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  • Key Fob on 2017 Ford Escape ?

    I just changed the battery on my fey fob for my 2017 Ford Escape. But the message keeps appearing on the dashboard. “Key fob battery low, replace soon.” do i need to reset it somehow? if so, how do i do that?

    anybody that owns a ford or ford escape that may know how to fix this problem, please tell me how :)

    thanks a bunch!

    1 AnswerFord2 months ago
  • GAP Insurance (Financing a Car)?


    If you decide not to take the dealerships GAP insurance, how much would you be paying monthly if you went through a different insurance?

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration2 months ago
  • Auto Financing?

    a couple questions..

     1.) is it possible to finance a car with good credit score but no long credit history? i’ve had my discover credit for about 1 year & 7 months but my credit is about 736. question 2.) option 2 if i get denied is, my fiancé is willing to co-sign for me, he’s had credit for years & his is in the low 700’s. would my monthly payment go up or be cheaper if my fiancé co signs if my credit gets denied?   

    any helpful answers would be appreciated! :)

    2 AnswersCredit2 months ago
  • is my blood pressure normal?

    went to doctors today. my blood pressure read 110/84? is that normal? i feel like the bottom number might be a little high?

    i’m also 21 yrs old. 

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases3 months ago
  • What to expect for a cervical colposcopy?

    my pap test came back normal, but unfortunately it showed that I have high risk HPV. I have my colposcopy tomorrow morning & I just wanted to know what they do? kinda nervous. 

    thank you. 

    2 AnswersWomen's Health3 months ago
  • Pap Test Results?

    my OBGYN called & said they got the results back regarding MY pap test. they said they saw something concerning..? i have a 3:00 zoom call appointment to talk with the nurse practitioner.. i’m so scared. could it be cancer or precancer? i’m worried. 

    2 AnswersCancer4 months ago
  • Car is shaking..?


    so i hit a couple pot holes 2 weeks ago, & ever since, my car has been acting funny. it starts to aggressively shake when i hit 45+ miles but it comes and goes. not sure if hitting the pot holes messed up the alignment. the whole front of my car starts to shake, my seat & steering wheel. i drive on a highway, to & from work & i get nervous bc i don’t know how serious this could be. could it be the alignment? or something else? i’m taking it to firestone today to get it looked at, & i’m hoping it’s nothing serious..

  • Car is shaking..?


    so i hit a couple pot holes 2 weeks ago, & ever since, my car has been acting funny. it starts to aggressively shake when i hit 45+ miles but it comes and goes. not sure if hitting the pot holes messed up the alignment. the whole front of my car starts to shake, my seat & steering wheel. i drive on a highway, to & from work & i get nervous bc i don’t know how serious this could be. could it be the alignment? or something else? i’m taking it to firestone today to get it looked at, & i’m hoping it’s nothing serious..

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 months ago
  • Security License/Certification ?

    So I recently just got my certification for Class D Security Officer & I’m unable to apply for my license because of all the Department of Agriculture Offices are closed due to COVID. So my only option is to mail my application to DOA but I have to get finger printings done but all the places that provide finger printings aren’t doing them atm because of the virus. I have an interview tomorrow for a Security position at a hospital, so my main question would be, would I be able to just show them my certificate that shows that I took the courses & that I passed, or are they gonna need me to get my actual license in order for me to actually work as a Security Officer? There isn’t much I can do because everythings closed due to COVID. 

    any answers or suggestions would be helpful, thanks :)

  • Co signer for Apartment ?

    my boyfriend & I live in Florida & we are looking at this apartment but we need a cosigner & his dad is willing to co sign for us but he lives in another state.. do they accept out of state co signers or do they have to be in the same state as you & need to be present? 

    answers would be helpful! thank you :)

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate11 months ago
  • Dress code for Bealls outlet?

    I’m starting a new job at Bealls Oulet (its a discount store like Marshalls, Ross, TJMaxx, etc) I’m aware the dress code is like a plain red shirt, black or kaki jeans & any type of shoes as long as their not open toed. I haven’t started yet, but for those who have worked there before, can I wear kimonos & cardigans? I’m just curious, because they weren’t really specific at the interview & i didn’t think to ask. 

    thanks :)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories12 months ago
  • Job hasn’t called back after accepting offer letter..?

    so I had a interview this past Monday at Bealls outlet. the store manager sent me an offer letter that same day. I accepted it & filled out all the necessary documents that needed to be filled out. The store manager wanted me to call him to let him know that I got everything done, so I called the next day (tuesday). 1st time I called, he wasn’t in yet, so I told the lady to have him call me back.. he never did so I called back & he finally answered & told him I finished everything. He told me he had a conference call that day so once he finishes, he’ll look at everything & call me if he has any questions. Towards the end of the call he said, “I’ll be calling you soon” Its currently Thursday and I haven’t gotten a call back. Is it possible that they moved on with a better candidate even though I got hired? or am I over thinking? Any suggestions or advice would be helpful! :) 

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment12 months ago