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Anyone know how some people hide their mutual friends on Facebook?
3 AnswersFacebook3 years agoMethods to tackle feminists colluding to defame men anyone?
I just read about a horrible case involving a man who was been defamed by a sibling he was not even aware of, the sibling lived miles away and was defaming her brother as a mentally unstable man, who assaults women and insisted everyone he had come into contact with to report any behaviour which according to the sibling is a sign of eventual schizophrenic outbursts.
The man who is been targeted has no idea who is doing this or why, he finds himself in broken relationships because his sister who is fallowing him around is defaming him to their families in secret, she would trick the police into believing her family is trying to find a missing relative, once she locates the relatives she would study his environment to find out where he lives, works and types of friends and places he associates with., then tracks them if she
finds out the target is traveling or away
all day at work, pretending an incident took place and police are investigating a criminal matter, at some point she pretends she asks her naive listeners to not tell their secret and shared miss information depicting her brother as a mentally unstable individual who the police want to arrest for this and that, this way the naive listener, most likely a girlfriend and potential bride will get a negative image of her mate., at some point the sibling even suggested to pass drugs to her brother or tried to convince his female partners to report to the police that she is in a relationship with him for his background
5 AnswersGender Studies4 years agowhat is the equivalent for the work CHARADE in French?
4 AnswersLanguages4 years agoCan someone help me explain this legal phrase?
There was this parents trying to manipulate their daughter to date a boy they liked because he has blue eyes and comes from a middle class family.
One day the couple overheard her parents outside in the garden talking to neighbours about plot they had to get rid of the boyfriend so the daughter eventual had no other choice but to settle for this boy.
They where thinking of defaming him as a rambo women abuser to locals, this way he never felt welcomed when staying with them during his leave from the Army.
The neighbours suggested to have some sort of justification incase their daughter or boyfriend demands one.
The couple consulted friends for advise and decided to invite the parents to a arbitration where they would have to justify why they where plotting to choose who their daughter married.
in this mediations the couple recorded with their iphone the parents told the arbitrator that they had supported the couple with money to justify their discontent with him, but it turned out she never asked for it and was instead told it was a gift from real estate assets they can deduct from a tax right of.
All they established was that the parents never accepted the boyfriend, the young couple knowing what was said in the garden sounded like a racist motivate reason they concluded nothing less.
What i need to write is something explaining how their allegations could not justify their behaviour., because it sounds like extortion.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agoSo it is legal for someone with out money to defame someone to employers and relatives?
Defamation Attorneys claim that once you have the evidence to support the damages sustained from defamation, where a person unknown hidden lies about you to a 3rd party to damage your reputation, causing you to get fired, separation from a lover etc etc, some people suggest you cant or should not sue someone for committing this crime, which is considered a felony!
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agoComment rapportez-vous les parents qui harcèlent leurs enfants en utilisant un tribunal de la famille?
Un ami s'est déplacé dans une autre région pour avoir la distance (350KL) entre ses parents après avoir poursuivi le tribunal de la famille avec des mensonges qu'ils n'avaient pas accès aux petits-enfants, Elle a la preuve que ses parents veulent qu'elle se marie avec quelqu'un d'autre et menacent d'utiliser le tribunal de la famille si elle a fait un enfant avec cet autre homme, Son avocat l'a conseillé de respecter les visites et de se déplacer s'il le veut, Son avocat a indiqué que la loi exigeait qu'elle leur raconte sa nouvelle adresse, Elle a respecté la loi, a déménagé, mais ils ne l'ont jamais appelée ou écrit des lettres demandant de voir le grand-enfant, Au lieu de cela, ils ont conduit 350KL à la ville, ont dit aux gens au bureau des maires qu'ils ne peuvent pas la trouver, qu'elle est en danger, que son petit ami la bat et l'enfant a besoin d'aide.Personne ne lui a dit que ses parents dans la région, elle a trouvé sa voiture avec une fenêtre cassée, elle l'a signalé à la police et ils lui ont dit que les grands-parents s'inquiétaient de l'endroit où elle était parce qu'elle n'avait pas de place pour vivre., Elle a dit à la police que c'était un mensonge, qu'ils diffamatoires pour l'harceler, La police a affirmé que ce n'est pas une diffamation, mais quand elle a demandé alors pourquoi ils ne l'ont pas contactée directement, ils ont finalement accepté.
4 AnswersFamille4 years agoPouvez-vous vendre sur Priceminister en toute confiance?
Un ami a vendu son IPHONE 6 + mais a affirmé que quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas correctement. Sans aucune preuve, ils demandent à le renvoyer après les vacances.
2 AnswersInternet - Divers4 years ago