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Lv 175 points

kelly k

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  • why cant i seem to find a deeper meaningful relationship?

    So im almost 40 years old! Ive had my share of relationships (long term) and they didnt work out. Im told i look much younger and im very active so im not repulsive lol. I have many guys that i date and hangout with, climbing hiking etc and they all wanna have sex but it just seems when it comes to something deeper and more serious its just not happening, is it me..what is going on???

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Am i maybe reading into things or could he be interested?

    We met a few weeks back outside climbing, we had a mutual friend. I friended him on facebook and he messaged me. we met up again the next week to climb with other friends. We chat here and there (this on egirl i dont trust and no longer talk to) told me he messages her a that made me back off from him. Tho i dont always trust her. Anyways we climbed again in a group last week and he just kinda seems into me like when i first met him and he came to talk to me, he seemed into me. We have plans to climb again this week (friend group) just wondering if i should not have expectations or..?

  • Should i still be keeping in touch or let it go ?

    We have been friends for five years ( i dated a buddy of his tho neither of us talk to him anymore) i spent xmas with him and his roomate and we all ski/d. One of the nights i asked him to sleep in the bed with me and we just talked..nothing more and in the morning i asked him to push on my lower back cause it was super sore and he did but that was it..i was kinda hoping to see if he would make some sort of move and never left to believe he is into me as a friend. ?

  • what considers another a good support system?

    SO i am recently going through the grief process of losing a close friend in a sudden and tragic death. Im sad and need people. Im learning who my "real friends" are in this process. How do you perceive one as a true support system?

    2 AnswersFriends2 years ago
  • Was this guy not into me or am i overthinking too soon?

    went to my hometown for a visit and ran into an old friend and we hit it off. I stayed a night with him sex just kissed and cuddled. He said from the get go he wanted to visit me in my city..again he said he would when he drove me home to catch my flight the next morning. Now here we are three days later and neither of us have reached out to eachother..?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • I assume he didnt care about the relationship ending?

    We dated a little over two months and he got a second job which made him working seven days a week and no free i ended it with him over a text message..he replied with"im sorry to hear that, but i get it and understand. I hope that we can still be friends though, cuz i do care about you" sounds very passive ya?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • im not sure this guys intentions ?

    we met through mutual friends and i did not like him at first..then i started to considering he was so into me and treated me great. We started dating and sleeping together and he would text me every night and morning. Now its been almost three days with out a word and I wonder what happened. its only been a month of uis dating so is this normal?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • why do i feel weak when i fall for someone?

    Whenever im single im searching for "the one" but then when i meet someone and fall for them i get weak and not as strong as when im single..does that make sense? why is this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What is this, anything?

    Been friends with this guy for a few years and he was on the road traveling with his music (he is a musician) and i have been busy travling myself dating etc. Just recently i started getting more interested in who he is so i went to one of his gigs, now he has slept over in the past and we have kissed but nothing more ever. So after his gig recently he drove me home and we hungout and kissed..then he left and said"ill see you soon" ..he made me feel so special at his gig for he sang to me in front of everyone and talked to me from the mic. He is supposively leaving again after summer, what should i do? we are both in our 30's..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Should i reach out to him again?

    met him last summer climbing (he is a sponsored climber so pretty well known) he followed me on instagram recently and likes my pics and watches my stories ..he also responds to messages i send him right away. Not sure if i should reach out again and ive him my number or tell him i look forward to seeing him again this summer at the crag(climbing area)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • should i do something about this?

    met this guy last summer who is a sponsored climber (really well known), i too am a climber but not at his lvel etc. Anyways he recently followd me on instagram and likes my pics (he has over 35k followers) if i message him he responds right away but never initiates contact nor has he ever asked me out. Any advice? o am i taking this instagram thing too seriously?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • wow, why is this guy the way he is?

    we were friends for a couple years and about three months ago started dating and sleeping together. He isnt and hasnt always been responsive right away but i was gone for three weeks on an international trip and came back, he was super excited to see me and we hungout, i slept over his place and havnt heard from him since, he had messaged me a few times the following day but i was jetlegged. Its been a week. why is this guy so put off?

    Singles & Dating2 years ago
  • Is this something with us?

    I worked with this guy years back in another state and moved away, now (years later) we were chatting on facebook and i told him how i use to have a crush on him, he said he had a crush on me too. He said how he wished one night while we were out that he had kissed me and i remember that night and was hoping he would of. Anyways, he says he wants to visit my city now. This is something, ya?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • after how many months of dating is it normal to have the "where is this going" talk?

    been friends with this guy for a couple years and started having sex a couple months ago. Kinda wanna know what is going on

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • when dating a guy does that include sex?

    and how often is it normal to see eachother?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Should i talk to him or are his actions pretty clear already?

    ive been friends with this guy for a couple years and we then dated and then stated sleeping together four months ago, things seemed promising like he was a goodguy, then he started not replying as quick to me and friending other girls on facebook and liking their pics. He also always tells me about other girls when we are hanging out, girls he dated in the past or tried to date etc. I just dont get it, it turns me off. Not sure what to do, now i havnt even heard from him in two days

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Why is he likes this?

    we have been friends for a couple years and then stated having sex about 4 months ago. I cant tell how he feels about me if he has feelings at all. I know he is attracted to me, because whenever he sees a pic posted or i send him one he is all about seeing me. But as for any debt and respect i just dont know. He talks to me about other girls that he hooked up with in the past and they are still in his life. Why does he tell me that stuff, its so disrespectful, is he insecure and needs to feel like he is wanted or something?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • should i dump this guy?

    we have been friends for a couple years and started sleeping together/dating about 4 months ago. I thought he was different and a "nice" guy so i gave it a shot into thinking we would build a solid relationship. He is not always responsive now, he friends other girls on social media and likes their pics. He talks to me about other girls that he tried to date in the past and who he hooked up with. He even mentioned the other night a "friend" he has that he went to stay with for a night down south on a business trip and he thought he would end up with but she is too messy so he knows he could never live with her but he could live with me. I think he is too immature or disrespectful or both? some friends say its too early on in the "relationship" but isnt the beginning of things suppose to be the best and honeymoon like?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Should i stay in touch with him?

    we met about a week ago on a facebook climbing group and started chatting..we admitted to liking one another and we facetime. We live in separate countries and he is going to work for two months in another country then says he is coming to meet me. So he says it will be four months befoe he is out my way, a lot can happen in that time. Any advice? i really like this guy and seeing him on skype makes me like him more

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • should i forget this guy?

    we were friends for a year than it turned into dating with kisses then sex. Now he is the typical dude who sometimes takes a day to respond to messages and seems all wishy washy about us all together . he cant seem to make plans with me. I was giving him a chance because i thought he was diferent, now im mad i even did. any advice?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago