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Hugs, Amy
favorite colors: red and black favorite hobbies: drawing, art, politics. Age: 0 :D religion: Christian
Can you put wash out hair dye in already dyed hair?
Can i use a wash out hair dye in my already dyed hair?
2 AnswersHair9 years agoThe awkward moment when...?
9 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago64 over 6 in simplist form?? NEED QUICK ANSWER?
6 AnswersMathematics10 years agoGuys. Which girl do you prefer and why? The girl in the first 3 pics with short brown hair and brown eyes, or the girl with blue eyes in the next 4 pics with reddish brown hair?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoDream thats been haunting me my whole life?
when i was 5 years old i had a dream, i was walking into a barn when inside i saw a dark figure stabbing a farmer. I was terrified so i shrieked, as i did, the black figure turned its head and these demonic yellow eyes were staring straight into somewhere deep in my soul, i cant explain it, that night i woke up crying and i didnt sleep for days after that dream.
When i was 11 i had a dream and in that dream, i was with my father and we went into a store, right before we were going to check out, suddently everything changed.. the paint was peeling everything was old and raggid, everyone vanished and i was there alone. i ran outside only to find a hazy yellow mist, and dead grass. I ran behind the building and drove away in a car i found. I went into a old house used to house animals. only when i went inside i heard my fathers voice, only it was different.. something eerie.. i went to it anyways, up the stairs and into a dark room, as i stepped in the room i heard the words "hello again" as those same damned yellow eyes appeared along with a HUGE dark mist surrounding it. Then i woke up, this time screaming. I dont understand why i saw him again.
But just recently i saw these eyes in my dreams once more.. I was walking down an ally, when i saw a door, i opened it and behind it was stairs spiraling downward, as i started walking down them, suddently a whole bunch of.. creatures.. things were running up the stairs obviously scared, i was terrified but none of them noticed me, they were too frightened, but me being curious kept going down the stairs, finally at the bottom i heard laughing.. haunts me to this day.. I looked foward trying to see past the darkness but as i did, i saw Two black raggid wings come into view, huge ones, taller than myself.. probably around at least 8 feet tall and god knows how long wide, as i gasped in horror, those yellow eyes appeared AGAIN. only this time they were inches away from my face, digging into my soul even deeper.
Please. its been years and years ive been haunted by these eyes in my dreams. Someone please explain what they mean....
3 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years agoWhat do you think of this poem I wrote, "Farewell"?
The Blood of the slain,
weeping in the wind,
so wronged once again,
by the ones they call men,
whispering all their dreaded lies,
to all whom family's cannot say goodbye,
not hearing all their mournful cry's,
but weeping only for joy,
for all the lives cascading down,
their wretched faces, twisted smiles,
dulled only by knives themselves,
desperate and dwindling souls,
never again to say farewell.
~by Amy
3 AnswersPoetry1 decade agoparanormal activity in my walls?
Alright my wall sounded hollow, so i decided to cut a round hole into my wall, and i shined a flashlight into it, but i couldn't see anything. it was STILL pitch black. So i put in a match and it didn't do anything. Then i put in another one, and the flame was literally sucked into the hole. It did it about 7 more times afterward. Any explanation for this?!?!?!
3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade agoANY tips for a singer????
can anyone give me tips about singing, how to sing with more soul, etc. Please!
1 AnswerSinging1 decade agoI just found out i have synesthesia?
will someone give me a little more inside about it, id like to find out more about my condition.Thx
hugs, Amy
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoPhilosophy?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?
Can someone explain to me Aristotle's Syllogisms, and Potentiality better
2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoThis guy is in love with me..?
This guy fell in love with me. He is 3 years older. i Love him as well. After i got to know him, ive became extremely attached.. Should i go for a relationship. We dont live in the same city..he lives an hour away...
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agothe best color ever!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agotwillight fans EVERYWHERE?
ok, is it just me or is it REALLY annoying when all the twillight fans do is say "omg he is 2 cute" it is starting to annoy me why do u guys make urselves look like fools?
5 AnswersDrama1 decade agoi used the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat for sims 2, why doesnt it work?
ok, i used the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat on the neiborhood, before i made a sim and the first time it worked perfectly. but the secound time i went to make a sim the skin color wouldnt let me make it green whats up?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agowhats the funniest thing taht has ever happend to you?
6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoim in middle school???? HELP?
ok im in middle school and today in class my teacher just made us count blocks and put shapes together? WHAT THE HECK??? should i be in high school??? this is so stupid i already know all of division and math,sciene stuff shes making us do? help!
3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago