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  • Suggestion for steak topping?

    I am going to make a steak dinner for my girlfriend because she likes steak so much. I want to make a unique topping for the steak, mexican style. What could i use with diced tomatoes and cilantro? I want a little bit of spice, but the steak will be the main flavor. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Will heat pad melt plastic container?

    I have a green iguana, which i already have a ceramic heat emitter for as a heat source. But i also want a second location in the cage for him to get a little extra heat since it is a large cage. I have a large plastic storage container which i use as a resting platform for him, and i had the idea that maybe i could place a under tank heater inside the closed container so that the surface stays warm. Will a heat pad melt the container?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Concerned about iguanas health. Help?

    I have a green iguana (Turok) who we recently took to the vet for medication to get rid of parasites (worms to be specific). Since we started giving him the medication, he has become less stressed, but more recently we are seeing even more worms in his feces. Sometimes a couple dozen at a time. And they range in size from fractions of an inch to nearly 1 inch in lenght. Should i take him back to the vet, or continue with the medication? I am not sure if this medication works by killing the worms or by driving them out of the body. He is at a healthy weight, but does show signs of stress when hes in the cage, which i do have to upgrade soon.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Do iguanas' undersides have nerves?

    I know that certain desert reptiles do not have nerve endings on their bellies, so they face the risk of burns. Do iguanas, being tropical, have nerves on their bellies? I have a lamp and heat pad for my iguanas basking and I don't want him to hurt himself.

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Trying to tame iguana?

    I have been trying to tame my green iguana for a few days now, and it seems he is just hating me even more everyday. Once I get a hold of him, he is very calm. He will sit in my hand without struggling. But when I approach the cage and put my hand inside, he gets extremely defensive and thrashes around.

    I try to handle him once or twice a day, usually buy sitting down and letting him rest on my leg and petting him. Am I doing it right? I just want to make sure I am doing things right because I would hate to make him worse. He is just over a foot long, and I am not sure what kind of life he had before we rescued him but he was not housed correctly. The only way I will be able to keep him in the long run s if I can tame him at least to where he won't be biting and whipping when he is 6-7 feet long.

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Green Iguana tips and advice?

    Here is the situation:

    A friend of mind found an abandoned iguana and needed to find a home for it, so I took it in. I have experience with leopard geckos, but that's it.

    The iguana is a youngster still. The body length is just almost a foot probably so I have him in a glass tank 36x12 inches for the time being. I have the right temps set and water and food supply.

    The only thing I can't find useful info on is handling and taming. Usually I can enter the cage without trouble, but after the first minute he starts hissing and doing the tail whipping. I will probably just let him be for the next week, but how do I go about gaining his trust and lowering his aggression level? Apparently he hasn't had a very good life so far (he was found in a basement with molding food and a 6x10 inch cage) and I am hoping I can make him a pleasant pet to have before he gets big.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Are bread crumbs a good substrate for mealworms?

    I decided to use breadcrumbs for mealworm substrate because it was all I could afford at the time. I noticed that it has a very rough texture. Will this harm the worms or beetles?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Leopard Gecko Shedding issues?

    My gecko has been shedding for about two days now, and she is having trouble getting it off her toes and around her eyes. I know I am not supposed to help peel it off, but it looks like the skin around her eyes is starting to irritate them. Ive tried peeling a little and dripping water on her face to loosen it up, but it is very stubborn. Any advice on what to do? And Yes, she does have a humid hide.

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Breeding mealworms. Tips?

    When breeding mealworms, should I keep the worms, pupa and beetles in separate enclosures?

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • How to transfer all of my data from the external hard drive to macbook?

    I recently had work done on my mac, and all the info got erased. How do I put the info back? I have it saved on an external HD.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • U.S. Presidential Dollars?

    Just curious. Will the current US Presidential coins increase value over time? And is it true that they have been discontinued?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Was Albert Einstein proud of his work after the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    After the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians?

    3 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • Diatomaceous earth as a pest control? Pest-filled house?

    Me and my fiance are trying to fix up an old house her father is giving to us when we move out, and it is in need of many repairs including plumbing, heating, etc. This house has been unoccupied for quite a while now due to lack of renters. I have seen roaches, and I was told there may be bedbugs, too. I am sure there may be other pests, too, given the condition of the house.

    I was hoping to get rid of these pests or get them under control before we begin other work. Will diatomaceous earth work to deter roaches/bedbugs or dehydrate them? If so, how do we apply it? There is not heat in the house, so I thought this coming winter would be a good time to attack any pests there, but I do not know much about pest control. Will I have to hire someone, or will I be able to use methods myself? Thanks!

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Who has the right of way when merging onto a highway?

    Most people say that the merging traffic must yield, but what about a situation where the entry lane ends too quickly to speed up and then slow down if needed?

    6 AnswersCommuting10 years ago
  • Knocking while steering? ('97 LeSabre)?

    I have a 1997 Buick LeSabre. For the past couple weeks, I have been hearing a knocking/clunking noise from the front of the car when making slow, sharp turns (Turning around in a driveway, right turns from a stop, etc) or when I am parallel parking. It is not rapid clunking, but just one clunk when turning the wheel and one more when I straighten out. Any guesses what might be wrong? i did have the cradle repaired recently and the suspension is weak, if that matters.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Navy Reserves, what is your experience?

    I am considering joining the reserves. I am not sure which (Army or Navy). I know that training is six months for the Army, is the Navy the same? Also, what it is like being committed to the Navy and how has it helped you in your life?

    I want to serve, but I am also committed to my family and my fiance. Will being in the reserves take away from those commitments?

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Joining the Army Reserves?

    For those with experience, what is it like being in the reserves? How do you join, how committed do you have to be, and what benefits do you receive? Overall, what kind of experience was/is it?

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Do mealworms need a moist substrate?

    I have been trying to breed them more almost two months now and out of the 20+ beetles I have, only 1 or 2 worms are growing into pupa every 1-2 weeks. I see many tiny worms, but none seem to be growing more than 1/8 of an inch before dying off. I have moist pieces of food available and they are on a dry substrate (wheat grain). I have a bag of calci-sand I will not be using (found out it was bad for leopards)... can I use that as a substrate and keep it moist?

    Not sure if this is a factor but I have the beetles in a 7x7 inch space.

    2 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Leopard Geckos: Confused about heating requirements.?

    Most people recommend using only a UTH to keep the surface temp on the surface of the warm side around 90 degrees, but what about the air temperature in the tank? I had just the UTH on a rheostat to keep it at 90, but my geckos seemed inactive and felt cold with just that. Right now I have a red bulb AND the UTH on the warm side with the surface temp at 90-95 (probe thermometer) and I believe the air temp is around 85-90 (its hard to tell with those side-mounted thermometers). The geckos are better but I am afraid of over heating them.

    What is the best way for regulating air temperature in the tank as well as surface temperature?

    4 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Ideas for a pet amphibian?

    I am looking for a new reptile or amphibian pet. I already have two leopard geckos, and I want an animal that requires little or no heating ( I am guessing reptiles are out of the question now, maybe a type of salamander?) I have found salamanders that do not require heating, but they are intolerant of high temps (I live in MI---the temp in my room goes from upper 50s in the winter to mid 90s in the summer). Any help? Thanks.

    2 AnswersReptiles10 years ago