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  • Is he not ready for a relationship?

    I began dating this boy a couple months back. We soon fell in love and started a relationship; however, because we're in a relationship, I find myself doubting it all the time.

    Reasons why I doubt it is because this is his first relationship; I was his first kiss and I took his virginity. He also claims that I'm the first girl he's ever loved and he's never felt this way before.

    I believe him when he says this, but I still doubt things all the time. This boy is extremely immature. He's not used to having to be concerned about a girlfriend's needs. He's not used to the fact that once you get a girlfriend, you have to cherish her and treat her with love.

    He does this, but I feel like it's difficult for him sometimes. When him and I are alone together, he treats me wonderfully, but when there's distractions, like other people, he doesn't pay that much attention to me much and I feel like he puts other things in front of me.

    I feel like he puts his hobbies and friends in front of me. He can hang out with friends and enjoy his hobbies, but when we're together, I'd like to be treated like an actual girlfriend; not just some girl who's there.

    Another thing that pisses me off is that he rarely texts me. We only see each other about 1-3 times a week because he has school and he's very focused on it. But I feel like he could have at least A LITTLE bit of time to send me ONE text everyday. I keep telling him I'd like one text from him throughout the day because I enjoy talking to him. When I tell him this, he follows through with it the next day, but then stops doing it after.

    I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me while we're away. I'm always the one who wants to Skype with him and I'm always the one who texts him first. I just feel like I put in so much effort when it comes to these things.

    For his birthday, I got him gifts and threw him a small get-together; I feel like I won't receive the same for my birthday. Now, I'm not trying to be greedy or anything, but I just can't help the feeling that this boy is just not ready for a relationship.

    There are things about him that really irk me and that's most of them. Maybe I'm just being an emotional girl, but I need someone's advice on what I should do.

    I admit, I do have visions of me breaking up with him, just so he'll wake up. I don't know. Someone please help.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Cat breathes strange & squeaks when she purrs. What do I do?

    My cat seems to have a bit of a problem when she purrs. My cat purrs a lot because she generally is a happy cat and I love to pet her so much and make her happy. I love petting her, but when I pet her and she begins to purr, I notice she squeaks when she purrs and she has a weird breathing problem. Something on the side of her body moves up and down when she breaths as she's purring. It's like her body is working extra hard to make her breathe when she's purring. I'm scared she has a bad breathing problem and something's wrong with her respiratory system. I know I should really take her to a vet, but that costs a lot of money. I don't have a much cash, so I figure the next best place to go is here on Yahoo Answers. If you think you know what's wrong with my cat, feel free to post some help! Thanks!

    2 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • I need advice on what school I should attend.?

    Hello. This is more of a personal question. I really shouldn't be asking it on here, but I figured why not? I don't know who else to ask since no one I know gives me answers. I'm eighteen-years-old, just graduated high school. All of my friends are now in community college. Some are in universities, but mostly everyone I know went to community college. Me, I'm not in anything. I'm not going to school, because frankly, I don't like school at all. My dream is to be a successful film/TV show maker one day. I have dreams of winning Oscars and whatnot. So, there's a film school called The New York Film Academy. It's located about two hours away from me. That's my dream school. My only problem is, I can't decide if I want to go to some stinking community college and my general ed, or should I just say, "Screw it" and go to the film school and try to pursue my dreams with filmmaking by going there. What I want to know is, what would you do? I'm kind of asking more older and experienced people that would know and understand. What should I do? Get my general ed, or just go to my film school and see what happens from there? Thanks if you took the time out of your day to read this long paragraph that doesn't apply to you whatsoever. :)

    1 AnswerOther - Education10 years ago
  • Spider Bite Help! Need Some Answers!?

    I'm really concerned about some bug bites that have been appearing on me. The bug bites are usually two small dots horizontally or vertically across from each other, about one millimeter apart. I'm noticing I get them at random, and I think it's from some kind of bug that is in my bed. My cats sleep on my bed, but I don't think they have fleas. And I've looked up flea bites, and they don't look similar to the ones I have. The ones I have look like spider bites. But it scares me because I don't want to be bitten by a venomous spider. The bites usually clear up and go away, but I have one right now that really itches. I'm scared to go to sleep because I don't want to be bitten again. Please let me know if this has happened to you and what I should to about it. Would changing my sheets help or sleeping with new blankets? Let me know so I can get some rest tonight. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago