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im a 30 year old mother of one and love it.
do state tax returns get deposited every day . im in california?
2 AnswersUnited States6 years agowhen should i recieve my refund mailed my tax return feb 27 and goingto have it deposited in my savings account?
if i mailed it it feb 27 how long oes it usually take to have it deposited in my savings account i usually have hr block do it electronilly but this year i had someone do my taxes and i mailed it in . if for some reason i should recieve more will the irs fix it .
1 AnswerUnited States6 years agowhat kind of medicine can i give my 3 1/2 son?
for his cough. hes been coughing all night but when we went to rite aid we asked the pharmacist and she said there's nothing his age appropriate. just dont like seeing him coughing so much and hes running a little fever but i have medicine for that
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years agoanyone with a dd for feb 14?
get there refund today in the morning just wondering . i have a dd for tomorrow , lets hope we all get it. i filed the 30th and just Friday i got my dd for the 14th
4 AnswersUnited States9 years agowhen should i receive my state taxes for ca?
its getting sent in the mail check . i filed jan 30th.
2 AnswersUnited States9 years agoanyone that has been getting a 9001 code on the?
wmr site getting a up date on the site yet. i just checked and its still saying cant provide any info for your refund and giving a 9001 codes still just wondering.hoping tomorrow morning i might get a up date
2 AnswersUnited States9 years agodoes the wmr site update in the am or?
pm on Wednesdays? just wanted to know cause im hoping for a update. i filed taxes jan 30th and a few days after wmr said i had a dd by feb 14 then a day after it just say they have no info on my refund and got a reference code 9001. hoping for some good news tomorrow.
4 AnswersUnited States9 years agoanyone that has been getting a reference 9001 on the irs site?
have you got any thing different . i went on and says its down now. just wondering . i was really worried but looking on here a lot of us have gotten the same 9001 reference code . i filed on the 30th than the first it said i have a dd around 14th then yesterday received the 9001 code
3 AnswersUnited States9 years agohas anyone that has gotten a 9001 reference code?
went back a checked it and has been giving a different message or a dd date? i know i need to stop worrying but just hoping that im still going to get my refund soon. i have been filing the same for the last 3 years and haven't had any problems
4 AnswersUnited States9 years agowhat does this mean referring to the 9001 reference number?
i got a reference code number 9001 and when i looked it up it saysRefund Status using a secondary TIN. Refund Status could not be returned. Get a Primary TIN Analyze account and follow appropriate IRM. what does this mean
4 AnswersUnited States9 years agois anyone else getting this message on the wmr site when checking refund?
We are sorry, we cannot provide any information about your refund. For more information, please continue.
Please read the following information related to your tax situation:
Tax Topic 152, Refund Information
If you have questions or need additional information, please have the following on hand when you call:
A copy of this page.
A copy of your tax return.
The Social Security Number, Filing Status, and refund amount claimed on your return.
The date you mailed your return.
Please mention reference number 9001 to the IRS Customer Service Representative.
IRS Hours of Service:
Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
1-800-829-0582, when asked for an extension, enter 362.
From outside the US call 267-941-1000.
TTY/TDD: 1-800-829-4059 . does this mean im getting audited
2 AnswersUnited States9 years agodoes anyone know what the reference code 9001?
means on the wmr site. i have checked it since yesterday and its saying that there is no info on my refund and to cal the number and tell there person on the phone 9001. but a few days ago it was saying i would have a refund by the 14th
5 AnswersUnited States9 years agoanyone file on the 30th do you have a dd date?
has the site gave you a dd date. mine first said the 14th but today it say cant give any info just hoping the sites down thats why its not giving me a dd date. and it said i should get it my the 14th not that i have a actually dd date.
3 AnswersUnited States9 years agoanyone is that check checked the irs site?
today not getting any info when they should get there refund/ i filed on the 30th and a couple days ago i checked the irs site and it said its being processed i should receive it by feb 14th now i checked today and its say can give any info and to call a rep and i should have a social ready my filing status and amount im receiving on hand . im just wondering whats going on maybe cause the updating not sure. just hoping there's no problems with my taxes. i went to hr block and im having my money downloaded on my emerald card
4 AnswersUnited States9 years agowhat the best medicine for a 3 year old?
thats has a very bad cough and fever. the cough sounds really bad and when he coughs he cries cause it hurts just not sure what to give him i have been giving him children tylonel but it doesnt seem to be helping im going to call doc in morning
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoshould i keep my cat inside tonight?
so long story short my cat ran away about 2 months ago and we started seeing her at a house 7 doors down from us she lost all her weight and looks hungry so tonight i went down there and she came run up to me and rubbing agaisnt me so i walk home with her following me the whole time shes back in my house i feeh her but shes crying alot and does try to get out when i open the door. i have been holding her and petting her and she purrs but still crys alot. just wondering should i let her go outside or should i keep her in so she can get use to everything again
7 AnswersCats10 years agodid you ever have any problems with the nuvaring birthcontrol?
well im going to put it in today and im alittle nervous. for some reason im scared its going to to up to much and i wont be able to get it out. did you have any bad side affects from it. i have never been on any other birth control other then one shot of the depo a long time ago. im also going to use condoms the first month . just wondering sine im going to bbe changin it every 1st did you get your period. once you did want childern how long after taking out the nuvaring did you get pregnant . i just lost my right tube cause because 2 ectopic pregnancy in a 2month time period but im about 2 years i do want to try for another child
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago