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Lv 42,865 points

Some dude

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Nothing special here - I'm just some dude. You all know the guy I'm talking about, the guy I am: He's not that smart, but not dumb, not that ugly, but not really great looking, no where near unbarable, but not the funnest guy on the planet, has that occasional burst of genius, incompetence every now and again, but is usually just kinda there. Everyone knows him but nobody really knows him. He's just some dude.

  • Do kids today still collect baseball cards?

    Id' been thinking about selling off my childhood baseball (and basketball and football) card collection for a while. But recently found out my wife is pregnant. I was wondering if kids today still collect baseball cards and it would be something that my son would one day get a big kick out of and should hold on to.

    I hadn't looked at my childhood collection in nearly twenty years, and just kept dragging that (big) old box around with me cause it seemed like a waste to throw them away. So I decided that it was time I just sell them. I'd reached the point of exploring what I might be able to get for them. Luckily, childhood me was very meticulous and put all the best players in special cases and notebooks so it was pretty easy find some collector's price guides and see what my collection might be "worth." Of course these cards are only "worth" what anyone is willing to pay for them. So I totaled the alleged collector's guide value of what I should be able to sell my "superstar" cards for and saw that it was a nice chunk of change. But it's not so much as to be"life-changing" money or anything, and I have a good job so, while like most people we would love a few extra dollars, we're not in dire need of extra cash or anything.

    When I found out my wife was pregnant it got me thinking of when I was a boy I always envied a friend of mine who had his dad's old collection and cards from years long past. I wondered if my boy might one day get more value out of my childhood treasures than I could get off of Ebay or something now. Since we're still relative newly weds without children, most of our friends I guess naturally are singles or couples without children too, so I haven't been able to figure out if baseball card collecting is a timeless childhood passion or some fad of my youth.

    If I were to sell them, as alluded to, I probably don't know enough to find the right buyer or anything and make "huge" money just a nice solid extra chunk. I have some allegedly "valuable" cards (relatively) but not so much that it would be worth my time than to do anything more than put them on ebay, or see what a card collector vendor would give me for the whole lot.

    If kids today (and thus presumably of all generations) still stop at the 7-11 on the way home from school and buy a pack of baseball cards and trade them with friends as I did, I'm thinking I'd be better off keeping them for my boy to enjoy one day. But if they don't I figure no point in still hanging on to these cards that I haven't looked at in years. Anybody's kid's still like trading cards?

    Hobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Pregnant wife emotional?

    My pregnant wife has been a little emotional lately. When I cut her off after her sixth beer (for the good of the child) she started breaking my Elvis collector plates. Of course I pushed her out the door and locked her out for the night telling her to sleep it off, but she's trying to get the old truck to start (she used it to ram the trailer before). Am I okay to smack her just to knock her the f out so she can sober up? I don't wanna hurt the baby.

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is Coconuts on the Beach in Cocoa Beach Florida still a Denver Broncos bar on Sundays?

    Many years ago when I lived in nearby Melbourne I used to go to this bar on Sundays since they featured my favorite team on NFL Sundays. My career has since moved me on but I will be back in the neighborhood this weekend and would love to go back to Coconuts to watch my Broncos play this Sunday, if it's still the same bar, ran the same way, and especially if they still feature my favorite team as they did a little over a decade ago. According to their website it looks the same and says they have NFL Sundays, but says nothing of my beloved Broncos. But then when I was last there Elway was our QB and we had won back to back titles. Just wondering if it's still Broncos, and if it's still as fun as it once was and worth a stop in for a game, a meal, and a few drinks for old times sake. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - United States9 years ago
  • What are the best activities to do in Fiji?

    My fiance and I plan to honeymoon at the Royal Davui Island Resort in December. We have seven nights at the resort (which essentially translates to six full days and a half day on each side with flight and transportation times). Visiting the south Pacific has been a dream of ours for some time, so we want to make the most of it. Everything the resort offers looks amazing, but of course we only have so much time. Has anyone visited the resort and had a spectacular experience with a "can't miss" activity?" Or, less specifically, has anyone visited Fiji and and had a great time during some experience (I am generally assuming most activities are reasonably comparable from resort to resort) that they would recommend as well worth shooting for while we're there? Beach-dive-relax, obviously. But any "insider" tips? Thanks for any advice!

    3 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific10 years ago
  • Little Tony goes to the zoo (clean)?

    Little Tony begs his parents to take him to the zoo. Finally after several weeks of his complaining his mother makes his father, big Tony, take him. When they get home his mother asks him, "Did you have fun at the zoo?"

    Little Tony says, "I had a blast! and even dad had a good time too. Especially when one of the animals came 'home' at 30-1."

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Little Tony at the doctor (mildly crude)?

    Little Tony's mother took him to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor says, "I'm sorry son, but you're going to need a shot to be ready for school this fall."

    Little Tony said, "Well, I'm not happy about it, but I may as well get used to it for when grow up."

    The doctor asked him, "Well what do you mean?"

    Little Tony said, "My dad says he needs a shot every night to be able to deal with my mom's b****ing."

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • little tony doesn't want to be tardy (crude)?

    Little Tony walks to school every day. One day he starts showing up 30 minutes early. The teacher doesn't think anything of it at first, but he keeps being really early every day.

    After a couple of weeks though the teacher starts to wonder why the boy would be so early every day and asks, "Tony, why are you here so early every day?"

    Tony says, "I don't want to be late."

    The teacher says, "Well punctuality is admirable, but you don't need to be this early to school, you don't have a tardy problem, why are you so early every day?"

    "I don't want to make my dad mad," said Tony, "my sister told my father she was late and he called her a whore and threw her out of the house."

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Little Tony and percentages (mildly crude)?

    Little Tony was in math class learning about percentages and interest.

    The teacher asked, "What is it called when you have to pay back more than you borrowed?"

    Little Susie stands up and says, "Interest."

    "Correct," says the teacher, "and what is that if I lend you $10 and you have to pay me back $11?"

    Little Sally stands up and says, "A ten percent interest rate."

    "Correct," says the teacher.

    "And what is it if I lend you $100 and you have to pay me back $150," asks the teacher.

    Little Tony stands up and says, "An oppressive ****ing vig."

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Little Tony and grammar (crude)?

    Little Tony was sitting in grammar class and the teacher wrote on the board:

    the cats fur is yellow

    and then asked, "Who can tell me what is wrong with this sentence?"

    Little Susie stood up and said, "You didn't capitalize the 'T' in 'the.' "

    "Very good," said the teacher, "and why is capitalization important?"

    "It tells you it's the beginning of the sentence," says Susie.

    "Correct," says the teacher. "Now what else is wrong?"

    Little Sally stands up and says "You didn't put an apostrophe in 'cat's'."

    "Very good," says the teacher, "and why is that important?"

    "Because that shows it is the cat's possession and not multiple cats."

    "Correct, now what else is wrong?"

    Little Tony stands up and says, "You forgot the period."

    "Very good," says the teacher, "and why is it important that we don't miss periods?"

    Little Tony scratches his head and says, "Well I don't know, but my sister missed one and my father was ******* furious."

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • prolonged heart break (over a year later and still hurting)?

    Last spring my fiance called off our wedding. Of course I was shattered. We dated for 4 years and I knew she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. At first I couldn't function at all. All I could do was sit around and hope that somehow things would work out. After several months reality set in to me and I realized it was really over. I thought as hard as it would be in time the pain wold become less and less, and eventually I would move on.

    The thing is it hasn't. I'm still as in love with her as ever, and still so very broken hearted. It's not even just the "I'm sad when I think about it" pain. I still lose sleep over it. It's still the first thing that hits me when I wake up in the morning. I still feel the very deep inner pain any moment I am not actively distracted by something else.

    I've done all the cliches to try and move on. I just can't seem to, over a year later. Is this normal? Is something wrong with me? What can I do to stop the pain?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Hearing voices?

    When persons with schyzophrenia or other psycholigical disorders with dellusions are said to "hear voices" or "hear a running commentary" or such, does this mean to them they literally hear voices speaking? Or is it even to them not audiable but voices that speak solely in thier head more along the lines of thoughts with a defined voice?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • 2006 Sportster 883 XLC Basic Maintenace?

    I have a 2006 883 Sporster XLC. I know this is a stupid sounding question, but it's my first bike ever. How do I remove the battery? I can't for the life of my figure it out! If I can't even figure out how to do this I don't deserve a bike...HELP!

    6 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • All time best body building package?

    Who presented the all time best package at a bodybuilding competition? Cite a competitor and the show/year, please. If you like, add why you think it's the best.

    I'll start with the cliche (hey, it got that way cause it's true): Ronnie Coleman at the 2001 Arnold Classic - best pairing of size and aesthetic symetry ever!

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How to support a deploying friend?

    I am in the US Army. I joined three years ago to fight for my country by deploying in support of OIF/OEF. I have yet to deploy. Currently I am an a unit that has not deployed and is not scheduled to deploy (an integral EUCOM unit). My plight is that my closest friend is on her way to Iraq. Of course I am concerned for her safety, but I can't help but feel envious of her getting to go have the adventure/heroic status that i so desperately want as well.

    I am sure I will be able to write her letters/etc without a problem, but I am worried that when she returns I will feel differently towards her because of my jealously. How can I put aside my envy and just support her, be concerned only for her safety, and be happy that she is getting to do what most Soldiers long to? I hate myself for focusing on me and my jealousy right now - but I can't help it no matter how hard I try!

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Military Officer Hotel Paris?

    I had an associate some time ago recommend to me that when I visit Paris I stay in the French Officer's club/museum/hotel (also open to Officer's of allies - I'm a U.S. Army Officer). I wasn't smart enough to keep the business card of the place and now that I plan to go I am having no luck "googling" it. Does anyone know the official name for this establishment? Thanks!

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Aang (Avatar) = Tenzin Gyatso (Dalai Lama)???

    I asked this question before and was quickly written off as reaching, so i will re-word...

    When i watch "Avatar: The Last Airbender, I cannot help but feel that Aang is inspired by the the Dalai Lama:

    - He is a reincarnated spiritual leader

    - He is bald with orange robes

    - He hails from a mountainous region (Tibet / Airbender Temple)

    - While he is supposed to be this great leader he is equal known for his fun / playful side (perhaps a pop culture cliche of Tenzin Gyatso, but a fairly common one)

    - A colder, more mechanical nation has conquered his and he is "in exile"(the Fire Nation / Communist (secular) China)

    - He is identified, at least in part (and at least in pop culture) by his familiarity with possessions from his past life

    I am NOT saying Avatar: the Last Airbender (The Legend of Aang as it si known in some places) is a political charged show, or is in support of Tibet / Opposition to China - just that I think Aang is mostly inspired by Tenzin Gyatso. Anyone agree ??

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Avatar = Dalai Llamma?

    So the avatar is clearly the dalai llama. A dude from a mountain country that is bald and wears orange robes, was picked based on is selection of items owned by a previous person and is known as much for his playfulness / happiness as his "heroism" (remains to be seen in the show, debatable in real life)? Political statement or pop. cultural identity?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • psychology of a woman and the telephone?

    So I've had a long on again off again relationship with this fantastic woman, who I have been completely in love with for years. Currently we seem to be at the forground of flirting with "on again." We haven't seen eachother but just started phoning again (the way it always goes - hopefuly somedy it'll actually work out). Every time i talk to her though I think to myself, "Now, if shes the one who ends the conversation you always try and read into things and get sad, so you end the conversation after youve had a nice chat and you won't over analyze things since you were the one who said bye first."

    Every time I try to do that though she always says she wants to talk more and we stay on the phone awhile longer and then she ends the conversation. So ofcourse then I start analyzing things, and I find myself here now probably being cooky and wondering if she does that on purpose to "keep control " or whatever.

    Are women just way better phone psychology or am I just a loon?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Xenu? Seiously...?

    Thans to mass media even those who have not reached "level 3" of scientolgy are aware of the "Xenu" story. So my question is for sientologists: I know it is downplayed often in public discussion, but seriously souls being dropped off in a DC8 (craft that resembles one) by some alien dude? Tell me pop culture has got it all don't really believe that do you? What is the significance of the story? If none - how can you believe every other doctrine by Ron Hubbard if you can't explain this?

    This is NOT an attempt to offend or berate - i seriously just don't get it. Religion is often wierd if you're not a believer, but this one (perhaps because of it's relative new founding) seems really wierd, even for religion's standpoint.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Time share / vacation club / joint property ownership?

    I'm a guy who likes to travel. A LOT. I go to an exotic destination several times a year. Of course this gets pricey, so I've been loking at ways to get more bang for my buck. One thing I've been looking at is Time Shaes (or one of the other seudo names they go under these days). In the past the criticism has been "But then you're stuck in the same vacation for the same time period every year..." It seems though with the globalization of the internet many companies offer options to trade your time/place with other people's time/places.

    So my question is: For those who do / have owned time share / vacation club / joint property / whatever, what has your experience been like? Have you saved money in the long run, or is it a wash with just getting a hotel every year (or how ever often you travel)? Is it ieasy to trade your time share with a diffenerent location, a location you specifically want, or do you fid yuorself settling? Bottom line - is it worth it?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago