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  • What could cause a crooked neck in 3-week-old chicken?

    We have a three week old chicken in with the rest of a flock of 25 in the brooder box. She is holding her head to the side and walking around in circles. Then she stops and acts normal for a few seconds. For the most part she has her head ****** to the side. I looked online and she is too young for Marek's. Anyone have any idea what could cause this, if it could be an injury or the best way to treat it?

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • When did your period return (with exclusive breastfeeding)?

    My daughter is 4.5 months old and she is exclusively breastfed, with no passys or solids yet. To day I got my period. Most of the people I know didn't get theirs until they stopped or their kids were much older. The only thing I can think of is that she does sleep 6-7 hours at a time at night. When did yours return, if you were breastfeeding? Is it normal for it to return so soon under my conditions?

    It happened at the same time with my son but he had a few bottles and was eating solids already

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What types of BC are you using after the birth of your child?

    And some more questions.

    Do you like it?

    Do you smoke?

    Does it mess with your nursing, if you are?

    Is it easy for you?

    Right now we are using the pull-out method and I know it actually works pretty well for married or faithful couples if used correctly, but I need something a little more long term. I am still nursing and plan to do so for a while so I need something easy and safe that does not wreck the mood. I prefer nothing with hormones

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Difference between siblings?

    My son and daughter both weighed 7.14 and were 20 inches when they were born. Yesterday was my daughters 4 month check-up and she came in, in the 25 percentile. The doctor said everything looked great and to keep up the good work. She weighed 12.10 and was 24 inches long. When I got home I looked up her brothers height and weight at that age and he weighed 14.1 and was 25 inches long. They were both exclusively breastfed and she has many dirty and wet diapers all day long so I know she is getting enough to eat. The doctor said she was in great health but I was just wondering why she is so much smaller than her brother when they both started out at the same size?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby Chicken with bad leg?

    I got some chicks today, and I though one was sick (I asked about it earlier), but it turns out the true problem is a deformed leg.The Chick eats and drinks just fine and is learning to manage on one leg, but the other chicks were picking on it pretty bad. I have it in a box inside the brooder box with just a corner under the heat lamp to give it heat and a cooler place. It is currently crying out for its litter mates and they are trying to get in to it. I was wondering if it would be possible to place a smaller litter mate in there with it and Just make sure that it is one that will not maul it. Is it possible that out or the 29 there is one that might be nice to it so it will stop crying and have a mate?

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How to stop chicks from attacking an injured chick (Chickens)?

    We just got 27 chicks (chickens) in the mail and one is rather sickly. It is doing much better now and walking around but the other chicks are picking at it and dragging it about. It is eating a drinking when it can get near the food bowl. I have also been giving it food and sugar water separately to make sure it gets enough. Does anyone know anything else I can do to stop the attacks and ensure this chick lives?

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How to get more milk from pumping?

    My daughter is 12 weeks old and I have been consistent in pumping twice a day (9:30 PM and 11:30PM) from the day she was born. My problem is that A) I only have a manual pump B) I only get 1-2 ounces out of both breast each pumping session.

    Does anyone know any tricks for upping the amount I get from each pumping session? Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • WOW! My 2 month old has been asleep for 5 hours!!?

    I laid her down at 9pm and it's 2am here. Usually she wakes up several times before finally going out at about 3am. I keep checking on her to make sure she is ok LOL! This is my second child and I know its normal but doesn't it freak you out the first time they do that?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is the Uniform Code of Military Justice above the Constitution?

    Just involved in a little debate, but I need to know if the UCMJ out ranks the Bill of Rights and can't seem to find the answer. It seems impossible with the "inalienable" part of the Bill but I'm not sure. If so, how does it do this? Thanks in advance!

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is something that will make the paint stay?

    We painted my Son's room with a glossy latex paint. We have painted every room in our house over the wall paper and it stuck just fine. I don't know if it was the type of paint or the color but the paint peels off in his room only with great ease. I could take my fingernail and write words in it. Does anyone know of something clear I could apply over it to make it stronger and more resistant to damage? Do they make such a product or is there a home remedy? Thanks in advance :D

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Those on Pregnancy #2?

    I am getting really tired of this whole pregnancy thing. With my son I was excited every step of the way. I am 33 weeks tomorrow and already DONE with this lol. I can't wait to meet her already!

    Anyone else notice that you are more impatient with #2?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Those in the last trimester-Home improvement?

    So, for those of you in those last 12 weeks, what is still left to do on you home improvement /baby preparation lists?

    I am 32 weeks. We got the Baby's room set up last night. All we have left is to put new flooring down in the Kitchen and Living Room and paint those rooms in the last 7.5 weeks. Also we need to get some clothes and other baby items together.

    Due Dec 3rd. with #2!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What happens to money that was involved in a crime?

    What happens to cash after it has been used as evidence?For Example, the large amounts of cash found after drug busts? Is it destroyed? Used for Charity?

    Hubby and I are watching a cop show and were just wondering. Thanks!

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have a huge jump and baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead?

    I know my dates are right and Baby Girl has been right on cue until my 21 week appointment when the Fundal Height started measuring two weeks ahead. At my 26 week appointment, she was measuring 28 weeks.

    Anyone else had this happen? What was the problem or the outcome?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Would you see your Midwife again over this issue?

    Two weeks ago I begain to get very bad pains in my pubic area and butt bone. It felt like I had been on a long bike ride. I called my midwife and she told me to come in just to get checked. I was 22 weeks at the time and had just had my 21 weeks at 8 days before.

    At my 21 week apt. I was measuring at 21.5, 8 days later I was measuring at 23.5. That was two weeks worth or growth in 8 days!. The midwife said the sore feeling was from baby grwoing so fast.

    This morning I woke up and the pains are back. Considering the Midwife wanted to check me out last time, would you personally call her again or just chalk it up to the baby growing again?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What home improvement do you have left to do?

    We have tiled both bathrooms and painted them.

    We still have to

    1) Take out carpet put down pergo in the rest of our house

    2) Paint the Kitchen , living room, our bed room, our Sons room and the babies room!!

    3) Set up nursery.

    We only have 114 days left. Yikes!!

    Whats on your to-do list?

    24 weeks with # 2

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hey November/December Moms!?

    How are the 20+ weeks treating you?

    When are you due?

    What are you having?

    Any relief knowing that we are getting to the point where the baby would have a chance if born now?

    Me: I am loving the 24 week stage!

    Due Dec 3rd. with a little girl and I am really happy that I am far enough along to have a shot should something go wrong!

    24 weeks with #2

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Eek! My Gerbil Just ate...?

    I heard my gerbils running around their tank frantically so I got up to see what was happening. As I got closer I saw a large house fly in their tank. I started to open the top to let it out and one of my gerbils jumped into the air, caught it and ate it...Is that normal? Are gerbils hunters?

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to pull up carpet.?

    I live in a prefab house where they put down the carpet and and then put up the walls. We are taking all the carpet out, but a lot of it has been tacked down.

    I have been using a box cutter knife to cut the carpet into smaller slices to remove pieces which makes the center easy, but around the edges I cannot remove all the carpet. I am also having a hard time pulling it out the bits of fiber in the staples. I have a good array of tools so I should have just about anything you suggest. Does anyone have a cool tip for me?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Parents with older children, who are expecting.?

    I am looking for some ways to prepare my six-year-old son for the birth of his baby sister in December. He has been an only child for 6 years and I want to make the transition easy for him. I have been feeling very close to him lately as I know it will be our last few months with just one child. I feel that these last few months are precious. Are there any activities that we can do together that will prepare him for being a big brother while also bonding with him?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago