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  • When using my Canon Rebel XS, I often get a "Busy" signal.?

    Why is this and what can be done? I was told that my SD card is not good enough. I'm new to this and would like to know what I need and why.

    3 AnswersCameras10 years ago
  • Were the gateway to nights of the nine in oblivion is?

    Can someone attach a map or tell me were i can enter nights of the nine in the game oblivion i have the download and everything i just dont know were he entrance is

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will my sons get the 250 dollar tax credit if they get SSI ...?

    They get SSI due to their father's handicap then death. Will they each get a 250 dollar tax credit? Split it? Or not at all? Just curious! Thanks!

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Will a Japanese Red Maple tree grow in zone 9? California Desert?

    Internet sites say yes but I'm finding contradicting information throughout the internet. I live in the California desert at the base of the San Gabriel Mt. range.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How to transplant a fruitless mulberry tree?

    I have a Mulberry tree approx 8 ft. tall in my backyard. It was planted about a year to two years ago by the previous owners of our home. The ground has revealed the tree roots (including the ball) and I wish to transplant the tree to an area better suited for the tree. How do I do this without killing the tree?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do I know if the racing pigeon in my yard is lost?

    He's been outside all day just roaming around. The pigeon is not scared of us or the dog. He does have ankle tags but the writing is too small to read and I'm a little scared to pick him up?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How would you set up an awesome pen for dogs?

    We have just finished fencing a pen for our dogs. We have an English Pointer and English Bulldog. We had to build it because our bird dog refuses to stay in the yard. We have wired the entire pen to keep him from digging out and chasing birds. I'm just looking for suggestions on how to set the pen up to best suit the dogs comfort. I'd love to hear some ideas on the practical things and fun things. The area is fairly big and nothing but dirt right now as we live in the desert.

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • In light of the KC article featured on Yahoo...?

    Is it my understanding that because fans are not on lower levels, they therefore should not get excited and jump up and yell for their team.

    Situation.....took my sons to their first NFL game last year! It was a KC vs. Chargers game! My son is KC all the way (His deceased father instilled that one!) But our reason for picking that game was for him of course! Now we are in the stands..middle area but a bit high! He was excited as we were and the whole experience was ruined due the guys in front of us! They complained over the cheering and were just plain rude. OK... San Diego fan here (actually 6 San diego fans with my son @ game) is already angry about seats taken due to band wagoners and then have to deal with these people on cell phones rather than watching the game! I have no sympathy for those at the games sitting just to watch! It is an experience and that's why we go! What experiences have any of you dealt with in the stands from "Fans" that are not their to cheer their team on

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should I be on the mortgage loan or not?

    We are in escrow for a home and my husband is the borrower. We did not put myself on the loan because I have thousands of dollars in school loans to start paying soon. I do have a great credit score along with my husband's and I get a nice amount of monthly payments from Social Security for my two oldest sons.

    Our mortgage broker recently told us that when reviewing my husband's funds and bank accounts that they will also look into money that is not accounted for through his job. This makes no sense because we are married and I get income from social security.

    Is this thought process correct by the mortgage company and should I have been on the loan. How bad would my upcoming school fees hurt us! We are so confused!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How tight are lending standards getting for a home mortgage?

    We are in escrow. We have submitted six weeks worth of payroll, four months of bank statements and now they are asking for 12 months of proof we paid rent on time. Every time we talk with our mortgage broker we are asked for more proof of funds, credit etc. It is really making us frantic! What will they ask for next?

    We are first time home buyers and have no idea if all the documentation is due to the housing market collapse or is it just normal?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Three coaxle cables?????

    We are buying a house with extensive media wiring. We cannot ask the previous owners what each wire is for because the home is bank owned. Each room has speaker wiring at all four corners (a bit much if you ask me). What we really want to know is why each room also has three coaxle cables? ny help would be appreciated. Oh and besides the three cables coming from one box in the room, there is also the standard satellite cable as well. Is that four??

    2 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Help with my Lab!!!!?

    I have a seven year old choc. lab. With age she has become increasingly dependent. She will not go outside by herself. Only to relieve herself then she is right back at the door wanting in. She ignores other dogs now where she use to play with any dog that came around. My problem is getting her to go outside and enjoy it on her own. I feel we may have created a dog that is too dependent on her humans. Is it just age making her this way?

    We also plan on getting a puppy soon and I have a good idea that she is not going to like that. She has become so antisocial to everyone but us. How do I prepare her for the new pup? Any suggestions??

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Kimbo......BS or what????

    Opinions from true UFC fighter fans! The whole a bunch of crap!

    17 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How long is too long to wait for a response to an REO property?

    We bid on a home and it was countered right away! We signed the counter nearly three weeks ago. The bank has since taken other offers and countered them as well! One bidder has already backed out due to the bank taking so long to give a response after sending out the counter offer! Of course we are still looking, but my husband is not taking an active role because he really wants this particular house! I feel we should pull our bid and walk away! I'm tired of this bs from the bank I really don't want to play their games!

    Further info is that we bid at 5% below asking price and initially they accpted that! We also have excellent credit, work history and fully backed by Wells Fargo (not just a pre approval)! long is too long????

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • AVCHD Camcorder help please!?

    We have had our panasonic hd camcorder for awhile now. I have never been able to transfer my content to the internet and the disc does not even work! I can not find a program to support the content! My PS3 plays the disc just fine. How can I get my videos on my computer? We did call Panasonic and they were no help at all!

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago