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  • 17 months old still feed at night help?

    my son now almost 17 months is a good eater during the day i try to feed him often so he doesnt have to feed at night. he already uses a sippy cup; bottle only before nap and at night. but he will still wake up every 3-4h to feed at night and won't stop screaming until he got his baba. i tried cry it out metod; no crying metod, water, sippy, rocking, back rubbing but i dont know what elese to do for him to stop demanding baba in the middle of the night. he is sleeping in the crib since he was 2 weeks old never needed our help to fall a sleep except his baba. he sleepted nice for a week no baba for 8-10h straight and then he got sick and we are in the woods again. i am so tired i didnt sleep more then 5h for over a year i am working mom and that really effect my job i cant think straight i forget stuff and feel so deprest please any advice what to do?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 17 months old still feeding at night and sleep no more then 4h help please?

    my son now almost 17 months is a good eater during the day i try to feed him often so he doesnt have to feed at night. he already uses a sippy cup; bottle only before nap and at night. but he will still wake up every 3-4h to feed at night and won't stop screaming until he got his baba. i tried cry it out metod; no crying metod, water, sippy, rocking, back rubbing but i dont know what elese to do for him to stop demanding baba in the middle of the night. he is sleeping in the crib since he was 2 weeks old never needed our help to fall a sleep except his baba. he sleepted nice for a week no baba for 8-10h straight and then he got sick and we are in the woods again. i am so tired i didnt sleep more then 5h for over a year i am working mom and that really effect my job i cant think straight i forget stuff and feel so deprest please any advice what to do?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Whats the best way to get a webside for your company?

    My husband and I are starting a plumbing company. i am looking for the best place to get a webside. i checked & intuit but there is so many companies which can do it so can u please give me any advice which is best. Thank you

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Ear infection in 7month old?

    My son have fliud in his ear for 3 weeks already. he was for a 10 days on antybiotics fluid still was there he started to have a fever so a week from last dosage dr gave him 3 shots from antibiotics. last was on monday today we went for fallow up visit and fliud still there looks bad so we starting antibiotic agiin. i am so worry cause all this antibiotics one after another are not so good for u also. how long was yopr chil fighting ear infection. and what helped. didi u try to change a bottles. any advise is welcome.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Health savings account how it works?

    i can switch from regulatrghi plan to HSA. i have a family plan my husband and i are healthy we go just go for check up and i need to see my allergy dr 1-2 a year. but we have a 5 months old. he is at the dr a lot since he was premature and catch some colds plus vaccinations. i was just wonder how that hsa works and how we save money. is it coming from your premium but what i read looks like u have to put them yourself as an depossit. also i am affraid that after deductibles they should cover 100% but they may make a problems with that. can somebody give my some light on that and how it works for u. i'm affraid that my plan is better for now cause i have 0 cop. on child and 40 for myself.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • my 4 months old no bowel movement today?

    my son is 4 months old he usually was pooping everyday. he had some blood in his stool few times so i was giving him some juice or water every day and it get better his bowel movement was always regular since then. i know it is normal for babys not pooping every day i was just wonder

    when should i call his dr. i gave him some prune juice and i am waiting i hope it will help. he is formula feeded. how ofted did that happend to your child and when did it get better.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 4 month old throw up is he teething?

    my son is 4 months old for 2 days he doesnt want to eat as usually make longer breaks between feeding but thend oesnt eat more. his poop was soft and he throw up twice. i have a dr app at 6pm i was just wonder thhat maybe he is teething cause at 3 months app dr said his gums are soft. he suck a lot at his hands dont dripping. other then that he is happy.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Any one using good start gentle plus?

    My son have a problem with mucus and blood in his stool. we tried all we could already similac advence , sensitive, alimentum, nutramigen elecare and the best is on similac sensitive but poop still have some mucus and blood showes sometimes. all other special formulas like alimentum nutramigen or even elecare gives him gass colic and make his tummy hard he is fussy and cant sleep. i read a lot good about good start i was just wondering did u try it or switch for tis formula and how was your baby reacting

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 3.5 months old schedule?

    my son is 3.5 months old. he was sleeping nice at night and eating at the same time. for around 2 weeks he is eating like every 1.5-3 hours during the day and 3-4 at night. but he stsrted to cry at evening and sleep less at night. i started to put him in routin since yesterday. bath around 6pm then feeding and he is in bad. then we feed him at around 10pm,2am and 6am he gets up we play and then feedings at 9am,12pm,3pm. i just hope he will get enough food. did u put your baby on schedule so early? what else can i do to learn him eat more at each feeding cause since i am working it is really hard to keep up with him

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mylacon or gripe water which works better and is safer?

    Which one did u try and workes better. also which of this two is safer.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby being fussy and crying at evening?

    my son is 3 months old for around a month he is very fussy and crying between 4-6pm. it is not really hard crying like coliccy crying. he acts like he doesnt know what he wants. he is a happy baby most of the time and i cant complain about him i was just wondering what that may be. i know he is teething cause thats what our dr said. and some days he is a little gassy. did your child had that "witching hour" also. what solve the problem.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • elecare any porents with babys on that formula? how they react to it?

    Any stories about your child reaction to that formula please. my baby was on so many formulas that i am loosing my mind here. so please tell me how your baby react to that formula and when did u switch to something different and what was it. thank a lot

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • please help-feeding- series problem 3 month old?

    my son was born premature at 34 weeks he was tottaly healthy on similac advance first 2 days then breast milk until2.5months. i stopped cause my son was allergic to something in my diet(blood in his stool). went on alimentum which gave him green mud like poop almost after every feeding he wasnt sleeping during the day and was awake every 1.5h at night. we went back to similac advence tested for blood in a stool after a week no blood. he was a little fusy so we try similac sensitive which was great for 2 weeks when today i notice blood again. went to see adr she told me to start alimentum or nutramigen again. so i tried nutramigen for 4 feedings now he is crying and gassy like never before so i just feed him with similac sensitive and now he is happy and sleeping. i have app with gastrologiest tomorrow. i dont know what to do. my baby is so happy on every formula except that special one like allimentum or nutramigen. i was just wonder maybe it is something different that is causing bleeding. i dont know any more there is not much blood. i called my dr waiting for her to call me back. any advice or stories. i am hopeless and just want to cry. i cant stand when my little one is hurting. help

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • nutramigen alimentum question?

    my child probably have a cows milk proteinallergy. i had to stop breastfeeding, we try everything from symilac and he still have blood in his stool. when on allimentum on nutramigen have you child been pooping like a green mud almost after every feeding. is it normal. my child was is so happy that if i wouldnt notice that blood we would never know. and acctually when on allimentum he is less happy and cry more but dr said that netramigen or allimentum is right for him. but he is hungry every 1.5 hour and less happy.please any help i dont know what to do any more. have app with gastrologiest soon. thanks

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • please help feeding problem i dont know what to do anymore?

    my son was born at 34 weeks. totally healthy.i had to pump milk cause he didnt want to suck on my breast. i breastfeed him up to 2.5 months when we notice a blood in his stool. dr put him on alimentum that was bad he didnt sleep,was hungry all the time and have like green mud poops. dr decide to put me on a diet and try breastfeed. but my lactation started to disapear. we decited to put him on similac advence early shield which he got in a hospital after birth. there was no blood in a stool any more but he was more fussy and his poops were still mucus like. so i swich to similac sensitive. poop is the way it should be but now when he try to poop he gets upset and i have to almost always helping him with thermometer. poops are pretty soft and thats why i dodnt know why he is doing it. i dont know what else i can do and is this formula really good. please help. i have my app on friday. i am loosing my mind i want my baby boy to be finally totally ok.any advice?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 3 months old poop sorry for tmi?

    my son is 3 m we had some problems with feeding him my breast milk due to some allergy he had blood in his stoll. we switch for alimentum but that was even worse. so he was on similac advence but his poop were still mucus like and soft. so now he is on similac sensitive. his poop looks like a regular adult poop(sorry for tmi). how the regular baby poop should looks like. and how ofter should he poop on formula once again sorry for details i just need some idea cause his poops were always bad before.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • did i spell it right?

    We simply just wanted to say

    Thank You

    for Your gift that Our little boy received from You.

    We appreciate it

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What are your experience with switching from similac advance to sensitive?

    due to alergy to something in my diet i cant breastfeed my 12 weeks old son. he is on similac advance now but haveing some colic symptoms at evening nothing really bad. i was thinking of switching him to similac sensitive. what was your experience with switching your baby?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • similac advance and similac sensitive can u use both?

    my son was allergic to something in my diet so i couldnt breast feed any more. we switch him to similac advance. he is doing ok sometimes at evenings he gets a little colic but nothing really bad. i was wonder can i feed him with similac sensitive during day and advance during night? did any of u use 2 formulas?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How much formula 11 weeks old should take?

    i've just switched my son from breastmilk to formula due to his allergy on my milk. he is on similac advence. he was taking 3-4oz of my milk every 2h during the day and 3 h during night. now on formula he takes 3-4oz every3h and one feeding he sleeps 4-5h. i know i should multiple his weigh by 2.5-2.7. he is now over 11lp so it wont be enough formula for him. how much is your baby feeding.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago