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  • How do you think animal abuse should be dealed with?

    I think that what the person did to the animal should be done to himand more, like how i think most punishments should be.

    Eg. If a guy shoots an animal and kills it purposly and unnecessarily, the guy should be shot and killed

    Eg. If a guy chains up an animal and never feeds for 3 months, the guy should be chained up for 9 months with the amount of food the animal was fed and fined and cannot have another animal.

    Eg of an exception - if a guy sexually abuses an animal, the guy gets his testicles removed and jailed for half the guys age (age 40, 20 years) or even capitol punishment

    I dont care if thats inhumane to humans, they treat animals inhumanely they should be treated inhumanely

    What do you think and tell me if you think im 'wrong' or any holes in my idea

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How to deal with a bad friend?

    Ok, im at school and at school i have a group of 6 friends. I have a friend in that group who hates everyone in the group except me and another guy.

    2 of the guys have stopped talking to him cause hes a dick

    My friend beats up the other guy for no reason

    My friend (who i will call L) just invites himself over and takes the food and yells all the time and i want to beat him cause of that. He tells these long ass story jokes and when the punch line comes along its lame and his other jokes are loud and lame.

    He is a good friend cause he would stick up for you in a fight and would take care of them but he just gets pissed off at nothing and takes it out on the nearest person he knows, which is usually me

    The group are sick of him and were wondering if we should kick him out. If we kick him out he wont go cause hes got nowhere else to go and he wont learn and we cant ignore him cause he will just get louder.

    What do we do almighty yahoo universe?

    14 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • how do you live with being bi-sexual - lots of help, lots of worries, lots of stress, Help please?

    Im a year 11 in high school

    I usually like girls, but theres this one boy that I like. Hes so nice and funny and coincidentally hes my best friend. Were both quiet when were around each other cause were both quiet people. Anyway I love him and he doesnt know it. Im not sure if hes gay straight or bi and I dont care. But how do you live with being bi? Ive accepted it but it keeps coming back to my mind every 10 seconds and I cant believe it. It annoys me. I guess anxiety, lots of stress and depression doesnt help. But here are my main questions:

    How do you live with being bi?

    How can you tell if someone likes you? (AAs I tink other people like me aswell)

    How can you tell someone your bi?

    How can you tell if someone is bi/gay?

    Sorry for all the questions but I need help

  • how do you deal with 'smart' people?

    At my school, they have a 'smart class'. But many of the 'smart' people are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met. They also seem to have lost common sense and reason. The people I know only think of themselves, they say that they remain smartest ones in the group when they get no better grades than me or annyone else in the group who are supposedly 'stupid'. They are so fucking self-centred, snobby, lost common sense, nosey and just pricks all round. It doesnt help that theyve barely hit puberty and theyre 14-15. I just want to punch the arrogant ones in the head so hard they lose intelligence and gain common sense if thats possible. Who else notices this and how do you deal with it?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • minecraft mod and forge downloading help for 1.8.3 - please help?

    Im trying to download mods for minecraft and it says I need to download minecraft forge but I dont know where to find it for 1.8.3. Where can I find a SAFE site to download it from?

    Do 1.7 and 1.6 mods work on 1.8.3?

    How do I install the mods?

    A lot of help is required

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • how do you read dreams?

    I find it interesting and i would like a quick run-down on how to read dreams

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • are these people true friends?

    I know i have asked a few question based around the same sort of thing and if its annoying, sorry

    Person 1 - picks on one particular guy in the group, if you stuff up during a little game we do he throws stuff at you, he talks about himself and his school work, he repeats the same shit and hes been told hes smart so he gets pissed off when you do something wrong, big ego

    Person 2 - the smartest and oldest of the group but yet the most immature, cocky when hes right or wins at something, doesnt talk a lot, big ego

    Person 3 - plays his crappy music out loud when no one wants him to, sings, in class he stabs with rulers, steals your shit, draws on you and says your always wrong when your actually right, yells and jumps around a lot, throws stuff when someone makes a joke about him, big ego but also slightly depressed

    Person 4 - thinks hes smart and uses big words when hes stupidest one there, asks himself questions out loud and makes us think like we care and answers his own questions, talks about himself and his family, his one goal in life is to beat all his friends at anything when hes losing, complains a lot (i mean A LOT)enormous ego

    Person 5 - talks about a few shows, very very immature, makes weird noises, acts like a dog, doesnt like hanging out after school or on weekends, gives the group an immature image, decent sized ego

    Me - can be annoying, can be offensive, have been told i cannot be hated, get very pissed off at friends, deeply depressed at times and have a

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • do you think i should abandon my group of friends to these other ones?

    My current group is a nerdy sort of group that is quiet and does there work at school. During free time we dont visit each other or talk to each other. At lunch they make fun of each other and make immature choices and makes the group look like a group of weird, immature gays (no offence intended). The other group are a lot more popular and mainstream. We are all rowers, they make fun of each other (less annoyingly than the other group), in a fight they will help each other out, sometimes can be dicks and start rivalries inside the group, they are very instable (in the sense that they could drift away quicker than the other group), they are louder but they arent really as smart.

    I know this is my decision but what do you think and what group would you go with

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • why is my friend being frustrating?

    So i ask him if he wants to come over and hang out sometime in the week or the week after and he says maybe. Then i ask him a day later i repeat the question and he doesnt answer over even reply. (By the way, all is done over Steam (a game site that allows to make friends and talk to friends)) I know he is there because it says hes online and playing a game. I know he is there because i say i have a question and he replies to that but then he doesnt answer the question. This has been going for a god damn YEAR and it is frustrating as fuck! If he doesnt want to hang out i still need an answer. And i have not done anything to annoy him unless saying hi is annoying. And he does nothing else during the holidays other than plays games, does the occasional family thing and the everyday stuff (eat, sleep, etc). So what do you think could be making him act like a dick and do you think he is a real friend?

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • who is the tallest, heaviest and (in your opinion) strongest wrestlers (all seperate catagories)?

    I dont know who the heaviest and tallest are, i suspect Giant Gonzalez as tallest and i have no idea for heaviest. I reckon the stronest is Kane in his prime.

    4 AnswersWrestling6 years ago
  • why does nobody answer my questions on yahoo answers!?

    I ask a perfectly reasonable question and nobody answers. It is definitly an answerable question. If i do get answers they are shit and small. Sick of this shit!

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • how to tell if someone is gay if they dont even know?

    I have some friends and i think some of them may be gay but im not even sure if they know. How can you tell if someone is gay if they dont even know? Im not going to go into details but what are some things i could pay attention to to help me figure out if theyre gay.

  • am i gay, straight, bi or pan-sexual?

    I am a 15 year old boy going through puberty and i have this friend who is funny, nice, has a overall great personality, is slightly handsome, is quite skinny, can touch a bit, teases and jokes a lot and is a great guy and i am this 6 foot 1, strong, supposedly manly giant rower. I have noticed that lately i have been thinking about him more and what it would be like if we went out or did "other things". Im not sure if hes straight, gay, bi or what but he doesnt like to talk about girls or doesnt seem to be interested in girls. I masturbate and when i do i do it to him and girls. I usually watch 'straight' porn with the occasional gay porn. But this guy is the only guy that i like. If he wasnt there i wouldnt be interested in men. I think im either bi-sexual or pan-sexual (likes somebody regardless of gender) and i think i may be leaning over towards pan. What sexuality do you think i am and what should i do?

    Please no religious people saying go to straight camp cause thats annoying and i am an atheist.

    If you do answer please keep checking up on your answer cause i may comment.

  • am i gay, straight, bi or pan-sexual?

    I am a 15 year old boy going through puberty and i have this friend who is funny, nice, has a overall great personality, is slightly handsome and is quite skinny and i am this 6 foot 1, strong, supposedly manly giant. I have noticed that lately i have been thinking about him more and what it would be like if we went out or did "other things". Im not sure if hes straight, gay, bi or what but he doesnt like to talk about girls or doesnt seem to be interested in girls. I masturbate and when i do i do it to him and girls. I usually watch 'straight' porn with the occasional gay porn. But this guy is the only guy that i like. If he wasnt there i wouldnt be interested in men. I think im either bi-sexual or pan-sexual (likes somebody regardless of gender) and i think i may be leaning over towards pan. What sexuality do you think i am and what should i do?

    Please no religious people saying go to straight camp cause thats annoying and i am an atheist.

    If you do answer please keep checking up on your answer cause i may comment.

  • having a steam problem - please help?

    I have a friend on steam. When i go onto steam it says hes offline then i click his profile and it says hes playing a game. I click on send a message and it says hes offline. He says its a glitch but i thought he blocked me or something. How can i solve this problem?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • how do you cure/treat tendonitis/tendonisis?

    i have tendonitis in my wrist and its hard to do a lot of things i do in my normal day. Rowing, getting dressed, lifting, tooth brushing, making a sandwich or anything. I use anti-flamme, strapping tape, ice, wrist supports but is there anything else i can do

    3 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • what happened to my wrist?

    A while ago (last year) i was punching a punching bag and i made a flimsy shot and it hurt my wrist. It took a month to heal but i didnt know what happened. Then last week while i was doing a wheelborrow race it started hurting a lot and it is now swollen. I think it was because i have weak wrists and they shouldnt have 87kg on them. I asked my rowing coach what she thought and she said it could be tendonitis or something and she said it was common in rowing. Then she noticed it was swollen so she said it may not be tendonitis but I could of injuried it. I have been putting deep heat on my wrist 3 times a day and putting ice on it and it has gotten a bit better but it got worse today. It only hurts when I move it around in certain ways. Anyway, could my wrist be broken or what could it be?

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • i feel like crap for lying to my mum - what should i do?

    The lie was that I had to train in the morning for rowing but I was tired and needed a decent sleep and so I lied and said it was cancelled and she believed me and now I feel like crap. I dont want to say that I lied to her because she would give me a lecture and tell dad and he would give me a lecture and they will be pissed off at me for a week. But I feel bad and I just want this feeling to go away but how do I stop the feeling?

    6 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • how much do wwe wrestlers nowdays get paid?

    Like Reigns and Wyatt and Kane not Undertaker and Mysterio

    3 AnswersWrestling6 years ago