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“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.”

  • Questions on being a bridesmaid?

    Hello :) I was recently asked to be in my cousins wedding this upcoming April along with her fiancee's 2 sisters who are in their early 30's and along with my sister, she's 16 and I'm 18. I've never been apart to a wedding, or actually to one, so I'm so excited!

    My grandma and aunt are pitching in to pay for what Bridesmaids usually pay for for both me and my sister, so I was wondering what do Bridesmaids usually pay for- out of curiosity. Also, my aunt (it's her daughter getting married) has told me the basics of the bridesmaid, being there and helping out etc, what exactly can I do? We're already helping my aunt plan the wedding shower, i'm just curious as to what else.

    And last thing, what could I buy my cousin as a gift for the shower? We're 10 years apart but we're pretty close, her fiancee is a great guy, any idea's that could be useful? I know it's a while away but I just want to get some idea's together and also I'm paying for my sisters gift to her so I need a few ideas.

    I'm just a little anxious and want to make sure I can assist as much as possible. Thank you in advance :)

    2 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • flying alone for the first time with!?

    I'm turning 18 in 2 weeks and 2 weeks after that I'm planning a trip to see a friend who moved in New Mexico (I'm from NJ right outside of PA) and the flight would be from PA to Phoenix with an almost 2 hour lay over then to Albuquerque. Also on the way back there's a 2 hour layover in Dallas. I'm a little worried, I've only flown twice, both to Florida, once two years ago with family and this past may with my school for our Senior Trip. I obviously had a lot of guidance and directions were given to me both times. Any tips?! I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself, I know I'll be fine but I'm just anxious! Also two of the flights are almost 4 hours long...any advice on how to stop from being restless? Flights to Florida are only about 2 hours at most from here..Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation8 years ago
  • Which girls name do you like better?

    Romilly Harper or Emma Audrina

    How do YOU pronounce Romilly?

    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • what can four teenagers do?

    four teenagers, we have a car, either free or cheap ideas, what can we do?

    we go to the movies and out to eat a lot so what else?


    3 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Good workout & dieting tips?

    Hi there:]

    I'm interested in finding good workouts to get myself in shape. Whether you have tips from experience, diets or websites you've used I'm interested in them all! I'm 5'8 1/2" and weigh 175lbs. I would like to lose around 30lbs and just be a healthy weight. Any tips or suggestions would be great! thanks :]

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • what should I write my essay on?

    what has more facts to back my statements up?

    - keep legal drinking age 21

    - lower drinking age to 18

    - legalizing marijuana

    - keeping marijuana illegal

    if you know any sites that can help me with factual information that'd be great :]

    5 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • what's a good moisturizer I can switch to?

    hello :) I just started using an acne medication, Clindamycin, and it's drying my skin out so bad and it's even starting to hurt a little. So I figured I should try switching to a new face lotion, espically since winter is coming and I have super dry skin in the first place...any suggestions? right now I use a Sephora brand moisturizer, and I like that it's very!

    thank ya:)

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • this is a serious question, how come women...?

    get pregnant while taking the pill? honestly, like I know it's not 100% effective, but I feel like I know many people who take a pill and still get pregnancy scares or pregnant generally. Is it just them, by missing a pill? I'm just curious, sorry, I don't know anything about the pill so yeah...

    Also, what are the reasons to take a birth control pill? Besides preventing pregnancy, like cramps, lighter periods, etc. is there any more? again just curious!

    thanks (:

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • how can I address this situation?

    hello :)

    I'm interested in going to my first gynecologist appointment, and possibly being put on birth control. I live with my Dad and my grandma, and I'm close with my aunt and my cousin. I was thinking about asking my cousin if she'd take me, as long as it was okay with my dad of course, but I'm just really nervous on how to ask both of them. My dad has brought it up to me before, but I hate talking about it to him I feel so awkward, so when ever he mentioned it I blew it off. So what do you think? How can I ask (i know it's a dumb question, I'm just nervous) and how can I bring it up to both of them? And who should I talk to first, my cousin to see if she'll take me or my dad to see if my cousin can take me?

    Thanks in Advance :-)

    5 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • nonjudgmental religion thoughts?

    I'm trying to find a good religion for myself, but I don't really know where to start. I tried looking around online but all I can find is websites that are pretty confusing, so is there any websites where it's a simple explanation of the beliefs of the religion. Or if you can point me towards a certain religion by this basic explanation of what I believe...I believe there is a God, and that it's possible to come back as another person or animal in a different life. Thanks in Advance!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Do you prefer Ava or Avia?

    Hello :) I love both of these names so much! I think they're both gorgeous names and they are way too similar to ever name two of my kids both these names. So what's your opinions on both names? I'm not expecting or anything, and by the time I have kids, Ava will probably be down in popularity. So what do you think? Avia is pronounced Ay-Vee-Uh, Ava is pronounced Ay-Vuh.

    Thanks in Advance! :)

    12 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Opinions on these first names + BQ!?




    Emma (nn - Emmi)

    Madelynn (nn - Maddie)


    Dominic (nn - Dom)





    These are my favorite names, what do you think? Any suggestions for middle names? Thanks!

    BQ: If you knew a friend or coworker or even someone you just know of (don't know personally), had named their kids the same names you like, would that stop you from naming your kids that?

    8 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • how can I help my face/teeth heal faster?

    I'm completely sick and tired of eating pudding and mashed potatoes and everything I've been eating for the past four days. I got all four of my wisdom teeth out on Monday and I just want to be able to eat regular foods. My face is still very swollen and I'm just tired of having to eat soft foods. Is there any possible way to help heal it faster? I'm taking something to get the swelling down, something to prevent infection and a pain pill and I'm icing my face all day long. I'm being very impatient but if there's any way to fasten to healing process please let me know. Otherwise if you had experience how long did it take you to start eating normally again?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • food to eat after wisdom teeth?

    hello :) I got all four of my wisdom teeth removed on Monday, I feel like I can try to chew now instead of eating mashed potatoes and pudding, what are your suggestions to eat? I'm starving and I'm so sick of pudding and anything I've been eating the past few days.

    thanks in advance :) (remember it has to be soft enough, nothing too hard/crunchy)

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • how can I create a good dieting/fitness plan?

    So I was hanging out with my friends today and prom came up and everyone started talking about how much weight they want to loose. So I was thinking I need to create a diet/work out plan which I will stick to so I can reach my goal.

    My current weight is from 170 - 180 lbs and I am 5'8" - 5'9". After I get a job I may look into joining a gym. So my goal is to be somewhere ranging from 130 - 150 lbs. So how can I loose the weight by dieting and are their any good workouts to tighten my stomach and thighs (mainly). Prom is in 8 months, so I figure if I start now I can loose weight more healthily.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • what color can I paint my room with purple carpet?

    I have a dark purple carpet and right now I have a light purple room. I would love bright colors if so, but if not I may go to gray...any suggestions? pictures can help!

    8 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • what do you think could be wrong?

    hello, well since sunday I've been feeling crappy since I'm sick but I don't know what it is, i'll probably go to the doctors today or tomorrow but I'm curious.

    so Sunday I had toilet sickness (diarrhea) and I was nauseous. So the Monday I woke up with really bad sharp stomach pains that were on and off. So for a while they were gone and then they were back til I went to sleep. Either Tuesday or Monday I started getting the chills but on Tuesday I had a fever, the stomach pains were back, I was getting headaches and I was also nauseous. So yesterday I was feeling a bit better as the day went on, but I developed a cough and I still had a slight fever. So I have no clue what to do besides to drink plenty of fluids, I haven't really eaten a whole lot since I got sick but whatever. Any suggestions on what this might be or how to fix it?

    Also can you break out when you're sick like how I described? I usually have relatively clear skin I broke out over these couple of days.

    Thanks in advanced!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • how many should I buy to get drunk?

    I usually stick to beer, but I'm having 3 people over tomorrow and they all like Smirnoff so I'm going to get the Smirnoff party pack. One party pack has 12 drinks I believe, so will that be enough? or should I just get an extra one? And the party pack has flavors, is there anything to mix with the drinks that you suggest? thanks in advance (:

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • how should I ask for birth control (tmi)?

    alright well I just want to clarify this now, that I'm not sexually active nor do I plan to be any time soon. I was planning on asking after my 16th birthday (I'm turning 16 in August) for the pill, but lately my period has been so heavy, I get stressed out. Like I got it last night and all today while I was in school, every other class period (45 mins long) I was already on the verge of leaking. So I read that some pills lighten your period. Also it helps with cramps, acne, and shorten your period to about 4 times a year. I've had my period for almost 4 years, and it's always late, like sometimes I don't get it for 3 months or I when I do get it, I get it for a while. So is it a good idea to ask for the pill? Also I only live with my dad and I want to ask and he had mentioned something before about going to "the lady doctor" and it was too awkward so I blew him off, lol. I mean it's not like I'm having sex, but i'll be on it long enough by the time I do. So what do you think? Good or bad idea to ask? lol.

    Thanks in Advance :-)

    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • I need girl help? Haha?

    Alrighty so I realized it takes forever to get my period! Like when I get it I have it maybe five days but I only get it like once every two or three months. Like even though I'm a virgin it kind of worries me even though i don't think it's that big of a deal or anything. I don't take birth control or anything but I heard birthcontrol regulates it more and gives you it four times a year, which what I feel like I have now. So is it strange that I don't get it often? Originally I got it almost 4 years ago so I thought it'd be regular by now. So what do you think? Thank you (:

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago