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Philippians 3:20-21 20For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; 21who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.

  • Knowledgeable Christians only, please. What's with the "Gap theory" between Daniel's 69th & 70th Weeks?

    Honestly, I still can't figure out how so many people (my Pastors included) can subscribe to this supposed gap between the 69th and 70th week.

    Personally, when I've read it (early to currently in my Christian walk), I find that Daniel 9 (specifically the Seventy Sevens portion) reads strait through. I find that the section of the final (70th) week is speaking of the Crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah. Being cut off in the midst of the week, if Jesus' Earthly ministry started at the beginning of the 70th, then logically that means He walked the Earth for about 3 1/2 years. This fits perfectly with the Gospel accounts, when Harmonized, they speak of about a 3 year ministry for Jesus on Earth.

    So, please help me, because I've never been able to accept this idea of a gap between weeks 69 and 70. Is there any validity at all with this "Gap Theory".

    Of course, without a gap that means that most if not all of the Dispensational/Futurist teachings on Eschatology are wrong. Which means that most Christians are wrong for believing this false doctrine, however ignorant of the fact they are.

    The truth is that I was also taught Partial-Preterism when I was first saved; however, I've since moved thousands of miles and found myself in a Church that taught the more popular versions of Eschatology. Since then, I find that Preterism in general has many problems and the 70th week interpretation is also a grave weak-point for Preterists as well. So I've actually gotten to the point where I'm not satisfied with either interpretation.

    I've looked into Historicism, but I'm not entirely sold on it either. However, I find that it's the only school of thought which actually has a consistent answer with regards to Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, the Beasts in Daniel's Visions, and the Beasts in Revelation.

    Basically, the problem of the 70th week is just something that I'd like to have settled. At least then I could move on. I've been studying this aspect of Eschatology for the last 2 years specifically. Frankly, I can't find anything which really sits well with me spiritually and intellectually. I find logical errors of some sort in each case, like this "Gap".

    So, the bottom line is that I'm looking for anyone who can give me an answer with regards to this Gap Theory, although anything regarding Eschatology would still be welcome. I'm not trying to reach for answers, I'm just trying to see if I can find other ideas on the subject which I have yet to find on my own.

    I'd really like anyone who believes this "Gap Theory" exists to explain, with scripture alone, how it's supposed to be there. I also don't want arguments which presume their interpretation is true and impose it on the scriptures to prove it true. I believe the scriptures stand on their own and interpret themselves. Concepts outside of scripture shouldn't be devised by man to explain away difficulties with one's own doctrine.

    Of course, all opposing views are welcome. If you're an Atheist, or non-Christian for that matter, please don't go for the easy 2 points by giving a non-constructive answer. All points of view on the subject are welcome otherwise.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • When did Osama Bin Laden really die?

    Honestly, how many people are actually buying today's story? I'd like a list of opinions, preferably with links and/or proof for May 1st or another date to the contrary.

    I know I've seen stories stating Osama was dead back in December of 2001 and again in December 2003. However, those two stories I'm thinking of really didn't get the press coverage that today's story has. Also, any motivation behind running this story today, of all days... why today? I personally feel it's to distract from the birth certificate release.

    As a side note, any comments on the birth certificate are welcome because I believe both stories are linked.

    24 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Question about capital gains and income taxes?

    Hypothetically, (for this year, 2011) if I buy a bunch of stock in January and then sell it in July (so it's a short term gain) and I net a gain of $1,000,000. This would be subject to capital gains. Let's just say my taxable income is in the 25% tax bracket, not counting the capital gain obviously; How would I calculate my taxable income? Please give as many details as you're able give.

    Does the $1,000,000 count as taxable income on my income tax, or does it get cut down by the capital gains tax first?

    Also, if I gift this $1,000,000 to my wife, does any of it still count as taxable income?

    Ultimately, what I'm looking for are ways to protect my capital gains from taxation or at least reduce how much is lost due to taxation. Any and all 'accurate' information regarding capital gains is appreciated.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Ambidextrous Rifles?

    I shoot Rifles left-handed, and I'm in the market for a good Rifle. It's a tough market for us lefties.

    I don't know too many people who are left handed and shoot left handed. I'm curious to know if there are Semi-Auto Rifles which have either an adjustable ejection port (one can choose to have the shell come out to the right or left) or an ejection port which funnles to the rear or bottom of the Rifle.

    I've seen a few Assult Rifles with this feature, but I haven't found one that is not a full auto. I don't want to deal with all the extra one must go through to purchase a fully auto weapon. I also don't believe I have a person need for a fully automatic weapon.

    I live in Virginia, if that matters to anyone. Gun laws are pretty easy out here.

    So, does anyone know of a truly Ambidextrous Semi-Auto Rifle? My purposes would be for personal defense and possible hunting.

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • For All Who Love America:?

    With the nation's 2 expected nominees, Obama and McCain, is there a good chance that this is the year we could elect a 3rd party candidate? Neither candidate holds the base of their party very well.

    The GOP controls the White House and the Dems greatly control Congress… and have for the last 4 years almost. The President is hardly opposed or even kept in check by Congress which has been Dem controlled for some time now. Both parties have candidates that want to increase the size of government control out lives more. Each party just has a different focus. Both parties have managed to mess up our country and create a huge debt. Neither candidate has a clear plan to pay off our national debt, and both are flip-floppers on policy. One’s seems like he might be too old and the other seems like he might be too young.

    The Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr, seems to have views which I think every American can agree with... check out his site:

    Opinions Please

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Question for people who've played Lord of the Rings Online?

    I've played a handful of MMO's in my time. I'm currently playing Guild Wars. I'm also a guy who faithfully never did EQ... so please don't compare to EQ.

    I'm very interested in playing LOTRO for many reasons. Please give me your critiques, those of you who have played the game.

    The main things I don't like about GW is that it's repetitive, the in game economy is broken almost, and most of all the kids definitely get in the way of group strategy and game play.

    Is this really worth the switch. I'm thankful for any and all opinions germane to my inquiry. Goobers, please get your two points elseware.

    Oh, please let me know how true to the realm this game is which Tolkien created. My fiancee is a Lord of the Rings fan. I thought I was a geek about it till I met her. She knows the Elivsh language like the elite Star Trek nerds know Klingon. She may be a harsh critique of the game if it's not... especially while I'm wasting my life on it... if that's possible.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Question regarding the Oort Cloud and short period Comets.?

    By definition, a short period comet has a period of less than 200 years to orbit the sun. Because of this it is estimated that these comets could only last about 10,000 years in orbit before burning up into nothing. It is supposed that the Oort Cloud is the sources of these short period comets. The Oort cloud was a theory a Dutch astronomer Jan Oort had revived in 1950. He revived this theory to explain how the short periods comets could have survived for billions of years when they can only last a few thousand so close to the sun.

    Can we trust a theory which is still under speculation. All the texts admit that there is a lack of sufficient evidence, and that the validity of the Oort cloud has words like postulated, suggested, etc associated with it. There seems to have been no credible observance of this Oort cloud.

    At what point is it scientifically acceptable for us to accept a younger date for the beginning of the universe?

    Has anyone observed the Oort Cloud, undeniably?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago