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  • Should I tell her that she pees on my toilet?

    My best friend comes over to my house every couple of weeks. Whenever she comes to my house she uses the bathroom. Every time she uses my bathroom, she leaves urine on my toilet seat. I always have to go in there behind her and bleach the toilet after she uses it. I have never told her about this but should I mention it the next time she comes.

    I know that she will be embarassed but it doesn't make sense to me that a 33 year old woman leaves urine on the toilet seat everytime she pees. Not just a little urine but a lot. Help please

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Would I be rude if I told her?

    My best friend comes over to my house every couple of weeks. Whenever she comes to my house she uses the bathroom. Every time she uses my bathroom, she leaves urine on my toilet seat. I always have to go in there behind her and bleach the toilet after she uses it. I have never told her about this but should I mention it the next time she comes.

    I know that she will be embarassed but it doesn't make sense to me that a 33 year old woman leaves urine on the toilet seat everytime she pees. Not just a little urine but a lot. Help please

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Open teacher position at my school, should I really apply?

    I am a second year teacher's assistant at a school for students with learning disabilities and emotional disturbance. My school has an open teacher position for the career department. I would my teaching life skills, living on your own and horticulture.

    I have a bachelor of fine arts degree and no teaching experience. The reason why I have not gone back to school for teaching is because working as an at pays a minimal amount and I have to work 2 jobs to survive and I have no time for school.

    Being hired as a teacher would afford me the opportunity to survive on one job and have time to go back to school. Do you think and inexperienced person like me would have a chance at getting the job? Like I said I only have one year experience in education as an A T.

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Probate form questions?

    I am filing out probate forms for my deceased father's estate. I am an only child. My mother is deceased and he had no sisters and brothers. I have no one that is going to contest this. Do I really need to waste money and hire an attorney??

    I have this one form called the Acceptance of Appointment it says something about type of fiduciary can't I just sign this myself or ask a friend to sign?

    Please help if you have experience with this. Thanks

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Should my 3 year old daughter really be eating 2 whole chickens for dinner?

    My daughter is 3 years old and weights 150lbs. For dinner every night she begs me to cook her two whole chickens, a pan of mac n cheese and a pan of cookies for dessert.

    I have tried restricting her diet to just fruits and veggies but she refuses to stick to it.

    Everytime I take away her snacks she finds a way to get more. One time I even caught her eating a slab of ribs in the shower.

    What can I do to stop my 3 year old daughter from eating so much?

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What can I do to stop my under arms from being so musty?

    I wash up twice a day and I still have a problem with my under arms being musty and stank. I use a strong deodorant soap. Dry off and put on a man's deodorant right away and within hours I am musty. I have used all kinds of deodorants from women's to strong men's and I am still having this problem. I have even began putting baking soda on top of the deodorant and this doesn't help.

    I even notice that my towels smell musty after a few days. What is wrong with me? What can I do to stop this problem? Help please

    Women's Health1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to get a teaching certificate?

    I just got hired as an assistant teacher in a special needs school. My job starts August 17th. I was told that if I like the job, I can go back to school to get my teaching certificate and they will assist me with payment.

    I have a bachelors degree in broadcast media. How long would it take me to get a teaching certificate? Why classes would I need to take? Would this certificate be considered a masters? Thanks

    3 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Just got a new job, very excited about the change, not excited about having to life with roaches and mice!?

    I just got a new job as an assistant teacher in Maryland. I am very very excited. I don't know much about the area but will be moving their in 3 weeks from Michigan.

    I have the option of living with my best friend free of charge. I really don't want to do this because I am very independant. I have been looking online for apartments within my price range. I have also been looking on this website called

    Many of the apartments that I can afford and infested with mice and roaches according to tenants who post comments on these websites.

    This is completely unacceptable to me. Right now I live in a one bedroom apartment about 15 miles north of Detroit. I only pay $430 per month, never seen roach or mice. In Maryland the cheapest I find are $650 and up and infested with mice and roaches? Why

    Do I have to live in filth? I don't want a cat. What can I get to blow away mice and roaches forever? Something powerful?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I wrong for not lending to her every single time she asks? Isn't it time she grow up?

    My old roommate asked me yesterday for $20 for gas. Even though I had the money I told her no. We had some issues a couple of months ago with her borrowing money from me. When it was time for her to pay it back she didn't and got a very nasty attitude with me when I asked me about it. I have forgiven her for that incident, but I feel that it is time for her to be responsible for herself and find her own way and quit leaning on me every time she gets into trouble.

    She told me that as Christian woman I am wrong to say no to her. She says that I am supposed to lend to her every time she asked because I have extra to spare. She says that the last money incident was both of our faults and that I shouldn't hold that against her.

    She became so upset with me that she started crying on the phone. She says that if I asked her for money she would lend it to me. I have never asked her to borrow money. Am I wrong for saying no. Yes I had it but shouldn't she find her own way?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I had an interview on July 2nd, went pretty well, no response yet?

    I had an interview on Monday July 2nd for an assistant teacher's position. The interview went very well, and the interviewer even took me on a tour of the school. She was very friendly and nice and commented on how I asked very good questions and said that she liked my outfit. I was very professional during the interview because I really want this job.

    My best friend works as a teacher at the school I interviewed at. The interviewer commented to her that I did very well, spoke very articulate and she was impressed with me. Yet here we are 10 days later, no response. Is this normal? Is this a good sign? I'm going crazy on what her response is going to be. Can anyone please tell me how long it takes yes or no? Am I in good or bad shape? Help please!

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are all apartments in Baltimore infested with mice and roaches??

    I might be moving to Baltimore next month. I am looking for an affordable one bedroom apartment to move into. My job will be in Laurel, MD but the apartments in that area seem to be sky high. I looked at a lot of apartments in the city of Baltimore that are reasonable but I went to another website where they give reviews on the apartments. Many of the reviews says that apartments are infested with mice and roaches or gang activity. This is disgusting and scary and making me rethink my move.

    I currently live in Michigan and pay only $430 a month for a one bedroom apt. I don't have mice or roaches or gangs in my building. Its not the nicest place in the world but its better than what I thought i'd get for the price.

    Does anyone know of an apartment that has one bedroom that isn't roachy or micey or dangerous? Laurel will be nice but i'm willing to drive further if needed. I don't want to pay more than $700 for rent.


    5 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any experience with a fibroid tumor and getting one to shrink just by changing your diet?

    I have a fibroid tumor in my uterus that is just growing and growing. It looks as if I am pregnant and it is a complete embarassment. I am not pregnant and I have to try to "hide" my stomach so that people will not stare at it. Justt the other day I had to buy a size 14 dress so that my big belly wouldn't be so noticeable.

    My ob/gyn says that until it becomes a problem we should just leave it alone. It doesn't hurt or anything it is just very unattractive.

    Does anyone have any experience with these from just changing your diet and or taking pills to get them to shrink? I know about my medical options as far as removing my uterus and getting that other thing that cuts off the blood to them but I would like to try it the natural way first. Thanks in advance for all serious answers. Oh i'm 31 years old 5'7 140lbs never had a weight problem before.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Ex roomate asked for money once again but this time I said no! Did I do the right thing?

    I have been helping my ex roomate out with financial loans for 5 years now. She gets into trouble where she falls behind in her bills or has no money to buy groceries for her and her son and I help out. I have extra money and I don't mind helping out but exactly when is enough enough.

    She called me this afternoon crying her eyes outs about how she wrote a bounced check for her May's rent and she is going to have to go to court if she doesn't come up with the $200 fee.

    I said no because I feel like she needs to grow up and be responsible for herself. She is 28 has one child and one on the way.

    I know that as a Christian the Lord wants us to help those in need but is there ever a limit? Is she taking advantage of my kindness or am I obligated to continue to help her because I have been blessed with the extra money? Serious advice only please. Thanks

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to Comerica park from Clinton Township? Where do I park free?

    Ok everybody i'm going to watch my New York Mets beat up on your pathetic tigers saturday afternoon. I'm coming from Clinton Township I 94 area. What's the best way to the stadium. Also, someone told me that if I park at a casino its free. What is the closest casino to the ballpark? How do I get their from I 94?? What's the walk like from the casino back to Comerica? How is parking free in a casino?? Please explain everything to me? What highways are closed that I need to avoid?? Thanks in advance.

    Lets Go Mets 2007 World Champions

    Oh by the way I have 1 extra ticket to saturday's game if anyone is intersted!

    5 AnswersDetroit1 decade ago
  • What do you parents see when you look into the faces of your precious little children?

    I don't have any kids of my own but I do have a 6 year old godson. When I look at him I see my beautiful little baby who has so much potential. I see that the sky is the limit for him. He can grow up and become anything that he wants. I see his innocence his loving spirit. I wish that I could bottle up his childhood so that he would never have to grow up and see how cold and heartless some people in the world can be.

    I was just wondering as parents, what do you see when you look at your kids??

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is she a irresponsible lazy mom or am I being too harsh??

    My ex roommate recently got a truck so that she can drive 3 kids to school (her son and niece and nephew) and also be able to drive herself to work. She was complaining that she needed the transportation because neither she nor the kids can walk to school or work in the winter because it is too cold. We live in Michigan.

    Now her job and the kids school are next door to each other. They are each less than half a mile from her house, she states that that is too far for herself and three kids ages 6,6 and 7 to walk.

    Her truck payments exceed her bring home check amount. She complains to me about this and often asks me for money to feed her son. I ask her why do you need a truck and she says she does because she and the kids can't walk that far in the cold. I have no sympothy for her because I grew up in nyc and walked way farther than that at a younger age and lived to tell it. Am I too hard on her or is she truly lazy?

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is this a good exercise and does it burn fat??

    Yesterday I started a routine of jogging in place for 5 minutes. I'm going to increase it daily as my stamina builds up. I broke a sweat on my forehead and my shirt was wet. I'm doing this exercise routine indoors because I work 14 hour days and don't have time to get out and jog on certain days. Is this a good fat burning exercise for me?? Do you have any other suggestions on indoor fat burning exercises if this isn't an effective method?? Thanks

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Hey you mom's and dad's do you let your children call you B's and MF's????

    I was out shopping the other day and I heard a little girl who couldn't have been more than 5 talking to her mother. The little girl was upset because her mother wouldn't buy her a toy. The girl began to yell and scream at her mother calling her all kinds of b's and mf's right to her face. The mother stood by and did nothing. All she did was ask the girl to "refrain" from using that kind of language again.

    This was not the first time that I had seen this kind of behavior in public. I have seen many children cursing their parents out and even hitting on them. I think this kind of behavior is outrageous and beyond unacceptable. Are you one of those parents that allow your children to curse you out, or do you beat their behinds when they need it??

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Mother pours hot oil over model daughter's face. How could a mother do this to her own child??

    Mother pours hot oil over model daughter's face

    The mother of a famous Vietnamese model poured boiling cooking oil over her daughter's face, severely disfiguring her, because she felt spurned, police said.

    Pham Thi Hanh, 49, was arrested in Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday shortly after tipping a cooking pot of hot vegetable oil over her daughter Vo Thi Thu Tram, 22, while she was sleeping.

    Mrs Tram was in bed alone in her apartment at the time of the attack.

    According to the city's police newspaper, Hanh told police her actions were prompted by anger because her daughter ignored her once she married a foreigner and became rich from her catwalk exploits.

    A doctor at the Cho Ray hospital where Mrs Tram was receiving treatment said her face was completely burned from the attack.

    "This will almost certainly put an end to her modelling career," she said.

    Hanh told police that she had worked as a street scavenger to support her daughter while she was growing up and

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago