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† Christian! †
Christian who likes to help people and not judge. dealing with mental illness myself, one of my main goals is to help people with their issues by finding God and purpose. has helped me so much.
Old movie about a shipwrecked father and his kids?
here's what I remember:
It's about a family, a father and at least two girls. I don't remember a son, but there might have been one.
They sing "Drunken Sailor" which even then I thought was wildly inappropriate!
There was a stowaway whom is discovered by the youngest daughter
The father, whom now that I think about it, kinda sucks as a dad, tells the little girl stories about stowaways being thrown over board and eaten by sharks so she keeps the boy a secret.
They're stranded on an island with bears.
They find a journal where a man who has long been dead describes being mauled.
There's a woman with them who is not the girls mother, or the man's wife.
I think at one point there's an orca harassing her in a boat, but I'm iffy on this, as there were tons of orca horror films around at the time that I might be confusing with this one.
When they're rescued the father proposes.
It might have been a made for tv movie, or straight to VHS.
1 AnswerMovies2 years agoCapital Gains Tax?
I m still very new to trading stock and I was wondering how this will affect my taxes.
Do I have to keep track of the profits I make in the stock market for tax purposes or does the broker keep track of profits made?
Like if I sell stock then go buy more stock with the profit from that and so on and so forth will I have keep track of each one of those transactions and figure out how much profit I made off each sale or will I get some kind of form at the end of the year detailing what I ve made?
5 AnswersInvesting2 years agoblack and white Heidi movie?
I'm looking for a Heidi movie that was black and white, but i'm almost sure wasn't the Shirley Temple version.
In this version Heidi is essentially kidnaped. I remember her grandfather running behind the buggy screaming "Heidi" over and over, but he's too faraway for her to hear.
I remember her hiding white rolls to take home to a relative and them being discovered and shown to a lady who says "These are as hard as rocks! No one could possibly eat them now." But Heidi explains when toasted, they soften and because even better.
I remember her grandfather saying the line "Wash your face before the sun laughs at ya"
3 AnswersMovies2 years agoStock help?
A brief background, i m unemployed and taking care of my elderly mother. I was hoping to find some way of gaining income without having to leave her.
I started doing research about stock and how they work, and I was starting to think I understood. Buy a share for a 1.00, wait till it goes up to 1.50, bang 50 cents out of thin air! Buy 100 shares, 50 bucks out of thin air! It all seemed so simple....too simple.
I did research and learned there s a fee at both the time you buy, and the time you sell! Then there s commission, then taxes! If what I understand is correct, if I buy 100 shares at 1.00 and try to sell those shares at 1.50 i ll probably end up OWING money to someone! Is that correct, or am I missing something?
8 AnswersInvesting3 years agoCan a subsidiary buy a company?
Let s say for example Marvel Comics which is owned by Disney. Marvel used to buy up smaller comic bock companies all the time. Could they still buy another company like say Dark Horse Comics? Or would Disney have to be the one to buy the company since they are Marvel s Parent company?
3 AnswersCorporations3 years agoOld short cartoon about trying to sleep?
I'm trying to find this old cartoon for my mom. All she can remember about it is that some little creature or person was trying to sleep and there was all this noise around him. At one point there was a caterpillar or centipede walking and each one of his legs made noise and he walked by. Sounds like one of the old silent cartoons with animals set to music, but i'm having no luck.
1 AnswerComics & Animation3 years agoWeird scifi women s prison movie from the 80s?
I can just barley remember some details about this odd, movie from the 80s about I think a space prison for women. I remember one girl sharpening a plate to use as a weapon saying she was itching to try it out. I think there was a small robot as well that said something to the girls about toasting the warden to witch she replied "and long live his hemorrhoids" or something to that effect.
Very strange movie and I think possibly on the adult side, maybe an excuse to show naked women but I can t find any info. Can someone help?
1 AnswerMovies3 years agoRoad trip movie from the 80s?
There's this movie I think from the 80's (maybe a little later) where these two guys are given the task of transporting a politicians "crazy"" daughter to a mental facility.
What I remember from the movie is the girl escaping, telling a truck driver these men are trying to rape her. Then later the guy says he'll take her to her mother. The mother rejects her at first but then gets her out of the hospital. I remember the mother had a P.O. box and in order to get her real address he tries to send a packages priority over night mail to the same post office he's sending it from which for some reason is a big hassle to the post master and he gives them the address. And I remember the mother threatening the father saying she'll have his ___ in the pencil sharpener if he gives her trouble.
I remember almost the whole movie but not the name. Help!
2 AnswersMovies4 years agoMovie that used to come on tv a lot?
I can t think of the name of this movie about a little boy who meets a horror film producer and helps him rig up the movie theaters so that when the monster is about to grab someone on screen the chairs vibrate and scare the audience, and they re living under the threat of nuclear war the whole time, and at some point the boy and a little girl become trapped in a bomb shelter and think the bomb has been dropped.
2 AnswersMovies4 years agoWill yahoo answers close?
I know people get mad when this question is asked but yahoo is part of Aol now and the history of AOL is...well:
so knowing that, why is this version of the same thing safe?
10 AnswersYahoo Answers4 years agoWill answers and groups still go on after the merger?
After Verizon buys yahoo and yahoo joins with aol , will answers and yahoo groups still go on?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers4 years agoSkype alternatives?
Are they're any nice skype alternatives out there? For PC I mean, I already know about kik, but it's for a phone and I live in rural area without cell phone signal.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years agoRenting out a rental?
If someone rents a house are they allowed to rent out the rooms? If so what are the fees (insurance, permits, licenses, ext) involved? A friend tells me it's like thousands of dollars to do all this, but if that's true I don't see how anyone would ever make profit or even break even.
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years agoBlack/bruising behind the knee?
Last year these black lines started out on the bends of my knees in the back. My knees felt kinda achy, but not in a lot of pain. Over the next few days the small black lines got bigger.
After a few days the lines on my legs were massive bruises covering my back legs from the knee up to my underwear line This is when I started feeling dizzy and couldn't do simple tasks like stand up long enough to shower.
In the ER, they said it was clearly blunt force trauma and refused to even entertain theories as to how bruises like these would just appear cause they there was just no way.
They ran blood tests and found I was anemic, and a little dehydrated (there was a family crises going on at home so I hadn't been eating and drinking very much) and then they did an ultrasound and were shocked there was no tissue or blood vessel damage.
They sent me home, I kept getting weaker and the bruises got bigger and darker, I went back and they ran blood work on me and that's when real concern set in as my blood count was so low I now needed a blood transfusion.Two units had to be used.
After all that, the bruises began to lighten and the edges turn yellowish.To this day I have no answer for what happened to me. I tell doctors what happened and they just shrug their shoulders. I wouldn't care expect for sometimes I feel that same aching in my legs and sometimes there's a dark line. But it never gets as dark as it did a year ago and seems to go away within a day...but I'm a little scared.
2 AnswersInjuries6 years agoGuardian and legal status?
I posed a question like this earlier but didn't phrase it right (people get so hung up on little stuff) so let me try again.
A friend of mine who is in collage wants to leave LEGAL custody in her will to a woman who's here on a student visa whom she also wants to make the child's Godmother.
I told her I didn't think that was a good idea (she could still make the woman the child's Godmother, but most people I know like to have both the legal guardian and the Godparent the same person) because if I know the law, it doesn't matter if the woman has an adopted American child or even child born here. She'd not be allowed to stay if her visa expires so if my friend were to die, and the woman lost her visa, the child would have to leave the country with her (since she would now be the legal mother),or cause other legal problems for the child since his new legal parent was not a citizen.
Was what I told her correct? I see to recall people saying a child can't sponsor a parent till the child is an adult, I assume that's true for adoption and legal guardianship as well right?
Immigration6 years agoWhy won't the edit button work on Yahoo answers?
When i click the pencil either nothing happens or the edit button appears on the opposite side of the screen where i can't click it.
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products6 years agocustody and immigration law?
a friend asked me about immigration law because she wants to make her friend who's here on a student visa her child's godmother. But I told her I think if she were to die the woman wouldn't be able to get citizenship or even a green card till the kid turned 18, so the kid would have to leave America if the woman had custody and lost her visa
That's my understanding of the law. That a child can't help the parent become a citizen till they're a legal adult. Is this right?
4 AnswersImmigration6 years agoDo old twitter accounts get deleted?
I getting conflicting info on this, some say yes, some say no. I noticed even names like @cat have very recent activity suggesting that maybe the name is recycled, but there are a few from years ago that don't have any activity, maybe the TOS was different back then so they can't be deleted till someone logs in again and accepts the new TOS?
1 AnswerOther - Internet6 years agowhat's the point of the annon feature?
I asked an embarrassing question seeing all the anon questions, I thought "well they must ask about anon after you hit submit" but once I did my profile was RIGHT there and by the time I hit "make anonymous" I already had 4 answers! What's worse, they took away the option to delete questions, so even though I was able to hit anon, one person still called me "AJ", the name I had in my profile at the time, in their response. What is the point of this feature when most of the people who see the question see it within seconds of it posting?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years agoHow to tell a "reality' show is fake?
I was a fan of Supreme Justice with Judge Karen till the case of Clara Clayton vs Emmit back to future 3 and you'll see my problem!
The names were clearly fake and sure enough when I looked up her show online I found a small time reality star who'd been on her show and MTV both with different names. He even says he's "portraying a man being sued in the vid posted to his page....big let down.
I was wondering is there a way to easily check and find out if a show is real or not? As far as my research indicates Judge Judy is real, even though the clients are more or less just game show contestants that happen to not like each other. And don't face and real legal trouble win they lose.
But do shows have disclaimers somewhere they say "reenactments" or something like that so we don't waist our time believing this is real human behavior?
1 AnswerReality Television6 years ago