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Electronic Design Engineer Working at a product development company in South Africa. Knowledgeable with C++ and electronic problem solving. 7th-Day Adventist I love answering Bible questions.

  • Big Bang and law of conservation of angular momentum?

    If matter shot out linearly in all directions from the big bang, why do some planets and galaxies spin clockwise, and some spin anticlockwise? Moon rotates as it goes around the Earth. Earth spins as it rotates around the sun. Some moons of planets like Jupiter spin clockwise while others spin anticlockwise around the same planet. I'm not a physicist. However, I'm in the field of electrical engineering.

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • According to science which evolved first, the honey bee or the flower?

    Either the honey bee evolved to a fully functional organism first, or the flower evolved into a complete plant that produces pollin, or they both evolved simultaneously to perfectly complement each other.

    Albert Einstein once remarked that "If bees were to disappear, man would only have a few years to live."

    So the human organism in dependent on the evolution of two other different organisms that evolved separately?

    If anyone gives a rude comment I'll just interpret it as: "I really don't know much about evolution".

    4 AnswersBiology6 years ago
  • How could life have come about by evolution if the internal functioning of a cell is so complex?

    Programming of life:

    If we truly want to make scientific progress, we need to put aside our biased beliefs. A person isn't able to do critical thinking until they get a perspective from both sides. Denying students the right to choose is just wrong and unethical.

    There is so much information contained in the inner workings of the cell. A cell can:

    - Take in nutrients

    - Convert the nutrients into energy

    - Carry out functions

    - Reproduce itself

    Each cell has its own set of instructions (programming) for carrying out its functions. The probability of a single protein being formed by natural undirected processes is 1 in 10^164. This is operationally impossible.

    People are not opening their minds to the possibility of other explanations. If observations and data contradict the theory you're testing, the theory should be abandoned. What scientists are doing is they are taking the information and making it fit the evolutionary model.

    I believe the attack is not on creation science but on the Christian Bible specifically. No other religious book is so assaulted and criticized by the media and Hollywood.

    I am a 3rd year Electrical Engineering student.

    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • How could life have evolved if the internal functioning of a cell is so complex?

    Programming of Life:

    If we truly want to make scientific progress, we need to put aside our biased beliefs. A person isn't able to do critical thinking until they get a perspective from both sides. Denying students the right to choose is just wrong and unethical.

    There is so much information contained in the inner workings of the cell. A cell can:

    - Take in nutrients

    - Convert the nutrients into energy

    - Carry out functions

    - Reproduce itself

    Each cell has its own set of instructions (programming) for carrying out its functions. The probability of a single protein being formed by natural undirected processes is 1 in 10^164. This is operationally impossible.

    People are not opening their minds to the possibility of other explanations. If observations and data contradict the theory you're testing, the theory should be abandoned. What scientists are doing is they are taking the information and making it fit the evolutionary model.

    I believe the attack is not on creation science but on the Christian Bible specifically. No other religious book is so assaulted and criticized by the media and Hollywood.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can atheism be defeated with science?

    Defeating atheism with science:

    Everyone has a worldview by which he/she interprets evidence. That is why Atheists and Christians come to different conclusions while they have the same evidence to look at. For example:

    - The complex processes and molecular machines inside a cell.

    - Prescription information within the DNA of organisms, which also describe how the internal structures of the cell should operate and how protein is made.

    - Carbon dating.

    - Blood cells that were found inside of dinosaur bones.

    - Fossils.

    - The layers in the Grand Canyon.

    - Natural Selection.

    A Christian worldview does make science possible. Science works in the present. Assumptions are needed to calculate what happened in history.

    Scientific geniuses who were also devout Christians:

    Isaac Newton

    Gregor Mendel

    Lord Kelvin

    Michael Faraday

    Louis Pasteur

    There are a few questions that pose a problem to Atheists:

    1 - Why should the universe exist?

    2 - Why should humans exist? If we exist why should we be conscious? How can bags of chemicals be conscious?

    3 - A universe thats founded in chaos and randomness cannot be expected to obey the laws of physics afterwards.

    Logic is abstract and non-physical. Atheists have no basis for logic. The probability of life evolving from undirected processes is 1 in 10^340000000. That is operationally impossible. Evolution should not be taught as the only explanation for the origin of life.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If God knew the devil would sin, why didn't He just destroy the devil from the start?

    God created an angel called Lucifer. Was this a defective angel? Why did Lucifer decide to sin in the first place? I saw this movie on youtube. What do you think? Is it correct?

    Cosmic Conflict Part 1/5 Part 2/5 Part 3/5 Part 4/5 Part 5/5

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If the Bible is true, what about Cave Men?

    According to the theory of Evolution, modern humans have evolved from ape-like creatures that existed in the past.

    Definition of Evolution:

    "Evolution is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the Earth."

    How do the scientists know how the ape-men could've looked like just from the bone fragments that have been found? How can you determine the outer appearance of something that lived millions of years ago from a few fossils? If you gave the fossil bones of an apemen to an artist and told him to come up with something that it could've looked like, there are many versions that he could make. Any fossil skull bone can be made to look like a normal human being by an artist.

    What about the large brow ridge that are common to prehistoric human skeletons? It is also a fact that the brow ridge of human continues to grow with age. They could also just be the skulls of very old people that lived in the past. The Nabraska Man was found to be a hoax.

    Please watch the following video that deals with cave men:

    Cave Men?

    (I am not affiliated with the producers of this video, I simply found it interesting)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why are there so many things taught in Evolution that have been proven to be false?

    Children are being taught principles of evolution at school from a very young age. Yet textbooks have been teaching information about Evolution that have been proven to be false. There is a quote from the book of Proverbs in the Christian Bible that says:

    Proverbs 18:17

    "The first one to plead his cause seems right,

    Until his neighbor comes and examines him."

    Does Creationism have answers to the scientific observations that apparently prove that the Bible's not true? The answer is yes, but children and students are not being made aware of the other side of the story. The textbooks on Evolution don't mention the hoaxes that have been found, such as Piltdown Man (which have been taught as fact for 40 years) and Haeckel's Embryo drawings.

    What do the textbooks teach about the continents of Earth? According to Evolution the continents are about 2.5 billion years old. But North America should have been leveled in 10 million years if the erosion had continued at the current rate. At the end of the day I believe that all people live by faith, whether it is faith in textbooks or faith in the Word of God.

    Here is an interesting video that discusses this:

    Textbook Deceptions -

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What has the Sceptic to offer in place of Christianity when he attempts to destroy it?

    Here is an extract from the book Prophecy Speaks. It explains my point better than I can. Please read all then give your answer thank you.

    “It is with reluctance that I approach this subject,” said David Dare. “I do not relish attacking the beliefs of another; I should much rather present the affirmative side of Christianity. But I really see no escape from considering what the unbeliever offers us when he endeavours to destroy Christianity. Since he sets himself up as having something superior to Christianity — or he would not try to destroy it — we must carefully examine what he proposes in its place, and weigh it thoughtfully.”

    “You all know that Robert Ingersoll, the renowned sceptic, had a brother whom he dearly loved. Standing by the side of his brother’s grave, Robert preached the funeral sermon, uttering in the course of his remarks what has been admired all over the world by his brother sceptics, as the acme of his genius. “In the face of the majesty of death, in the presence of the unknown, the veil of the sceptic’s mind was torn aside, his suffering soul laid bare, and there were wrung from his

    blanched lips these famous words that have circled the earth:

    “ ‘Whether in mid-sea or among the breakers of the farther shore, a wreck must mark at last the end of each and all. And every life, no matter if its every hour is rich with love and every moment jewelled with joy, will, at its close, become a tragedy, as sad, and deep, and dark as can be woven of the warp and woof of mystery and death. . . . Life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. We strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry.’

    ‘To me, sadder words were never uttered. Life, to Ingersoll, after he had plumbed its depths and scaled its heights, was only a cold and barren tragedy, its highest aspirations but a hideous mockery. He faced ‘the blackness of darkness for ever,’ as Jude 13 has it. “Whatever else scepticism is, it is not and cannot be the truth. It does not even profess to be a truth. It is admittedly only a negation, a putting out of the candles of others without lighting any in their place.

    “Let us now turn to another great unbeliever, Herbert Spencer. After having written a score of volumes, in all of which he either attacked or ignored Christianity, he sat down at the close of a long life to write his autobiography in two large volumes. Near the end of the second volume he talks of death, and writes with evident horror of his own end. He goes on to lament the fact that in death ‘there lapses both the consciousness of existence and the consciousness of having existed.’

    In other words, one cannot be ‘consciously dead,’ as Lecky puts it in his ‘Map of Life.’ “In fact, Herbert Spencer so yearned for rest for his soul that immediately following his words about death he goes on to say: ‘Thus religious creeds, which in one way or the other occupy the sphere that rational interpretation seeks to occupy and fails, and fails the more it seeks, I have come to regard with a sympathy based on community of need, feeling that dissent from them results from inability to accept the solutions offered, joined with the wish that solutions could be found.’ — ‘Autobiography,’ Volume 2, page 549.

    “A number of important conclusions follow:

    “First, Spencer knew his own solutions had failed, that they were not solutions. He says so. For fifty years he had used his giant mind in an endeavour to solve the riddles of existence apart from the Bible. At the end of his life he admits how utterly futile have been his efforts.

    “Second, the more scepticism tried to occupy the field of religion and account for existence apart from religion, the more it failed.

    “Third, he so keenly realized his need of a solution that he abandoned his own and all other sceptical explanations, and sought for solutions in Christianity. Though he did not accept the Christian solution, he admitted it is the best offered.

    “Fourth, his own active antagonism changed at last to a sympathy with Christianity before his death, and he actually voiced a wish that he might be a Christian. If his words do not mean all this, then words have no meaning. “Now why should we discard the Christianity which he regarded with such sympathy and desire, and embrace what he threw away? "


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do leading Sceptics in the world admit that Jesus Christ the most important figure in all history?

    Here is a extract from the book Prophecy Speaks. Its a lot, but pls bare with me, thank u. I think it took me about 10-12 mins to go through.

    “I hand you this book,” said the lecturer, holding out a large volume to Mr. Emerson. “Will you please tell this audience about the author and his writings?” Mr. Emerson examined the volume in his hand, then spoke so that all could hear: “This is volume 2 of ‘History of European Morals,’ by William E. H. Lecky, who is also the author of ‘History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe.’

    Mr. Lecky was an Irish historian, statesman, and philosopher who died in 1903, and a leading

    unbeliever of his time and country. He wrote four large volumes to prove that rationalism is the only guide a reasonable man can follow.” “Then you would regard Lecky as a leading unbeliever of his day?” asked Mr. Dare. “Decidedly,” replied Mr. Emerson. “Now, please turn to pages 8 and 9, of the book you have, and read the passages marked,” directed the lecturer.

    Mr. Emerson’s clear, strong voice was heard in every corner of the large auditoriumas he read from the place indicated: “ ‘It was reserved for Christianity to present to the world an ideal character, which through all the changes of eighteen centuries has inspired the hearts of men with an impassioned love; has shown itself capable of acting on all ages, nations, temperaments, and conditions; has not been only the highest pattern of virtue, but also the strongest incentive to its practice; and has exercised so deep an influence that it may be truly said that the simple record of three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and to soften mankind than all the disquisitions of philosophers and all the exhortions of moralists.’ “


    “During the years 1831 to 1836 Darwin circled the globe in the Beagle,” said the lecturer. “He reported that in New Zealand were the darkest spots found on all his journey. “After he returned to England, he found vigorous attacks being made against missionaries and missionary activity. Writing of those making these attacks, he made the statements Mr. Emerson will now read from pages 414, 425, and 505.”

    Mr. Emerson turned to the pages indicated and read: “ ‘They forget, or will not remember, that human sacrifices and the power of an idolatrous priesthood — a system of profligacy unparalleled in another part of the world — infanticide, a consequent of that system — bloody wars, where conquerors spared neither women nor children — that all these have been abolished; and that dishonesty, intemperance, and licentiousness have been greatly reduced by Christianity. In a voyager to forget these things is base ingratitude; for should he chance to be at the point of shipwreck on some unknown coast, he will most devoutly pray that the lesson of the missionary may have reached thus far.’


    “We have found that leading unbelievers, one after another, have frankly turned to the bible as the only source of moral and religious and practical education. In closing today’s lecture I shall refer to another great scientist, a contemporary of Darwin and Huxley, and nearly as well know — George Romanes.

    He was a pronounced sceptic. Shortly before his death he wrote some reflections on religion, born of his dissatisfaction with scepticism. He reviewed the whole field of moral and religious literature, hunting for the best, and at the close of his book, posthumously published, he sums up his convictions.

    I desire Mr. Emerson to read from ‘Thoughts on Religion,’ page 170 and 171.” Mr. Emerson took the book, fingered it thoughtfully for a minute, and then read: “ ‘Not only is Christianity thus so immeasurably in advance of all other religions, it is no less so of every other system of thought that has ever been promulgated, in regard to all that is moral and spiritual. Whether it be true or false, it is certain that neither philosophy, science, nor poetry has ever produced results in thought, conduct, or beauty in any degree to be compared with it.’

    It is ‘the greatest exhibition of the beautiful, the sublime, and of all else that appeals to our spiritual nature, which has ever been known upon our earth.’ ‘What has all the science or all the philosophy of the world done for the thought of mankind to be compared with the one doctrine, “God is love”?’ “

    If the world leaders in unbelief see the Bible as the most beneficial power on Earth, why should any of you continue in unbelief?


    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How did Jesus Christ fulfill all the prophecies that were written about Him? How do infidels explain this?

    Here is an extract from the book Prophecy Speaks. I know its much, but pls read all ty.

    “All through His ministry, Christ appealed to the prophets in proof of His startling statements. The appeal to prophecy was not just an argument to prove Jesus the messiah, but frequently it was the sole argument. There are more than three hundred prophecies and references to Christ in the Old Testament that are expressly cited in the New Testament, as predictions fulfilled in Him.

    “The fifty-third chapter of Isaiah stated that the coming One was to be cut off from the land of the living, a young man without offspring, yet He shall prolong His days, shall see His seed, which shall be so numerous that even He shall be satisfied. He is to be put to death as a despised malefactor, to make His grave with the wicked, and yet the sepulchre of the rich is to be His tomb. He is to be scorned and rejected of men, and yet to justify many. He Himself is to be treated as a transgressor, and yet is to make intercession for transgressors.

    Perplexing paradoxes, these! “So impossible did it seem that one person could fulfil the requirements, that many Jewish leaders said two persons were necessarily foretold. But Christ fulfils every paradoxical requirement so naturally that we have ceased to observe the actual incongruity of the predictions.

    They no longer even seem incompatible. “It is admitted that many centuries before the time of Christ, certain writings by Jewish writers foretold that a member of the Jewish nation, small and insignificant though it was, should be a blessing to all mankind. As we shall abundantly prove later, the most doubting scoffers proclaim enthusiastically that Christ has been and still is, above all others of the human race, a blessing — the greatest blessing — to all mankind. “Account for it as you please, it is a stubborn fact that this obscure Jew of a small, despised, subject race has become most gloriously a blessing to every nation on earth.

    This strange prophecy that seemed to be born of the overweening egotism of a race, has become a

    perennially amazing fact. “Furthermore, the time of His coming was clearly marked. It was to be not only before the sceptre departed from Judah, but also while the second Temple was standing. ‘I

    will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and . . . the glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of Hosts.’ Haggai 2:7-9.

    “But this is not all: Daniel gives the exact year of Christ’s appearance as the Messiah, and of His crucifixion. (See Daniel 9:24-27 and Ezra 7:11-26 for the date of the decree, 457 B. C.) This is one of the best-established dates in all history. “The 69 weeks, or 483 prophetic days, or literal years (see Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), begin at 457 B. C. and reach to A. D.27, at which time Christ was anointed as the Messiah by the Holy Spirit. (See John 1:29-36; Luke 3:21, 22; 4:18; Acts 4:27; 10:38; Mark 1:14, 15, marginal date). The middle of the seventieth week, or seven-year period, brings us to the spring of A. D. 31, when the Messiah was to be ‘cut off.’ “However one may attempt to explain them away, these prophecies and dates do fit exactly with the life of Christ, and nowhere else.

    “From explicit passages in the writings of the heathen historians, Tacitus and Suetonius, we find a general expectation that an extraordinary person would arise in Judea about the time Jesus was born. So strong was this expectation among the Jews that many false messiahs appeared, appealed to the prophecies, and gained followers among those who were looking for the Messiah, and that the Temple could not be destroyed before the coming of the Messiah, that they refused all terms from Titus in A. D. 70, and fought with desperation to the last.

    “To sum up: it is immaterial to me how you account for it, but several marvellously demonstrated facts stand out:

    “1. Centuries before Christ was born a number of Jewish writers, living over a period of 1,000 years, boldly predicted that one of their race would be pre-eminently righteous.

    “2. He would be a prophet.

    “3. He would be rejected as the Messiah by the very people who foretold His coming,

    but would be accepted as the Messiah by every other nation on earth.

    “4. He would be a blessing to all mankind.

    “5. He would live in a certain definite, specified time.

    “6. He would be killed.

    “7. He would die as a malefactor.

    “8. All these facts are testified to by prominent heathen writers.

    “9. He was to be not merely a very superior human being, but God on earth.

    “10. No one else meets these specifications, and Jesus Christ does.

    “11. The truth of the system of Plato or Karl Marx or Buddha or Mohammed does not

    depend on the question whether they were good or bad men. But if a flaw could be shown in

    the character of Christ, the whole Christian system would collapse utterly and at once."

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Every Jew a miracle; Are the Jewish people living evidence for the Bible?

    The following extract is from a book called Prophecy Speaks. I know its a lot of text, but pls read all ty. All of your views are welcome.

    ":Look at our own country. Millions from other nations pour in. For two or three generations they preserve their nationality, but after that it is lost. “But not so the Jews. They are in every nation, as predicted, and everywhere a distinct people. They are indeed an astonishment. The Jew preserves all the characteristics that he had many centuries ago. He has done what no other people on earth has ever done —

    he has successfully resisted all the customs of society, all the powers of persecution, all the powerful influences that tend to drive him toward amalgamation with other nations. the children of Abraham are as distinct in religion, customs, and physiognomy as they were three thousand years ago. How do you account for this? “The blood stream of this particular people,” said Mr. Emerson, “was absolutely pure, kept pure because they were forbidden by religious principle to intermarry. Hence racial peculiarities have persisted.”

    “True, they were forbidden to intermarry,” replied Mr. Dare. “Your explanation, instead of explaining, adds another difficulty — that of explaining how Moses knew the Jews would obey that mandate thousands of years later. “Here is a case where every nation in the world has had a part in fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible, for there is not a nation in all the world where the Jew has not gone,

    and not one where he has not been oppressed in accordance with the prediction. “Can you point out a solitary nation that has received the Jews with open arms? If you could find half a dozen such, what a case against the Bible the sceptic would have!

    But how amazing it is that the Jews have been thus oppressed in every nation and are the only

    nation in all history to be thus oppressed. “Another remarkable thing about it all is the fact that the records telling of their shame are handed down to us by the very people we would naturally expect would want them destroyed. No, there is no other instance of such remarkable fidelity to truth in all history.

    “As foretold by Moses, the Jews have literally been ‘rooted’ out of their land.

    Deuteronomy 29:25, 28. Not only that, but God says, “I will bring the land into desolation; and your enemies that dwell therein shall be astonished at it.’ Leviticus 26:32.

    “Please observe that while the Jews were to be deprived of their land, scattered to every part of the world, and Palestine laid in ruins, still their enemies were to ‘dwell’ in it. Could any prediction seem more improbable?

    “Dean Stanley, in his ‘Syria and Palestine,’ page 117, says that ‘Palestine above all other countries in the world is a land of ruins.’ Is it not a strange fact that a land so filled with ruins should be inhabited? Or being inhabited, that the ruins should not have been utilized or removed? But the inspired writer foresaw this fact, and you and I are compelled to admit the marvellous correspondence of fact to prediction.

    “Though ruined, desolate, bereft of her own people, Palestine was nevertheless to be pre-eminently a land of pilgrimages, for Moses tells of ‘the foreigner that shall come from a far land.’ Deuteronomy 29:22. And is this not true today? Is there any other spot on earth to which so many pilgrims journey? Not one? More than half a hundred languages are spoken in their city of Jerusalem alone.

    “ ‘I will . . . draw out a sword after you,’ declares Jehovah, speaking to the Jews. (See Leviticus 26:33). The history of this people has been one long, bloody commentary on the uncanny accuracy of this prediction.

    “Two million of them were killed, starved to death, or sold into a slavery worse than death in A.D. 70. More than half a million more were slaughtered by the Romans sixty years later. The history of the Israelites has been but the slaughter of a nation, continuing for nineteen centuries — the sword drawn out after them. “But let the words of the historian Milman tell the story: ‘No fanatic monk set the populace in commotion, no public calamity took place, no atrocious or extravagant report

    was propagated, but it fell upon the heads of this unhappy caste. In Germany the black plague raged in all its fury; and wild superstition charged the Jews, as elsewhere, with

    causing and aggravating the misery, and themselves enjoying a guilty comparative security

    amid the universal desolation. . . .""


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Challenge to atheists/great minds: Do the prophecies in the book of Daniel prove that the Bible is true?

    Here is an extract from a book called Prophecy Speaks. What is your conclusion? pls read all ty

    "YOU STATED, MR. EMERSON, that any prediction given time enough would eventually be fulfilled,” said David Dare, after the audience had been called to order by the chairman. “You have given up the attempt to show that all prophecy was given after the event, and now go to the opposite extreme and make time the solvent of your difficulty. We shall see how completely time, instead of fulfilling, would refute the prediction of a prophet of the Old Testament.

    “The story of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire was first written, not by Edward Gibbon the sceptic in the eighteenth century of the Christian Era, but by Daniel the prophet in the sixth century B. C. And Gibbon the sceptic used six large volumes in telling us in detail how accurate were the predictions of Daniel the prophet.” Mr. Emerson arose, amazement in his face, excitement in his manner. “Do you claim that Daniel wrote the book attributed to him in the sixth century B. C.? Why,” and here Mr. Emerson turned to the audience and spread his hands wide in a gesture of helpless astonishment, “why, in all the range of Bible criticism nothing is more widely accepted or

    more easily proved than that the Book of Daniel was not written by Daniel at all, but was

    written by some unknown author about 168 B. C.”

    “I am well aware of the fact, Mr. Emerson,” replied Mr. Dare, “that the heavy artillery of the critics has been directed against the Book of Daniel since Celsus of the third century discovered that the accuracy of these predictions could not be denied. In chapters 2 and 7 are such clear predictions, giving in vivid outline the whole history of the world, beginning with Babylon and reaching to the present moment, that the most sceptical have been hard put to it to account for them without admitting supernatural knowledge on the part of the prophet.

    “Infidels seem to think that if they can only show that Daniel never wrote a word of the book, and that it was composed by some unknown person about 168 B. C. its power will be broken and its prophecies vitiated. But for my purpose I will accept the latest date contended for by anyone, and will not care who wrote it. “It is not my purpose to go into the marvellous details of the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7. It would take a whole series of lectures to cover the subject as it deserves. I plan to

    develop only one point.

    “No matter what the opinion of doubters concerning the date and authorship of Daniel, they admit it teaches that beginning with Babylon there will be just four universal world powers — four and no more — to the end of time. “If, as I believe, Daniel lived in 600 B. C., he foretold the rise and fall of the three empires to follow Babylon — a marvellous prediction in itself. It is to deprive Daniel of the

    honour of having done this that sceptics have desperately contended that the Book of Daniel was written in 168 B. C. — after Rome had acquired rulership.

    “Then, if it is true, as the sceptics assert, that the writer of Daniel lived in 168, he had knowledge of the fact that in a period of only four hundred years Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome had ruled the world in succession. Babylon fell in 538 B. C., conquered by Cyrus, king of Medo-Persia. At Arbela in 331 B. C., Alexander wrested the world empire from Medo-Persia. The Roman victory at Pydna, June 22, 168 B. C., marked the final establishment of the Roman world rule. Thus in three hundred and seventy years, 538 B. C. to 168 B. C., four empires bore sway.

    “In view of this fact the predictions of Daniel 2 and 7, if written in 168 B. C., are fully as remarkable as if they had been written in 600 B. C. Despite the fact that four world kingdoms existed in four hundred years, think of the amazing daring of a man who would have the temerity to predict that in all future history there would never be another world power! How preposterous, how contrary to all analogy, to all previous history, to the wildest imagination was such a prediction!

    “If experience had been asked to guess the secrets of the future, the reply given by the wise of earth of that day would certainly have been that the revolutions of the past would be repeated again and again in the coming two thousand years as in the past four hundred years; for then as now it was believed that history repeats itself. “As the Babylonian Empire was conquered by the Persian, the Persian by the Grecian, the Grecian by the Roman, so would every observant thinker also expect the Roman Empire as certainly to be succeeded by some other world power. But was this the fact? Every schoolboy knows that Rome was the last world kingdom."


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Egypt confounds the unbeliever; Does the history of Egypt concur to the accuracy of Bible prophecy?

    Are the historical events of Egypt aligned with Bible prophecy? Here is an extract from a book called Prophecy Speaks. I know its a lot, but pls read all ty.

    “When Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel lived, Egypt was then so ancient that she boasted a longer unbroken line of kings than did any other nation. To Ezekiel the settling of Egypt was as ancient as the beginning of the Christian religion is to us. “The prophets of his day, 600 B. C., knew Egypt as the granary of the world, eminent in science, in the arts, in luxury and magnificence, a leader of civilization. For many centuries these artificial mountains, the justly famed pyramids of Egypt, had stood as proud sentinels of a proud country of many splendours.

    “Like its own monuments, Egypt seemed to bid defiance to the tooth of time. All nations had kindled the lamp of knowledge at the fire that burned on her hearth. She had the unity, repose, and the calm majesty of conscious power, the grandeur of great age. To the eye of the natural man, be he scientist or philosopher, there appeared on the horizon no faintest cloud to threaten the peace and power of Egypt.

    “Nevertheless, at a time when all other men, judging by analogy, would have predicted for her practically unending prosperity, Isaiah (chapter 19) and Ezekiel (chapters 29 and 30) foretold many amazing things concerning her, reaching more than two thousand years beyond their death!

    “When you get home, read these chapters carefully, as every verse is literally packed with meaning. I shall not take time to quote more than a few of the more outstanding statements.

    “In a few words, Ezekiel foretold history that has taken twenty-five hundred years to fulfil and would take several volumes to record. I quote Ezekiel 29:14, 15; 30:6, 7; 32:15; 30:12, 13.

    “ ‘They shall be there a base kingdom. It shall be the basest of the kingdoms; neither shall it exalt itself any more above the nations: for I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule over the nations.’ ‘The pride of her power shall come down. . . .And they shall be desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities shall be in the midst of the cities that are wasted.’ ‘I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country shall be destitute of that whereof it was full.’ ‘I will . . . sell the land into the hand of the wicked: and I will make the land waste, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers: I the Lord have spoken it. . . . And there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt.’

    “Every phase of the verses I have quoted is surcharged with meaning. The doom of Edom and Chaldea and Babylon was utter extinction, but not so the fate of Egypt. The inexorable decree was one of continual baseness and decline. It was to continue a nation, but it was no longer to rule. On the contrary, it was to be ruled by cruel strangers. “We have only to consider the condition of Egypt six hundred years later to see that this prophecy could not have been the result of mere human foresight. In the time of Christ there was nothing to indicate that the day of Egypt was past for ever. She was still very powerful.

    Mr. Emerson stood up again: “The writer had observed that in time nations are conquered and become the servants of their masters. He had seen Babylonia and Assyria as well as smaller kingdoms pass into the hands of others. Though Egypt was old and still powerful, he reasoned that she, too, would in time suffer the fate of the others.”

    “But, Mr. Emerson, you overlook a vital point in your argument: Egypt did not suffer the fate of the others. Babylonia, Assyria, and other nations about were destroyed utterly. Had Ezekiel been predicting by analogy, he would have said that Egypt would suffer the same fate as the nations that had already been overthrown. “Now, just suppose that Ezekiel had said that Egypt would, like Babylon and Chaldea, be utterly destroyed, how jubilant would be the sceptics, and how eager to point out the fact that the Egypt of today has many populous cities and a varied population which numbers into the millions. But does the unbeliever attempt to show us a single prophecy concerning Egypt that has failed?”

    “Have you given all of them?” asked Mr. Emerson. “I have only touched the edges of the subject. I will call your attention to only two or three more marvelous predictions concerning Egypt,” replied Mr. Dare.

    “I now direct your attention to Ezekiel 30:13, A.R.V.: ‘Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause the images to cease from Memphis.’ “Observe that these words are specifically the words of ‘the Lord Jehovah.’ If the thing predicted did not come to pass, there would be no alibi. “Now, it is a strange fact that Memphis, founded by Menes, was known as ‘the great temple city of Egypt.’ A more unlikely fate could hardly be imagined than the destruction of

    the idols and images of Memphis, because — "


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How to disprove the Bible? Here is exactly how. What is your opinion?

    Here is an extract from a book called Prophecy Speaks. I found it interesting. I know its much, but pls read all ty.

    "DAVID DARE’S STATEMENT that he could tell unbelievers how to disprove the Bible, startled some of his listeners. A few Christians were shocked and said so. Unbelievers were amazed.

    Mr. Emerson arose, and spoke: “Do you mean to tell us that you admit the Bible can be disproved?”

    “On the contrary, I do not believe any part of the Bible can be disproved,” smiled Mr. Dare. “But you said you would show us how to disprove it,” insisted Mr. Emerson. “And I will.” “Your statements sound contradictory, but let’s hear what you have to say.”

    “God Himself has not only dared you to disprove His predictions, but has also taken the pains to tell you how. Tyre has continued a daily defiance to every unbeliever. ‘Thou shalt be built no more: for I the Lord have spoken it,’ says the prophecy. Read it for yourself in Ezekiel 26:14. The reason it cannot be rebuilt is here given. Here is a test that God has set for the boasting unbeliever — the simple one of rebuilding a city. To do that one thing would disprove the Bible. “And this is not asking an unheard-of thing. Many cities in the past have been rebuilt.

    Even Rome rose again after Nero watched it burn. “That a city can be built in a surprisingly short time, by a few determined men, was proved recently when a marsh was transformed by one man into the modern city of Longview, Washington, in two years. I visited the city personally, and marvelled at the amazing feat. “A dollar each from the unbelievers in England and America would be sufficient to rebuild Tyre, and thus blast for ever the reputation of the Bible as a truth-telling book. Why not form an infidel colony on the site of old Tyre, go into the fishing business in a modern

    manner, and there, in defiance of prophecy, dare to answer God’s challenge, ‘Thou shalt be

    built no more; for I the Lord have spoken it?’

    “The site is habitable: ten million gallons of water daily gush from the springs, and

    fertile fields stretch clear to the distant mountains. “Since there are millions of determined doubters who write numberless books to disprove the Bible, how did any prophet have the breath-taking daring to utter such a defiant prophecy? For two thousand years no sceptic has dared say the prediction is untrue. “In fact, Volney, the French sceptic, tells of visiting this spot and observing fishermen drying their nets on the rocks, just as the prophet said they would.” (“Travels,” Vol. 2, page 212).

    “Every year, every day, every minute that Tyre has remained in utter ruin it has disproved the emphatic declaration of sceptics that Bible predictions are vague or were made after the events which they foretell took place. “ ‘A good guess,’ you say. But that is not a sufficient answer. It is especially lame in view of the fact that no person outside of the Bible ever made a solitary correct forecast covering hundreds of years concerning any city on earth. How is it that only Bible writers are able to ‘guess’ with perfect accuracy two thousand years into the future?”

    Mr. Emerson stood up to reply: “It would be natural for a writer, looking upon a ruined city, to assume, hence to predict, that it would never again be inhabited.” “Such an assumption, however natural,” replied Mr. Dare, “would have plunged the prophet immediately into serious difficulty. “To illustrate: Ezekiel turned his attention to Tyre’s still more ancient sister city only thirty miles distant. For centuries it had been declining in power, while Tyre was still glorying in the splendour of its heyday. Accepting your view of the day of Ezekiel adds strength to our contention, for while Sidon was still in a state of decay it was taken by Artaxerxes Ochus, king of Persia, in 351 B. C. , and destroyed!

    “Now, according to your theory, Mr. Emerson, Ezekiel was written still later, at least after Alexander’s time. So if the prophet were judging by appearances in 330 B. C. as you claim he did judge, he would have pronounced complete oblivion as the inevitable fate of Sidon, for nothing seemed more certain than its utter eradication. But Sidon still remains, even now possessing ten thousand population. Let us read the words of the prophet Ezekiel, chapter 28:20-23:

    “ ‘The word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face toward Sidon, and prophesy against it, and say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I am against thee, O Sidon. . . . For I will send pestilence into her, and blood into her streets; and the wounded shall fall in the midst of her, with the sword upon her on every side.’ “Observe that the judgment on Sidon was not utter extinction like that on Tyre, but only blood in her streets, wounded in her midst, the sword on every side."


    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can prophecy be used as proof for the Bible? Can you provide an argument against it?

    Here is an extract from a book called Prophecy Speaks. I think there are some interesting facts in this extract. Pls read all, I'd appreciate it ^^. What do you think?

    "When you open a geometry text for the first time, and glance at the section on solids, in your perplexity and despair you might defend your lack of understanding by claiming geometry to be vague. Yet it is the most crystal clear of all sciences in the world.” Mr. Emerson rose again. Mr. Dare paused and motioned for him to speak.

    “Do you mean to imply that prophecy is as rigidly demonstrable as geometry?” he

    asked incredulously. “Yes, I mean just that.”

    “You are making things unnecessarily hard for yourself. No one would think of setting such a task for you.” Mr. Emerson’s tone hinted jubilation combined with sympathy. “It is not a task but a pleasure,” responded the lecturer, smiling. “Let us return to geometry. If you start with the simple problems at the beginning, you will later understand perfectly what you now confidently proclaim to be obscure. “So it is with prophecy. Some prophecies naturally precede others. There are some

    predictions in the Book of Revelation that would be impossible to understand without Daniel. “If prophecy is so easy to disprove, how is it that among all the thousands of books written by infidels there is not one in all the world devoted to showing specifically how Bible prophecies have failed?

    If these predictions could be so easily proved to be the result of a clever or lucky guess, or if the fulfillment be merely the twisting of facts to fit the prediction, or if the prophecy were written after the events took place and made to fit into them, how is it that facile sceptics, who are so alert for arguments against the Bible, universally overlooked the one demonstrable method of proving the Bible to be false? “Why has not some Tom Paine, some Robert Ingersoll, or some Mr. Emerson, for that matter, shown how utterly absurd, false, and contrary to fact are the prophecies of Moses

    concerning the Jews, of Isaiah about Babylon, of Ezekiel telling of the fate of Tyre and Sidon, of Jeremiah concerning Egypt and Palestine, of Daniel, with his amazing predictions about Rome and the nations into which Rome was to be divided, of Jesus concerning the growth of His kingdom and the spread of this very Bible to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people?”

    “Will you Christians risk anything on prophecy? What of consequence is at stake to

    believers?” asked Mr. Emerson. “Just this: The Bible bases its whole claim to credence on the accuracy of its forecasts. Why have unbelievers never made a detailed study of them, so they might expose the fraud of prophetic chicane to the deserved contempt of the public, if the prophecies are

    what you claim? “You, Mr. Emerson, along with other sceptics, despise prophecy. There were many

    such believers in Paul’s day. To them and to you he said: ‘Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21. Here you are challenged

    above all things to prove prophecy; that is, test it, and if it proves true, hold fast to it.”

    “But wherein are prophecies better evidence than miracles?” asked Emerson. “I

    thought that Christ used miracles to convince, and that Christians today appealed to these

    miracles as the strongest evidence of Bible authenticity.” “Christ repeatedly appealed to fulfilled prophecy as evidence His contemporaries might accept,” answered Mr. Dare. “Fulfilled prophecy is especially adapted as a test, for we are nineteen hundred years from the latest Bible book and thirty-three hundred years from the first. “You may look back at the miracles of the Bible through the mists of time and declare them improbable, if not impossible, but the opposite is true of prophecy. Those beholding His miracles were convinced by them, while many of the prophecies that were unfulfilled were apparently opposed to all reason and probability, and might in those days have been

    made an excuse for rejecting Christ.

    “Obviously, miracles performed twenty-five hundred years ago cannot be seen now, so they are often flatly denied. A prediction, however, made twenty-five hundred years ago, and which was contrary to all analogy, and a stumbling block at the time, but which was recently fulfilled, is evidence even more convincing than a miracle — such a fulfilled prediction is the greatest of all miracles, and was so admitted by the sceptic Hume. “Other evidence can be falsified, changed, lost, memory may fail, conflicting statements may cloud the issue; passion, self-interest, dishonesty, any one of a thousand things, may impair proofs. But prophecy relates to history, and history is recorded fact."

    (Prophecy Speaks, ch 2)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does Prophecy prove that the Bible is true? Here's a challenge to infidels/atheists.?

    Here is an extract from the book Prophecy Speaks. I know its a lot, but pls read all, bare with me. What do you think?

    “While Tyre was at the height of her glory and power, while it would seem she must

    stand for ever, along came Ezekiel, who prophesied about 590 B. C., and said: ‘They shall

    destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock. It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God: . . . and they shall lay stones and thy

    timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. . . . and I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more: for I the Lord have spoken it, saith the Lord God.’ Ezekiel 26:4-14.

    “Immediately after the giving of that prophecy, Nebuchadnezzar besieged Tyre, and after thirteen years of effort took the city and destroyed it, wreaking fearful vengeance on buildings and people.” Here one of the audience jumped to his feet. “You cannot prove the prophecy was written before Nebuchadnezzar’s time. According to your own statement, Ezekiel was contemporary with the king.” “True,” agreed David Dare, “While personally I believe the prediction was made before Nebuchadnezzar besieged Tyre, I shall not refer merely to that siege. Though the prophecy began with the king of Babylon’s siege, its predictions looked more than two thousand years into the future, as we shall see.

    “Observe that while the ruins of the old city remained after Nebuchadnezzar’s time, the prophecy declared that the timbers and rocks and even the very dust should be cast into the sea, leaving a bare rock to be used for spreading nets. “This prediction was not fulfilled by this king of Babylon, and it seemed improbable it ever would be fulfilled; for if Nebuchadnezzar, in his anger, had taken full vengeance, and had not thought of this, who was likely to care enough about the ruins of a deserted city to be so violently destructive? It would be the very frenzy of madness. But meanwhile there stood the prophetic words, awaiting fulfillment.

    “Two and a half centuries passed, and still the ruins stood, a challenge to the accuracy of prophecy. Then through the East the fame of Alexander the Great sent a thrill of terror. He marched swiftly to attack new Tyre, 332 B. C. Reaching the shore, he saw the city he had come to take, with half a mile of water surging between them, for it was built on an island. Alexander’s plan of attack was speedily formed and vigorously executed. He took the walls, towers, timbers, and ruined houses and palaces of the ancient Tyre, and with them built a solid causeway to the island city. So great was the demand for material that the very dust was scraped from the site, and laid in the sea.” When the original objector made no movement, Mr. Emerson stood up to speak.

    “I grant the statements you have made concerning Tyre are true, but what of it? It will be impossible for you to prove that the supposed prophecy was written before the events it describes. At this great distance from the events, three or four centuries is a small matter. Your argument is far from conclusive, and I for one believe the Book of Ezekiel was written after Alexander’s time.” Lecturer Dare smiled in reply: “Perhaps the fact that the events fit the prediction has much to do with your conclusion.”

    “And perhaps the fact that history verifies Ezekiel’s prediction,” retorted Mr. Emerson, “has much to do with your belief that the prediction was written first. My assumption has as much foundation as yours, and is more reasonable.” “You overlook three great difficulties in your view,” replied Mr. Dare. “First, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, fourteenth edition, Volume 9, pages 13, 14, under article, “Ezekiel,’ is emphatic in stating that the Book of Ezekiel was written 586-450 B. C., and this is the extreme critical view. Thus, according to the sceptical version, the prophecy is still 118 years before the event. But we will pass to the second difficulty. “When you claim Ezekiel pretends to foretell what in reality was written after the event it professes to predict, you make a book of otherwise high moral teaching a most vicious book, dealing in deception of the basest sort.

    “But, Mr. Emerson, while you create these two difficulties for yourself, there is still a third inherent in your position that no sceptic can remove. “I will admit, for the sake of the argument, that the book was written whenever you desire, say 330 B. C. Even you cannot claim a later date.” Mr. Emerson nodded agreement. “Perhaps you forget there are other particulars in the prediction besides destruction. In some prophecies the cities were to be destroyed and rebuilt. Such was the fate of Jerusalem, which still exists. “The third difficulty of your view is that old Tyre was to be built no more."

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is God's Law Immutable (unchangeable; not done away with)?

    "Those who had accepted the light concerning the mediation of Christ and the perpetuity of the law of God found that these were the truths presented in Revelation 14. The messages of this chapter constitute a threefold warning which is to prepare the inhabitants of the earth for the Lord's second coming. The announcement, "The hour of His judgment is come," points to the closing work of Christ's ministration for the salvation of men. It heralds a

    truth which must be proclaimed until the Saviour's intercession shall cease and He shall return to the earth to take His people to Himself. The work of judgment which began in 1844 must continue until the cases of all are decided, both of the living and the dead; hence it will extend to the close of human probation. That men may be prepared to stand in the judgment, the message commands them to "fear God, and give glory to Him," "and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." The result of an acceptance of these messages is given in the word: "Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." In order to be prepared for the judgment, it is necessary that men should keep the law of God. That law will be the standard of character in the judgment. The apostle Paul declares: "As many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law, . . . in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ." And he says that "the doers of the law shall be justified." Romans 2:12-16. Faith is essential in order to the keeping of the law of God; for "without faith it is impossible to please Him." And "whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Hebrews 11:6; Romans 14:23. "

    "In Revelation 14, men are called upon the worship the Creator; and the prophecy brings to view a class that, as the result of the threefold message, are keeping the commandments of God. One of these commandments points directly to God as the Creator. The fourth precept declares: "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: . . . for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." Exodus 20:10, 11. Concerning the Sabbath, the Lord says, further, that it is "a sign, . . . that ye may know that I am the Lord your God." Ezekiel 20:20. And the reason given is: "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested, and was refreshed." Exodus 31:17."

    (Ellen G. White)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Will the wicked burn forever in Hell? Are they to suffer eternal torment, or eternal death?

    "Satan is seeking to overcome men today, as he overcame our first parents, by shaking their confidence in their Creator and leading them to doubt the wisdom of His government and the justice of His laws. Satan and his emissaries represent God as even worse than themselves, in order to justify their own malignity and rebellion. The great deceiver endeavors to shift his own horrible cruelty of character upon our heavenly Father, that he may cause himself to appear as one greatly wronged by his expulsion from heaven because he would not submit to so unjust a governor. He presents before the world the liberty which they may enjoy under his mild sway, in contrast with the bondage imposed by the stern decrees of Jehovah. Thus he succeeds in luring souls away from their allegiance to God.

    How repugnant to every emotion of love and mercy, and even to our sense of justice, is the doctrine that the wicked dead are tormented with fire and brimstone in an eternally burning hell; that for the sins of a brief earthly life they are to suffer torture as long as God shall live. Yet this doctrine has been widely taught and is still embodied in many of the creeds of Christendom. Said a learned doctor of divinity: "The sight of hell torments will exalt the happiness of the saints forever. When they see others who are of the same nature and born under the same circumstances, plunged in such misery, and they so distinguished, it will make them sensible of how happy they are." Another used these words: "While the decree of reprobation is eternally executing on the vessels of wrath, the smoke of their torment will be eternally ascending in view of the vessels of mercy, who, instead of taking the part of these miserable objects, will say, Amen, Alleluia! praise ye the Lord!"

    Where, in the pages of God's word, is such teaching to be found? Will the redeemed in heaven be lost to all emotions of pity and compassion, and even to feelings of common humanity? Are these to be exchanged for the indifference of the stoic or the cruelty of the savage? No, no; such is not the teaching of the Book of God. Those who present the views expressed in the quotations given above may be learned and even honest men, but they are deluded by the sophistry of Satan. He leads them to misconstrue strong expressions of Scripture, giving to the language the coloring of bitterness and malignity which pertains to himself, but not to our Creator. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?" Ezekiel 33:11.

    What would be gained to God should we admit that He delights in witnessing unceasing tortures; that He is regaled with the groans and shrieks and imprecations of the suffering creatures whom He holds in the flames of hell? Can these horrid sounds be music in the ear of Infinite Love? It is urged that the infliction of endless misery upon the wicked would show God's hatred of sin as an evil which is ruinous to the peace and order of the universe. Oh, dreadful blasphemy! As if God's hatred of sin is the reason why it is perpetuated. For, according to the teachings of these theologians, continued torture without hope of mercy maddens its wretched victims, and as they pour out their rage in curses and blasphemy, they are forever augmenting their load of guilt. God's glory is not enhanced by thus perpetuating continually increasing sin through ceaseless ages.

    The theory of eternal torment is one of the false doctrines that constitute the wine of the abomination of Babylon, of which she makes all nations drink. Revelation 14:8; 17:2. That ministers of Christ should have accepted this heresy and proclaimed it from the sacred desk is indeed a mystery. They received it from Rome, as they received the false sabbath. True, it has been taught by great and good men; but the light on this subject had not come to them as it has come to us. They were responsible only for the light which shone in their time; we are accountable for that which shines in our day. If we turn from the testimony of God's word, and accept false doctrines because our fathers taught them, we fall under the condemnation pronounced upon Babylon; we are drinking of the wine of her abomination."

    (Ellen G. White)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does Geology prove that the earth was polulated long before the time brought to view by the Bible?

    "Geologists claim to find evidence from the earth itself that it is very much older than the Mosaic record teaches. Bones of men and animals, as well as instruments of warfare, petrified trees, etcetera, much larger than any that now exist, or that have existed for thousands of years, have been discovered, and from this it is inferred that the earth was populated long before the time brought to view in the record of creation, and by a race of beings vastly superior in size to any men now living. Such reasoning has led many professed Bible believers to adopt the position that the days of creation were vast, indefinite periods.

    But apart from Bible history, geology can prove nothing. Those who reason so confidently upon its discoveries have no adequate conception of the size of men, animals, and trees before the Flood, or of the great changes which then took place. Relics found in the earth do give evidence of conditions differing in many respects from the present, but the time when these conditions existed can be learned only from the Inspired Record. In the history of the Flood, inspiration has explained that which geology alone could never fathom. In the days of Noah, men, animals, and trees, many times larger than now exist, were buried, and thus preserved as an evidence to later generations that the antediluvians perished by a flood. God designed that the discovery of these things should establish faith in inspired history; but men, with their vain reasoning, fall into the same error as did the people before the Flood--the things which God gave them as a benefit, they turn into a curse by making a wrong use of them.

    It is one of Satan's devices to lead the people to accept the fables of infidelity; for he can thus obscure the law of God, in itself very plain, and embolden men to rebel against the divine government. His efforts are especially directed against the fourth commandment, because it so clearly points to the living God, the Maker of the heavens and the earth. "

    (Ellen G. White)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago