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  • .243 Cal Tactical Rifles?

    With the .223 ammo shortage I'm sort of flippin' out a bit since my supplies are a little low. I'm not a fan of AK's (nothing personal, they're just not what I'm into) and ammo availability for them isn't a whole lot better in the US right now and I'm thinking it will just get worse. I'm a speed freak when it comes to ammo velocity so the best solution I've come up with is to purchase a new .243 caliber tactical rifle. The problem being, I don't know a dang thing about them. I'm looking to spend no more than $1500 on it since I'll need to stock up on .243 ammo also. Could someone out there please point me in the right direction when it comes to manufacturers, online dealers, reliable review websites and anything else that might be relevant to the subject. I might also consider a .308 caliber tactical but I'm really thinking the .243 is for me. Please save me from spending endless hours on Google reading a bunch of worthless garbage. Yes, I've already gone that route and I'm more confused now than ever. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Cat Losing Hair... With A Twist?

    I have a 2 year old cat that is losing extreme amounts of hair but it is not scratching or licking excessively. The cat otherwise seems in good health. It eats and drinks like normal and plays with my other cats. The areas of missing hair get worse the further back on the cat you go. There is some hair loss on it's front legs but as you continue towards the tail the hair gets thinner and thinner. The skin in the hairless areas looks good. There's no rash or scabs there but I have noticed some scabs at the back of the cat's neck where it's hair is perfectly fine. I'm thinking these scabs are possibly unrelated to the hair loss problem as I have several cats that wrestle around with each other and the neck is a normal area for scratches to appear.

    Yes, I know I should take the cat to the vet and I probably will end up doing so but I'm taking care of 6 other cats and 3 dogs that have all been dumped in front of my house. I'd like to not be the sole supporter of my vet putting her kids through college, if you know what I mean. Shots, flea treatments and emergencies are about all that I can handle at the moment. Since the cat seems to be in otherwise good health and good spirits I'd like to attempt to treat her at home.

    Just some additional details... The cat receives a flea treatment every month and I check her with a flea comb. Fleas do not seem to be the problem however she was infested with them when I found her a couple of years ago. I don't think we are dealing with mange here since there is no itching problem and no sores on the skin. The cat was found as a kitten with her 3 sisters, none of which seem to have any problems. I live in a rural area and the cat does go outside however I don't think that poisoning or skin irritating chemicals are a problem since my nearest neighbor is a mile away and I'm very careful about keeping things harmful to my pets out of reach. Plus, this particular cat doesn't range very far at all. I've tried adding some olive oil to her diet with no success in solving the problem. The total mystery for me here is the lack of skin irritation accompanying the hair loss. I'd almost rather have her itching and having bad skin since I'd at least know where to begin with treating that. Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Failure to control ticket for a minor?

    My 16 year old son received a failure to control ticket for a recent accident he was involved in. There were no other cars involved but he did do some property damage to a road sign and a fence post. He's a decent driver but he slid on ice and went off the road. The incident happened in Ohio and we're just looking for some ballpark info on what to expect in court. This was his first offense, he's never been in any type of trouble before and he's an honor student if that plays into consideration. I know a lot depends on the judge but again, I'm just looking for generalized info. Are there mandatory penalties? Is there a chance his license will be suspended? Those sorts of things. Thanks for any info you can give.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Looking For Some Spider ID Help?

    I'm a woodsy dude and I've seen a lot of spiders but this is a new one on me. A little disturbing since I never like to see anything for the first time inside my house. The spider is small, it's body might be a third the size of a dime. It is black in color with 6 perfectly round yellow dots in random positions on the back of it's body. It's body is large compared to it's head and round in shape. It's similar to a black widow in physical appearance except for the yellow dots. It has smooth skin, for lack of a better term... In other words, it's not hairy. Geographically, we're talking northeastern Ohio right on the PA boarder.

    I've looked at dozens of online spider search engines and ID charts but I've come up empty. I'm thinking it could possibly be an immature spider that hasn't reached it's full adult coloration yet??? Like I said, I spend a lot of time outdoors and I know all of the usual suspects. Being the nature minded idiot that I am, I didn't kill it and it crawled behind the medicine cabinet in my bathroom out of reach. Now, I'm sure that with my luck someone will tell me that it's a baby black widow. Thanks in advance for any help with this.

    1 AnswerZoology10 years ago
  • Assault/Hunting Weapon?

    I'm looking for the best of both worlds. When the world starts to end in a year or so I want to be ready. I have dozens of shotguns and handguns but I want a good combination gun. I want a gun that can bring down a deer at 100 yards and will also quickly bring down the 27 hungry zombie guys trying to take my deer away from me after I shoot it. I'm looking for high capacity, accuracy, lack of needed maintenance (powder solvent is hard to come by when the world is ending) and a good price wouldn't hurt. Also, what ammo should I consider? After I burn my thousand round stockpile, if I'm still alive, will it be easier to find .223 or .308 or would I be better off with 7.62?

    11 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Blue Screen Of Death Possible Graphics Driver Problem?

    I'm totally computer ignorant so talk to me like I'm a 3 year old special ed kid. I've been getting the blue screen of death regularly for over a week now. I get different codes most of the time but from what I've been able to figure out the problem is something to do with my graphics driver (ATI Radeon HD 3450). I've tried several different fixes and finally I went to my computer manufacturer's web site. Right there in big bold type was an update to download for the driver. I have attempted to download this update many (as in a hundred) times but I get the blue screen of death less then half way complete of the download every time. I've about gotten past the point of trying to fix this graphics driver. I'm thinking about just going out and buying a bigger graphics card and starting from scratch. Having never done this before I'm wondering, do new graphics cards come with discs to install the new driver or is it some wacky zany online install that never seems to work right? Also, do you think that this option will solve my problem or is it more likely that some deep dark virus or something is causing my graphics problem and it will just consume my new graphics card? Being the lazy computer ignorant person that I am, I think it is possible that I overheated my current graphics due to dust in the fan. Is that even possible? I don't know? I just want back on my freaking games.

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What 4x4 tire is best for my situation?

    I live in northeastern Ohio and I have to drive in some horrible winter weather conditions. I have a Toyota Tundra 4x4 and I ran studded tires last winter but what a pain they are. They stuck to the road great but I barely got through 1 winter season with them. The tread wear was really bad and if I ran over a feather I'd get a flat. I'm looking to get some heavy lugged tread tires for this coming winter but I'm not finding what I'm looking for on the internet. I want a fairly skinny tire but I want huge tread on it. Road noise is of no concern to me and I want something that might last a few years.. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago