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Lv 2317 points

Tru Boss

Favorite Answers22%
  • Was Jesus really a poor and peaceful carpenter as christians make him out to be?

    If Jesus was of the lineage of Solomon, he would have come from a royal bloodline--one of the wealthiest bloodlines of the ancient world. He also spoke aramaic, which was a language reserved for nobleman and diplomats. Jesus may have been the true heir to the throne of Israel based on his genealogy. That being the case he was probably a warrior as well. The Bible talks about Peter cutting off the ear of one of his master's enemies. Those 12 guys probably used all manner of violence and diplomacy to retake the throne and give it back to the rightful owner, and it may even be true that the average jew hoped he was successful so the foreign occupying authority could be removed. Let's look at the life of Jesus in a more realistic and political light. What was the political climate like in his day. Read Messianic Legacy. Really Interesting. Hope no one is offended.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any evidence that North America was inhabited prior to the arrival of the Indians?

    Most archaeologists and anthropologists believe the Indians came to this continent across the Bering Strait between 9500 and 12,000 years ago. However, there has been much talk about the mound builders. It is believed that they were a fairly sophisticated, humanoid species that predated the arrival of the Indians. Ivan Van Sertima postulated over the mountain of evidence that suggest that even Africans, perhaps Egyptians, came to this continent and helped to found the Olmec civilization long before Columbus. What's really disturbing are the skeletal remains found inside and near the mounds of Ohio. Some reports claim they are 7 to 9 feet tall with other abnormal features. There are also reports of Hieroglyphs found in the Grand Canyon. Please give only serious answers, and if you are totally unfamiliar with these reports at least do a google search prior to posting answers. Thanks.

    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • How can we turn the destructive influence of gangs into a positive catalyst for change?

    Gangs are a very powerful force in many american cities and suburbs. In some communities they are far more influential than the city council.

    However, it must be noted that they are the only semblance of unity in places where organization is nonexistent and traditional institutions have failed an entire generation. I think gangs can be infiltrated by the forces of good and used to bring about growth and development.

  • How do American men know when they have become real men?

    In American culture there are no established rites of passage. There are no institutions that actually teach manhood. With the exception of the Boy Scouts there are no nationally recognized organizations that teach boys things like citizenship, duty and honor. So, how does one define manhood and at what point can a boy say I have truly attained manhood?? Certainly, reaching the generally accepted age of maturity is not the only prerequisite. Is it simply taking care of your responsibilities? Surely it's more to it than that. Is it being mentally and emotionally developed?? I would love to get some thorough answers......

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the whole cemeteries full of giants found in the U.S.?

    According to several accredited sources, there were burial sites of giant human beings found all over the U.S., but especially around the Hopi mounds in Ohio. Sources say that entire skeletons were found and that they were 7 to 10 feet tall with two rows of teeth. This was mentioned in several science journals and even some small town newspapers, but it was never exposed nationally. Why is a discovery of that magnitude kept a secret? What is it about the history of humanity that the ruling class would like to keep secret? What was this continent really like 5 or 10 thousand years ago?????

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why don't they teach about Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser when they teach Black History?

    Nat Turner led the largest and most successful slave revolt in history. He and his men slaughtered several slave owners and freed their slaves by force. Should he be viewed as a hero or a villain? Your answer will be different depending on how you view slavery. Regardless of that, however, don't you think the story should be told? They force our children to learn about the complete subjugation of the Africans brought to this country during the slave trade and they never mention the fact that there were several uprisings that almost led to full scale wars, especially in places like Virginia and West Virginia. Not all Blacks accepted slavery. There were those in places like Jamaica, Haiti, the Carribean and even parts of South America that rose up and successfully conquered their oppressors. The Haitians baffled Napoleon's troops. Why do they leave out that part of the story?????

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why is there a disproportionate amount of black men in the penal sysem and the U.S. military?

    Black men make up about 67 percent of the prison population in the United States and about 27 percent of the U.S armed forces, but blacks are less than 20 percent of the populace. Why???? Be nice.

    6 AnswersSociology1 decade ago