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  • How to share household expenses when boyfriend has kids part time?

    My boyfriend & I have been discussing moving in together. He has almost completely paid off his condo so I would be moving in with him. We have talked about how we both do not feel splitting household expenses straight down the middle is fair because he makes significantly more than what I do. We like the idea of the percentage method of dividing expenses but he has 2 (awesome) kids. The kids are there every other weekend for 3 days & are over for dinner on the off weeks. He does not feel like I should have to pay for the kid's needs (i.e. food or household items they use) as he does have a 14 year old who's over 6 feet tall, an athlete & eats him out of house & home. Haha. We have both tried to find some template on splitting household costs when one person has children but we have not found anything. He is very interested in making it fair to me but haven't found really any calculator or whatnot that logically tells us how to figure out a number. We both agree that personal expenses like cell phones, our own credit card bills etc are not to be included in what we're both responsible for & he is putting the care of his children in that category. I do not mind leaving the cost of having the kids visit out the equation but he strongly feels that they are his responsibility & does not want my share of the expenses to reflect any expectation of me to support them. (Any help or links would be great! Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Help withdrawing money from an HSA for non medical expenses?

    I am currently on medical leave for an injury & have not worked in 3 months. I have read online that you can withdraw funds from an HSA for non medical expenses. I've read that I would have to pay taxes on what I withdraw which is fine. My HSA site has an option to do electronic payments. Can I do an electronic payment to my own checking account? It does have a stipulation that electronic payments will always be coded as a regular distribution and should not be used for trustee to trustee transfers, rollovers or excess contributions. The only part about that I don't understand is the trustee to trustee part. Am I considered the trustee or is the bank that holds my HSA? Is transferring funds into my checking account feasible or am I going to need to fill out paperwork with the HSA bank to do so?

    6 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • If you are on medical leave from work is it violating HIPPA laws if your coworkers find out specific info?

    I've been on FMLA for awhile now due to an injury that required surgery. I found out today one of my coworkers seems to know a lot more than what I have disclosed to my coworkers. She knows the schedule I've been offered on modified duty, all of my specific work restrictions (i.e. standing 10% of the time, 90% sitting, 4 hour shifts only), when my next doctor's appointment is & knows who my surgeon is by name & has offered her opinion to my coworkers about my surgeon's skill level. I will be speaking to my supervisor tomorrow but I'm wondering if HIPPA was broken. My understanding was that all that information was confidential. My coworker is known to be very nosy & somewhat of a busy body so I'm wondering if she did anything wrong by either reading emails or my release to work form or if it was completely within my supervisor's right to tell her this information.

    3 AnswersHealth Care8 years ago
  • Can someone explain subrogation in relation to person health insurance & homeowners insurance?

    I fell at my boyfriend's house & broke my toe, foot & tendon in spectacular fashion. His homeowner's insurance says they will cover $10,000. I just got a letter today from my personal health insurance stating I have to agree to an investigation on their part or they will deny all my claims because they feel his insurance might be liable. His homeowners insurance has no fault medical coverage. When I spoke with my health insurance company I just ended up more confused than not. My question is since I'm having surgery soon, will I get any coverage from my own medical coverage? They said over the phone they "might" be able to cover a claim that gets denied by his insurance. Basically I'm wondering if when my surgery puts my total over $10,000 am I going to get stuck paying the rest? My personal coverage is 80% so if I tried to get reimbursement from his insurance I would definitely be under the $10,000 if it went through my insurance first. Or are they going to expect his insurance to pay out of pocket price, then give me my 80% normal coverage & expect me to pay the difference? My insurance says subrogation allows them to recoup payments for injury/illness caused by a third party. The homeowners insurance is not claiming fault so how does this whole thing work?

    3 AnswersInsurance9 years ago
  • Is it legal for a collections agency to charge a fee for every payment?

    I'm dealing with a collection agency stemming from a medical bill several years ago that was sent to an old address. The collection agency charges a $7 "payment charge" on every monthly payment I make. Doesn't matter how I pay whether it's over the phone, online or by check. Initially I was only given the option to pay over the phone which they told me I would also be charged the $7 for a payment charge. Then they finally got around to telling me I could pay online which also states I'm charged a payment fee. I sent a check to them once for the exact amount & received a letter from them stating I was not paying as agreed because I did not include the $7. I have nothing in writing from them stating I have to pay an additional $7 every time I make a payment. Is this legal?

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Can an HOA trespass a renter from common grounds?

    My boyfriend owns a condo in Oregon. He has to share the garage with a renter who is less than responsible. The other renter routinely leaves the garage unlocked and/or open & then leaves, things from my boyfriend's side have gone missing, his friends will often "mistake" my boyfriend's side for his & take things like motor oil (which the renter apologizes for but then takes months to replace it). Most recently, the renter walked on my boyfriend's side of the garage & tracked paint all over when he is not supposed to be on my boyfriend's side. Talking to the guy only makes him defensive & then he gets angry. The HOA says the garage is considered common grounds or common areas. Since the renter has proven time & time again he doesn't have any respect for my boyfriend's things or the garage in general can the HOA trespass the renter? I would imagine if he was displaying the same behavior at the pool or something like that they could. Thanks!

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Can a condo owner refuse to let an employee of a contractor in their home if they belong to an HOA?

    My boyfriend owns a condo govern by an HOA. The HOA has been working on a plumbing project recently & his building is next on the list. The issue is the contractor has hired a renter at the condos for odd jobs many residents have had an issue with. The guy is an ex-felon (and is proud of it), likes to remind everyone he was in a prison gang & has threatened to beat up and/or stab multiple people, my boyfriend being one of them after he asked the guy not to dump his butts in from of his house.The HOA & manager have not done anything about this guy as of yet. My question is, does my boyfriend have any legal ground to refuse to let the ex-con guy work in his house? The contractor was hired by the HOA. Can the HOA tell the contractor who they can hire for work on premises?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Is a KD mark on your credit report the same as a late payment?

    I have two accounts through collection agencies that I have faithfully been paying on time for about 6 months. I recently obtained a copy of my credit report & both have been reporting KD every month for those 6 months. I googled KD & have read that it can mean everything from denoting a collections account to a late payment. At the bottom of my credit report it says that my credit score is hurting because I have less than one month of on time payment history. Should I dispute those accounts with the credit reporting agencies or is the KD to mark they are in collections?

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Can a creditor garnish your wages without contacting you first?

    I received a letter from my employer today containing a judgment to garnish my wages. This is the first I've heard about it. I have not received anything in writing or any phone calls from the creditor. This just seems a little rash. I have lived at the same address for 5 years & worked at the same place for almost as long so it's not like they should have had an issue locating me.

    3 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • Are there laws labor laws regarding discrimination for not being pregnant?

    We have a newly pregnant co-worker who by all appearances doesn't seem to be able to do her job. Most days she spends her time eating or in the bathroom, leaving the rest of us to do her job. We already have to pick up the slack for duties she can no longer do because they might be risky to her pregnancy. We are being scheduled to cover for her in case she is sick & we have also been told on our days off we are essentially on call if she cannot come in. Her pregnancy has proved to be very disruptive to us all because of all the days due to all the days she calls out. Sometimes she calls out sick for the entire week. We all are getting increasing more resentful that we have to do our jobs as well as hers & that she sits down all day basically complaining about how hard it is to be pregnant & continues to get paid for doing nothing. She is currently 12 weeks along & we feel it's only going to get worse as her pregnancy progresses. Are there labor laws protecting those of us who have to work with pregnant women. I am a woman as well & have been pregnant but I was never like this. We are trying to be understanding & all know from personal experience pregnancy can be difficult but this is getting ridiculous.

    3 AnswersHealth Care10 years ago
  • What is the most a collection agency can expect you to pay in a month?

    I received a letter yesterday from a collection agency regarding a debt. They say I owe $1800 & say the company they represent expect me to pay it in full 3 weeks from the date of the letter or they will pursue legal action. Is this legal? Can they really expect me to have that kind of money just lying around? I've been sent to collections before & have always been told to contact them to make payment arrangements. I'm trying to do the right thing & fix my credit but I can't pay that much in 3 weeks.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance10 years ago
  • How do you get your check stubs from a previous employer?

    I'm taking the VTNE test soon & I need to show proof that I've worked as a veterinary technician for a certain required number of hours. Their idea on how to show this proof was check stubs. I need them for over 3,500 so that's probably the last 4 years. I've never seen your total number hours worked on a W-2 form so that wouldn't work. I have some but definitely not all of them.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • My cartilage piercing has pus coming out of it & is swollen. What to do?

    I've had my cartilage pierced for at least 10 years & it's never been an issue before. My piercings felt a little tender to sleep on so I removed my earrings to check it out & a bunch of pus shot out. I've cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide & squeezed out the rest. Any ideas on home care or why a piercing decided to get infected 10 years later? I did switch out my jewelry several weeks ago & I hadn't worn them in awhile. I'm currently soaking the jewelry in hydrogen peroxide now.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • My wages were being garnished at my previous job & I've accepted a new one. What happens now?

    Am I able to contact the company I was being garnished by & set up a payment plan or will they want information regarding my new job so they can continue to officially garnish my wages?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • I have two collection agencies calling me but I have received nothing in writing.?

    I wrote letters to them requesting information such as the amount of the debt & the original creditor etc several weeks ago but still have received nothing. I do not wish to call them but would prefer to deal with this in writing. They never leave a reference number, just a message stating they're collecting a debt, the name of the collections agency & their phone number. I googled their addresses. Should I send a second letter requesting information in writing or do I have to call them?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend was in a car accident & his insurance company notified him it's going to arbitration. Why?

    Why would the insurance company decide to do this? What does he need to do to prepare? I had always thought an accident went to arbitration if the driver & the insurer couldn't reach an agreement & needed to be specically requested. Why would they do that without his imput or consent? We live in Oregon & he has State Farm insurance.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Garnishment of wages for student loans?

    I recently started being garnished for a defaulted student loan. I was in a horrible relationship where I had other financial "responsibilities." I realize that this is not a valid reason for not paying so comments on my irresponsibility or need for a second job is not needed. What I'm wondering is if there is any hope of making payment arrangements with the collection agency that might be less than what they are taking out. I am barely squeaking by now and am diligently working on my other debts incurred during that period of my life. I've paid off the majority of them but still have some left. I'm trying to get my life back on track and this is definitely making it harder. I don't think I would qualify for financial hardship since if I wasn't paying off other debts I'd be fine.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago