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  • Problems with mirena?

    Well last week my husband and I noticed the strings were gone, so yesterday we had the doc check it out, he doesn't see it either. So next week I get an ultrasound!!! So freaked out! Crazy cramping recently too with just a little bit of spotting, seems like every time I have sex with my husband I have spotting as well. I'm scared it's embedded and I'll need surgery. The doc said sometimes they even migrate into the abdomen, anyone else have experience with this? I'm terrified!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Potty training my almost 3 year old boy?

    My In laws have been extremely harsh on my son to potty train (even threatening to spank him if he goes in his diaper) because he will be 3 next month but even his daycare says he's not quite ready. I'm soo sick of the way they treating both him and me. They act like I'm lazy for not making him sit on the toilet when everything I've seen says not to force it. Am I doing something wrong? I realize that 3 is a little old to be in a diaper, but I have tried it their way and it only seemed to make him not want to even be near the toilet. Before they started this he was using the toilet 1-2 times a day, and now not at all. So frustrating. Any tips on how to make the process easier? How do ideal with my in laws overstepping their boundaries without upsetting my husband?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • When did it become acceptable to have a 3yo in diapers?

    My son (2 1/2) REFUSES to potty train. He wont use the toilet unless its his idea. But I know he has the control necessary to potty train. The docs are saying he probably wont be ready to train until he is almost three! Im so sick of changing poopy diapers when I KNOW he can use the toilet. Any ideas?

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is it possible that my sons growth spurts make him clumsy?

    My son has always had problems with balance, to the point of needing physical therapy. He stopped physical therapy around his 2nd birthday. He just recently had a growth spurt (2 1/2,) and has fallen twice this week. Both seem to be balance related. I was wondering if it maybe was caused by his growth spurt and im hoping that its only temporary and that we wont have to go back to pt. Is it possible that growing makes him clumsy?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Awake and asleep at the same time?

    Recently I've been having a hard time sleeping. I have a lot going on so I just kind of connected the two together, instead of sleeping in I get up with a two year old! Well anyways last night I could not get to sleep so around 1 am I took some Nyquil. After that I eventually "fell asleep" But I was fully aware of everything around me, the AC, the ceiling fan. The only thing I did not know was what time it was and did not seem to be able to open my eyes to see. Even when my husbands alarm went off around 5:30 I was aware of all of that. So it was practically ALL NIGHT! When my son got up this morning I was finally getting some decent sleep and I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all! This has been happening to me at LEAST once a week. Any Ideas on what can help? Im exhausted!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Trying to lose weight but my feet cramp up?

    Im trying to lose weight because ive managed to gain way more than im proud of. And now that Im trying to do something about it, starting off slow so I dont over do it by taking long walks. It seems that no matter what shoes im wearing the arches of my feet cramp up and its painful!! Any one ever had this before? How do I overcome it? The only thing I can think of is taking a couple of 30 min walks instead of one hour/hour and a half walk. And hopefully my feet will adjust?? Any other suggestions?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Second thoughts on TTC?

    So recently my husband and I have decided that the time was right to TTC our 2nd child, however I don't feel like I'm right. Im about 40 lbs heaver than I want to be and I want to lose the weight so badly before getting pregnant. I've recently started eating healthier and exercising but not regular enough to see results, and because it only took me 4 months to conceive my son Im really worried that by the time Ive established a routine and beginning to see results I'm going to have to throw it all out the window. I feel like even if we just wait 6 months I can be much healthier than I am now, meaning a healthier baby and and healthier pregnancy. Anyone thing I'm wrong on this? Its not that I don't want a baby, because i do so badly. And although the time may be right for our family it doesn't feel right for me. What should I do??

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How was your period after coming off of birth control?

    I came off of the pill this month as my husband and I have decided to try for another child. Tests have confirmed that Im not pregnant so im just wondering when Im going to start. As of now Im 4 days late. How long did it take for your periods to begin after stopping the pill? I was only on it for 3 months and 3 days.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any experience with the new first response?

    It says you can take it 6 days before your missed period. Im having all the pregnancy symptoms I had with my last child and if it really works at 6 days I should be able to take it tomorrow. Anyone with accurate positive results? Its my first month trying so its really surprising that im having these symptoms, and im TRYING my hardest not to get excited just yet. I want to know as soon as possible because we are supposed to be going to a party this weekend. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Trying to get pregnant.?

    My husband and I have recently decided to have our second child, I had taken 3 days of my birth control (yasmin) before I stopped, At first I thought I was just spotting (started 3 days ago) but it seems to be continuous, anyway this was supposed to be my week to get pregnant, is it still? Or should I consider this a period ( just had one the week before last) and start over from there?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My husband lies ALL THE TIME?

    We have been married for 4 years now and all was fine until we got married and the lies became apparent. Now here we are and he still continues to lie, not about important things just little things like walking the dog and the way he spends the money but its constant. Im starting to feel like he just isn't mature enough to handle having a family. Im at my wits end and ive told him im about ready to leave. And he says he can change, Should it really have taken so long for him to want to change? Is it possible that he can?? It feels like an impossible decision to make. We also have a 2 year old so Im trying my hardest to make sure what im doing is right. Any input would be helpful, I know that this is a decision that only I can make.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Any Ideas to help potty train my 21 month old son?

    He is really showing signs of readiness I just cant seem to get him to go on the toilet. He tells me every time he has already gone in his diaper though. He will sit on his potty seat all day long but doesn't go until he is back into a diaper/pull up.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 18 month old has frequent diaper rashes, but i think its too early to potty train him.+?

    All of a sudden he gets at least one a week and its obviously painful to him. I let him go without diapers often and have not recently switched diapers. I change his diaper AT LEAST once every two hours even if its clean(except at night time.) And give him a break in between diapers (if we are home.) I use sensitive skin wipes. The only thing i can think of to help the situation is potty training but his father is getting ready to come home from deployment and we are about to go back to our home. So i dont believe now is the time. Also I dont believe he is ready, the only real sign he has is the rashes and he shows the curiosity that leaves me to believe he is willing to learn. So any ideas on what to do to help the situation with the rashes for the next month or so?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My baby is cutting his 1st year molars.?

    At least one of them anyway. And now hes got a terrible diaper rash. Its so bad that when i was changing his diaper he was crying and SHAKING. He is 13 months old. He has never had any problems with teeth but this one is really bothering him. Can teething cause a diaper rash? What can i do to help it? I put the Desitin on it we will see how that goes, Ive already tried butt paste, any reasonable suggestions are welcome thank you.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My one year old all of a sudden has a terrible attitude!?

    What should i do about it? He is hitting (only seems to be me tho) he screeches if something doesn't go the way he wants it too. Its only been a few days but its terrible! He is an only child. He isn't quite one his birthday is Wednesday. But i just don't know what to do with his attitude.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My baby crawls funny?

    He uses his right foor and his left knee. and now that he is trying to walk (first birthday is next week) he seems to have more difficulty with his left leg than he does with his right as if it inst as strong as his right leg, any experience with this, am i just too worried, or is there something wrong with his leg? I'm bringing it up at his appointment next week. He is capable of crawling normally but he doesnt unless he has shoes on. Thanks

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when did you give your little one a pillow?

    My son is 11 months old now and he bunches up his blanket and uses it as a pillow so i decided that a pillow (relatively flat) would be safer and im trying that out now, honestly he seems to sleep better. Any thoughts? i looked it up and what i found said not until two. But like i said i thought i pillow would be safer than a balled up blanket.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how can i tell if he has an underbite?

    my child is 10 months old and by looking at his face you wouldnt think he does, but by actually looking at the inside of his mouth it kind of looks like he has an underbite but i really can not tell if its just a face he is making or something new he has discovered, since its just now being noticed!?! Will this cause him problems as fars as speech goes?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • wear can i find cute date night tops online?

    i live in Japan and im not big but im not a tiny Asian either! so i cant just shop in thier stores, so does anyone know where i can get a great shirt to wear on my valentines day date? Thanks

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What kind of shoes can i wear on a cruise?

    I got a private sunset cruise for my husband and I for Valentines day and i was wanting to wear heals? Is this safe? Or should i wear sneakers instead and then change afterwords?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago