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I'm very quiet in person, so i prefer to talk to people through the computer. i love to help people. I defend others, but when it comes to defending myself, forget it. i just can't do it. =[ feel free to add me as a contact. i'll probably add you as one of mine. It's really hard to describe myself. is anyone else having this much trouble? oh, and i'm an introvert. feel free to send me an email!
Which cuff links should I buy?
Silver and brass
Straight silver
The recipient tends to lose things and the mixed metal comes with a gift box. However, if it's of a lesser quality I'll go with the straight silver in a heart beat. What do you think?
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoParents have forbidden me to date my half black/half white friend...?
I'm 15, almost 16, and care very much about a boy who is a year older. He's very intelligent, my religion, musical, respectful, and treats me the way every father wants his daughter to be treated. The "problem" is that he's half black (I'm white). (Note: his name is Jacob)
My mom met him several weeks ago (knowing that we wanted to be more than friends) and liked him quite a lot. She wasn't fully comfortable with his race, but she believed she'd be able to get past it. She even said that I "could do a lot worse".
My dad found out a few days later. He wasn't okay with it at first, but then he said he'd give Jacob a chance. That's all I could ask for and I was ecstatic. This occurred on a Friday night. The following Monday when I woke up, my mom told me that they had both changed their minds and that they thought it best for us to be just friends (in a way that meant that I didn't have a choice). Apparently, they decided that I'd be labeled as white trash and that white guys wouldn't want to date me after I was Jacob's girlfriend. They're afraid that all the black guys would see me as the white girl who will date black guys, and I'd become some sort of trophy. (My high school is 65% black) My Dad convinced my Mom of this. Otherwise, she'd still be perfectly okay with it.
From experience, I know that my friends (most of whom are guys) wouldn't care who I dated and would still consider me "date-able". They were all so happy for us when they found out that I was his girlfriend. (I waited about a week to tell my mom about Jacob and let her meet him)
I don't know how to convince them that none of the things they're afraid of would happen. There are quite a few bi racial couples at my school and no one cares. As for white guys not wanting to date me, why would they want me to date someone who is that prejudiced? When I've stated those things, they just go silent, but they hold firm to their decision. Please help me convince them that there is nothing to worry about and that they should allow us to be more than friends...
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do I convince my Mom that I'd be fine with her divorcing my dad?
My father yells at my mother. He has my Mother brainwashed, she has hardly any perception of self-worth. It's not uncommon for him to make her cry.
My brother's girlfriend has done a lot of good for her. She at least has gotten my mother to stand up for herself a bit. (My brother and his girlfriend are 20, I'm 14.)
After talking to my Mom several times about my father, my brother's girlfriend noticed a trend. Mom always used me as the excuse as to why she stayed. You see, Dad has the major income, and without it we couldn't live the way we do (we're middle-class).
I realize that I can't make my Mom get a divorce, but is there any way that I can convince her that I would be fine with it?
1 AnswerFamily1 decade agoBreaking up with your boyfriend, who's your best friend?
My best friend of 2 years asked me to a dance about a month ago, and I said yes. I tried to make it clear that I wasn't his girlfriend, but apparently I wasn't clear enough. He later referred to me as his girlfriend, but I ended up saying I was okay with it. I still can't see him as anything more than my best friend, and because of this, it's wrong for me to be going out with him. The problem is the next time I see him is July 8 because I'm going out of town soon. Should I wait until then, or is it okay if I break up with him over IM? Like I say, he's my best friend, but I just can't bring myself to see him as anything more.
14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhere can i watch Season 6 Epi 3 of One Tree Hill (i'll give best answer to first link that has full episode!)?
I have searched through PAGES of sites and none of them have the full episode of one tree hill. it's called "get cape wear cape fly".
Please give me a direct link.
Please don't give me a site that requires download, subscription, or costs money; thank you.
Also, please make sure it's the full episode.
Thank you! and i will give best answer to the first person who gives me a link that has all of those qualifications.
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do you think my dream means?
I keep having these dreams about a boy i like. this is the 3rd or 4th time in the last few days and has been happening every night.
The boy (justin) is smoking in the dream. he's usually walking past me and we're on my school campus. every time, i ask him what he's doing. and in each dream, i get progressively more angry (in the first dream, i had a curious tone. in last nights dream, i sounded worried, fed up, and hysterical combined). last night was the first time he got caught by someone other than me. we were walking past the counselor's office when i said "what are you doing!?" and these two girls turned around. apparently one of them knew him and got the counselor's attention. the counselor took him into his office and i was supposed to continue on to class. i was too worried about him, so i didnt. but that's pretty much where the dream ends. but the rest of the dream was focused on him but i never saw him (i kept thinking about him, but he never appeared again).
i don't think that he would ever smoke in real life, considering he's 14 almost 15 and has already fought leukemia. plus, it just doesnt seem like him. so the dream has a deeper meaning than me being worried about him smoking.
the dreams are never the exact same, but it's the same basis (i find him somewher on campus smoking). it's never in the same place and i dont think it has the same people. and there aren't usually many people around us, just a handful.
what are your opinions? what do you think my dream means?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhich idea is your favorite?
I'm in 8th grade and doing a science fair project is mandatory. The only guideline is that it MUST be PHYSICAL science (sadly, life science is not allowed). So, these are my ideas
Does the weight of the ball affect how fast the task is done with a Rube Goldberg Contraption?
Does the sound level affect the length of an Ipod battery’s life?
How does a mirror show two people standing in different places different images?
What removes rust best?
Does the color of a permanent marker affect how it holds up to being washed?
Does the volume of a note played on the piano affect how close it is to being in tune?
Does the type of cloud in the sky affect the color of the sky?
Does using a spray really keep the dust away longer?
Does the substance dropped onto carpet affect how easily the stain comes out?
What takes out stains best?
Does the size or the thickness of a sheet of paper affect the number of times it can be folded more?
Which one is your favorite? Do you have any other ideas? If so, what are they? (please, make sure they are physical science)
Thank you everyone.
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agohow do i freeze my custom background in myspace 2.0?
i'm not using a code for my myspace layout. how do i make the background not move around when i scroll down? you know, like have the background image stay in one place and just have the modules scroll down. sorry if this is confusing.
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoany ideas for a conversation?
2, weeks ago, i saw this guy at my church. i made eye contact with him for several seconds and ever since he's been looking at me often. this was in one of those sunday scool class things. anyway, i found out that he goes to my school, but is two grades below me. whenever i pass him in the hallway and he sees me, he usually catches my eye and holds it. he said hello to me a few days ago. so basically, i'm pretty sure i've got his attention. what would be the best way to start a conversation with him? i always pass him in the hall before homeroom. i could also talk to him at church. but anyway, any ideas for what to say?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhy did people come to america in the 1600s?
for social studies, i have to create a poster to get people to come to america in the 1600s. if you got give me some ideas, i'd greatly appreciate it.
4 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoI dont have the kindle, but can i buy the kindle version of books and read on my compuer?
like i said in the question, i dont have the amazon kindle. however, i was thinking about ipods and how you can just listen music that you purchased through itunes on your computer. can i read the kindle versions of books on my computer?
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoim bored, so its time for a competition!!!?
here's how this goes. give me a picture of the hottest guy you can think of. whoever has the hottest picture gets 10 points. remember, it must be a picture. otherwise, you're out. go!
18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agodid all of your dreams come true in disneyworld???
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agodo you think my hair smells good???
29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agodoes my hair smell good?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowhats the biggest amount of raw sugar you've ever eaten in one day???
18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agowhat's you're favorite song???
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoi love this song!!! what do you think??? (link below)?
"hey juliet" by LMNT
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoI have lyrics, how do i write the melody?
for me, writing lyrics is fairly simple. when it comes to the melody, that's where i have trouble. I have a song's lyrics written, but i just cannot figure out how to write a melody to go with it. any tips?
also, i've played the piano for about 7 years, if that helps at all. any help is appreciated! thanks so much!
3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago