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Lv 57,260 points

I'm Procrastinating

Favorite Answers10%

Hi ya. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. I don't even know how the rest of this quote goes, because I've never seen Taken. My favorite color is blue, my favorite food is food, and I am fluent in sarcasm.

  • If i switch from name brand to generic birth control pills, do i need a backup method if they are the same dose of the same chemicals?

    I recently changed insurance and its generic preferred so I had to change my birth control to generic. But they are the exact same dose of the exact same chemicals/hormones as the old ones. The doctor didn t specify so I did a quick Google search and someone said it was okay. I ve been on them for a week and a half now and not using a backup method.

    I m just getting a bit paranoid even though it s probably fine.

    3 AnswersMedicine4 years ago
  • My mom thinks my boyfriend is controlling?

    My mom was telling me that she thinks my boyfriend is controlling. this is because last night I was crying because of an argument she and i had earlier as well as having a bad day. She had been picking on me all evening and I heard her ask my boyfriend "what's wrong with your girlfriend?"My boyfriend was consoling me but decided to give me some time alone while he went to take a shower and said he might take a drive after. My mom stared asking him questions about me and asked him to tell me to come out. He told her that she should leave me alone. He didn't tell her I was crying. She came in without knocking and started asking me about why I was sad. She told me that he told her to leave me alone but said that because shes my mom she doesn't have to. When I didn't want to talk she told me not to let him "**** with my head."

    She told me this morning that he was controlling me by trying to get her to leave me alone. I think he was just trying to let me calm down and knew she would question me like she always does.

    Extra info: I'm 21 and getting ready to move out (I've paid rent to her the whole time) and in with him and my mom is getting ready to move out of state. The moves have been really hard on both of us and caused a lot of stress. Since I've been spending time with him, she complains that she never sees me and that I'm always blowing her off and makes comments about my "new family". She's also always making remarks about him

    A lot of people think she's controlling.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Pelvic pressure and pain?

    Hey all thanks for checking my question out.

    So I've been in birth control pills for years now and have been really good about taking them. They are my only birth control. I do not believe I am pregnant but haven't taken a test.

    Right after my last period, like the day after, I began having pressure around my uterus. This happened last month too. A few days ago I began experiencingredients sharp pains on both sides other my pelvison, usually after sitting or laying down for long periods of time. I also have been having pains similar you my usual cramps.

    I originally went on the pill when I was 15 for horrible cramps, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and the occasional two periods a month. I used to get black out sick.

    The pain during my period the past few months has been worse but not severe. So I think it's about time to switch again.

    I'm starting to wonder if this is endometriosis or some other condition. Has anyone experiencedown anything like this before? Please let me know.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • My mom wants to give up one of our dogs. Is this the right thing to do?

    A little over a year ago I adopted a dog from a shelter and she is awesome. My mom decided we should get another dog so six months later we adopted a puppy from the same shelter an I split the cost with her. I also buy the food/supplies for both dogs most of the time

    The shelter told us he was a border collie mix and would be about 35-40 pounds. Flash forward and we now know that he is most likely a Great Dane mix and weighs over 65. We live in a small condo

    He's hyper beyond belief sometimes. I walk him and my other dog 4-5 miles a day on average and he still has hyper fits. My mom walks them 2-3 miles sometimes on the weekends when I work mornings. I work full time outside of the house and my mom works full time from home.

    Anyways, the constant hyperactivity, barking, zooming through the house, play biting, and occasional accidents are getting to her. I don't like it either but I'm a little more patient with him and I still love his sweet, cuddly side. She wants to get rid of him and says hes the biggest mistake she's made in a long time.

    Further details: My other dog is about 30 pounds. I'm 20 years old and if I moved out, I could only afford to take the dog I adopted (the smaller one) , we've tried training him and he knows a few tricks but cant seem to learn to calm down and stop play biting.I've recommended a cheap crate for training but she got mad at the idea. He's not quite a year old yet.

    Any advice or do you think finding a new home would be for the best?

    7 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • My retainer is cracked!?

    I took my essix retainer, which I wear all day except when eating/brushing, out this morning and it cracked near one of my front teeth. I have been wearing the retainer since early august and taking it out the same way my orthodontist showed me. I wasn't rough at all!

    I have since moved and booked an appointment for a check up with a new orthodontist. However they can't get me in until December 9th. And there isn't really anywhere else I can go ( I live on Maui now so the options are very limited).

    What should I do? Will I be okay until then?

    3 AnswersDental6 years ago
  • Foster dog pees and poops inside?

    Hi all.

    My mom and I recently took in a foster dog. He is two years old an neutered. At first he would only do his business outside but as he got comfortable, he started going in my moms room. He goes back there to pee and poop, even after he's been out and went outside.

    It's driving us crazy. He'll do it whether we're in the room or not and he won't stop when we catch him. Sometimes it happen so fast we don't even have time to catch him.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I lost my bag of rubber bands for my braces?

    I get my braces off Thursday morning. If I don't wear them until then, will it be okay?

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • If you could travel back in time, what advice/wisdom would you give to your younger self?

    I would tell my younger self that all the pain and struggles pay off. You get to experience love and acceptance, find true friendship, feel what it's like to have a loving family, become closer to the people you were once distant from, achieve what you once thought impossible, and end up living in a truly beautiful place.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I keep waking up with bug bites?

    For the past week or so I have been waking up with new bug bites almost everyday. The bites are almost exclusively on my right foot and calf. I have gotten exactly 7 there. Only two in other spots. The bites only happen at night and only happen to me. My pets and roommate don't seem to have any.

    I checked my bed for bed bugs and droppings but there were none. I moved to the couch for a while so that I could treat my room but after three bite-free nights on the couch, I woke up with two new bites. That means that whatever it is completely surpassed my pets and roommate.

    The bites are large, raised, red/purple, and itchy (with the exception of the newest two, making me believe those came from somewhere else). They start to heal after about 2-3 days, becoming deeper red/purple and blotchy. The pigment stays around for a long tome after.

    Do you have any idea what this could be and how I can treat it?

    Thanks for any help!

    1 AnswerFirst Aid7 years ago
  • Mom is thinking of getting rid of dog?

    My Mom, who adopted a puppy a few months ago, is thinking of giving up her dog. He is too strong and hyper for her to handle. He even pulled her down the stairs and caused a foot injury (unsure if broken or torn ligaments) . He is also loud and she gets noise violations from his barking while she is away. Crating wouldn't help because she is in a small apartment complex with thin walls. My mother is a good woman and loves her dog, but she has bad arthritis which makes it hard for her to handle him. He is still young, only about 6 months old, and is already too much for her to handle.

    I'm moving in with her in a few months to help with bills and all, but I will be working and going to college so I won't be of much help.

    Any ideas on how to get him trained or options if we can't?

    **Just for the record: My mother got this puppy when he was a few weeks old and easy to handle. She had no idea he was going to get so big and strong, and neither did the shelter because they were unsure of the breed and thought he'd be small.

    6 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What would you think of a girl that doesn't wear make up?

    Just curious. I've had an allergic reaction or developed cystic acne every time I've used make up and I've tried so many types, even ones recommended by estheticians. I just gave up. The side effects where too painful to be worth it.

    Anyway, I have very minor acne in the summer and clear skin most of the time, but a few scars from the make ups I've tried. I do use a little eye make up every so often, but it irritates my eyes which leads to bad headaches.

    What would you think of a girl like this?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Similarities of heavy metal and blues?

    For my Rock Music and Culture class I have to write a short summary of the parallels of Heavy Metal and Blues genres, but I was absent the day we discussed it in class.

    Basically all I have is that early metal used a lot of blues rifts and both frequently mention the devil. That was basically all the teacher told me. If anyone can give me a few others to add, it would help a lot.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Parallels of heavy metal and blues?

    For my Rock Music and Culture class I have to write a short summary of the parallels of Heavy Metal and Blues genres, but I was absent the day we discussed it in class.

    Basically all I have is that early metal used a lot of blues rifts and both frequently mention the devil. That was basically all the teacher told me. If anyone can give me a few others to add, it would help a lot.

    2 AnswersBlues7 years ago
  • What tour did Black Sabbath do when Ozzy came back on 1996?

    I have to know for my Rock Music Culture class and the teacher never went over it. I've looked but can't find a definite answer online either.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Can you help me define postmodernism?


    I have to write a paper describing three different definitions of postmodernism. I have been sitting at the computer for two hours trying to find different and simple ways to define but I keep finding conflicting definitions and explanations. I'm about to rip my hair out.

    This paper was assigned today and is due Wednesday, but I'm working all day tomorrow and still have finals to study for!

    I really need some help! Please!

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • IS being a 19 year old virgin girl bad?

    I'll be 19 soon and I am still a virgin. I'm not necessarily waiting until marriage but at least for someone I'm in love with. I've had offers and it's almost happened in the past but I would say no because 1) there was no privacy or 2) I didn't have protection.

    Anyway, I've gotten some mixed feedback. Some people think it's great others think it's terrible. I've been told everything from "You're respectable" to "You're a prude and undesirable."

    I'd like to get some honest opinions, because it's really starting to bother me.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Advice for leash training my dog?

    My family is moving from a house with a yard to an upstairs apartment. I've been trying to get my dog to learn to potty while on a leash in our backyard but she refuses to go. I'm worried that once we get there she will hold it and get sick or ruin the floors. I'd walk her outside in our neighborhood but my mom won't allow it because our neighbors let their dogs roam around in their front yard unleashed.

    She's 6 years old and just doesn't seem to understand.

    Please help!

    Dogs7 years ago
  • My neighbor's dog is so annoying and violent! Please Help!?

    My neighbors have 5 great Danes. One of which, Thunder, has become the worst. He barks all the time in their backyard and I can sometimes hear him rattling against the fence which is close to my window.

    He tries to jump over my fence to attack my dogs and has bitten one of my dogs from over the fence twice! So I have to take pepper spray and a weapon (usually a knife or shovel) and stand next to my fence while my dogs are out to protect them.

    They's also allowed their dogs in my front yard (without a leash) to poop. And let them run away leash-less all the time.

    When I yell at him to get off my fence, his owners will either yell at me from over the fence or come pound on my door to yell at me and say it's my fault for having my dogs in my backyard. They don't yell at my security guard, 3rd degree black belt, gun toting roommate though. Just me, the little 5'1" girl.

    We've called the cops and/or animal control on them at least five times but nothing has changed.

    What can I do?! Please!

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I think I like a girl. But I'm a girl.?

    So I've always identified as straight but I periodically have sexual dreams about girls. Which is fine and never really made me question my sexuality before. However, last night I had a dream about a girl (lesbian) in my college class which didn't involve sex at all. In my dream we confessed to liking each other, kissed, and held hands. Today it's been all could think about and I find myself questioning whether or not I actually like her.

    I've noticed in the past few months that I care less about a persons actual sex. My dreams have gone from being mostly guys and occasionally girls to being guys, girls, transsexuals, hermaphrodites, etc. It seems now that I don't care so much about gender as long as they're nice and have a good personality.

    The girl I had a dream about last night is very nice, funny, and silly. I find myself glancing back at her during class and she just seems more and more attractive everyday. She smiled at me yesterday and I almost started blushing.

    I've never been homophobic, in fact I've always been open minded. But I've always identified as straight and now starting to question it.

    Thoughts or advice?

    Thank you!

  • Surrendering my cat today. Really sad. Help?

    My mom and my brother are both severely allergic to him and have asthma. I'm mildly allergic to him. We are also moving to a place that I cannot keep him.

    I've worked hard to find him a place to go but none of my family or friends can take him because they either have pets or are allergic. I found a nice foster home with a lady that works at a no kill shelter who promised to keep me updated and send pictures.

    Today's the day I'm taking him down and it really hit me how sad I am. I've had him for years and I love him to bits so it breaks my heart.

    I'll be taking him this evening and I know I'll break down crying, as I have been doing almost everyday for the past week. My best friend is coming with me for emotional support. But I still feel really bad about this. How can I cope with the loss of my little fluffy buddy?

    7 AnswersCats7 years ago