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  • National Minimum wage UK - over 50?

    My Dad was recently made redundant and is a little confused over pay rates. He thinks that there is a separate wage bracket for the over 50's. I can't find anything about it. As far as I knew the brackets were 16 - 17, 18 - 21 and 22+. Can anyone clarify this? Thanks.

    8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Crested Gecko temp help?

    I've had an exoterra 45x45x60 vivarium set up for 2 days, and hopefully picking my Crestie up on Tuesday. This will be my first reptile.

    My thermostat sensor (which is in the substrate, which I thought was odd, but thats what the instructions say) is set to about 24C. My thermometer (which in all fairness is at the top of the viv) is saying around 16C. Now I know they need a warmer spot, and a cooler spot, but is this too much of a difference? Not having a problem with the humidity.

    4 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Changing hair colour from green back to brown?

    Right. I hope someone can help!

    I currently have a dip dye (green) and my natural hair is brown. I've been dying it all sorts of colours for years. In about 6 years I've had it fully brown for about 9 months, before I decided to get the peroxide out again.

    Now, I do love my hair, but it needs to go. Firstly, because I hate my job and I want a new one, brown hair will help. Secondly, it clashes with my bridesmaids dress! Ha.

    Last time I dyed it back, my hairdresser was awesome, and cheap. She has since disappeared (shop randomly closed last year, I only found out when I went for my appointment!). Now, I can't really afford to pay £100 for a colour correction, nor do I trust the hairdressing college (Although they cut it nicely, this is 8 inches of green!).

    I'm guessing this isn't something I can sort myself... what do you guys recon? Fork out, trust the trainees or buy a box and hope for the best?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Nintendo 3DS XL free game download problem?

    I'm trying to claim my free game for my DS. I have the code but its just not accepting it. I had problems registering the console in order to claim the free game in the first place...

    Anyone else having this problem? The error code information (0071212) is'nt very helpful either!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Allergies and Hedgehogs?

    I'm looking into getting a pet hedehog, but I'm struggling to find good info on all aspects of them, most importantly allergies.

    I've kept rats for a few years but developed a severe allergy to them. I've put up with it, as I wont let my allergy become more important than my pets, but decided not to get anymore. I was down to 2, and one died last week. So my remaining rat is being rehomed this weekend.

    Anyway, I cant imagine my life without a pet. I seem ok with the usual rabbits etc but I dont want to risk it. I have heard that hogs are ok for allergies, can anyone confirm? I dont mind a little sneezing during clean outs, but being on 4 pills, a spray, and an inhaler as I am with rats is a no!

    And if anyone knows of any reliable, UK based hog forums that would be great :-)

    3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Dizziness when standing up?

    I work in a large shop and often find myself in the stockroom and stacking shelves, so I do alot of kneeling down and standing. I only work 5 hours a day (no break), but find myself getting dizzy and seeing flashing lights when I go from kneeling to standing. It doesnt matter weather Im hungry or not,and I always eat a large breakfast before I start.

    Im 21 and physically fit, no other health problems. What might be causing this? And is it worth seeing a doctor, or is it just one of those things?

    8 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • JSA - Starting work, travel expenses.?

    I have been unemployed for 2 months since leaving University. I have just been offered a job, to start on the 1st October. I am signing on tomorrow, and will let them know then.

    My question is: when will my money stop? I won't get paid until the 26th, and in the meantime I need money for travel (uniform is provided thankfully). I don't think I'm entitled to the back to work bonus either, as I've not been unemployed for too long.

    I will need roughly £80 for travel in my first month (£4 for my return bus ticket, 5 days a week) unless I can find a cheaper alternative, such as a weekly/monthly ticket.

    Will the Job centre help me with this? I'm worried that my money will cease and I wont be able to get to work or eat!

    Also, will my claim cease from tomorrow? Or will I get my 2 weeks money as usual on Tuesday?


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • 3DS WiFi Connection Issue?

    My 3DS connects to the internet fine when I am playing Pokemon White. I have just tried to use the GTS and other WiFi features on my 3DS with Soul Silver, but I get error code 51099.

    If I do a connection test through my 3DS settings, the connection is fine. If I do it through the options on the Soul Silver menu, it says there is no compatable access point...... help!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Americans! Do you get this much coverage of the UK elections?

    Just wondering, as we've had a lot of coverage of it the last few weeks, its been on most TV news updates that I've seen.

    Do you hear loads about our elections, or any other British news?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Using Android as an internet hotspot for DS Lite?

    I've just got my Samsung Galaxy Ace working as a hotspot for use with my DS Lite (As it wont connect to WPA internet).

    I'm on 02 and get 500mb internet a month. Can anyone estimate how much internet playing multi-player games would take up? (E.g, Mario Kart, Pokemon trades etc). Obviously I don't want to use it too much and have extra charges on my phone bill. Luckily I mainly use my home WiFi on my phone anyway, so have most of my internet allowance left over each month.

    I have no clue about these things, in fact I'm amazed i even managed to connect it in the first place!

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Exclusive Pokemon for Emerald and Platinum?

    I'm trying to complete the National Dex on White before the sequels come out. I have all the Kanto, Johto and Unova Pokemon.

    Is there a list anywhere of Pokemon exclusive to emerald and platinum? By exclusive I mean you can't get in Unova, only in Hoenn and Sinnoh exclusively. I can only find lists which show the Pokemon exclusive to each game within a generation, not across all games.

    It will make life a lot easier if I know which games to hunt on, rather than ending up having duplicates on various games before I transfer them all over to B/W 2...


    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago
  • Ear Lobe stretching, when to go up a size?

    I'm not new to body modification, but this is the first time I've tried to stretch my ear lobes.

    I've had my ears pierced for over 10 years, and I've been wearing a 1.6mm cone for 5 days. They're totally comfortable now, and will slip out easily with the thicker end first. My friend who has had hers done before said not to go up a size for 2 weeks, is this correct?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Overdraft, loan or credit card?

    Long story short, I had joint account with my ex, for rent and bills etc to come out of. When we split he got spiteful and went over the overdraft limit and ran up debt before I had the chance to get my name off the account. (as well as trashing the flat, forcing me to lose my deposit :/)

    He keeps promising to sort it out with the bank, but its now been 2 months and my credit rating is plummeting. I've decided to sort this out myself, I cant wait any longer.

    The debt isn't a lot, just over £500. I'm really confused as to what would be my best option.

    My Graduate account will allow me to have another £500 on my overdraft, but it will have to be payed by February. As I'm one of the millions of unemployed graduates, It's not certain that I can (and in case anyone wants to give me a lecture about working, I'm applying for everything from graduate positions to cleaning jobs, with no avail).

    What is generally easier to manage, credit cards or loans?

    I'm new to all this banking stuff, I really don't have a clue. I don't want to pay monthly, as they he may be able to withdraw the money, so I'll end up back at square one, I want to pay it in full and have my name off straight away.

    My mum has also offered to lend me half, which would be a massive help, but I'm 21, I don't want to rely on my parents anymore.


    1 AnswerCredit9 years ago
  • Duck - Serving suggestions?

    Just bought some duck thighs. Never cooked it before!

    Can anyone suggest what to serve it with? Are there any simple sauces I can make to go along side it?


    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Not on his list of priorities?

    I'll try and keep this short. I met this guy a few years ago through work, but at the time i was in a relationship, then he was etc, so we were just friends. About 6 weeks ago we started seeing each other. Its very early days, but I thought things were going well.

    The problem is that I dont really feel very high on his list of priorities. He does have a lot of friends and takes various classes which keeps him busy. He lives about an hours drive away (for him) and I don't drive, so we see each other once a week or every 10 days or so. He had a week off this week, I saw him Monday and thats it. He seems very reluctant to set a date when I can see him again. Usually I would take that as a brush off, but he still texts me a lot, and calls me in the evening.

    We were discussing (via text) yesterday what we were going to do next time, weather I go to wales, he comes here or we meet half way. I said, (trying to give him a hint) 'Maybe you can take me on a proper date this time :P'. This is because our relationship hasn't really evolved since we were just friends, except for kissing and holding hands, and more communication. We've never have a nice meal out etc. He just changed the subject.

    Am I just being over sensitive?

    How do I go about asking him where I stand, without sounding pushy? I really worry that I've ruined an awesome friendship. I understand hes busy, but surely on his week off he'd want to see me more than once?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace delivery reports?

    I have activated my delivery reports, however when I check to see the status of a sent message, it says 'requested'. What does this mean? It doesn't change even when I know someone has received it...

    I'm on 02 UK. Thanks :)

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago