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  • Does anyone know what the new rule is?

    on the helmet rule? I know if the ball carrier loses his helmet the play is whistled dead. What if a defender loses his helmet does that also stop the play? Does the clock stop if a player loses his helmet. Teams could use this as an extra timeout if it does stop the clock. If it doesn't stop the clock that could be an advantage to either the offense or defense depending on the situation. What if a RB is heading to end zone but some linebacker loses his helmet, does that stop the play? I can see some problems arising from this new helmet rule. What say you?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Colt McCoy was quoted as saying.....?

    "I will never lose to the Broncos." Do you think McCoy is the Kryptonite Cleveland needs to finally beat the Broncos? The Browns are due as i don't recall them ever beating the Broncos, feel free to correct me if im wrong.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • If Clausen is available at the 11th pick?

    Should Denver draft him? What if Dez Bryant is there as well do you take Dez over Jimmy? Or maybe go defense and pick up Derrick Morgan or Navorro Bowman. It's unlikely Clausen would be there at the 11th pick but anything can happen, who would have thought Mcnabb would have been traded to the Skins? This is an extremely deep draft and could be one of the best draft classes in a long time.

    BQ - Who do you want your team to draft?

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why is it that someone can bring up Buddah....?

    Or the Dalai Lama or Native American gods or Greek gods it's fine and interesting even if your a non believer but if you say Jesus a lot of us, especially non believers talk down to you or try and make you feel stupid for believing. I don't claim to have all or any of the answers but it seems like the Atheist come on here like they do know all the answers. Do you really think you have all the answers? You can believe that all the wonderful things on earth and in the universe just happened by some sort of cosmic accident but you can't believe in a higher power that created the universe?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Your welcome Saints...........?



    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did you hear about the new reality show with Big Ben and Kordell Stewart?

    It's called "SMACKING HOES AND TWINKLE TOES" In the first episode Big Ben smacks a hoe while Kordell paints his toe nails with red sparkly nail polish. The Hoe and Kordell decide to go have a girls night out and Big Ben follows.....That's when things get crazy. Tune in to find out what happens.

    Steeler QB's, got to love'em.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • In case you didn't know or were caught up in the OT rule change?

    The NFL will permanently reposition umpires to the offensive backfield beginning with the upcoming 2010 season, in a move designed to protect its most vulnerable on-field officials.

    Do you think there will be more holding calls now? Historically the offense has been able to get away with holding but now the Ump has a different view of the game. What other parts of the game can you see being affected by moving the Ump?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Elway or Montana, who would you go with?

    I have asked this before just want to see what the gallery thinks now? Let's face it, if it wasn't for Bill Walsh Montana would just be a state. Elway had Reeves and a bunch of no names. Yet Elway still managed to play in 5 SB's, granted Montana has 4 rings but he had a ton of help around him. Imagine if Montana played in Denver and Elway played in SF. Elway would have 6 rings or more and Montana would have 0, well maybe Shanahan could have got him one...maybe. If you think Montana was better what is your argument for him, other then he has more rings cause i already poked holes all through that argument.

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks the USA?

    is destined for gold? I know you wont admit it Canada but you know this to be true. I'm sure it will be a great game. I see Canada getting frustrated and taking some stupid penalties allowing a PP goal for the US. Start preparing for the lose now Canada it will take some of the venom out of the bite eh. HA! USA! USA! USA!

    I love this game.

    7 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • How will the Canadians feel?

    When the USA wins gold in men's Hockey and celebrates like the Canadian women did? I think it's great the way the women celebrated, it will make it that much better when the USA parties on Canadian ice with their gold medals around their purple headed warrior. HA! GO USA!!! Btw, i hope it's a USA/ CAN rematch for the gold, it will be that much sweeter.

    8 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Which team is NOT going home with a medal? (Mens Hockey)?

    Canada or Russia? I say Canada just cause all the crap Canadians have been talking about the USA team. Just so you know the goalie is the most important player on a hockey team. I could careless how many shots Canada took. Sure Miller is a big reason the USA won that game but we also scored 5 goals. Make all the excuses you want, whatever helps you sleep at night Canada.

    5 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • When keeping it real goes wrong (African American history month)?

    Did you know there is a very good chance your ancestors were sold into slavery by another African tribe who enslaved them, tied them up and beat them, killed the weak ones and raped women and children. Then sold to a white man with a boat off the coast of Africa.(just keeping it real) Before you criticize the white man and their history maybe take a look at your own. Ask yourselves why are the black communities, countries and nations poor, crime invested areas. ie. Haiti, Rwanda and much of Africa. You can make the white man the scapegoat and hate him until you turn blue but do you really think that is going to solve any problems? I will be the first to admit the USA would not be as strong or be considered a "super power" without the African American influence that helped build OUR strong nation. TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What did you think of the mens hockey game last night?

    I LOVED IT!!! What a great game. After the game winning shot in OT by Carlson you could hear a pin drop in that coliseum. I imagine that was a tough lose for Canada but it was a great win for the USA. Congrats to the USA hockey team you deserve it. C'mon home boys and show us that GOLD! USA!! USA!! USA!!!

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • What are the chances Mcnabb....?

    ends up in Denver? I'm sure he is frustrated and wants a fresh start. Eagle fans don't appreciate him anyway. I think he would bring home another championship here in Denver.

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Do i sign the back of the Money Order where it reads "Endorse Above This Line"?

    Or is that for the company who receives it?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why is it when blacks have there own groups...?

    It's called supporting your own race or ethnicity? You have the NAACP, BET, UNCF, Black History Month, All Black Colleges. But if there is an all white group it's automatically considered racist? Also i have been discriminated against because i am white so racism goes both ways. Why should i have to pays for the sins of my great great great grandparents? I have taken African History and know Tribes would enslave other African tribes and rape and kill women and children. They were just as ruthless if not more so then there white counter part. Contrary to popular belief "white" people did not invent slavery. If indeed Africa is the mother land it looks like Africans came up with the concept. We have way to many victims and not enough people to stand up and take responsibility. Look in the mirror and ask yourselves "Instead of blaming others for my problems, what can i do to better myself and the world around me?

    15 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • AP over/ under 140 yds rushing against the Saints?

    I say over and the Vikes win.

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Do you think the Nuggets can make another run...?

    At the WCF? I thought they were the better team last year against the Lakers unfortunately i don't think the Nugget players thought they were better. Kobe's back injury will linger all season and that could be the psychological advantage Denver Needs to get over the hump.

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Why are black on white crimes down played in the media?

    Why are black on white crimes down played in the media?

    It seems the blacks feel like they have a sense of entitlement, like the whites owe them because of what happened hundreds of years ago. The article below is eye opening.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Why are black on white crimes down played in the media?

    It seems the blacks feel like they have a sense of entitlement, like the whites owe them because of what happened hundreds of years ago. The article below is eye opening.

    19 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago