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What do you say to someone who feels they have to change for their church?
My friend is a very strong believer in her church. Very strong. She s a great follower of Christ. But she has also feels that she isn t a great follower, because of the things she s done. She cusses, she does very minor things, on the level of lying. and while it would be great to fix these things, I m worried she is taking those things, and beating herself up over small stuff. Rather than looking at the big picture-She is a great person, and does great things. She is going on on a humanitarian aid project in the summer. I feel she is putting her faith in the church, rather than God. Is there any scripture or words of advice for her so that she knows that her flaws are okay, and God still wants her just as she is? Thanks
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoArmy/Air Force?
I am interested in enlisting in either the Air Force or Army. What MOSes present different challenges every day? I don't want to get stuck in a rutt, where I just repeat my day for several years. I want a career where I see something new every day, different challenges. I qualified for virtually any job in the AF or Army, according to my ASVAB score. Thanks!
4 AnswersMilitary4 years agoWhat's more important-following God's commandments, or a good person in the name of God?
I'm going to tailor this to Latter-Day saints, just because the example works really easy, but non-LDS, please imagine your own scenario. If you're walking down the street, and pass a coffee shop(Mormons can't drink coffee or tea) and you see a person sitting there. They look like they've had a bad day, down in the dumps, just hopelessly looking. And you decide to sit down, start a conversation, drink a cup of coffee with them, and make their day better. Do you think God is going to be happy you reached out to them, or upset you broke his "commandment"? As I said, non-LDS, please imagine your own scenario. I am sure there is plenty, but I just have a brainfart right now.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoMormons: What is your opinion on this song?
I am not Mormon, but I have done a lot of looking into the religion. I identify as non-denominational, I just love God. So I think thats why this song resonates with me so much. Tyler Glenn is a Gay (ex) Mormon. And in this music video, he take off his temple garments, symbolically. I just wanted a vantage point from a Mormon side. I don't think it's anti-Mormon, he just feels he can find God in a different, closer way. Thanks!
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years agoHow's this poem?
It often rings true,
The old adage,
“You only find what you’re looking for when you stop looking”
And with you,
It is indeed true
I turned the blind eye,
Or at least, I tried,
Didn’t work so well,
In the end I fell,
I made a million excuses,
In the end I said screw it,
Cause there was something about your glow,
Personality exuding, ready to blow
Now hold up,
I’ll ditch the cheesy rhyme
Because after all this time,
You should know
I don’t like cliches
Unlike Cupid’s broken arrow,
I’ll shoot it straight,
I hope you caught the song reference,
If not that’s alright,
I caught things that some nights, I wish I never did,
I was in places I thought I’d never go,
I didn’t realize I was lost,
After all,
All my life, this was home,
7 AnswersPoetry4 years agoFinish the last couple line of my poem?
I want to convey the message, that even though our friendship is dwindling, there's still hope to revive our friendship. here's the last stanza.
If I tried explaining this,
This, interest,
I’d get many a confused look,
How can I love someone,
But not want them to love me?
Because I recognize,
I recognize the fact that we’re gasoline and fire,
We started in grand fashion,
But will burn out as quickly as we started
There’s only so much tragedy to speak of,
And darling, we’re running out of fuel,
Thanks! :)
1 AnswerPoetry5 years agoIs my poem any good?
I just need to vent,
Maybe reinvent,
This might be a nonevent,
But i can't shake the feeling,
It’s got me bent,
My thoughts are scattered,
Wondering if they ever mattered,
Cause everything I say,
You do the opposite,
S*it’s taking me down memory lane,
Westbound transit,
Call me a pansy,
But I feel when a girl says no,
Doesn’t give a man a reason to get handsy
Yet by letting it go,
You show,
That he can fuc* you over a hundred million times,
And then you’ll still give him a blow,
Makes you sound like a ho,
But it seems I’m the only one on this goddamn earth,
That can recognize your worth,
This dude, he’s a trick,
Gonna leave you wishing for more,
When he slams the door,
After your heart you poured,
Into him,
He’ll never be happy,
And just like Kim,
Your man will go West,
And you’ll be stuck in the east,
Wondering even though you gave your best,
Why your man gave you the least,
And I’ll be stuck here,
Trying to be like yeast,
Get you to rise to the top,
And no, i don't cook,
Except for maybe the Easy-Bake,
He sees you as Easy-Cake,
Fat a*s, he can’t pass
Doesn’t give a damn about your feelings,
Even though you’re broke,
Doesn’t worry about making sure you’re healin’
And when you be up by yourself dealin’
He won’t be there,
Cause he doesn’t care,
My thoughts are scattered,
Wondering if they ever mattered,
Cause everything I say,
You do the opposite,
3 AnswersPoetry5 years agoWhats it like for a non-mormon at BYU?
I'm currently a HS sophomore looking at BYU. As the title suggests, I'm a non-mormon(but Christian). I understand much about the Mormon beliefs, thanks to a great Mormon friend of mine, who she will almost certainly be going there, which is part of the appeal to BYU. But what's it like there for a non-mormon. I understand higher tuition, Honor code, religious classes, hard to date(although if I get with this girl, which we are well on our way, it's kind of a moot point). I am very interested in the LDS faith, but just don't agree with religion in general. I completely despise the Temple Model. I will always be the red headed step child, due to my unorthodox beliefs, but I figured where else better to strengthen my beliefs than at a college full of people who have been the red headed step children all their lives? Thanks for the input.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoIs there a chance in H-E-double hockey sticks that LeBron surpasses Jordan?
Think about this. LeBron strolls through this season, like normal, and faces the Warriors in the finals(given). If anyone is going to beat the Monster called a Superteam, it's going to be the founder of the original superteam. He just did the IMPOSSIBLE and came back from 3-1. If LBJ beats GS this year, making it two straight, and KD is sent packing his bags, Maybe Curry goes and joins up somewhere else. If LBJ can win this year, and next year, putting him at 5...well geez, that's a 3Peat. Which isn't two far fetched, considering if they can get past by GS this year(unlikely, but it IS LBJ) I feel GS is going to blow up. That leaves a giant whole for LBJ to dominate the Finals for the next few years until his decline. He can realistically get 2nd in career points, top 10 in assists, top 50 in rebounds. Not saying it's likely, but I think it's possible. what do you think he needs to do to have a leg to stand on in the GOAT argument?
1 AnswerBasketball5 years agoI want to join the military, but I'm scared?
I'm a high schooler, and as of now, I plan on enlisting in the reserves/guard, do SMP with ROTC, and get my commission as an officer after college. Recently, I watched Saving Private Ryan for the first time(Don't hate, I know, I'm horrible. Instantly one of my favorite movies, though). And I understand that war isn't like that anymore, people aren't dropping dead all the time. A lot of it is sitting and waiting. But it has put some thoughts into my mind. As much as I want to serve my country, the idea really scares me. My question is really directed at veterans-what kept you going? What made you want to enlist despite the fears? How did you overcome those fears? I feel that the service could be really good for me, but I also don't want to die. I understand the odds are minute, but that is always in the back of your mind, is it not? Also to the veterans, thank you for your service.
4 AnswersMilitary5 years agoGood military movie?
I am looking for a good military movie. But less emphasis on the battle. I'd rather get to know the characters, think about their internal battles. Any ideas would be great. :)
4 AnswersMovies5 years agoWhat bonuses are the Reserves and Guard handing out right now?
I am a High Schooler, looking to enlist in the Reserves or Guard while I do ROTC in college, and then go to AD. I got my ASVAB scores back today, and qualified for nearly every MOS available. Which ones are in high demand, that I could get a bonus for? Or what are they giving bonuses out for right now in general? I am not doing it for the money, I might add. Due to family issues(not "I don't like my parents, more like I have a restraint order against my father due to him having mental health) I will likely be living with my brother soon, and he just graduated high school, so money will be tight. $3000 bonus would mean the world. So to reiterate,what jobs are in high demand right now? Thanks
3 AnswersMilitary5 years agoCHRISTIANS: What do you think of Mormons? MORMONS: What experiences do you have with other Christians?
Christians, do you think Mormons will still be saved, just as you would? How do you view Mormons in general?
And Mormons, how do you feel you are received by other Christians? Do you feel like the black sheep of the family? Do you ever feel that you are treated inferior by other Christians?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoDoes Hurricane Matthew have the potential to be close to Katrina?
I live a little north of Daytona Beach, and we are picked to get hit the hardest out of everyone in the whole state. I'm only about 7-10 miles inland, but haven't been given a mandatory evacuation. Should I leave anyways? We are projected to get heavy rain from 8 AM to 11 PM tomorrow, so I am very worried. Florida has never had a hurricane of this magnitude north of West Palm Beach and they are saying this is Florida's version of Katrina. Is that true?
4 AnswersWeather5 years agoI believe in God, but don't agree with religion? Is that common?
I recently found God after long while of being away. I used to be hung-ho all Baptist to the core. But this time around, I really don't believe in religion. I am of the opinion that religion in many ways is corrupt.I tried explaining my views to my very good friend, actually a girl I fell in love with and actually drew me to God. And she happens to be Mormon, so when I said I believe that man corrupted not only the Bible(blasphemy or truth?) but also corrupted the Book of Mormon(never read it, but it is still a book of lessons, yet has been affected by man, well she took a bit of offense to that, justifiably so. I just told her I don't believe the two most important books in the world to her faith, I don't entirely agree with, regardless of the content, they were affected by man. So my question, is how do I express my views that I don't agree with religion, regardless of denomination, but yet I still love God? Thanks
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoTips for a church tour?
Some background information. I'm 16, grew up baptist, and I really haven't been very religious the last few years. but lately I have been talking to my really good friend, who's Mormon, about religion. Super, deep, deep conversations about it. We talked about our differences, between baptist and Mormon, and I realized something. We just did something that most adults can't do. We talked about religiion peacefully. And I had this idea. I want to travel to different churches in my area, of different religions, and film a mini-documentary on my experience. So far, the denominations/religions I have decided to study, are Baptist, Mormon, Catholic, Methodist, Judaism, and Islam. So I want to go around to different churches, and just sit in and understand their basic beliefs. And show that at the end of the day, they all preach love. My question is, "What questions should I ask the church members when I'm there". What things make YOUR church unique that I should highlight in the documentary. And how long do you think I should stick to each church? I have plenty of time, so If I stayed at each one for 3 weeks to a month, that would take about half a year. Any other ideas to make this successful would be greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoIf I join the military, am I automatically emancipated in Florida?
I know in some states, it's grounds for automatic emancipation. Thanks
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years agoCan I go to my high school graduation during AIT?
Im currently a sophomore in High School, but I am hoping to enlist in the Reserves, most likely Army. My optimal plan is the summer between Junior and Senior year, go to basic training. Hopefully I will be ahead on my credits after that and will be able to graduate after my first semester of senior year. And then after that, head off to AIT. Problem is, I would be missing out on my graduation. I doubt I could get a waiver to go for something like Prom, but is there any chance I could get an opportunity to go to my graduation? Im hoping to enlist as a 31B(military police) and their AIT is about 21 weeks. That would place my graduation towards the end. so is there a possibility to leave really early that Saturday morning( my schools graduations are always on saturdays) and then come back the next day? Thanks
4 AnswersMilitary5 years agoCan't get rid of feelings for old friend?
I really cared about this girl. We were really good friends- her, my best friend, and I were almost always together. Eventually, her and my best friend, got together. This was last October or so. They had their thing until February. And since all three of us played basketball, we were around each other, every weekday evening for practice. I ended up developing feeling for her. And this was the most pure feelings I've ever had for someone. I didn't care about her body- at all. She was just such an amazing person I could talk to forever. And at the time, I repressed my feelings out of respect of my friend. Their relationship ended in February, as did basketball. I never told anyone about my feelings, it was my own secret. In the spring, we did track and field together. And my repressed feelings began to surface again. Problem is, I learned in February I would be moving across the country.So I forced myself not to approach her romantically. I moved over the summer, as planned. And we were talking a lot. We ended up talking for 4 hours straight one night, and she told me about how one of our friends messed with her heart and screwed her over. And for the first time I told her I used to love her but made it clear I didn't anymore. But I feel like I was lying to myself and I still do love her .I don't know how to accept that the logistics just don't work. We still talk a lot, nearly every day. About relationships, sports, family, whatever. Opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoCan't stop loving my friend?
I really cared about this girl. We were really good friends- her, my best friend, and I were almost always together. Eventually, her and my best friend, got together. This was last October or so. They had their thing until February. And since all three of us played basketball, we were around each other, every weekday evening for practice. I ended up developing feeling for her. And this was the most pure feelings I've ever had for someone. I didn't care about her body- at all. She was just such an amazing person I could talk to forever. And at the time, I repressed my feelings out of respect of my friend. Their relationship ended in February, as did basketball. I never told anyone about my feelings, it was my own secret. In the spring, we did track and field together. And my repressed feelings began to surface again. Problem is, I learned in February I would be moving across the country.So I forced myself not to approach her romantically. I moved over the summer, as planned. And we were talking a lot. We ended up talking for 4 hours straight one night, and she told me about how one of our friends messed with her heart and screwed her over. And for the first time I told her I used to love her but made it clear I didn't anymore. But I feel like I was lying to myself and I still do love her .I don't know how to accept that the logistics just don't work. We still talk a lot, nearly every day. About relationships, sports, family, whatever. Opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago