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Lv 57,910 points

Grant G

Favorite Answers12%
  • What song is this? (link included)?

    I don't care about the video, I just want to know the name of the song in the beginning.

    2 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • What should I do in Beirut?

    I'm going to be in Lebanon over the summer.

    I know it's a really cool place with a rich history, but I'm pretty ignorant on the specifics.

    Are there any cool historical or cultural locations that you think I should visit?

    4 AnswersLebanon1 decade ago
  • How do I add a new branch to my group of friends?

    Bear with me here.

    My college roommate & I are part of a close group of friends of 6-8 people depending on how inclusive you want to be (3 guys including me & my roommate). We often have parties in our apartment, and in the past they have been quite fun and out of hand.

    However, the alpha female in our group is going abroad next semester. In addition, without her around, the other girls are somewhat lazy and don't want to go on adventures or go partying. Everyone is still up for hanging out, dinners and so forth, but the enthusiasm to actually have crazy parties has waned of late.

    The problem of course, is that it's much easier to get a larger party going with a larger crowd that includes people you know less, if you already have 3 or 4 female friends that will show up for sure, versus having only 3 guys hanging out looking like a sausage fest when the less familiar guests arrive.

    Basically, we need to get connected to another network of female friends in addition to the current one. Problem is, we're both academically busy, and as far as extracurricular activities go I am already a member of the student senate for the men's college, so no help there.

    We need to do this without making our pre-existing female friends feel slighted, replaced, or threatened. And getting our current group of female friends to invite more of their friends is not an attractive option, as they are likely to share similar attitudes with regard to social activity. Furthermore, I feel like it would be somewhat crass and possibly even creepy to show up to a club or activity and pretend to be interested, and then immediately invite people (especially girls) to a party without first getting a chance to know them. We're not trying to hollah bitches here, we actually want to form some sort of lasting platonic relationship with a group of young women.

    To summarize, I need a way to meet girls (solely for the purpose of friendship) in college, while also not pissing off the territorial women who are already in our life.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I've been sick with flu-like symptoms for 6 days now, and have not seen any improvement. What could this be?

    My symptoms are chills, high fever, lethargy, pretty bad body aches, headache, and a cough. I am an extremely healthy individual, and have never been sick for anywhere near this long. I am currently on day 2 of a 5 day course of Tamiflu.

    I was tested for regular flu type A & B and the test came out negative.

    Anyone who has a good idea of what this might be or has had similar experience, help me out.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • How to bring law & order to an all-guy dorm?

    This is my second year living on the same floor of the same dorm at my university. Last year, I assumed that all the vandalism was just a freshman thing.

    I was sorely mistaken, as this semester I've observed the same holes in wall, water fountains ripped out, wall signs defaced, and extensive elevator damage every weekend. Every semester, including this one, this floor has vastly exceeded the damages threshold.

    I'm thinking of possible solutions for stopping the vandalism (I'm not moving to a different dorm, as this is a convenient location). The only viable and legal one I've come up with so far is to make the dorm co-ed, but that is beyond my control.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What distinguishes a college grad in the eyes of employers?

    Obviously, grades are a factor. What about internships, volunteer work, extracurriculars, etc?

    I'm a sophomore in college now, and I need to know what potential employers will look for.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Brutal medieval literature for a smart kid?

    I'm looking for ~educational books of medieval literature/history that have lots of action, and that would be entertaining to a very precocious 12 year old.

    I considered canterbury tales, but it didn't seem like something one would read just for entertainment.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why are olympic lifters chunky?

    Granted, an endomorphic bodytype is predisposed to being good at lifting, but if they have to compete within a weightclass, wouldn't it be to thier benefit to lose some fat and move down in weightclass, the same way wrestlers do?

    2 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • How should a straight guy reject an advance from a gay guy?

    My roommate is straight, but lately one of his male friends has been hitting on him. My roommate has offered passive hints about being interested in women so far to try and reject these unwelcome advances without hurting this friend's feelings, but it hasn't worked.

    So what should my roommate do?

  • What handgun fits my needs?

    I'm going to be turning 21 soon, and instead of getting drunk I'll be taking a handgun safety course, applying for a carry permit (TN), and eventually I hope to buy a handgun.

    Anyway, I've been looking at and comparing various models in an effort to figure out which one will fit my needs and budget.

    -I'm only familiar with rifles and shotguns (hunting)

    -I'm only interested in a pistol for the sake of fun and the possibility of home/self defense.

    -Since I live in a state that allows citizens to obtain a concealed carry permit, I'd like something at least moderately concealable.

    -I'd like something that's semiautomatic, reliable, and has decent stopping power. I'm willing to do whatever maintainance is required, though I'd prefer a fairly rugged gun.

    - since this is my first pistol and most likely won't see heavy use, I can't justify spending any more than $1000.

    Any pointers on specific models based on your experience or general advice would be greatly appreciated.

    20 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • If spiritual forces of wickedness are at work in the material world, then how come the nazis never used them?

    If wizardry, witchcraft, necromancy, and other dark spiritual techniques exist, as claimed by the bible, then why hasn't even one corrupt military harnessed this knowledge on a large scale for use in warfare? You'd think the soviet union would have brainwashed youth into selling thier souls to the devil in exchange for demonic weapons technology.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Marine Recon: how can I make it?

    I am 18, about to enter college. I am in moderately good shape (100 crunches in 2 minutes, 3 miles in 20 minutes, 15 pullups). I have a couple more years to prepare myself physically etc.

    I'm of moderate intelligence SAT score 2030/2400, ACT 29

    I know that it is extroardinarily difficult and a rediculously low percentage of people can actually get through indoc, but I'd like to at least take a shot at it one day.

    If there is anyone out there who has become a recon marine, I'd really appreciate any wisdom you have to offer.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago