to my mom how to run her household.
The cherry on top: They claim my mom killed my dad even though we all watched him battle cancer for the past 5 years
I'm just so over them at this point. At this point, I don't care what happens to them.
7 AnswersFamily4 years agoWhy do people look at me and just assume that I don t like them?
My sisters new boyfriend and I went to high school together and his biggest concern is that he feels I have a problem with him...I ve never even had a conversation with the guy.
He isn t the first one, all my closest friends from school tell me that before they became my friends, I came off as someone who didn t want to associate with people who aren t of my "calibre" (whatever that means) and this was before I even knew who they were. I wasn t even the popular type in school, I had 3 friends and my claim to fame at school was that I always shut up and minded my own business. I was nice to anyone who approached me. I don t view my self as hostile, so why do people perceive me as such? I d
Expand»on t need anyone to like me, but I m just curious as to why I m perceived this way...
4 AnswersFriends4 years agoI Don t think Hillary would start a world war, do you really think she would?
I feel like she is just talking crap about Russia and trying to link up Trump to Russia as a campaigning mechanism and also so that she can dispute results if she looses The economic and international implications would be massive...but this is just my opinion.
Unless I m missing something (in that case someone please explain it to me) she doesn t have much to gain from a full on war
4 AnswersPolitics5 years agoDo I have to go to my dads funeral?
I don't think I can take it. I was there everyday with him in hospital, never left his side till visiting hours ended. Even when he was unconscious I was there. I have nothing to say to those people because I poured my heart out to him and told him what a great person he was a few days before he died. Although he couldn't speak, he responded with his eyes and breathing I know he heard me. I don't want to have to put up a brave face for people who've no clue what I'm feeling, I don't want to have to listen to 1 million people telling me what a great man he was because I already know.
I remember him being sickly but I don't want to see his dead body, that'll just kill me. Everybody expects me not to cry coz I'm the boy, and that's not the kind of environment I wanna be in at my own fathers funeral. I want to cry when I want to cry without people making me feel like less of a man about it.
I know I'll be judged for not going by its enough that i was there when he was alive. He won't notice my not going, so as selfish as it sounds why should I put myself through that
9 AnswersPsychology5 years agoDid my dad visit me in my dreams before he died?
I m not superstitious but it was a little fishy. This whole week he was unconscious and he died this morning.
The funny thing is that on monday morning I had a dream in which he was awake, fully conscious, and he said to me that everything will be alright.
What makes it weirder is that I there isn t another dream in present memory that I remember so vividly before this one. This dream was not a nightmare.
Is it possible for some him, or God or someone else to have warned me?
11 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years agoAre some meat eaters secretly envious of vegans and vegetarians?
I'm just trying to justify why some meat-eaters are so mean to vegetarians. Yes there are bitchy vegetarians who shove their beliefs down the throats of other people.
I don't tell anyone I'm vegetarian, even if they offer me meat, I just say i'm fine. As soon as some people find out, they are the ones who start ranting and raving. My closest friend keeps rubbing it in my face that I don't eat bacon, and how he could never give up bacon, and how I must miss bacon. A few of my other friends ordered a pizza, I said I was fine but when their pizza arrived as a joke, I was served a lettuce leaf with a few blades of grass on the side. There have been instances outside my social circle, this is just the one that bothered me the most
The reason I say envious is because maybe some of them know that they lack the self discipline vegetarians have (my opinion) or are we just treated like crap because we are different, and if that is the case, why do my dietary requirements make people uncomfortable especially if I never bring it up. I live in a family that loves meat and so as a result I don't subscribe to this dumb culture of lecturing people as to why they should be vegetarian, I do it for my own personal reasons that I have literally only actually disclosed to less then 10 people...
13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan5 years agoWhy was Gaddafi branded a Tyrant?
I've been doing some reading and I found that under him Libya had the highest standard of living in Africa, he involved his citizens in decision making more than western governments do today, a portion of the nations oil money went to Libyans, they had free electricity and interest free loans. The country was on it's way to becoming a very very wealthy nation. He housed people for free and if ill citizens couldn't get medical help within the country, the government would pay for them to go overseas to get help and above all, he was loved by his people. There is more that I don't think I need to list,
The reason I'm listing all of this is because this does not sound like a leader who is a tyrant.
I don’t know much about him but that is why I’m here. I will do more of my own research, but why the hell was he painted as such an evil man.
6 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWhy do people who are less rich feel justified in telling others how to spend their money?
1) My friend was buying an expensive pastry and the teller was complaining about how it's a waste of money and how expensive it is and how you shouldn't buy it.
2) At our university, some students drive expensive cars, and one girl was complaining about how these BMW's and Porsche's are not student cars...what the hell gives her the right to decide what a student car is.
3) I drove my dads Porsche once (I don't even have a car), and some guy i've never seen before tells me that my parents are ruining me and that now I have nothing to work.
Even if it was my car, I feel like if my parents have the money, they can buy whatever (and that's not even the case because they make me work for everything I have) What gives anybody the right to dictate the appropriate spending habits to anyone.
My parents would never buy me a Porsche, but I don't go around damning everyone who has parents that would. Why do people get so touched when other people have what they don't?
6 AnswersEtiquette5 years agoPlease help, I had sex with a guy now he thinks I want to be his friend. What do I do?
I'm a guy and We had sex once. It was one of those, "let me try having sex with another guy for experimental purposes -which I made clear to him-". I never even enjoyed it but that's not the point. Now he wants to get to know me, I want nothing to do with him. We are both in university at the same student accomodation so I can't avoid him, he texts me and asks me if he should come to my room so that we can chill.
What should I do. I don't want to be rude or mean
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoWhy do I get so angry when my friend makes new friends?
I don't know why, but each time he makes new friends I just get so angry and i don't give his friends a chance. Earlier at lunch, I almost stabbed his new friend with a butter knife when their conversation was flowing.
I hate being this way, but I can't help it. It's an issue and not my friends problem. Why does this happen and how do I deal with it. Do I need psychological treatment?
9 AnswersFriends5 years agoDear Muslims: Why do Muslims move to non-Muslim countries that aren t sharia compliant?
if you move to a country you conform, particularly if that country promotes human rights. I go to a coed school where a few Muslim parents who recently moved here are demanding that their kids be excused from "un-Islamic" activities. What the F.u.c.k??
How do you go to an area that shares non of your religious views and then expect them to accommodate you by altering their views. If you don t want to assimilate, go to a Muslim country. If I went to Saudi, I wouldn t demand to be accommodated.
I m not trying to spread hate. I just want to understand why a group of people think that they are entitled to certain changes when we don t demand them in their countries
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWould the USA still have slavery and segregation today of Mandela hadn't been the president?
He changed the course of Americas history by abolishing slavery all over the world and ending segregation, but do you think that if he hadn't been president of America, America would have kept up with slavery and apartheid and not abolish it until today...
18 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWhat excuse can I give people for being vegetarian?
I was thinking of saying i have some kind of a disease where I cant eat there such a disease.
I am not ashamed, I'm just tired of people thinking I need to justify my choices to them. I don't even like to tell people, its when they give me food and I have to tell them I'm vegetarian, then it becomes a whole conversation that I don't want to have....
Please help
17 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan5 years agoShould my school be allowed to give me detention for wearing pink socks...I'm a guy?
Like WTF. They actually tried to suspend me until I pointed out that school policy says nothing with regard to males wearing pink or any other colour. My jerk headmaster then decided that I was disrespectful in the way I addressed him so he gave me detention for "disrespecting" him.
According to my schools heads of discipline, pink socks are inappropriate on a male student and they are too feminine.One of them then went on to say something like school policy dictates that what students wear must correlate with the wearers gender, and anything that blurs the line is a violation of rules.
I am wearing pink socks, not a dress and thigh high high-heels, my pants were long so in order to see my socks you had to pay attention to my ankles.
Were they justified in trying to suspend, and how the hell do pink socks blur the line and make it difficult to tell that i am male?
12 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 years agoCan Circumcision be used as an excuse to get out of PE at school?
How long is the recovery time from the operation? it s the only thing I can think of that my coaches won t want to question
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years agoCan Circumcision be used as an excuse to get out of PE at school?
How long is the recovery time from the operation? it s the only thing I can think of that my coaches won t want to question
10 AnswersMen's Health6 years agoMy school is not letting my boyfriend and I go to prom together, what should I do?
We're 2 guys. It's not a set rule that a gay couple can't go.
When, however, a teacher was asked if it would be permitted, her response was "as long as they don't touch each other and they just behave like friends during the walk down the red carpet thing" (a rule not applying to heterosexual couples which is kind of unfair)
When it was found out that it was my boyfriend and I who wanted to go together, she decided that it isn't allowed and that we won't be allowed in. Should we just skip out on prom and not go and do something together that night, or should we fight. We live in South Africa, where such discrimination is illegal so if we wanted we could stir up legal trouble for the school, but I don't want that.
16 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 years ago