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I'm a Minister, a historian, a writer, a philosopher, a lover, a fighter, a poet, an explorer, a thinker, a feeler, a seeker of life-giving experiences! I believe, and am thankful to God for, what I believe is a reasonably high-level of intelligence; but feel sometimes that the ignorant have it mu

  • On The Philosophy of God...?

    The following was said by a man of the cloth as to why God exists...

    ""If anyone does not know, either because he has not heard or because he does not believe, that there is one nature, supreme among all existing things, who alone is self-sufficient in his eternal happiness, who through his omnipotent goodness grants and brings it about that all other things exist or have any sort of well-being, and a great many other things that we must believe about God or his creation, I think he could at least convince himself of most of these things by reason alone, if he is even moderately intelligent."- Anselm of Canterbury ( Monologion.)

    What are your thoughts!?

    Whatever thoughts you may give, please be respectful.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Spiritually speaking...Oil, and the "blood" of the earth!?

    I was thinking about oil recently. What if a contributing factor to the earth quakes we see so much is that oil is actually the blood of the earth, and the earth is bleeding-out!? What will the consequence be when the earth has "no blood" (oil) left?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why does Yahoo Answers do this?

    I liked the old Yahoo Answers, but the new screen is not user friendly, and I am unable to respond to messages people send me. The new screen is not user friendly. I want the old format back. I can't enjoy the new format. It looks neat-and-all, but it is not practical, nor is it friendly to non-computer types. Does YA discriminate against people over a certain age? I am very upset!

    Will you folks at YA please return the old format for me ( even if others use the new one?) How about freedom-of-choice?

    I am thinking about deleting my account entirely.

    This question is addressed directly to YA, will you please restore my original format permanently!?

    2 AnswersMy Yahoo8 years ago
  • The new Yahoo Answer....?

    I am unable to navigate the new Yahoo Answers. It needs to go back to the old format.

    I can't respond to anyone who has written me, at all.

    I don't know what to do.

    I may have to stop using Yahoo Answers all together.

    Yahoo Answers, you have teh obligation to ask me if i want to change the format, and you didn't. I am unable to navigate at all now. I am unable to respond to anyone!

    What am I supposed to do now?

    2 AnswersMy Yahoo8 years ago
  • Americans and Independence Day...?

    Why is it that so many natural born people of the United States of America say "Happy 4th of July!" when the 4th day of the month of July is not important?

    What is important is "Independence Day," Independence Day is a Holy day, which the Great Righteous King gave us.

    Why dishonor the Almighty, and all those who have paid the price for Freedom, by reducing the day to a number on a calendar?

    Almighty-willing, I may be very busy on Independence Day, so, a day early may I declare with all the love in my heart... Happy Independence Day! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    PS. Being a Holy day, it is a matter of religious nature!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How does one get a religion recognized officially in Utah?

    My religious views are certainly different, but still, Christian. How does one get a religion recognized officially as a religious denomination in Utah, or anywhere in the USA?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How does one define what it means to be a " Mormon?"?

    Firstly, serious answers only please.

    Now, how does one define what it means to be a " Mormon?"

    When the term "Mormon" was first coined ( by non-Mormons,) it was to describe the LDS people of the 19th century (A.D.) that followed the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

    Today, "Mormons," ( as most people think of them ) have nothing in common ( or VERY VERY VERY little in common ) with what the Prophet Joseph Smith taught.

    That said, in this current day, should one define a "Mormon" as one who follows after what the Prophet Joseph Smith taught ( including, but not limited to, polygamy,) OR should one define a "Mormon" by the offshoot group that calls itself the " Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" ( as most people 'think' of it ) which doesn't even come close to what the Prophet Joseph Smith taught!?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do current LDS ( "Mormon") church leaders...?

    say that people should follow "their" leadership or else they cultivate the spirit of apostacy?; all the while, said leaders ignore what 'their' leaders had said to them?

    " If the Church knew all the commandments, one-half they would condemn through prejudice and ignorance." - The Prophet Joseph Smith ( Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1st edition, p112)

    " Hence, when the Lord gives his word upon a true principle, it is established as true, regardless of favorable or popular sentiment. A law of the priesthood must be obeyed by those who preside over the priesthood. Priesthood laws are obligatory upon those who bear that priesthood. Common consent or democratic vote will never change such a law. If men ' revolt at anything which comes from God, the devil takes power.' " - The Prophet JS ( TPJS, 1st ed, p 181 )

    The Prophet JS says one thing and the leaders of today say another. Today the leaders of the mainstream church says, ' oh, it's part of continous revealation, that's why its different."

    "Continous revelation" DOES NOT change revelations God has given ( or will give,) but, continous revelation gives us further light and understanding as pertaining to what God has given ( or will give when the time comes.) It DOES NOT change doctrine or principles or any other part of the Gospel.

    The Prophet JS said ( in Times & Seasons 1 June 1844 ) " If any man preaches to you, or writes to you, anything contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, set him down as an imposter."

    So when the current church leaders expect us to except ANYTHING that contradicts " the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants" they expect us to follow error ( knowingly.)

    " I read German, and visited with a brother and sister from Michigan, who thought that ' a prophet is always a prophet;' but I told them , that ' a prophet was only a prophet when he was acting as such.' " - The Prophet Joseph Smith ( Documented History of the Church, 1st edition, 5:265 )

    "Acting" here does NOT mean , ' pretending;' what it means is ' in the actual act of doing or being.'

    When, I ask, will the leaders of the mainstream church ' act' the part again?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago